Wow it's been ages since my last update hasn't it? Awww I'm really sorry guys *cries in a corner*, my life has been so hectic. I also decided to rewrite it a couple of times because I suddenly got a great idea. Anyway here it is (at last) so enjoy! :)

Disclaimer: I don't own the Super Smash Bros or The Hunger Games or the song I used which is TTL Deep Shadow Vocal Version, it's on Youtube if you want to hear it. I strongly advise you do as it's a really good song honestly.

All credits go to TLL Deep Shadow Vocal Version for the lyrics of the song.


I groan and push myself away from the source of the voice. A pair of hands grab my shoulders, shaking me and squeezing.

''Get up for god's sake! Zelda, we need to move. Now.''

Ike's voice registers in my brain, making me remember where I am. The arena. I open my eyes then rub them as they adjust to the sudden light around me. I bite my lip as pains ache through my body. I should of expected that seeing as I slept on the forest floor last night. The first of last night was a blur but I slowly remember falling asleep on the ground, unable to climb a tree seeing as Ike was in no shape to climb with me.

''How long was I asleep?'' I ask, my voice croaky.

''I don't know,'' answers Ike as he passes me my bottle of water, ''maybe eight hours.''

I let the thought of being asleep on the open forest floor and unarmed flow through me like the water I'm drinking. ''Any KO's?''

Ike shakes his head and gets up from across me. He looks much more better than he had yesterday, that's for sure. After a few more seconds of staring off into the distance, he turns around on his heel and stares at me with a weird expression.

''What?'' I blurt out as I proceed to get up and straighten my hair and jacket.


It takes me a good fifteen minutes to shake off the sleep and get myself together. I repack all of my supplies and we both finish off the last of the rabbit. I'm just taking a bite of some a chewy bit of rabbit when Ike jerks his head up in surprise, as of a rabbit would do sensing danger. His face is sullen and looks concerned. I open my mouth to ask him what's going on when he lifts a hand to hush me.

''Do you hear that?'' he whispers. He closes his eyes and his face scrunches up in concentration.

I listen intently, trying to pick up the sounds that I'm obviously missing. All I can hear is the soft rustling of trees in the wind. ''I can't-''

I don't get to finish my sentence as I finally realise what Ike meant. I can hear a rumbling sound, but it's not like any other rumbling sound I've ever heard. This one sounds almost natural, not like the rumbling sounds I hear when construction work is being done around the district. No, this one sounds far from a machine. The rumbling comes to an end but Ike and I don't let our guard down. A loud crunching sound echoes through the forest, we both see trees that are about a hundred meters from us collapse.

''Run!'' shouts Ike, not that I have to be told twice.

We make a mad scramble away from the increasing number of collapsing trees, bumping into each other occasionally and sometimes pulling on each other's clothes. The ground groans and a louder rumble than before sounds followed by a quick shake of the ground. An earthquake, I think as I dodge countless trees. Ike is sprinting in front of me but he isn't as good at dodging casualties as I am and at one point nearly runs straight into a tree trunk. The shaking earth beneath throws us constantly off our feet.

I try not to glance behind me as I hear the sounds of trees falling one by one. Instead I keep my eyes focused on Ike's back. I learn to regret that as Ike comes to a sudden halt and I'm sent flying into his back causing him to grunt and stagger forward.

''What?'' I let out furiously and then turn behind me to see the falling trees catching up with us.

Ike doesn't answer nor does he turn around to face me so I turn to face him and almost scream when I see what he sees.

''Hello,'' greets Sheikh as she twirls a single knife in her hand. She holds it between her fingers and aims it straight for Ike. She's aiming to get rid of the bigger threat.

Instinctively I put my hand around the handle of my knife in my belt and hold it tightly. The ground under us continues to shake and this time it's so strong that it almost knocks all three of us off our feet. Ike and I both hang onto each other, while Sheikh does a quick recover.

''Where are your friends?'' asks Ike over the sound of the falling trees.

I can't see the features below her eyes as she has wrapped a white coloured scarf around her face. However, I can guess she is probably smiling as her eyes narrow into thin slits.

''They'll be here,'' she says.

''Liar,'' replies Ike as he savours the silence that follows.

''I'm not-''

''Don't waste your breath, you were left behind.'' I'm not really taking a liking to Ike's tactic to wind her up.

Sheikh throws the knife in a quick motion that's so fast I barely see it before it wedges itself in the tree next to Ike. She missed. How could she have missed? I've seen her throw like a thousand times in the Training Centre and never once did she miss. Then I realise something's amiss. Her eyes suddenly widen and she staggers backwards before taking off in a fast sprint. Ike and I turn to what's behind us and see a wall of fire closing in on us.

We don't say anything to each other as we battle the trees once again. We head in the direction the Sheikh took off in, only because we have no choice; the fire wall is a devious scheme of the Gamemakers to get us all in one place. They do that sometimes if they feel they're not getting the gore they had hoped for. A few days of watching us sit around and sleep isn't good for the views. The people of the Capitol have a mean thirst for violence; and we're just the pieces in their game that do it for them.

As I'm running, I can only think about Peach and Link, how they're probably reacting to seeing all of this. I kind of hope that Peach isn't watching but then another part of me hopes that she is. I don't know if I'm more scared of her seeing me die in the arena or hearing the news from someone of my death. All I know is that I won't let any of those happen. Not in this universe.

The heat is suddenly horrible as the fire wall inches closer, but what's worse is the smoke that's building up around us. I pull the top of my shirt up over my mouth and nose, but it isn't helping that much. The smoke is just too thick. I run, watching Ike dodge tree after tree, then suddenly he disappears into the smoke. As I quicken my steps, my face gets scratched by branches and I almost hit my head on a low branch. Worry sears through me as my sight gets poorer by the second. The smoke is so thick that I can barely see three meters ahead of me. However, all this doesn't stop me from running. I have to run because I know I'm supposed to run.

A huge tree trunk comes down in front of me and I count my lucky stars that it didn't fall on top of me. I try to hurdle over it as I have no other option but my jump isn't high enough and my left foot gets caught on it. I fall ungracefully onto the ground on my face. I groan as the blood in my body rushes to my face and I'm starting to feel giddy but I just manage to recover and begin to sprint again. I take a chance by looking behind me and see nothing but fire and burning trees tumbling one after the other.

In a matter of minutes, my throat and nose are burning. The minute I trip over myself I know it's the end as my vision blurs over and the scorching heat of the fire creeps nearer. Then, as if by a miracle, a hand reaches out and grabs my wrist in a tight clench.

''Come on!'' I hear a voice shout before the owner begins to cough and splutter. The voice sounds familiar, like home, but my mind is all over the place and I can't concentrate. However, the voice manages to jog my brain back into motion and I'm back on my feet, biting my lip as to handle the pain. I obey the person who seems so intent on dragging me away from the fire and saving my life.

I try to see who the person is but my eyes are stinging with great atrocity that I can barely keep them open for a few seconds. It's a wonder how this person in front of me can see their way through the forest.

''Get down,'' orders the voice. I can make it out as a young boy's voice. Could it be Pit? I think to myself. Half of me hopes it is but half of me hopes it's not as I would rather never meet Pit in the arena. I could never bare the fear of having to kill him or him getting killed in front of me. If there's anybody in the arena I want to win more than me, it's definitely Pit.

As the person I presume is Pit pushes us both down onto the rough dirt ground, a strong puff of wind, stronger than I have ever experienced before, comes wailing past us.

''The wind,'' I exclaim in a croaky voice before I start coughing, ''it's blowing the smoke away.''

We both remain on the grassy floor of the forest for a good five minutes as we catch our breath and savour the feeling of fresh air. Halfway through the five minutes I must of closed my eyes as I begin to reopen them only to be greeted with a clear sight of Pit sitting across me.

''Hi there,'' he greets in a hoarse voice as the corners of his pink cracked lips curve upwards into a sweet smile.

I return the smile - something I've possibly only done towards Pit - and wince as I notice he has a burn mark across his left arm. It's not that big but the colour of it obviously shows that it must be painful. Pit follows my gaze and takes a gentle finger to it but I grab it before he touches the mark.

''Don't,'' I say, ''It'll only make it worse.''

Pit nods and retreats his hand after I let go of it. I'm suddenly aware of the silence around us as it's almost deafening and then all I can think about is what happened to Ike and if he's alright.

''Have... Have you got any water?'' Pit's blue eyes catch mine and it nearly makes my choke as they remind me of Peach's.

I nod. Thankfully I didn't lose my bag in the mad scramble and retrieve my water bottle from it before giving it to Pit and telling him to go easy on it as I'm not sure when or where I can find another water source. He nods as I hand it to him and he takes one swig of it before setting it down.

''Thank you. I lost my water bottle in the fire,'' he informs me with a sad expression.

''How did the fire start?''

Pit shakes his head and at first I assume he doesn't know. ''It was fire flowers. There was a huge bunch of them,'' he explains then pauses a moment to cough. ''I was watching the Careers when they thought it would be a good idea to try pick one to keep and use.''

I nod my head in understanding. ''As soon as they pulled one out of the ground, boom, the whole lot started spreading fire and before I knew it I was running away from it all,'' continues Pit.

We sit together in silence for a good half hour before we go over what supplies we have. Pit's supplies compared to mine are not that good in comparison. All he has are a pair of gloves and a sleeping bag. When I ask him about food he tells me that the forest is actually full of fruits and vegetables waiting to be consumed, but he warns me that he's seen a few poisonous ones, that look so similar to the safe ones that only someone with good knowledge could tell them apart.

''So, is it true?'' Pit asks me as we make our way through the forest side by side, looking for the mushrooms that Pit said he once saw and are safe to eat.

''What is?'' I ask back, not fully getting what he means.

''You know,'' he trails off then peers up at me from beneath his brunette fringe. ''About you and Ike.''

I almost want to laugh but I don't. Pit has unfortunately reminded me of the person who I was so content on not thinking about. I realise my facial expression has changed to somewhat serious, however no matter how much I try it doesn't break into a smile.

''Sorry. I reminded you of him, didn't I?'' apologises Pit as he nimbly hops over a fallen tree trunk.

I follow him suit and taking the opportunity of the audience of the Capitol watching, I try my best to look as heartbroken as I can. ''Yeah,'' I answer truthfully with a fake sob at the end. I am worried about Ike but not in the sense that I could spend hours crying about whether he'll make it until we reunite. For all I care it's actually better as it furthers the chances of me having to KO him if the time comes and I'm sure he agrees vice versa too.

''Do you two really have something going on? Is he your boyfriend?'' Pit suddenly bombards me with questions.

All of sudden I'm not sure what to say. I'm angry, not at Pit, but at Samus for putting me in this situation. What do I say? If I say 'no' then our secret will be leaked but saying 'yes' would be a lie, a little white lie that will eventually turn into a big one.

''Yes,'' I blurt out, not really knowing why I did. My mind was against it but my mouth seemed to think it was a good idea. ''And no,'' I add quietly. ''It's complicated.'' I just hope everyone who's watching is as confused as I am.

Pit seems confused as well and thankfully shrugs it off as we reach a large tree. He kneels down near to the roots and signals me to come closer. ''These are the poisonous ones,'' he says as he points to a bunch of purple mushrooms with light green polka dots. ''And these are the good ones.'' He pulls out a mushroom that has red and white polka dots.

''So this is how you've been surviving,'' I say as we pick plenty of mushrooms, eating a few as we go. ''I wonder how everyone else is coping. Food wise, I mean.''

''I don't know much about the rest but I do know that the Careers have most of the food. They keep it near the Cornucopia in a big heap,'' explains Pit as he hands me the last of the mushrooms.

''Hold on, who's guarding it when they're all out hunting?'' I ask, truly mystified at their tactic. I can seriously say I've never seen that happen before in the Smash Games. I purely assumed that they were carrying all the food they could with them and disposed the rest.

''The District 3 boy. He doesn't look that strong. In fact he seems a bit jumpy,'' says Pit as I picture whom he is talking about. I can't remember his name but I can still remember that he seemed to often wear the colour green.

''Why do that?'' I think out loud.

''Well, I guess they can't see the point in bringing him,'' says Pit, not understanding what I really meant. What I meant was why leave their food supplies behind, guarded by someone who isn't that strong.

I don't tell Pit what I really meant as I'm lost in my thoughts. Ideas are whizzing through my head and I'm weighing on a decision that I've had for sometime. ''I need to see it for myself,'' I say to Pit, ignoring his wide eyes that are stricken with fear and curiousity. ''If I don't, I'll never be able to sit still.''

''But it's not worth it, Zelda,'' he tells my desperately.

''It is, Pit. I can't just sit here and do nothing. Something has to be done. Why let the Careers have all the food when we're starving out here, eating nothing but mushrooms,'' I say, trying to reason with Pit.

I think I've won but then Pit gives me a determined look. ''I want to go with you then.''

A strange feeling stabs at my heart. A feeling I've known to well now. Fear. I fear to take him with me. Only because I fear for his life and even though this is a competition where only one winner will emerge, I can't bring myself to imagine his death when I so desperately want to win.

''You can't,'' I argue simply. Though the more I think about it, I'd rather him by my side where I can keep an eye on him than alone here in the forest.

''But I can help. I know which way it is. Face it, without me you'll be stuck.''

I sigh then nod my head in approval. He does have a point about helping me find the way. I actually have no idea on even where to head. ''Fine, but on one condition.''

''Name it,'' he says, smiling with glee, obviously happy to be able to accompany me.

''You do everything I say. Promise?'' I hold out my hand ready for a handshake which Pit grasps and nods.

As it's getting late, Pit and I decide to carry out our plan at first dawn, when we've had a proper rest. I'm really relieved when Pit tells me he's been sleeping in trees all this time. I really did not want to spend another night on the forest floor where anything could be lurking around, namely: the Careers.

I have to help Pit up the tree we've picked as his left arm is very weak due to the burnt mark. Once we're high enough to be obscured by the trees' dense leaves, we make ourselves comfortable on strong thick branches. I lie awake for quite some time, listening for canon sounds but none come. No deaths today. Ike survived then. At that thought, I find myself incredibly relieved.

The break of dawn arrives and I make a fuss of getting us on our way fast. Pit leads the way and I stay close behind him, holding my knife in my right hand as my eyes keep a watchful eye of our surroundings. I actually like the idea of Pit coming with me even more as a set of extra eyes watching my back lessens the burden I have.

The journey takes a long time, maybe two hours by the look of the sun's position. Fortunately we meet no hazards on the way and are able to keep trekking with ease. Somewhere deep down in me though, I keep wishing for Ike to just step out of one of the bushes around me. I realise with a jolt that he has been the subject of my mind for the whole journey. This of course makes me frown even more.

''We're close now,'' whispers Pit. He starts to tip-toe to a wall of trees and then signals me to follow. ''Come on.''

I do as I'm told and join him at a thick bush that's placed strategically between two towering trees with dense leaves. Quietly, we kneel down at the foot of the bush and peer through separate holes.

Immediately my eyes begin scanning every square inch of the Cornucopia. Pit was telling the truth. The Careers have left the District 3 boy to guard their supplies that are in a big heap to the right of the Cornucopia. It's so strange that I have a itching feeling that this is too good to be true. In other words: a trap.

I'm just about to ask Pit if he has any ideas on what we're going to do, when my eye catches a figure standing on our far left side. My heart feels like it has jumped in my mouth when I see who it is.

''Ike?'' says Pit slowly as he squints to get a better view. ''Oh, it is! It is! Zelda,'' he says as he turns to me.

My mouth is open but no words come out. I literally have nothing to say. In fact I even don't know what to think.

''But who's that with him?'' queries Pit as he leans his head to one side.

With him? I think as I try to move myself in a better position to see what's going on. At first it looks like Ike is alone but then behind him steps out Sheikh.

''Sheikh?'' I say with a gasp. Impossible. No. But why? How? When?

My shock doesn't stop there as the two of them start sprinting to the heap of supplies. Halfway though they both stop at the same point, exchange glances then nod at each other. A bright glint behind Ike catches my eye and I realise he has his sword with him. He must of got it somehow. Upon remembering Ike's weapon I desperately search for my bow and arrows but to no avail. The Cornucopia is next to empty. Looks like the Careers made a point to clear that out. Then I feel the blood rush from my face as I realise who has it. Sheikh.

Sheikh makes the first move and performs some kind of dance along the rest of the path to the heap of supplies. Ike waits a few seconds before doing the same thing, much to my surprise. I never guessed him to be type to dance. He always seemed so heavy footed. However as time gradually passes and they perform more weird patterns of hooping and jumping; I suddenly realise the truth behind it all. I notice when Ike accidentally trips himself up and makes an awkward right step, only to close his eyes in fear. Sheikh stops dead at the action too and covers her face with her arms.

''It's a trap,'' I say out loud for Pit to hear. I already figured there would be one, but seeing what I just saw confirms all my suspicions.

''That's why they're hopping about like that then,'' concludes Pit, nodding in understanding. ''But what's the trap? Is it a bomb?''

''Mines probably,'' I answer as I watch them both continue to hop about; only now Ike is moving more slowly.

''Mines?'' repeats Pit. ''I didn't know they supplied mines in the games.''

''They don't,'' I say. I point to hole after hole in the ground near to the plates where we started. ''Somehow they must've dug the mines out, placed the mines around their stash and reactivated them.''

Eventually Ike and Sheikh arrive at the heap and begin taking all the food they can carry with them. Then Ike says something to Sheikh which makes her put the food back. I realise Ike only has taken a little bit of food before they begin to hop back to safety. On the far right side, the District 3 boy is fast asleep, oblivious to what's happening.

''OI!'' A loud shout makes Pit and me practically jump up in fright. I manage to regain myself and see that the same has happened to both Ike and Sheikh. Worry sweeps over me as the bushes where Ike and Sheikh emerged from begin to rustle violently. All of a sudden the remaining Careers lunge out with weapons at hand. Ike swiftly reaches for his sword, holding it impressively with one hand. Sheikh, on the other hand pulls out her knives and twirls them in her hand.

''We were looking for you two,'' says the one Pit told me was Ganondorf, the District 1 tribute. He is holding a long sleek sword dangerously at his side.

Then, all of a sudden I hear a snap of twigs and instinctively turn around. I nearly panic when I see Daisy, the female tribute of District 1 closing on in us with an axe in her hands.

There's nowhere to run but forward into the open, so I grab Pit's arm, wincing when I hear him hiss in pain, (I forgot his wounds) and pull him out in the open. Fortunately Ike sees us as soon as we bolt out of the trees and I know from the look in his eyes that he's telling me to come to him.

Behind us, Daisy is running like a mad man with her axe slowing her down. Pit is terrified and begins to scream. I almost want to scream in fear too but I honestly have no time.

''Zelda!'' calls out Ike as we near him. ''Get behind me. The both of you!'' he orders, his face a look of sheer determination.

I get Pit to stand behind Ike as I pull out my knife. The District 2 boy, Falcon, laughs at me but I don't care. I remember with a jolt that my bow, the bow that is meant for me is on Sheik's back, mere meters from me.

''Give me the bow!'' I order Sheikh as she glances at me.

Sheikh doesn't seem to want to comply and shakes her head. ''Give her the damn bow!'' yells Ike as he blocks one of Daisy's swings and kicks her in the stomach, sending her flying backwards. She groans and remains on the floor, clutching her stomach.

Falcon and Ganondorf, enraged by this, gang up on Ike, seeing as he's the strongest in the group and begin sending blows at him. Pit steps away slowly from Ike, in shock of what's happening. Frustrated at being useless, I step up to Sheikh and yank the bow off her. She tries to struggle at first then reluctantly lets me have the bow. She then nods curtly at me before joining Ike in battle.

I pull on the bow and find that it's fairly tighter than the one I use at home. At first I'm scared and my hands start to shake but then seeing the scene before me I build up my courage. Taking a deep breath, I aim an arrow ready to fire at Falcon, whom is in a tight battle with Ike. Falcon's very fast and with the mace he has, he manages to hit Ike a few times on the torso. Ike however never gives up and continues to swing his sword. I'm just about to fire when I hear I deafening scream behind me...

''PIT!'' I scream as I see Daisy behind Pit, holding his shoulder. I try not to shake when she lets go, causing Pit to fall, to reveal a spear sticking out of his back.

The whole world seems to slow down and it's like Pit has just fallen in slow motion. My mind literally can't comprehend the feelings I'm feeling right now and my visions starts to go all jumbled up. Without thinking, I move my aim to Daisy and let the arrow go.

The last thing I see is Daisy toppling over, with an arrow buried deep in her neck. I can still hear the clanking of metal behind me and Ike's occasional grunts. I'm so angry that I pull another arrow out and turn to face Falcon and Ganondorf, switching my aim between them. Falcon blocks one of Ike's attacks and pushes him away when he realises what I'm doing. His face is stricken with fear and he bolts off into the trees without Ganondorf. Sheikh yelps as Ganondorf's sword cuts her arms before he too realises what happened at evades.

I wanted to shoot them both down, I really did, but my hands were shaking so uncontrollably that I was worried I might of hit Ike instead. I stand helplessly for a second then Ike is at my side, supporting me.

''Pit,'' I choke, as tears start to appear in my eyes. I let Ike guide me to Pit, whom is lying on his stomach.

Ike shoves Daisy away from Pit and I can still hear her gasping for breath. Seconds later her canon goes off and she lies unmoving. Pit eyes are still open, occasionally fluttering, his breath is uneven though. One look at the wound and Ike shakes his head at me. The spear is embedded too deep that there is no way we can remove it without Pit losing too much blood.

Slowly, Pit reaches out a hand and grabs my own. I can barely stop my hand from shaking, that Ike reaches across and closes his hand around mine. Together we hold Pit's hands, holding on like it's vital for us, instead of Pit.

''Tell me... Is it true?'' he whispers with a small smile. ''Is it true that you love each other?''

Ike stops watching Pit and our eyes meet. ''Yes,'' he says, so sure and confident.

Pit smiles at Ike then eyes me, longing for an answer. I stare into Ike's icy blue eyes. ''Of course,'' I manage to say after a slight sob.

''Then you have to win,'' he says, though I'm not sure who to as he stares off at the sky. ''Promise me that. Please?''

We both nod and then eye each other, thinking the same thing.

I gently stroke Pits forehead and lift his head into my lap. ''Can you sing?'' he asks suddenly.

Sing? I think, not knowing what to say. I don't usually sing, only a short lullaby song that my father made up when I was younger.

''I can,'' offers Ike feebly. ''If you want that is.''

Pit's eyes lighten up at Ike's offer and nods. I watch Ike in amazement, wondering where he's kept that side to him all this time. Ike takes a deep breath and starts:

''Come lullaby, I can see your eyes

Deep inside, shining in the dark

You and I, falling in the stars

Burn desire

We will fight the night

And the lies

Riding through the fire

We'll be free to fly

Never ending light

In the darkest night

You're the reason why

I don't want to die

Away from the deep shadow we fly

Away from the deep shadow we fly

Away from the deep shadow we fly

Riding through the fire.''

Ike's voice is so calm and smooth that it causes me to cry even more. The air is quiet and stiff and all I can hear is myself sobbing.

''Stay with each other... And... And promise me you'll win... For Peach... And for me...'' Pit manages to whisper before his eyes flutter shut.

''Pit?'' I say desperately, trying to make him hold out longer. Ike closes his eyes too and prepares for the inevitable.

''I promise,'' I answer between sobs.

Ike's hand holds my own and he opens his eyes. ''We promise,'' he says.

Pit's canon fires and I lean forward to place a kiss on his forehead. Ike helps me place her head gently on the ground and we both stand kneel nest to her, holding each other. A sudden thought comes to me of what this must look like. It actually kind of looks like a couple mourning a lost child.

Ike tells me we should leave as the hovercraft that collects the bodies will be here soon. Ike takes all the stuff Daisy has on her and I remove the small pack that Pit had with him. I know he'd want me to have it. Once we're done, we resume in holding each other, watching Pit, smaller than ever. He actually looks like he's sleeping. His face is serene and gorgeous, thanks to Ike's song. The song cheered him up.

Sorry that this chapter a little shorter than my previous ones, but I thought this was a good part to stop at. Next update will probably be up by the weekend or next week, depending on whether I have time. Thanks for all the reviews and also a huge thanks to Total Romance Fan for motivating me to finish this chapter. Thanks again! :D