The music started and my breath quickened. Here we were, in the wedding chapel on the big day we had been waiting for, for a long time. He stood under the archway looking as handsome as he had ever looked. I counted down the seconds it took for the minister to start talking. "Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." He said.

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife." Connor and Wilhelmina were kissing before the minister even finished speaking.

I stood and clapped along with everyone else. Despite everything she had put me through over the years-blackmail, teasing, name-calling, threats-I was genuinely happy for her.

He grabbed my hand and we proceeded out of the building with everyone else. He opened the car door for me chivalrously and I climbed in. I was so excited, seeing Wilhelmina's wedding because ours was in less than five onths. "Willy's dress was pretty."

"Yeah," I agreed, "but mine will look prettier." He laughed and started the car. We followed everyone to the wedding reception, which was being held at meade Publications, Claire's permission. He held my hand the whole way. When we arrived, we got out of the car and walked inside. Everyone was staring at me and my big fat engagement ring. L'manda winked at me and pointed at Henry, who had flown in from Tucson, as if to say, "I'm gone get me somma dat tonight."

Henry stared at me too. Since I had announced my engagement on British TV and put it in my magazine, Henry had contacted me and we had kept up a platonic friendship ever since. Turns out he was back together with Charlie and they were living together with Nate. Henry was so happy to hear I was getting married but he hadn't seen my ring yet.

He ogled at it as my fiancé and I walked into the room. I waved at him elegantly.

"Betty, it's so nice to see you," Henry engulfed me in a hug and and my fiancé's grip on my hand tightened.

"It's nice to see you, too." Henry said, acknowledging him.

"The feeling is mutual." He smiled.

We made small talk for a while because there was a small chiming on a glass. We looked up to see a surprisingly not drunk Claire Meade preparing to make a toast, "Over the years, Wilhelmina and I have been through a lot together. We've had our ups…we've had our downs…we've had our…throwdowns," everyone laughed, "but despite everything, Wilhelmina has come through for this company time and time again. I could not think of anyone better to run MODE Magazine than her. So it is with genuine happiness and friendship that I congratulate Wilhelmina and Connor Owens on their wedding day, I wish you two nothing but happiness." We all clapped. He and I stayed at the reception for a while before we decided to head on out. It was late and we were both tired.

Back at the hotel, we snuggled in bed for a while, a comfortable silence settling between the both of us. I lay on his chest and listened to the beating of his heart. It was strong and steady just as it always was when he was completely calm and at peace. I couldn't help but silently revel in the fact that it was me who made him this way. Almost as if he could read my thoughts, he spoke up. "You know Betty, my life was always complete chaos. Serial adulterer father, drunk mother, transsexual brother. But then I met you. You kept me grounded and have been the one and only constantfactor in my life. Thank you for that. Thank you for everything.

"Without you, I'd be nothing. An empty shell of a man. You helped me realize who I really am and he's great. I know it took me a long time to realize my feelings for you, and for that I'm sorry but you know how I feel about you now. Te amo mi amor."

His words brought ears to my eyes. I could hardly believe what I was hearing. No one had ever said something like that to me before. Not knowing exactly what to do next, I leaned forward and kissed him chastely on the lips. "I love you too white chocolate." I said.

Daniel laughed. I lay my head back down on his chest and listened to him breathe. Soon the both of us succumbed to the warm welcome sleep brought us and there was nowhere I would've rather been at that moment.

Author's Note: Ok guys that's the final chapter of my story. I hope you guys had a lot of fun reading it even though I took forever I'm sorry. I know I suck. I'm a horrible person. Anyway, Tuesday was my birthday so I'm fourteen now! WOOHOO. If you haven't already go check out my other story, THE EVERLASTING UGLY LOVE Thanks guys this was my first fanfiction and it's been a blast!