I write this because….well because. After reading several cross-over type stories this popped in my head so here it is! I own none of the

characters mentioned her except for OC's( none show up in this chapter though).

The town had been overrun with the little critters for about seven hours now, and its citizens were a bit taken back when the only person to respond to their

pleas was a kid. He looked to be about sixteen, had spiky brown hair with a bit of yellow in it, wore a red and white jacket, jeans, and had a bunch of glowing

blue gadget designed to capture monkeys.

"I'm sorry that I'm not what you expect ma'am, but if anyone can capture all of Specter's monkeys it's me!"

The boy told one annoyed citizen as he grabbed a hi-tech butterfly net and set out to capture all the crazy hyper-intelligent monkeys that plagued the town.

And he wasn't lying, the teen very easily managed to get the city monkey free within an hour thanks to his many gadgets.

"There you go sir! If anymore come back feel free to call for me at the Professor's!"

The boy cheerfully told the mayor of the town as he prepared to head home. The mayor and citizens wanted to offer a reward to the boy for helping them,

but he shook his head and replied.

"No need for a reward! Just doing my job!"

As the boy headed off toward his home, the same woman who'd questioned him earlier asked for his name. He smiled and replied.

"My name's Spike! Pleased to meet you!"

He then resumed what he thought would be his normal bike ride home, but sadly for Spike that wouldn't happen today.

"I sure hope dinners almost ready! Stopping Specter in his tracks always gets me hungry!"

Spike was on his way home, fantasying about the food his mother would be preparing, when he hit something with his bike. Or rather, he'd hit someone with

his bike and flew off. Once he brushed himself off he went to apologize to whoever he hit, and was surprised to see something inhuman. It was humanoid in

shape, but instead of skin there was blood soaked feathers. Its eyes were reptile like, and sent a cold chill down Spike's spine. Before he or the creature could

react, an unfamiliar female voice cried out.

"Stop it quick!"

Running up next to him was quite possibly the cutest girl Spike had ever seen. She was slightly taller than him a foot or two, had blonde hair under a red cap,

wore a white jump suit of sorts , and had a strange looking stick in her hand.


Spike asked in shock, not noticing the creature starting to rise. The mystery girl reacted though, and her stick channeled electricity that she shot out to

subdue the beats. Taking a hint that the creature was evil, Spike drew out his Stun clubs in order to subdue the creature's arms. Without pausing, the girl

rushed up and impaled the thing's head and yelled at Spike to move it. The boy did as told and watched as she turned the creature into a fried chicken

dinner. The creature then disintegrated into nothingness, and just as Spike was about to question what he'd just seen, the girl introduced herself.

"Sorry about that…My name is Yatterman 2! But you can call me Ai! What's your-"

that was as far as she got, as another creature suddenly appeared and attacked. It was then that Spike's life was forever scarred by the creatures, for as the

beast moved closer to them, Spike's stun clubs began to glow an even brighter blue and shot out a beam. The beam hit the creature straight in the gut and,

like its brother it, had vanished at once. Spike just gazed his weapon as if it was a foreign thing, he'd never been able to that before, and the professor had

never mentioned it to him before. Sensing Ai behind him, he decided to introduce himself before the questions rose.

"I'm Spike….maybe we should talk at the Professor's over some dinner!

" Ai nodded and allowed herself to be lead, as they walked Spike noticed something about her and had to ask.

"I don't mean to pry Ai….but you're not from this world are you?"

She tensed at his words but nodded.

"Yeah…it's a long story but your right. I'm not from here."

Other worlders weren't rare, in fact every world in this universe was offend visited by others. But most never stayed long, nor did they normally do such

things as fight…whatever those creature thing were. But spike shrugged that off for now, at least unti he had something to eat.

Elsewhere, in another world entirely, another "boy" was in the heat of battle. Boy wasn't quite the right word to describe him though, as he was a robot of

sorts. He stood at about five feet, had sleek metallic skin, orange spiked hair, twin metal pike wings on his back, and twin pistols in his hand. He was Axel

and t the moment he was doing his job as a Maverick hunter. In his world, the robotic beings that lived here known as Repliods often became evil and

corrupted. It was Axel's job to take care of this "Mavericks" to ensure no one was harmed. At the moment he was in the training simulation at hunter base,

fighting off a virtual version of the Maverick known as Earthbyte Trilobite. Or in Axel's case shooting repeating and watching him squirm. Once the Maverick

was defeated, the simulation ended and Axel's fellow A-class hunters Megaman X and Zero entered the room.

"Not bad Axel, looks like you've made a full recovery."

X told the young hunter, referring to an incident Axel had with the Maverick Lummine.

"I told you guys I was find! Once Palette gives me a final look I'll be back to helping you guys!" Just as Axel finished his boasting, the HQ's alarm went off and

the trio was stunned to find the same creatures that had attacked Spike.

"W-What are they?"

Axel asked as he drew his pistols, Zero answered his question with.

"It doesn't matter! Just take care of them!"

Before Zero or X could draw their weapons, Axel was overcome with a strange feeling. He raised his guns and shot at the creatures, and was surprised to see

bullets made out of shadows instead of his normal bullets. They destroyed the creatures in an instant, and then a stunned Axel and company were blinded by

a sudden light. When the light died down, X and Zero found that Axel was gone, which didn't settle with any of the two hunters.

Once again in another world, a battle was being raged….just not a physical battle. In a dimly lit detective agency building, trios of strange and colorful

anthropomorphic animals were agreeing. The leader was a huge green crocodile who had a golden chain and headphones, he was currently yelling at the

youngest member: a bee. The three member of this odd band was a purple chameleon who simply leaned on a wall and watched with mild interest.

"I told you to find a new case Charmy! We need to pay the rent!"

The crocodile, Vector, was telling the young Bee Charmy.

"But I found a lot stuff!" Charmy whined as he waved a few pieces of paper about.

The chameleon chose this moment to respond, as he pointed at the papers and said.

"Charmy those are nothing then rumors; I doubt we will get paid for knowing that Silver has daddy issues."

The trio argued a bit more, then a loud knock interrupted them as Vector was about to introduce Charmy to a little chin music.

"Oh! A customer!"

Vector cried happily,dollar signs in his eyes, as he went to open the door. The chameleon sensed something wrong at once, and in blinding speed he pushed

his friend out of the way and opened the door. In the doorway was one of the creatures, which the chameleon tried to dispatch with a hidden ninja star.

Vector didn't seem to like that at all, what with a potential "customer" writhing on the floor.

"Espio! What was that for?!"

The croc yelled, not thinking straight at all.

"It is not natural! I sense nothing but evil from it!"

To prove his point, the creature rose with a snarl and resumed its onslaught. Espio grabbed another of his ninja stars to defend himself, but instead found an

unfamiliar katana in his hand.

"What is this?!"

Espio expressed, confused at the strange weapon in his hand. He disregarded the confusion at the moment, and with amazing speed sliced the creature in

two. Once it faded away, a light much like the one that had taken Axel away blinded the trio. When Espio was found gone, Vector expressed his worry.


For a fourth time, another world must be visited for yet another hero. Or rather, another heroine in this case. The girl in question was cheerfully dancing

about as she twirled a giant hammer around, the frilly skirt/dress she wore bobbing up and down. Her aqua blue hair and shining blue eyes seemed to be

extra radiant today as the girl, Meru, was happier than ever today. For the first time since her adventures outside her home, her friends were coming to visit.

Meru was part of a species known on this world as Wingies, humanoid beings with dragon mixed in. On top of that, thanks to her leaving her people's home

for said adventures, she was also now a dragoon, the champions of dragons. After saving her world from total destruction alongside her friends, she'd return

to her home for a bit of a break before resuming her true quest: finding her true love. However her dance would soon end as she heard a few people

screaming a bit away. She leapt into action and found a few of her fellow Wingies being attacked by the creatures that seemed to be everywhere.

"Stand back! I'll deal with them!"

Meru asked as she felt her Dragoon gem warm up. In an instant she transformed into her blue armored Dragoon form, her hammer ready to fight. Or it would

have if it was still there; instead she found her hands filled with a strange silver-blue magic of sorts alongside the hammer.


She questioned as she felt the magic release and tossed her hammer into her foes. They vanished and the familiar blinding light took Meru along for a ride to

somewhere else.

All done! Lot of strange choices for heroes huh? Just wait and see whose next! Now here's a bio for those who may not know these heroes.

Spike: A young boy (sixteen in this, based on his PSASBR appearance.) who has fought against the super smart monkey Specter and his legion of mischief

monkeys. With the aid of the professor, and his wide away of gadgets, he saves the day one monkey at a time. First appeared in Ape escape.

Yatterman 2/Ai Kaminari: Part of a superhero mecha duo in her world, Ai alongside her boyfriend Gan Takana to find the strange skull gem before a band of

crooks do. Kind and brave, there isn't anything she can't do with her shock baton and loyal mecha. She first appeared in Yatterman.

Axel: An A-class Maverick hunter. While abit on the cocky and naive side compared to his fellow hunters, Axel has proved he's more than capable to fight off

Mavericks. Due to a recent attack by the Maverick Lummine, his health as a replied has been called into question. He first appeared in MegamanX7.

Espio the chameleon: A ninja/detective who works alongside Vector the crocodile and Charmy bee, to comedic effect. While he's normally stoic and serious

compared to his co-workers, he does care very much about them. He first appeared in Knuckle's Chaotix.

Meru: An uber-silly girl who left her tribe of Wingies to find the true meaning of love. After meeting the Dragoon hero Dart she joined his quest to save the

world. While seemly cheerfully and energetic, her quest foe love's meaning often torments her. She first appeared in Legend of Dragoon.