Hey guys... decided to add another chapter to this, as i was bored. You know, as you do at quater past one in the morning. Why do all the best story ideas and the desire to actually write something always happen at un-Godly hours? Answers on a postcard please! Anyway, without further ado- the next chapter... (hope you enjoy it, and its as good (or preferably better) than the first!)

Thor yawned, annoyed at being woken so early by Steve- honestly, it was unnatural to be up at this time! It was only half eleven in the morning! Needless to say, he was not in a good mood. And he certainly wasn't fully aware of the goings-on in his surroundings, which explained why he jumped like a startled cat and zapped poor Agent Coulson with a blast from Mjolnir when he tapped Thor on the shoulder five minutes later.

There was a piercing boom and blinding flash of light as the bolt made contact with its hapless victim. Thirty seconds later, Steve came charging into the room, his shield raised and eyes alert, closely followed by Tony who was half assembled in the iron man suit. Looking at Thor's bewildered expression, raised hammer and noticeable absence of Coulson, Tony immediately pieced together what had happened. He snorted with laughter as he clambered ungracefully out of his armour "God, poor Coulson... he only came to say hello. Guess he caught sleeping beauty unawares and got walloped with the Hammer of Doom 'cos of it." Thor scratched the back of his head bashfully.

Looking around, Steve hesitantly asked "Where is Coulson? Now of the windows are broken, so he didn't get smacked out of one, yet he isn't in this room and I didn't pass him in the hall..." Three pairs of eyes widened as they glanced around the room, confirming Steve's observations.

"Oh no..." Tony suddenly whispered, sounding horrified. He was looking at a pile of clothes on the floor, which was in the centre of a massive star like burn pattern. "Those are Coulson's clothes... I think you've vaporised him!"

"No!" Thor cried, sounding horrified " I can't have killed the noble Son of Coul! He was a good man- i can't have killed him!" With that he collapsed to the floor, crying. Tony awkwardly crouched down to try and calm Thor, who was causing ominous thunder clouds to gather over New York. He patted his back clumsily, clearly out of his depth at dealing with weepy Gods.

"Guys..." Steve spoke loudly, in an attempt to be heard over the Thunder God's wails. The two men on the floor looked up, and noticing his shakily pointing finger, turned their heads towards the indicated spectacle. They gasped as they noticed the pile of clothes on the floor moving. Collectively they edged away from the bundle, all desperately hoping that they weren't about to see an Alien-esque creature emerge. Damn Tony and his love for late night horror movies. The bundle moved one last time and out tumbled...a kitten.

Steve and Tony gawped at each other "WTF?" Clearly written all over their faces. They turned to look at Thor, who appeared to be having an epiphany. "Ah my friends! Rejoice! Son of Coul is not dead! He has merely been transformed into this adorable midguardian mammal by the mighty power of Mjolnir!"

"Explain..." Steve whispered, his voice hoarse as he hopelessly attempted to catch up with how surreal the situation had rapidly come.

"Of course! Son of Coul surprised me when he snuck up on me earlier, so Mjolnir, interpreting him as a threat, merely turned him into a less threatening creature! He shall return to his former species in a day or so, have no fear!" Thor boomed, looking far cheerier than he had a few minutes ago. A ray of sunlight glimmered through the window as the stormclouds mysteriously vanished.

"Great... well I guess we should go get lunch, then tell Fury why Coulson will be off work for the next few days..." Tony sighed and mumbling about bipolar Gods, bent down to pick up the bundle of fluff and carry it to the living room. Dumping it unceremoniously on the floor, he moved into the kitchen to get food. He was closely followed by Thor, who looked delighted at the prospect of another meal.

Steve meanwhile was sitting on the floor, absently playing with the Coulson kitten. He glanced up as Bruce entered rubbing his eyes tiredly, indicating he'd been staring at computer screens for the past few hours. He stopped as he caught sight of the kitten. "Tony? Since when did you like cats? And did you even ask Pepper before you got one? I doubt she'll have agreed- you do know she's allergic?" He asked as Tony came back into the room, stuffing his face full of cheese sandwich. " I-no-a-ca,-i-coulon..." Tony attempted, spraying crumbs everywhere. Bruce grimaced and looked to Steve for clarification. "Thor turned Coulson into a kitten" he explained. Bruce nodded calmly "Of course... sounds completely reasonable. I'll leave explaining this to Fury to you three" With that he smiled sweetly and sat down on the sofa to read the daily newspaper.

All was calm for the next half an hour. Tony started as Natasha and Clint walked in. "Hey guys we've just received a new mission from Fury so we'll be leaving..." Tony looked up in alarm as Natasha's voice trailed off. Seeing her eyes glued to the kitten on the floor, he immediately began babbling explanations, convinced that she'd managed to deduce everything that had happened with her Russian Assassin Psychic Powers, and he would soon be on the receiving end of her Deadly Thighs of Doom for allowing Thor to be let loose with his hammer. He flinched when she suddenly moved.

Natasha flung herself to the floor, her green eyes growing shiny and huge. She cuddled the kitten close to her "oh my God its adowable!" she cooed, sounding like a three year old.

Cricket... Cricket...

The others gawped at her. Tony opened his mouth to speak, and then closed it, swallowing hard. Clint hesitantly stepped forward. "Come on Natasha, leave the kitten alone- we need to go on our mission now, remember?" Natasha looked up at him in horror "what? ...no. I can't leave Tiddles!" She began to cry hysterically when the kitten was carefully lifted out of her lap and she was gently guided towards the lift by Clint. "I love you Tiddles! I'll be back! I promise!" She choked out waving as the doors closed. Her wailing could be heard as the lift descended. None of them moved. "Wow. I didn't even know people's eyes could get that big- she was like...an anime character" Bruce stammered in shock. "I...I guess she's a fan of cats" Steve spluttered. Tony just stood there in a daze, his mouth opening but no sound coming out. Shaking his head, he shakily walked over to his cupboard, pulled out a bottle of whisky and downed it.

Fury glanced up as he heard a hesitant knock on his door. He froze, and glared icily as Steve, Tony and Thor shuffled into the room, with a clear "I'M GUILTIER THAN A FOX WITH A MOUTHFUL OF FEATHERS!" look on their faces. All three gulped loudly as they noticed Fury's attempt to murder them all by glaring. The last time they had seen him-when they'd tested out Tony's bullet proof shield- danced obnoxiously at the front of their minds. They regretted not bringing the shields with them.

" What-Is-It." He snarled through his teeth. All three of them shivered, and Thor looked just about ready to wet himself. Nobody spoke for a few seconds, before Steve took one for the team and mumbled "...turned Coulson into kitten..." as he bundled the fluffy ball of paws, white mittens, fluffy ears and whiskers on to Fury's desk. It looked up with bright green eyes and mewed.

Fury's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Are you honestly telling me that you have turned one of my SENIOR OPERATIVES into a KITTEN?" He hissed. Edging towards the door Tony squeaked "Yes!" before all three turned and bolted. Fury rose from behind his desk, the air around him literally crackling with his anger. He walked out into the room next to his office, and bore down on the three avengers, who were desperately trying to open the door to their freedom. They turned, eyes wide with fear as Fury loomed over them. "Did you honestly think I'd let you escape so easily after last time? Think again" he whispered menacingly, grabbing all three by their collars and hauling them back to his office, ignoring Thor's desperate "It's only for a little while... and I think he's much nicer in this form!"

He flung them all into separate chairs. "For this little stunt, you can finish up all of S.H.I.E.l.D's paperwork... and believe me, once you've finished, you'll never want to anger me again." He then stood and left the room, presumably to get said paperwork. The three avengers looked at each other in terror. They jumped as with a crack! The kitten on the desk turned into a blushing Coulson. Grabbing a stack of papers to keep his modesty he edged his way out of the room, and then sprinted down a hallway to his office. Tony and Thor began snickering, but stopped immediately as Fury entered the room, dragging behind him the mother of all paperwork loads. "Good luck boys- you'll need it. And don't even THINK about leaving till it's done." With that, he tossed each of them a pen and stormed out the room.

Ten o'clock the next morning, Tony, Thor and Steve staggered back into the tower, clutching swollen and twitching hands. Tony was whimpering softly "my hand...my precious hand... it's ruined! I'll never be able to use it again..." Thor had keeled over onto the sofa and was snoring loudly. Steve had bustled off to the kitchen to make a pot of tea.

Natasha and Clint stepped out of the elevator a few minutes later, looking tired but without any major injuries. Natasha's eyes scanned the room eagerly then narrowed dangerously. "Did you get rid of Mister Tiddles?" she hissed. Tony paled "Oh God... Natasha please, I can explain... Natasha- oww, not the hair! BRUCE! HELP! NOOOO! MY BEAUTIFUL HAIR! YOU RUINED IT!"

Sooo...thoughts? good? bad? ugly? just plain wierd? deprived? Can't be bother to go on... write anything you want for a review, honestly- i always love comments about the weather. (And yes, i know the characters are horrificaly uncharacteristic and not at all themselves- blame it on Loki. It's always his fault somehow.)

Oh, and on a final note, as this fic is rated K, WTF stands for Wierdly Tall Fridges, ok? Thats all it stands for- Wierdly Tall Fridges... ;)