A/N: enjoy?

"You're such a pretty elf." Azog seethed, running a finger across Legolas' cheek and leaving a shallow scar behind. "Very much like your mother, if I can say so myself. You know, your mother was exceptional. I know many people loved her because she was so kind and peaceful." He laughed. "And you know, those are the fun people to kill. You're much like her. I saw the way you helped the dwarves even after they hurt you. Something she would have done, I think."

Legolas flinched. Ever since he'd come to, Azog had been on and on about his mother. Legolas felt ready to burst at any given second now. "Don't talk about my mother like that." He warned angrily. "Don't you dare bring her up."

"It's too late, I've already brought her up." Azog cocked his head to the side. "I didn't think going after Thorin would be this much fun. Young princes seem to be a better hunt that their kings; first Kili, now you. Not that I'm done with Kili."

Legolas narrowed his eyes. "What have you done to him?"

"Oh, nothing you've experienced yet. But don't worry, I'm going to be less creative with you. I'll do exactly what your father fears I'll do to you."

At hearing about his father, Legolas felt his heart speed up. "My father?"

"We left him enough hints to know you're with orcs." Azog promised. "Ah, Kili, waking up. Being in his head is so easy. You know, I control him. He's completely under my mercy. All this time I used him to watch what was going on, to study Thorin's plans. I also happened to find out about you."

Legolas struggled in his binds, cursing in elvish. He glared at Azog, trying his best to look as threatening as possible. He felt his head get dizzy, however, when Azog spoke up next. "Kili had long hair. As long as yours, if not longer. Only it was messy curled. It seemed to really hurt him when I cut his hair. I wonder if you'd feel the same. Ah, yes. Your mother's hair was down to her knees. It was joyful cutting it up to her ears before killing her."

Closing his eyes, Legolas tried his best to block Azog out. He'd thought Smaug was always the biggest enemy for the dwarves. Where had this damned Orc come from?

"Let me out."

Dwalin punched the wall impatiently. "Shut up, Kili. This is for your best. We're trying to help you, alright? Don't let this goddamned Orc take over you!"

Kili bit back a sob. "I swear, Dwalin! Just let me out! Ill be gone and away, as far from Uncle as possible. I won't hurt anyone!"

"And you think I'd let you go all on your own?" Fili asked angrily. "You think I'd let you run away and face this alone? We have to kill Azog, that's the only solution. We need you to use this bond between you to try and track him down, just the way he can track you down as well. Just focus on that for now."

Kili bit his lip. "Fili, this isn't at all how I'd expected this trip to be. Our Biggest worry was Smaug. And now all of this... I feel like I'm more dangerous than Smaug himself. I need to kill Azog myself."

"And how do you expect to do that when he can still access your brain?" Nori challenged. "He can get you to kill Thorin. He won't have a hard time getting you to not kill him, or worse, kill yourself. If you want to help, do as Fili said."


The dwarves looked outside the bars, where Thranduil was running down the dungeon stairs in a hurry, holding a bag. Once he came closer, they could all see his frightened look. "Where is Thorin?"

"He moved to another cell." Balin said. "He was in... Danger."

Thranduil scrunched his nose in anger, but his eyes continued to hold the frightened look to them. He moved from side to side, as though he couldn't decide on how to stand. "Where?" He rasped.

Dwalin couldn't stop his surprised look. He'd never heard an elf rasp before. They were always so confident and sure, and their tones never faltered. This took him by surprise. "Any news on Legolas?"

Thranduil nodded, closing his eyes briefly before he raised the bag. "Yes. Not good news. Not at all." Slowly opening the bag, he revealed layers and layers of long, golden hair. He looked away from the bag, unable to look inside it. Balin reached for the bag, looking at in confusion before understanding hit him.


"He... Sent a letter." Thranduil whispered. "Azog. He has my son."

"And I'll bet he wants Thorin in exchange?" Dori asked, rolling his eyes.

Thranduil shook his head, eyes widening. "He wants nothing in exchange. He said he will keep my son until the right timing. The right timing. That could mean so many things." He paced around, rubbing his temples. "Why did I ever imprison you? You have only brought more trouble amongst my kingdom. Thorin, always getting enemies and me, always getting stuck in between. First with Smaug and the darkness that took over, and now this. What did I ever do to you?"

Kili laughed.

Silence fell over the dwarves and the elven king as they looked at Kili; the dwarves worried and scared, and Thranduil bewildered. "You dare laugh at a time like this?" He growled. "My son saved you. He helped you in so many ways and we ensured your health. Yet you laugh!"

Kili shrugged. "Yes, I laugh. I find it amusing how you speak of me. Really, Thranduil. You needn't worry about your son. He's in very safe hands."

Thranduil stepped forward, narrowing his eyes at Kili. "I can banish you any second. Why do you speak like this?"

Dwalin stepped in front of the elven king. "Thranduil. He is not himself." He whispered. "It's Azog. He tried to make Kili kill his uncle before this. He is controlling the poor dwarfling's head and-"

"Release my son!" Thranduil yelled at Kili, before Dwalin could finish. "Bring him back! What have you done to him?" He grabbed Kili by the collar, heaving him up into the air. "You do not dare touch another hair on him."

"That's a bit too late." 'Kili' said, making a sad face. "Don't you think?"

Thranduil threw Kili across the dungeon, making him hit the wall really hard. Kili let out a sharp cry as Azog decided to leave control at that very moment. Whimpering, Kili curled in onto himself and refused to look up.

"Please, do not hurt him more. Kili is still in there." Fili pleaded, rushing to his brother. "We want Kili to help us track down Azog in some way. We can kill him. We will need your help, not your anger."

"My lord, I have brought him."

Thranduil didn't turn around, but he knew what the guard was talking about when Thorin let out a sigh. "Thranduil. Any word on Legolas?"

Baling handed him the bag, shaking his head sadly. Thorin's breath caught in his throat. "He did this to Kili. Hair is a valuable thing. Have you any way of tracking him down?"

Thranduil shook his head. "No, I do not. I have sent out many patrols, though." He grabbed the bag, refusing to look at it. "We have to bring this to an end. I will not give him more time to mess with my son. He did this to my wife, too." He closed his eyes. "He then sent me the tips of her ears. I will not let him get this far with Legolas. I cannot."

He stormed out of the dungeon at that, leaving the dwarves behind. Fili held Kili tight to him, checking for any injuries.

Aaaaaah a bridge chapter I'm sorry but I hope you liked it anyways! Pleaaaase review?