Notes: Yooooo remember how I tried doing this OTP drawing challenge for Daiharu years ago? Literally four days into the challenge I was diagnosed with tendinitis and my doctor told me to stop drawing, so... that was the end of that, heh.

But now I'm doing the OTP challenge as writing prompts for NaNoWriMo, and while I'm mostly focusing on a different pairing in a different fandom... I felt like writing Daiharu today, so let's just toss it in here!

"Wearing kigurumis"

When Haruka received a call from Daigo asking for her help with the Mossdeep Space Center's one thousandth rocket launch celebration, she was ecstatic. It was very rare that she was able to help Daigo with any of his work unrelated to Pokemon battling; to be asked to assist with such a major milestone was incredibly exciting.

So she was just a bit disappointed when she arrived in Mossdeep and was directed to dress in a Clefairy costume and hand out balloons.

She tried not to let the disappointment show, though; her task was primarily to keep children happy and amused, so she just had to tough it out. It was hot, her bangs clung uncomfortably to her skin around the hole for her face, the pink fabric of the too-big costume bunched around her ankles, and she looked and felt absolutely ridiculous, but she did her best to hide it all behind a cheerful smile as she distributed balloons.

"Sorry to have to put you through this," Daigo whispered to her as they waved off yet another child with a balloon.

"Hmm?" She looked up at him; he was clad in a similar Clefairy costume, though it fit his taller frame much better. "It's fine, Daigo-san! It's kind of fun to do something different for a change. Oh, do you want a balloon, sweetie?" She knelt down to address a little girl, disregarding Daigo's thoughtful hum.

By the time Haruka had finished with the little girl and the small gaggle of children that immediately followed, Daigo had disappeared from her side. A short moment of searching found him at the base of the hill next to the Space Center's white rock, gesticulating excitedly as he explained its history to a small crowd of kids.

She felt a genuine smile tugging at her lips. He really was so good with children, and incredibly passionate about his interests. And, she had to admit, it was also a bit amusing to see him carrying on in a Clefairy costume.

Suddenly, though, it occurred to her that it was a bit strange.

Once Daigo was finished and the crowd had dispersed, she walked up to him, hesitantly. "Um, Daigo-san..."

He turned and gave her a gentle smile. "What is it, Haruka-chan?"

She adjusted the balloon strings in her mittened hands nervously. "Why... I mean, I hope this doesn't sound rude, but... Don't you have more important things to be doing here?"

"What's more important than instilling a love of science in the younger generation?"

"I... I mean, that's not what I..." She sighed and glanced up at him. "Don't you feel silly dressed up like that?"

"Ahh." Daigo's smile widened, and his silver-blue eyes sparkled with mirth. "I knew it. That is how you feel about wearing the costume."

Haruka could feel her face heating up. "I— I mean, well..."

He chuckled and patted her head affectionately. "You were trying to put up a front, but I could tell that you were really pouting."

"I wasn't pouting!"

"It's okay, I understand." He dropped his hand and nodded in the direction of the Space Center at the top of the hill. "It's true, I do have some other things I need to do, so I should be heading back up there soon. But I knew you weren't going to be too happy about your task, so I thought it was only fair for me to suffer alongside you for at least a bit."

Haruka stared up at him, her eyes widening and her blush deepening. "What? You... so you mean, you didn't have to...?"

Daigo pulled his sleeve up a bit to glance at his wristwatch underneath. "Ah, actually, it's about that time. Sorry, Haruka-chan—can you handle the rest yourself?"

She blinked, struggling to find the words—but knowing that, how could she not agree to finish the job? Silently, she nodded.

He smiled and patted her head again. "Once you finish handing out all the balloons, come find me. We can watch the rocket launch together."

Haruka watched as he returned up the hill, and she was actually relieved when more children began to come to her and ask for balloons. She needed something to distract her from the pounding of her heart against her ribcage.