A/N: first fanfic for The Hobbit! :) Enjoy! This takes place during the hobbit movie, when they go find shelter in the cave right before meeting the goblins :3 Also after Thorin told Bilbo to leave them

Also, since it was not made clear whether Kili & Fili's parents were alive (correct me if I'm mistaken) I am making it so that they both died during a battle, but the father was killed and the mother died while giving birth to Kili. So Kili was born in battle, literally, but Fili was at home.

Thorin grabbed a small bottle of ale he had packed in his satchel and gulped it down. Then he gulped another. Then two more. He was very stressed, because Gandalf had left them all alone. The dwarves were all settling down, finding spots to sleep and some eating and others drinking. Thorin wiped his forehead, he was getting really drunk, as he continued to empty bottles of ale. He had filled his satchel with over 50 small bottles of ale because he knew they would help him relax.

He closed the satchel after the sixteenth bottle, and relaxed his head back against the hard stone wall. He was very drunk by now, and he started humming to himself. Instead of helping him calm down, however, the alcohol only seemed to fuel his anger. He bit his lip and closed his eyes. Gandalf had left them. They had used the elves' help. Now they were in a mountain, with horrible weather outside and a hard chance of escaping any danger that might suddenly come. He punched the stone wall beside him, causing a small dent in the stone as well as giving himself bleeding knuckles. He ignored the pain, however, and simply wiped off the blood with a cloth.

Hearing the voices of the dwarves around the corner, he stood up and walked back out to them. They all sat huddled in a small circle, each telling a tale of his own. Thorin stood behind Balin and Bofur as Bifur told his tale.

Suddenly, Kili emerged and hurried to sit down beside Fili. He had an excited grin on his face. "Tales! Finally, something to cheer us up a little on this journey!" He commented. Some dwarves laughed lightheartedly and Kili crossed his legs on the floor, leaning forward.

At the sight of Kili, Thorin felt a renewed anger build up within him. He let out an involuntary, low growl and glared at his nephew. If Kili had paid better attention and not distracted his brother, the ponies would not have been taken by the trolls, and they would have earned themselves some rest and saved themselves a lot of trouble.

Under the effect of alcohol, anything seemed to make Thorin burn with anger. The small smile playing on Kili's lips enraged him even more, for how could Kili be laughing so carefree after the big mistake he had done?

"Kili!" He suddenly glowered. Kili's head shot up immediately, frightened. Thorin was shaking with anger. "Kili, how dare you sit there and laugh and act like you have done nothing?"

Kili looked at Fili in confusion, and Fili shrugged. He looked back up at his uncle. "What have I done?"

"You distracted your brother!" Yelled Thorin. All of the dwarves quieted and stared at him, wide eyed. Balin could tell right away that Thorin was not aware of what he was doing. "If you had not distracted Fili, the ponies would not have been stolen, and we would have been sparred the whole trouble with the trolls!"

Kili furrowed his eyebrows. Why was his uncle remembering this now? "I apologized, Uncle. We got out of it safely. It was more than two or three days ago, if not more, Uncle. Plus, why are you only blaming me?" He challenged.

"Because I know Fili." Growled Thorin. "I know Fili would never do such a thing unless he was being annoyed or distracted by someone like you!"

Kili did not know how to react. He started at his uncle, eyebrows still furrowed and eyes puzzled. "I am sorry?"

"You have always been this way! You have been nothing but a nuisance to your brother ever since your birth! You always got him into trouble and he ended up getting the punishment!"

"Thorin," Balin started, "Thorin, there is no need for this. Go relax."

Thorin, however, ignored him, his glare still fixed on his youngest nephew. "I knew bringing you on this whole journey was pointless. I knew you would only cause trouble and be a burden. Yet I trusted that you have grown up, and I forgot that you were nothing but a small dwarfling who could not be trusted to do anything!"

Fili gulped and looked at Kili, whose shoulders were tensed and jaw was clenched. He looked at his uncle, then. "Uncle, why are you saying this? Kili has proved himself a good fighter so far."

"And what has he done?" Asked Thorin. "He let the ponies astray-something you would not have done if he had not been there-and he barely killed any wargs. All he has done is tag along, doing nothing but complaining about how boring this is!"

"I never said this was boring..." mumbled Kili.

"When I am talking you do not talk!" Thorin bellowed again. "I have forgotten that you have no manners. But how could you have manners? You had no parents to raise you. Your poor brother was a child of his own, but he struggled to raise you himself and yet you learn nothing from him! You only act like a bastard of a child who will never grow up!"

Kili looked down at the ground in front him, not moving a muscle. Fili bit his lip.

"I raised Fili as though he was my own, but with you I could not. You were simply a burden ever since you were born! You were the reason that your mother had died! She could have survived that battle had you not been born-I lost my only sister because of you!"

Tension grew between the dwarves, and they all looked to Kili with worry. Kili sat still, not moving or making a sound.

Thorin was starting to feel a bit better now that he was letting his anger out, but he was not quite finished yet. "Maybe the gods took your parents' souls for a good cause. Imagine if they had to live with you as their child. Dìs would not have been able to bear with you! Your father, even, would not have been able to raise you or tame you like a child should be. You would have probably learned no manners regardless of whether you had parents or not. Even I could not teach you well as a child. Fili was smart, obedient, but you-you were just a nuisance!"

Kili flinched at the repeated use of the word nuisance, but continued to sit still. Fili breathed out slowly. "Uncle..."

"And look what you did. To save your parents the trouble of raising you, you made Fili grow up without his own parents, and losing his childhood simply to be there for you." Thorin continued. "Bringing you on this quest was a vast mistake I made. I forgot that you were nothing but a baby, a child who needed a babysitter to constantly look after them. I forgot that you are not a reliable dwarf that can help with such a quest. To you, this is all a game! You do not realize how important this is!"

"Thorin, enough." Growled Balin. Fili snorted. Enough? Thorin had already said everything possible.

"Norhing but a burden." Hissed Thorin as he walked back away slowly to the corner he had set his blanket in, away from all the dwarves. "A burden."

He leaned his head against the ground and was asleep almost immediately.

Meanwhile, Kili still refused to move or show emotion. He simply stared at the ground. "Kili?" Fili whispered. "Kili."

When Kili refused to answer, Fili sat closer to Kili, his face really close to Kili's. Kili turned away, refusing to look at Fili. Fili put a hand on his shoulder, and Kili shrugged it off. Fili, getting slightly annoyed, gripped both of Kili's shoulders and tuned him so Kili faced him. "Kili, are you okay? Can you hear me?"

Kili let out a frustrated moan and wrestled himself out of his brother's grip and stood up. He frowned and furrowed his eyebrows again, still looking at the ground. Fili stood up, letting out an exasperated sigh. "Uncle is right, then? You will never grow up?"

He walked off to where his Uncle slept, deciding to sleep beside him for the night. He sat down, leaning against the stone wall, and wrapped himself with a blanket. He sniffed the air again when he smelled alcohol, but frowned. Where would the alcohol have come from? He looked to his uncle and found sixteen empty bottles of ale open and thrown about. He cursed himself and hit the ground in frustration. Thorin had been drunk. And he had gotten angry at Kili for no reason. He would speak to Kili in the morning, he decided.

All the dwarves stood up and walked back to their sleeping spots, murmuring softly and whispering to each other. Kili settled himself beside a wall. He sat down facing it, giving his back to the rest of the company. After everyone calmed, they could softly hear him sobbing to himself towards the wall.

Bilbo looked at Balin. "Are you all just going to leave him there?" He asked, whispering. Balin sighed. "Look at the poor boy, he is still young and he did not deserve Thorin's wrath!"

When Balin only nodded sadly, Bilbo tiptoed his way over the sleeping dwarves and to Kili's side. "Kili?" He called out softly. The sobbing dwarf looked at him from between his messy hair strands that covered his face. "Kili, it's okay."

Kili shook his head. "Uncle is right. I should not have come on this journey. He is right about everything. I ruined Fili's childhood, and I am not as mannered or brave or helpful as he is." He sniffed. "All I wanted was to become like Fili; it's always been my ultimate goal. He is my idol, as well as Uncle." He murmured to Bilbo, sobbing gently. "I always try to be brave, even when I'm scared. I try not to show that I'm scared. I was so scared when I first saw the wargs, but I didn't look scared. I tried to fight as well as I could, I swear!"

Bilbo placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know, Kili. I know you did."

"I had never left the mountain before, and suddenly I came on this quest. I am stupid. I am not brave enough or strong enough like Fili." He wiped at his eyes. "It's not my fault, though, is it? Is it my fault that I grew up without parents?"

Bilbo immediately shook his head. "None of what your uncle said was true, he was merely distressed, believe me. You are so brave, Kili. You refused to cry in front of your uncle, and here you are sobbing quietly to the side. This in itself is very brave."

Kili sniffed again and leaned his head against the stone wall, his hair covering his face. Bilbo closed his eyes and sighed. Then he stood up and walked back to his sleeping spot, where he had placed all of his belongings.

Wow, well this was much longer than I expected! Please review and tell me your opinions! I hope you enjoyed reading it! Favs & follows greatly appreciated :)