Hey guys here is the ninth and final chapter of the story. Please enjoy. Read on to see what happens next.


He was at Twilights house trying to heal her. He still wasn't that experienced in healing other ponies. He remembered his brother who gave up his own life to bring Derpy and Applejack back to life. Tears started forming in his eyes. But then he shook his head and started concentrating.

"Come on," said Nightcore," come on. I can do it." He was starting to sweat. Then he heard a voice in his head. 'Come on little brother you can do it,' said the voice in his head,' I will always be with you.' The voice was his older brother Jigsaw speaking to him. Nightcore relaxed and just closed his eyes and continued healing Twilight. Twilight looked at Nightcore with on eye closed and the other open. She watched as he put her bones back in place. After a while she was able to move her legs again. Nightcore opened his eyes and looked at Twilight. She was looking back at him. Then Nightcore helped Twilight up off the ground. The others looked at them both. Rainbow Dash, Derpy, Speed Chaser, Scootaloo, and Fluttershy were sitting next to the front door guarding. Well, Speed chaser was flirting with Fluttershy. He was making her laugh with his jokes. Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash, and Derpy were talking to each other. Then they all looked at Twilight. After Twilight was able to walk again all of them went outside. Fluttershy was in front of Speed chaser. Then he rushed in front of her and opened the door for her. She just smiled and walked out looking at him. Speed Chaser smiled at her and leaned his head to the side and then closed the door when she walked out. Speed chaser and Fluttershy stopped when they saw the others looking at the sky. The both of them looked as well. They saw the Rainbow Factory right above Ponyville. Rainbow Dash looked at the factory angry.

[Rainbow Light]

"Load the blaster!" yelled Rainbow Light. From the edge of the cloud a giant blaster was rotating. It pointed down at Ponyville. The pegasus controlling it laughed. Then a different pegasus put in an electrical power source in the blaster. Then the blaster shot at Ponyville. Princess Celestia made a shield with her horn. The blast hit the shield and bounced off of it. It came back at the Rainbow Factory. Pinkie Pie stepped up and made a shield as well. The blast hit her shield and died out. Pinkie Pie held up the shield to make sure that the blast was done. Then she put down the shield and jumped down towards Ponyville. Rainbow Light followed her down. Rainbow Dash looked up and saw Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Light coming down. He opened his wings and flew towards them. Derpy followed.

"Rainbow Light," said Pinkie Pie," I will get Derpy. You just get Rainbow Dash." Rainbow Light just nodded and they split up in different directions. Derpy looked at Pinkie Pie who was flying to the left and Rainbow Light who was flying to the right. Rainbow Dash turned around and flew towards Rainbow Light. He flew faster and faster towards him. Rainbow Light flew even faster than Rainbow Dash. Then they collided. Rainbow light tackled Rainbow Dash since he went faster. Then he threw Dash at the ground. He landed hard on the ground. He got back up and looked at Rainbow Light who was flying slowly on the ground.

"Don't you see," said Rainbow Light," you can't beat me. I'm too fast for you." Then Rainbow Dash threw dirt at Rainbow light's face. Rainbow light closed his eyes and put his hoof in front of him to black the dirt. When he opened his eyes he was kicked in the face by Rainbow Dash. He flew back a couple feet. Then he got pinned by Rainbow Dash. He kept smacking Rainbow Light back and forth with his hooves. Rainbow Light tried to block it. But then he grabbed Rainbow dash's hooves and threw him off of him. Then Rainbow Light pulled out a spear. He swung at Rainbow Dash and cut his neck. Rainbow Dash held his neck. The spear cut his neck and it started to bleed. Rainbow Dash just ignored it and looked at Rainbow Light. Rainbow Light smiled viscously at him.


She got thrown to a wall and got hit by pinkie Pie. Derpy grabbed Pinkie Pie's face and smashed it into a wall. Pinkie Pie kicked Derpy's leg to trip her. Then Pinkie Pie kicked Derpy on the stomach. Derpy opened her wings. It had knives hidden in the feathers of her wings. She swung her wings at Pinkie Pie. The knives shot out of her wings and at Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie widened her eyes. The knives hit Pinkie Pie all over her body. She fell down with her mouth full of blood. She held her stomach and coughed out blood.

"You will not hurt anymore ponies," said Derpy walking up to Pinkie Pie," you will die now and never come back." Then Pinkie Pie pulled one out and turned it into a white light. She threw it at Derpy. It hit her on the head and fell to the floor.

"Really?" Derpy said. Then the light started to shake and jump up in the air. The light let out a bright flash of white light. Derpy fell back when she got flashed by the light. Then the light went out. She rubbed her eyes trying to adjust to her regular vision. When she started seeing normally she got picked up. She was picked up by a giant pony. She looked up and saw its eyes. It was bigger than any house in Ponyville. Derpy was only the size of the giant ponies hoof. The pony was all black. When she looked at the pony closer she saw that it was an alicorn.

[Rainbow Dash]

He threw Rainbow light at a giant rock. He hit the rock and it split in two. Then Rainbow Light saw Rainbow Dash flying towards him. He moved to the side. Rainbow Dash missed him and went head first in the rock. Rainbow Light flew high in the sky. Rainbow Dash was the size of an ant from Rainbow Light's point of view. Rainbow Dash got out of the rock and looked around for Rainbow light. Then he looked up and saw him. Rainbow Dash opened his wings and flew towards Rainbow Light. Rainbow Light saw him coming and he flew towards Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash was picking up speed. His eyes were squinted and his lips were wobbly. Then he did a sonic Rainboom. Rainbow Light just squinted and his lips were squiggly as well. Then he did a sonic Rainboom too. But then he still kept flapping his wings faster and faster. Then he did another Sonic Rainboom.

[Flash Back]

"Why can't you be like your little brother Rainbow Dash!?" his parents said.


Rainbow Light was enraged that his parents favored Rainbow Dash more than him. Then he flapped his wings even faster in anger. Then he formed another Sonic Rainboom.

[Flash Back]

"you make us look bad in front of other ponies," said his parents," even Princess Celestia herself!" Rainbow Light was being screamed at by his parents.


"I'm not doing anything wrong!" yelled Rainbow Light. Then he grew even more angry and did another Sonic Rainboom.

[Flash Back]

"You are a failure in life," yelled his parents," you don't belong here"


"I'M NOT A FAILURE," shouted Rainbow Light," I BELONG IN EQUESTRIA! THAT'S WHY YOU'RE DEAD AND IM NOT MOM AND DAD!" Tears formed in his eyes and then he closed his eyes. He opened them and he had an angry expression. Then he opened his wings fully and flapped them with extremely powerful force. Then he did another sonic Rainboom, than another and another. Twilight was on the ground watching the two pegasus fight. All she could see were the sky and the ground. From the ground was one circular Rainbow and the sky showed more than five circular rainbows. Rainbow Dash saw all the Sonic Rainbooms that his brother had created. Then he collided with his brother. Rainbow Light tackled his brother and flew towards the ground. Before hitting the ground he flew upward and took Rainbow Dash to the sky. He kept flying and flying. Rainbow Dash could barely breathe because they were going too fast. Rainbow Dash looked down at the ground. It was barely visible from where they were. Then he couldn't see the ground anymore. Rainbow Light stopped above a giant cloud in the sky nearly touching space. Then he threw Rainbow Dash on the cloud. He pinned him down and started smacking Rainbow Dash over and over again.

"You have ruined my life," yelled Rainbow Light," our parents always liked you and not me! I was just a waste of space to them! Now I will kill you like I killed our parents!" Then he picked up Rainbow Dash and flew off the cloud. He was headed straight down to the ground. He had Rainbow Dash in front of him. They were getting closer and closer to the surface. Then Rainbow Light looked to the side and saw that the Rainbow Light was falling down toward the ground. Twilight, Nightcore, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Greatheart, and Rarity were shooting it down. They destroyed most of the factory and now it was falling down.

"No that can't be possible!" yelled Rainbow Light. Then he flew faster down to Equestria. Rainbow Dash closed his eyes waiting for his life to end. Then he hit the ground and made a big hole. Rainbow Light looked down at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash had his eyes closed. Rainbow Light put his hoof on Rainbow Dash's chest to feel for a heartbeat. There wasn't any heart beat coming from him. Rainbow Light smiled in success then walked away.


She was on the ground pinned down by the giant alicorn's hoof. He was pushing harder and harder. But then he got knocked down. He looked to the spot where he was. He saw all the other ponies looking at him. He just growled and disappeared. Pinkie Pie saw Twilight and the others surrounding her. Then she got up and the ponies were getting closer and closer to her. Then she teleported out of Ponyville. Rainbow Light flew away from Ponyville. The Rainbow Factory was destroyed and now it was nothing but flames. Rainbow Light flew away to the clouds. When he got up there he met up with Pinkie Pie and One Trick Pony. They were waiting for him.

"Well you proved yourself better than Bonerip," said One Trick Pony," and that you're not a worthless waste of space." Rainbow Light got mad at that last part.

"Well I am now going to launch a whole army against Ponyville. I will make the biggest army in all of Equestria. I will get everypony that despise Ponyville," said Rainbow Light," I will call the Diamond dogs, the dragons, the Renovies, Griffins, Pinkie Pie's army, Trixie, the Changelings, and you if you wish to help." One Trick Pony looked at him. Then he looked away and started walking off.

"I don't think so," said One Trick Pony," good luck with your war. This will be the very first Equestrian War." Then he disappeared.


She was crying on the body of Rainbow Dash. He was full of cuts and broken bones.

"He's dead," said Derpy," I wanted to stay with him forever. I wanted to be his very special somepony. But he's dead." She continued crying on Rainbow Dash. All the ponies gathered around her. Fluttershy came up to Derpy to calm her down. Then Derpy stopped crying and just sat there. Twilight and nightcore were snuggled together. Derpy had her eyes closed letting the wind blow in her face. Scootaloo sat beside Derpy and just hugged her. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna looked up and shot a beam in the sky and made a hole in the clouds. Then a beam of light came from the clouds and onto the body of Rainbow Dash. Then the body floated up in the sky and into the clouds. The clouds started closing after the body disappeared. Derpy looked up at the sky. Nightcore looked up at the sky and then looked at Twilight. Twilight opened her eyes and looked at him. then their heads started getting closer together. Then they kissed and their lips were locked together for a long time. Twilight perked her ears up. Nightcore had his eyes closed. Princess Celestia looked at the both of them. Princess Luna just smiled and elbowed Princess Celestia in a friendly way. Princess Celestia looked at her little sister.

"she's growing up," said Princess Luna," you can't keep babying her."

"I know," said Princess Celestia," I know. They will be perfect together."


Hey guys. Well that's the last chapter. Hope you guys liked it. Try to find my next story. It will be called "MLP The Equestrian War." Look for it when I post it. See you guys later. BROHOOF /) Also, feel free to check with me on Facebook. I will give out notices about my upcoming stories and so forth. Bye Bye.