Happy New Year, Babes. I especially love January; eleven more days until my birthdayXD

I've been sick the past couple of days and I got this idea that wouldn't leave me alone, so I decided to write out the beginning to see where it goes. It's different from anything I've ever written…

Disclaimer: The Plum universe belongs to JE.

I found myself standing in the parking lot of my apartment building. I felt somewhat disoriented, so I decided the best thing to do was to head on up to my apartment.

I stumbled inside the building, thankful to whoever left the lobby door wide open.

Mrs. Bestler was playing elevator operator. I gave her a two finger wave by way of greeting and waited for her to do her thing. Nothing happened. I was about to say something when she went into action.

We unloaded on the second floor. She thought better of it and re-loaded onto the elevator. I shook my head and moved towards my apartment.

I reached my door and realized I had no keys.


No phone either.

I groaned. Just my luck.

I had a couple options. One, I could ask for a phone and call someone. Or I could go fetch Dillon and ask him for a key.

I was feeling…strange, so I decided on option number two: to go in search of Dillon and then get into my apartment to call it a day.

It felt like I was going in circles. And I never did find Dillon.

What to do… what to do?

Ranger. Yeah, he would help. Although, that would mean I would owe him…

I decided it was worth it and headed for Rangeman before I thought better of it, seeing how I was on foot.


I must have walked on autopilot because before I knew it I was standing in the underground garage at Rangeman. Maybe chasing after skips keeps me more active than I realize.

I got to the elevator and realized I wasn't going to be able to key fob myself to Ranger's private apartment.

The elevator opened and Bobby stepped out. He was on the phone, walking briskly to his car. I guess he was in a hurry.

Before I could push the button, the elevator doors closed and I started moving up. Someone had called the elevator. Works for me. It required no effort on my part.

Lester was waiting for the elevator. He, too, was on the phone. He was completely blinded by whatever had him occupied. I had to squeeze past him before the elevator door's closed.

Well, that was odd.

Rangeman was busy central. There was probably some sort of emergency. That could only be why none of the guys said 'hello'.

As I was taking it in all the activity, I spotted Ranger making way to his office.

"Ranger!" I screamed his name, but it seemed he didn't hear me. I caught up to him just as he entered his office. I followed, jumping to one side to avoid Ranger's jerked move. The door slammed shut.

Ranger was in a bad mood.

He rounded his desk, tossing his cell phone on the glossy surface before sinking down in his chair. He kept his gaze down, but I noticed the way his eyes watered. He had a day old beard and it looked like he hadn't slept in ages.

"Babe." Ranger closed his eyes, his shoulders slumping a little. I moved closer to him, hating how tired he looked.

To add to the weirdness I'd encountered so far, I got a funny feeling when my hand came to rest on his left shoulder. It was like a tingle that spread throughout my hand. Ranger must have felt it too, because his eyes snapped open.

There was a quick rap on the door before it opened and Tank came in.

"Any news from her?" Ranger was quick rising to his feet.

Tank gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head.

"She went off the radar hours ago!" The heat in Ranger's voice made me shiver. I've never seen him this way.

"Stephanie…" Tank's voice broke a little when he said my name. "Her last known location was at the edge of the Pine Barrens."

"I know that already." Ranger cut in, voice booming. "You told me that on my drive here."

"Ranger." I reached out, but couldn't seem to grab a hold of him. I felt him still for a fraction of a second, even though I was still unable to really touch him.

He didn't hear me. Or see me, it appeared. And the way they were talking about me as if I weren't standing in the same room…

Yeah, it's been a really weird day.

A dream. It had to be a dream, right?

A freakishly vivid dream.

This was the part where one usually wakes up, breathing hard and reality settles in.

But I didn't. Instead, Ranger's phone rang.

I watched him, unsure of what else I could do. I'd already said his name and tried to touch him, but nothing happened.

A joke! Had I forgotten and maybe it was April already?

No. Ranger's worry was too real.

Again, as soon as the conversation was over Ranger tossed his phone on the desk. He pinched the bridge of his nose, probably willing away negative thoughts.

"Round up the guys. Meeting in five." Tank gave a curt nod and left.

Ranger passed a hand across his face. He reached for his phone and dialed a number.

It was eerie, listening to my voicemail.

Ranger took a moment to compose himself before stepping out to address his men.

I had no clue of what the hell was going on or why I was invisible to everyone around me.

I shut my eyes in hopes that it would help. Nothing happened.

I didn't know what to do.

A ghost story? Not quite, but it will revolve around the search for Stephanie and a part of her discovering a new side of Ranger.

And of course, working on updating the other stories I have out there.