Yukio's POV

I grip on the handles of the basket I'm carrying and look at the bottles and sachets neatly lining the shelves. It almost seem that they are endless as I try to read the labels on the packets and plastics. Olive oil, coconut oil, vegetable oil, canola oil...

What am I suppose to buy again? Oh yes, cooking oil.

Then how am I going to choose from these!? Not only are they of different types, but they are of different brands too! And they are all packed in a single shelf!

Now I understand what Niisan is saying when he goes to the library and he sees a shelf full of books. It's probably the same thing I'm feeling right now: complete confusion. And I haven't felt that in quite a while. It's making me nauseous.

I grit my teeth as my eyes scan the enemy in front of me. The containers of oil glared back, their looks more menacing than any demon I've ever encountered. Suddenly, my hands are itching to grab the handles of my guns hidden beneath my loose shirt, just so I can finish this staring contest with a bang. No, several bangs should do it. I move my fingers to my weapon, thinking of how many bullets I'll waste on these stupid cooking oil in front of me.

A hand suddenly rests on my right shoulder, breaking my concentration. I turn to see who it is only to have my right cheek poked by an outstretched index finger.

"Hey, moley four-eyes," Niisan says, holding his own basket with his other hand. It's already full of groceries yet he doesn't even struggle at the weight a bit. He grins, continuously poking on the two moles on my cheek alternatingly. "Are you done with your chore yet?"

"Just a minute," I say, swatting Niisan's hand away as I shift my eyes towards the shelf again. "I'll be soon done with this."

Niisan blinks before his eyes follow what I am looking at. He glances at me again before he looks at the containers of oil in front of us. This goes on for a while until Niisan seemingly just grabs a bottle of oil from the shelf, almost randomly, and places it in my basket. He then holds my wrist to drag me to the shopping counter.

"I gave you time to find vegetable oil while I buy the rest from the shopping list," he says, smiling at my direction as we walk. "An hour later and you're still not done."

"Give me a break, Niisan," I try to defend myself. "You should have seen the amount of cooking oil I have to choose from! They're so... many!"

Niisan narrows his eyes. "Yeah, just like the number of assignments you're giving me."

"But the homework I'm giving you is easy!"

"For you!" Niisan says. He's laughing. "And all I asked for you to look for is vegetable oil!"

I'm about to snap back when he shoves a lollipop into my mouth.

"Eat this for a while," he says. "Dinner's going to be quite late. Let's cook chicken curry together, ne?"

All I could do is stare at Niisan incredulously as I lick the lollipop in my mouth. He still wants me around the kitchen? What did I ever do to him that he tortures me like this? Was it because of my constant lectures every time he makes mistakes? Or was it because the assignments I'm giving him? I'm just doing those things for his own good. Right?

Or maybe scolding him or giving him loads of homework is spelling my own doom. Should I change my lesson plans? Should I be more patient?

I realize that cooking is one heck of a difficult thing. It's even harder to exorcising a huge horde of demons or facing Satan himself. And Niisan is the one making me realize all these things. Maybe Niisan isn't so stupid, after all.

Rin's POV

I look at that skeptical expression on Yukio's face as I lead him to the check-out counter. He looks so unhappy as opposed to my expression that I almost feel sorry for him.

I know how he hates cooking but I'll make sure that he'll come to like it. After all, I'm planning to teach him more kitchen skills in the future. Lots and lots more.

Just you wait, Yukio. Niisan surely will take care of you!

A/N: I wrote this because I thought that the grocery store should have a Ctrl+F (find) function. And because I like to bully Yukio. :)

Rin: More garlic and onions in chicken curry, Yukio!

Yukio: Shut up, Niisan.