Heeey all who... actually, I have no idea who still reads this. Anyway, how long has it been since i logged in? Almost three years? Geez, and I just skulk around this place like a shadow now. Eh...

Anyway, this isn't really a chapter, but an announcement.

I started this story way back when and I've been meaning to finish it. HOWEVER, looking back on a number of things in regards to it, I'm definitely going to rework it first before tying it off. Since I was in University at the time, I was more lenient on how it was structured, but dear god, seeing how I formatted stuff, wrote events and exposition (ugh, that makes me shudder), and just... too many parallels, I'm intent to rewrite it. It won't be immediately since I do have some other stories in the works right now, and it won't be posted here.

A bulk of things I write now are over on AO3 (Archive of Our Own) and I'll be continuing to upload my new works there. This story, since I want to salvage it, will be put over there too among other ones, but I can't really state when I'll start the process of fixing this story up. It will be done, and if you want to read the new version when it comes out, my username on AO3 is artisticFlutter.

Well, that's all. I have to get back to writing now. Later!