Hiya everyone, this is my 2nd fanfic, my first is super smash bros Wish Upon a Star ikexzelda, check it out if you like this. I pretty much got the inspiration to write this while listening to Girl On Fire by Arshad(awesome song btw). I replaced the hunger games characters with the super smash ones. Some however are a little different in personality like Zelda who is Katniss. I was going to reveal the characters and the smash characters comparison but then I thought.. Nah! That would be a spoiler! You have to find out yourself...:-P

Also instead of dying I replaced it by KOs cos I don't really like the idea of our heroes dying to be honest:-C. Well enjoy and review. One more thing, I won't state everything about the rules and everything so I advise those who read this to not complain about misinformation as I expect you to be familiar with the hunger games... Anywayzzz enjoyyy!:-)

The Smash Games:

The Princess and her Knight

Chapter One

I pull my leather boots on one by one, not taking my eyes off my younger sister, Peach who is busy brushing her blond hair in the mirror. I smile to myself when she starts to hum the song of the valley I taught her a few years ago. My head turns to my left to see my mother staring out the window into the light of day. I know she is worried, any sane mother would be. Peach, on the other hand looks perfectly calm with every note she hums.

I finish wearing my boots and stand to take my leave. Peach's eyes trail from her reflection to me, without stopping her grooming.

"Make sure you look your best."

She puts her sweetest smile on. "You too. Don't stay out long. Say hi to Link for me, ok?"

"Sure. Bye mom." My mother doesn't respond but I expected that. Ever since our father died, she completely blocked out the world and entered her own.

At first it was hard for me to care for my family and carry the burden of being the oldest and only capable of bring home food. I managed though, eventually, it took me a while but I managed.

I start my normal walk up through our village of District 12, the very last district and the most poor. Our speciality is mining. A few people greet me as I walk by the town and occasional winks follow. A normal person would find it weird but me I know it's a signal. A signal that it is safe to venture out through the barbed wire fence that separates our district from the freedom of the forest. After the town I pick up my pace and jog through the lush meadows until I arrive to said wire fence. I put my ear to it out of habit and hear no buzzing sound of electricity. There has never really been electric since I was small but I like to be safe. I walk along the fence and find the weak part in the fence, a hole in the defence. I throw my equipment over the fence and squirm under the little opening in the fence. I take one look back at my town before I go into the forest with my equipment.

It takes me half an hour to get to the hill where I normally sit and relax with my good friend, Link. I take care in putting up snares along my way to catch unsuspecting forest animals. Any animal is good as long as it fills our bellies and keeps us going for another day. I stop at a tree and reach inside it to pull out my bow and arrows. They're my father's and I keep them stashed there because the authorities don't allow weapons. When I get near to my usual spot I see a young boy with a thick head of blond hair sitting on the slope of the hill. He turns around to face me when he hears my steps closing in.

"Hiya." he says airily with a smile across his face.

I plop down beside him on the grass and pull up a handful of grass to mess with.

"Nervous?" he asks me.

I stare at his baby blue eyes and swallow slowly. "Yeah..."

He looks surprise for a second then laughs it off. "How many times?"

"18. Something like that. You?"

Link puts on his usual relaxed smile and tucks a strand of blond hair behind his elfin ears. I have elfin ears too, my family and his aren't related, only a handful of the residents of District 12 have them.


I gasp at the number but Link lifts a hand onto my shoulder. "That much?"

Link sighs. "Yep. I guess the odds aren't in my favour, huh?"

We both laugh as we recall the common catchphrase of Marth, the official from the Capitol who pulls the names out.

"Happy Smash Games and may the odds be ever in your favour!" I put on my best imitation of Marth on which Link obviously likes as he starts chortling.

"The Smash Games..." Link says randomly as he too begins to pull the grass from the ground. Watching him, I remember that right now we are officially breaking ten or twelve laws. It's illegal to be here, let alone catch the wildlife but we have no choice. No one wants to watch their family die of starvation.

"The Smash Games" I repeat to myself, letting the sick truth of it sink in.

The Smash Games, devised by the President of Panem, Master Hand, is a annual event where two victims of every District, or tributes as they are officially called, are chosen randomly from a pool of twelve to seventeen year olds. The two tributes consist of one male and female. Winning makes you undeniably famous but losing means certain KO(and shame). A small price to pay for riches and fame beyond our comprehension, well ok, a big price to pay.

"So how is Peach?" asks Link.

I suddenly get a worried uncontollable feeling when I think of my younger sister so to stop my fingers shaking a begin to twirl my brown hair. "She's fine but she was crying all last night. I had to hold her all night. Oh yeah and she said hi."

Link looks away from me to the magnificent forest in front of us. I follow his gaze and loose myself in its wonders.

"We could do it you know." says Link randomly.

"What?" Im confused for a second at what he meant.

Link makes a short laugh then puts a serious face on again. "I mean, we could run away from here-"

"Link, come on we can't-"

"No. I'm really serious. You and me and our families of course."

"Where would we go though Link? It's easy to say but...acually doing it... I don't know..."

"Zelda, with our skills we wouldn't have to worry about food or shelter. After the reaping we leave."

I remain quiet and so does Link for a good half hour. As usual Link is always dreaming whereas I am a bit realistic. Running away from all our problems would be great, don't get me wrong, but I just can't see it happening. I keep my thoughts to myself as I don't want to fight with Link, especially not today.

After another silent period, Link and I get up and stretch then get ready to head back home. While we walk through the forest in silence Link picks the dead animals stuck in his and mine snares as I ready my bow to catch any extra food. When we are finished and content, I stash my bow back in it's usual hiding place.

"Great job Zel." he says to me with a sudden smile after we leave the forest and the fence with our loot on our backs. We normally sell our catch but we wait until after the Reaping.

When we get to his house I see his younger brother, Toon Link wave to Link and me. I wave back aand make my way home, worry stricking my legs with every step I take. When I arrive, I see my sister sitting on my mothers lap, her face buried her chest. I take my boots off, place my other equipment in it's normal spot and go for a bath before changing into my pretty gown for the reaping.

When we arrive at the town square to be reaped I hold my sister's shaky hand until I am told by officials to separate. I kneel down in front of my sister and put both hands on her shoulders. "Listen to me Peach." She nods between a silent sob and I continue, "Your name is only in there once so the chances are incredibly slim. Don't worry ok?"

"...yes... Zelda..." her blue eyes ready to burst into tears.

"Good." I say and ruffle her long blond hair.

"You'll...be ok...and Link too right?"

My face turns serious at her words but I quickly change it as not to worry her. "Yeah. Link and I will be fine." I try to reassure myself too and not think of the 18 papers with my name and 36 with Link's.

A sudden blast of horns makes me turn to the stage where a young man with blue azure hair and a quaint tiara stands. "Come, come, lets get the excitement over, shall we!" he says with loud bubbly voice that is amplified by the microphone he has.

Officials show us where we are to stand according to our age and gender which we all follow obediently. I see Link to my far left looking grim but he smiles when I catch his gaze. He gives me a thumbs up sign and points to Peach who is standing with the other twelve year olds. I thumbs up him back and return the smile.

"Happy 74th Smash Games and may the odds be ever in your favour!" Marth shouts his signature greeting in his microphone. I notice a number of camera crew and remember that we are on live TV for the residents of Capitol.

"Yes, yes, I'm sure you have all been ticking the days off to this fantastic day where I, yours truly, will pull out the names of the lucky children who get to take part in the the Smash Games."

I hear a number of discreet groans but Marth continues. "So, without further ado I shall pick the lucky few names. Ladies first!" A lump gets stuck in my throat as Marth sticks his slender hand into a round glass bowl with our names in. I watch intently at each paper as though trying to see the names. Marth's hand lingers over a paper and grasps it. My heart beats fast as he pulls the piece of paper out with a silly grin.

"Here we go..." he says as he slowly opens it. Honestly from the silence you could probably hear a pin drop.

"Peach Hyrule...Congratulations!"

My heart stops and the air escapes my lungs...

I black out momentarily unable to comprehend what has just happened. Its...it's impossible... Of all the names... Why her...my sister...

"Zelda!" cries out a girl next to me trying to wake me up.

My eyes snap open when I hear Peach's screams of fear. The kids in front of me move out of my way and make like a passage for me to run to my sister. I run along until I see Peach being taken away by a few Peacekeepers to the stage.

"No!" I shout in protest.

Marth, still smiling, seems to like my courage and watches with a strange interest.

"I..I volunteer!" I blurt out. Gasps can be heard around me.

"I'm sorry?" asks Marth dumbly although Im sure he heard me.

I ball my fists and take one look at my crying sister and then at Marth. "I volunteer as tribute."

Marth finds this extremely entertaining and signals the Peacekeepers to release Peach who comes running for me.

"No! No! You can't..." Peach cries between sobs.

I kneel down like I did before in front of her and wipe her tears with my hand. "Please...Peach, be strong for me and mom. She needs you when I'm gone..."

"No! I won't let you..." I hear quick steps run towards us and the next thing I know Link picks up Peach and carries her away. She protests by thumping on his back but Link still smiles at me.

"Show 'em what you got Zel" he says in a voice I know he is trying to keep steady and carries Peach to our mother.

"Excellent!" gushes Marth, "That's the spirit!"

I let my legs carry me to the stage, to my doom.

"Come on darling." says Marth with a hand out at me.

I climb onto the stage and take his soft slender hand in mine before facing my people.

"Well then, let's give a big round of applause for this very brave young lady!" cried out Marth to the crowd, still enjoying the show.

Everyone however remains quiet and unmoving. The only thing that can be heard is the sobs of Peach in the distance. Marth continues smiling even through the awkwardness. I shuffle my feet and look wide eyed at the crowd as they one by one lift their two forefingers to their lips and then to me. To stranger it looks like nothing, but to us, it's a signal of thanks, goodbye or good luck. Marth looks at the crowd then to me as if expecting an answer.

"It isn't every year someone volunteers! And what would your name be?" asks Marth, a little disappointed with their reaction.

I feel my mouth tremble and a silent squeal escape my lips. "Zelda...Zelda Hyrule..." I eventually manage.

Marth seems to find this fantastic and claps his hands. "I knew it! Wouldn't want your sister to steal the limelight, huh?"

I don't respond and desperately scan the crowd to find Link... Link and his blue eyes that I could stare into forever. I find him and imagine it's just the two us alone in the forest.

"Exciting! There's more excitement to come though because now it's time to chose our male tribute!" exclaims Marth bubbly. I actually see a look of irritation on his face at the deadness of the crowd.

"Let's see..." Marth sticks his hand in and pulls the first paper his fingers touch. He pulls it out and opens it. I pray to the Goddess it isn't Link...

"Ike Greil! Congratulations!"

I freeze at the mention of that name. No, not him...of all the people...

I immediately recognize the blue-headed young man that comes towards the stage with a look of complete boredom. Though I have never spoken more than two words to him I'm surprised of myself that I know quite a bit about him. I bite my lip in anger because of all the people it had to be him. I watch him as he climbs the stairs. Average height, strong build, deep and mysterious dark blue eyes to match and cerulean hair that is kept from falling to his forehead with a simple cloth headband. I cringe at his look compared to mine. He actually looks like a warrior whereas I look like a pretty princess waiting to be saved by a prince. His eyes catches my gaze for a second, but they remain emotionless.

Marth asks for volunteers but no one steps up. I see a young girl standing in the twelve year old pool burst into tears and I remember that she is his sister, Mist.

Marth sits down politely in his chair next to the Mayor. The Mayor moves to the podium that Marth had just used and began reading the Treaty of Treason as he does every year. This time though I don't listen. I'm too stuck in my thoughts about the guy standing next to me.

Why him? I think. I try to convince myself it doesn't matter but then I remember that one time I met him and exchange less than two words...

It was a hot summer day that Link and I both promised to meet up at the stream in the forest that we recently found. We had arranged everything to make sure we had a good time. The 73rd Smash Games had recently finished, we weren't celebrating that though because that would be plain sick. Instead we were just celebrating our happiness of catching a deer in the forest a few days before. The meat on that thing gave Link's family and mine full bellies. We were so happy that we could now relax as we wouldn't have to go hunting for possibly a week.

I ran and skipped to the wired fence, snuck under it and disappeared into the arms of the forest with some food in my knapsack. Link and I had marked a few trees to guide us to the stream in case we got lost. I however found it easily thanks to my good sense of direction. I peered around the forest for any signs of Link and shrugged it off guessing that he was probably late. Then I pulled of my leather boots and dipped my sweaty feet into the soft relaxing water. I closed my eyes to savour the feeling and let my mind drift...

My eyes snapped open when I heard a pair of feet thunder in my direction from in front of me. I pulled my feet out the water and hurriedly put my boots back on. I rolled over to my bow and arrows that I had picked up earlier in case I needed them. Grasping my bow and firmly placing an arrow posed to shoot in the direction of whatever was coming to me. I knew it wasn't Link as he would have whistled out to me so I held my grip firm and readied to shoot.

As soon as the owner of the heavy footsteps stepped through the bushes concealing him, I let go of the arrow instinctively not realising who it was. I heard a sharp clanging sound and stood wide eyed to see Ike Greil block my arrow with a simple swing of his sword.

"You!" I said surprised still.

Ike merely stared at me with a irritated look. "Run!"

I didn't have to be told twice as my ears picked up the unmistakeable sound of a hovering craft nearing. Two words to describe hovercrafts: Capitol and danger. In one swift movement Ike jumped over the stream and ran off without a second glance at me in the direction of the town. I scrambled to pick up my stuff and followed him, hot on his heels. I caught up to him eventually and ran next to him. He glanced at me with his usual stoic expression then concentrated on the forest ahead of him again. Once we were clear of the forest and at the fence, he stepped back to let me go through first while he followed close. I didn't get a chance to thank him as he ran off towards the meadow in a quick sprint...

The following days at school, I passed Ike in the hall; he ignored me of course. But then, I found him staring at me from across the courtyard. I pretended not to notice and realised he must of stared at me for a good minute. Eventually I looked up and our eyes met for only a second before he turned his head away. I dropped my gaze too in embarrassment.

To this day, I cannot sever the connection I have with this boy and it digs at me like a dagger when I have turned in the hallway to catch his eyes watching me from afar, only to avert away. I feel like I owe him for saving my skin as if I was caught by that hovercraft that was obviously doing a patrol because there had been a snitch about kids running away into the forest. Maybe if I had collected my courage to go up to him in the hallway and thank him personally, I wouldn't feel this conflicted and confused. Now the opportunity to thank him probably will never happen. I'm sure of it, especially now. Because we're going to be thrown into an arena to fight each other and KO each other until the last standing. Exactly how am I supposed to fit a thank-you in there? I imagine myself and him covered in blood and both with weapons to each other's throat with me saying "Oh yeah, about that other day with the hovercraft, thanks for that, I really appreciated it." No, it sounds so wrong.

I'm snap back to reality when the Mayor finishes reading and tells Ika and me to shake hands. I hold back for a second then I look up to Ike's face and grasp his hand. My hand feels weird in his hand. I feel slightly flustered at his touch. Ike looks at me right in the eye and gives my hand what I think is a reassuring squeeze.

We turn together to face the crowd as the anthem of Brawl plays, each other not realising our hands are still locked.

Oh well, there will be twenty four of us all together so hopefully someone will get to him first before its just us two...

"Here we are!" says Marth suddenly behind us as he lifts our linked hands up in the air "Panem! I give you the tributes of District 12!"

Ike and I lock eyes and I feel his grip tighten. Never has a pair held hands throughout the hold anthem before... Maybe there is something special between us... Who knows?...

To be continued...

Haha...*random laugh*... Actually I'm really happy I got this done since I'm working on another ikexzelda fanfic right now. Just a little hinters, the start was composed fully by me but the end I took a bit of the book to make it a little more longer... Sooo... I hope you liked it! Review please if you see any mistakes or if you absolutely love this and can't contain your happiness! I accept short or loooong or nice or bad reviews, it's all up to you guys, my faithful readers!

So you these are the characters so far:

Zelda as Katniss (i didn't think that Katniss' strong attitude matched Zelda so I changed it into a soft and more compassion one)

Ike as Peeta (Ike is nothing like Peeta, just a heads up, he is wayyy stronger and seen as a threat this time and not a fluke. Oh no! Spoiler!)

Peach as Prim (these two match perfectly)

Marth as Effie (I could just imagine Marth being all bubbly and that on the stage.. I don't know why.. Haha)

Link as Gale (totally matches him especially jealousy wise)

Next chapter:

"I have to know... Do you and him have something going on?"

"What? I..."