She was beautiful. She had long spiky hair in a ponytail that was white as snow, her bangs covering half of her left eye. Her eyes were an incredible blue, almost too blue to be real. Her skin was pale and flawless. Her lips looked soft, like baby lips. Pink, perfect, and glossy as one corner tugged up into a smirk. She was tall, independent, confident, and she meant business. But that didn't mean she didn't know how to have fun. She was like a queen. Her name was Jacklyn Overland.

She was the head manager of a very popular fashion company. She walked into the room, walking down the hall like it was a fashion show. She had a sleeveless black and white thick-striped dress on, with a turtle neck collar. She had tight black jeans on, and tall shiny black boots with a thin heel. She had a folder in her hand, as she went to talk to the CEO in his office about new ideas for winter fashions. She walked into the glass doors while shutting them slowly and quietly behind her, not interrupting anyone who was working hard and diligently.

She walked out not a few minutes later, taking off her glasses, which weren't prescribed, and lightly tucking them into her dress pocket. Her now free hand swinging back and forth as her glasses fell out onto the floor. Without noticing, she left quickly while turning some heads as she exited…as usual. Everyone thought she was flawless, so it happened regularly.

Hicca Haddock walked into the room, almost stepping on the glasses as her big emerald green eyes locked onto them. She picked them up carefully while looking around the room.

"Um, excuse me? Do these glasses belong to anyone?" She spoke loudly enough that everyone would hear. They didn't notice Jacklyn dropped them either. They all shook their heads, returning to her work.

"Hmm…guess I'll hang on to them til someone is looking for them." She said quietly to herself as she walked into the break room that was right near the exit that Jacklyn walked out of, where she dropped her glasses.

Jacklyn walked out of the building and walked over to her white Prius, jumbling with her keys as she finally unlocked the door. She sat down and realized that her dress pocket was empty, her glasses gone.

"Fuck..." She cursed under her breath as she got out of the car, locked it, and walked hurriedly back into the building. Searching the floors and anywhere she could've dropped them, she didn't find them anywhere. She was on the top floor now, where she had recently talked to the CEO and went into the break room. She sat down, her feet aching from walking in her heels all day.

"Ugh...god damnit..." She mumbled as she relaxed for a minute before getting up, only to bump right into someone.

"Oof! H-hey! Can you watch where you're going? I'm kinda in a hurry..." She snapped, before looking at who she bumped into. Her narrow eyes widened as she slightly blushed.

She was adorable. She had messy cocoa brown hair that stopped right at her lanky shoulders. She had big emerald green eyes, framed by a pair of ridiculously large glasses. But they suited her. Her face was smothered with freckles, looking like they had exploded all over across the bridge of her button nose and rosy cheeks. She was a peach colored skin, freckles all over. Her lips were a petal pink, that grew into a dorky crooked buck-teeth gapped smile. She was short, geeky, and weak. But that didn't mean she didn't have a strong heart. She was incredibly cute. Her name was Hicca Horrendous Haddock.

...The third.

She was the new intern at the fashion company. She fumbled and flustered and jumbled her words as she shifted her small feet and fiddled with her fingers, trying to find an apology. She had dark green jeans on, that were obviously too big on her. She had a light green cardigan on with a brown v-neck underneath, and wore worn out dirty brown all-stars. She had a hunter green beanie on as well. Her fashion sense was a little wack, but understandable...since she was poor.

"I...I-I'm so sorry! It was all my fault. I should look where I'm going...oh..oh my gosh! Y-you're Jacklyn Overland! The head manager of this company! It's such an honor to meet you!" She beamed brightly like a shining star, slightly jumping up and down with excitement and anticipation.

"Heh. It's nice to meet you, um..." She lightly chuckled at first.

"O-oh! My name is Hicca Haddock. I'm the new intern."

"Well it's nice to meet you, Hicca." She smiled, still admiring the cutie. When she noticed that Hicca had her glasses in her pocket.

"Um, I believe those glasses are mine?" She asked, gesturing for Hicca to hand them over.

"O-oh! These belong to you? You must've dropped them on your way out. H-here~" she shyly handed them to her.

"Why are you so shy?" Jacklyn asked, taking her glasses. Still smirking of course, making the other blush a little.

" are famous. And when someone is famous, they tend to intimidate others of the lower rank in popularity.

'Wow, this girl is smart.' She thought to herself.

"Well, Hicca. I promise I'll try not to be intimidating. I'm actually a big goofball and I'm really fun when you get to know me." She gave a sincere smile, and said with a playful tone.

Hicca didn't reply, as she just giggled and gave a small smile. Blushing as well.

'Gosh, why is she so adorable?!'

"Well, I'm still in a hurry. But hopefully I'll see you around? We can go and get coffee sometime. In an...unprofessional matter." Jacklyn emphasized "unprofessional", giving the smaller girl a wink.

"Hehe, alright... It was nice meeting you~" Hicca said, looking up at the taller female.

"Goodbye, now~"

"...bye." Hicca said quietly, a little sad that Jacklyn had to leave. But they did work in the same place, so that reassured her a bit.

And they rest of the day, the two girls couldn't stop thinking of eachother.