As they were seated at a table in the Officers Mess, Kirk found another reason for wishing M'hirra wasn't leaving so soon. As Chapel had noted earlier, McCoy was physically incapable of being unhappy around a healthy, happy baby. In this case, two babies. The Captain also found that a doctor distracted by an active child could also have food nudged in front of him that he would automatically nibble on without really noticing. It was considerably easier than trying to get food in him by nagging.

When the four augments were beamed aboard, Spock left the Bridge in Sulu's hands to escort them to the Captain. He paused shortly after entering as they all took in the sight of McCoy playing with the child in his arms as M'hirra took advantage of his distraction and added more juice to the glass near him. That reminded Spock of a question.

"Miss Leona, the condition that Doctor McCoy was in when we arrived puzzles me. I understand that he was attacked by one of your people, but that does not explain the loss of weight or the exhaustion."

"The doctor was never allowed to rest for a long period of time, rarely over two hours. After the first day, he was allowed food, but not the opportunity to eat much of it. Most of that, I believe, stemmed from Lord Khan bet with Mudd."

"Might I inquire about the nature of this bet?"

"As I understand it, Mudd and Lord Khan had a wager as to whether or not Lord Khan could make the doctor kneel to him willingly."

"I see. Did the remark Khan made when he attacked Doctor McCoy have anything to do with that?"

"No. I believe that had something to do with what Remus said when McCoy was first brought onboard the Azalaris. He said that Khan would either love him or kill him."

Spock gave a slow nod. In that context, what Khan had said both made sense as well as confirmed that Khan intended to kill the doctor had he been able to reach him a second time. Before he spoke again, the group by the door attracted McCoy's attention and he turned slightly. Leona was amused to notice Kirk slid some additional food on McCoy's plate as she started toward the table.

The conversation at the table went well enough once everyone settled down. It was helped by the fact that McCoy knew what they were all doing - a fact Spock noted when he saw the doctor roll his eyes immediately after Kirk 'snuck' something else onto his plate - but apparently decided that matter wasn't worth fighting over. He finally passed the infant back over to M'hirra when it was time for her to feed him.

"Hr'rashio's put on a good amount of weight since I delivered him. I'm not really up on Caitian early development though."

"He and his brother would be a bit small for their ages were they not twins. Multiple births are quite rare for our people which is why I am so grateful you were present at the Starbase."

Spock gave McCoy a long look.

"Another child has been named after you?"

McCoy gave Spock the brightest smile any of them had seen from him in a long time.

"Why, Mister Spock - if you'd like to up the odds of having some tykes named after you, I'd be pleased as punch to teach you some of the tricks of delivering babies."

Kirk slightly choked holding back a laugh at the momentary flash of disgust that crossed Spock's face.

"Thank you, but no, doctor. I believe that task would be better left in your hands."

McCoy didn't bother to even attempt to hold back his own laughter. And to the added pleasure of everyone present, he finished everything on his plate.

The next day when they arrived back at Starbase 124 was both busy and bittersweet. If anyone had told McCoy before that he could get attached to someone with Klingon blood, he have told them they were crazy. But he doubted there were many around like K'toomsu.

"Good to see you back among your people, Len. But if you ever decide to leave Starfleet, you'll be welcome aboard the Azalaris so long as she's mine. Your growl will be missed."

McCoy chuckled as the large olive-toned man pulled him into a rough hug.

"Somehow, I have my doubts, Kuty. But I'll admit you and the others grew on me as well."

Alistair shook his head from nearby, grinning.

"You make us sound like a fungus, doc. But Kuty's right. It would be good to see you again."

"Anything's possible, Alistair. You know, you'd make a decent doctor yourself."

"I've not got the time. I'm already head nurse to those engines of ours."

Kirk, Spock and M'hirra triple-teamed the Base Commander, bringing with them the court transcripts from Turdidae showing that Khan and some of his people had taken over the Azalaris and forced her crew to assist them. After reviewing the documents and with the promise from Kirk that his people would assist in the reinstallation of the stolen medical equipment, it was agreed that no blame would be placed on K'toomsu and the surviving crew.

One thing that Kirk insisted on was that M'Benga would be the one to finish the physicals for the Starbase personnel. McCoy worried them all slightly when he agreed to that without putting up any fuss. In fact, as soon as he was able, Kirk pulled McCoy to the side.

"Bones? Are you alright? Do I need to call Chapel to take a look at you?"

In return, Kirk got a scowl.

"Are you ever happy, Jim? I disagree with you and you grumble. I agree with you and you think I need medical help."

But then the bluster died down and McCoy sighed.

"I don't need Chris fussing over me, Jim, but I'll admit it. I'm flat exhausted and still aching pretty bad. Taking it easy while things are fixed back the way they should be is about all I'm good for right now."

Draping an arm over his friend's shoulders, Kirk tried to think of what he could do for him. A smile slowly started to form and he gave McCoy a pat.

"I've got an idea, Bones."

"Heaven help us all."

"Not that kind of idea. Wait here - I'll be right back."

Obtaining the necessary permission from the base commander didn't take long - he was still embarrassed by the fact that McCoy had been kidnapped from his facility without any alarms being raised. Kirk contacted Spock to get his help, so in less than half an hour, the two of them were approaching McCoy, who watched them coming with a healthy amount of suspicion.

"You're looking a bit like the cat that caught the canary, Jim. What have you done?"

"You'll see, Bones. Come with us. It isn't far to where we're headed."

Even Spock was becoming more concerned about the way McCoy was simply agreeing to go along with things rather than argue about them. It was that out of character behavior that told more than anything else just how much healing the doctor still had to do. When they entered the hydroponics area, McCoy looked around curiously, but took a deep breath. Here, more than anywhere else on the station, it almost felt like being outdoors.

"I've gotten permission to set you up a spot to relax back here, Bones. I can't get you to a field in Georgia, but maybe this will do for now. The lighting is set to imitate natural sunlight and - well, you can smell the plants for yourself."

When he saw the equivalent of a hammock set up in an open spot between rows, McCoy smiled again.

"You went to a lot of trouble, Jim. I appreciate that -"

Kirk stopped him from saying anything more by laying a hand on his arm.

"Lay down and rest, Bones. You once told me fresh air and warm sun was a damn fine prescription for what ails a man."

"I did, didn't I? Well, don't guess it will bother the plants. Sure I won't be in the way?"

"Stop worrying and just think about yourself for once, Bones."

"Jim is right. He and I will keep watch while you rest."

That seemed to drain what little resistance was in him and McCoy settled onto the hammock. The warmth of even an artificial sun felt positively decadent. Turning his head, he watched as Kirk and Spock moved a short distance away, the hammock swaying slightly underneath him. By the time they stopped walking and looked back, McCoy was already dozing off.

In all, it took five days before the Starbase Medical Center was back in full working condition and an additional two days for M'Benga to finish the wellness checks on the remainder of the Starbase personnel. Kirk and Spock kept their promises to Chapel, coming over to the Starbase to share all their meals with McCoy and encouraging him to eat. The rest of the command crew began to start joining them as schedules permitted. Between meals, McCoy spent the vast majority of his time in hydroponics - at first, strictly sleeping, but after the first few days, he began taking music or reading material with him. Nothing job related by the Captain's strict orders.

McCoy also had daily visits from Lady M'hirra and her twins as well as from Leona. Kirk still wasn't so sure that there wasn't something going on between McCoy and Leona, but if there was anything, he never caught them at it. He knew he was being too obvious when McCoy tsked at him shortly after Leona departed.

"Really, Jim - not everyone looks to have a physical relationship with somebody at every Starbase in the Federation."

Kirk tried to look indignant, but the effect was ruined when one of the female officers assigned to the base came up and asked if he was ready to tour the station with her. Since McCoy knew full well that Kirk had already toured the station, he gave his friend a knowing smirk and settled back down to read.

By the time the Enterprise was preparing to depart, Chapel was beaming. McCoy was still about two kilograms shy of his original weight before the xenopolycythemia had been diagnosed, but his appetite had returned, his coloration was back to normal, his eyes were back to their bright blue hue and his energy seemed back to what she'd learned to expect from him over their years together. As she replaced the supplies that hadn't been used during the station physicals, she heard a very familiar bellow.

"M'benga! Dammit, Geoff - you've got your own desk that you can clutter as much as you like! Get in here and get your crap off of my desk, pronto!"

Stepping over to the nearest intercom, Chapel activated it.

"Sickbay to Bridge."

Kirk's voice came back almost immediately.

"Kirk here. What is it, Nurse Chapel?"

"I wanted to report to you that Sickbay is back to normal, sir."

The smile that appeared on Kirk's face was mirrored on every other face on the Bridge. Except for Spock, of course, but even he looked satisfied.

"Thank you, Nurse Chapel. That's very welcome news. Kirk out."

Still smiling, Kirk turned his attention to the viewscreen.

"Mister Sulu, proceed with undocking protocols."

"Aye aye, sir. Undocking request accepted and completed."

"Then take us out of here, Mister Sulu. Warp factor three."

Back on the Azalaris, most of the crew was still aboard the Starbase when a quiet figure beamed aboard the ship without tripping any of the ship's alarms. With sure steps, they moved through the ship until they reached the ship's cold storage, pulling out the preserved body part from Otto as well as the blood samples from the other Augments that McCoy had healed. Beaming back off of the ship clutching the samples, the figure smiled. No. It wasn't over yet. It would never be over.