Ok, so this is probably really overdue and please don't kill me, I swear, I have reasons! but basically, this is not a chapter. AND BEFORE YOU RUN AND CURSE ME JUST LET ME EXPLAIN SOMETHING, PLEASE?!

So, before I turn all shy and typical and pretend I'm not going to have to ask you this at all, basically, I'm just going to say it. I'm kinda losing interest in this story. now don't get me wrong, I'm not just going to . . .end it, but life as we all know is a proper idiot and sometimes dealing with it gets too much. But, I sort of have a solution

Now, I do actually have like. . .the first three words of the next chapter of this story already written, but, I was basically reading a fanfiction called 'Devils like to Dance' which currently has over 200 chapters, and basically, the way it works is that instead of having one solid plotline, it has multiple plotlines that make arcs. Meaning the author can start an arc on whatever genre they want and when they get bored of it finish it and start a new one. So, I got thinking, and since looking back at the first story of this series and cringing at how many loopholes and mistakes and stupid things there are, I basically thought it over. It wouldn't exactly be a re-write even though I'd probably borror some of the storylines such as the one with the Kirkland brothers, but rewriting it in this style just seems to be so much easier than trying to cram it all into the Harry Potter plotline as well.

I hope you understand what I mean here, I really do XD

And basically, I'm writing this to kind of. . .well ask you what I should do, and whether you'd be ok with the idea of me sort of rewriting this series and sort of starting over. Some things will change, some things will stay the same, but I feel like I should ask you all first; because I LOVE YOU ALL AND I WANT TO KEEP YOU HAPPY

And for those of you who might be wondering, I do have the first chapter of the 'rewrite' written and i'm currently writing the second chapter whenever I'm bored. If you really, reall want, I can maybe send you an extract of the first re-write chapter, and only an extract (Unless your Crimson, who's already read it XD) then I'll see what I can do. So basically, I'm asking you whether you want me to go through with the 'rewrite' or just continue with it like this. If you do have questions, my goodness please ask them and then I'll get back to you as soon as I can. That's it, I suppose. That's all I kind of have to say XD so yes, please tell me what you think and you have any questions or suggestions and yadayadaya and I promise I'll get back to you and . . . Yeah

~ Rose