Disclaimer: I own nothing

May be last update for this in a while :/


Kagome gasped, not too sure if she was seeing things or not, "H-how... how are you alive?" She asked after swallowing what felt like cotton.

She had seen him fall.

But there he was before her, standing tall in all his glory.

"Do you truly think it would be that easy to kill me, Priestess?" Loki asked, seemingly relishing in her shock, "How easily are all you tricked by simple illusions."

"An illusion?" Kagome repeated dumbly, 'I suppose he can make copies of himself like Shippou-chan,' She thought before giving the God a hard stare, "What do you want?"

"What you want," Loki smirked like he already knew, "A way out of this wretched place."

Kagome narrowed her eyes, not believing him, "I thought you did what you did so you could take the place on the throne," She stated with a frown, "And now you want to leave Asgard?"

"I have much bigger plans now," Loki's smirk widened, "However, I was able to spot a little mouse mourning for her home."

Well, that was new – she had never been called a mouse before.

At least it wasn't bitch or wench.

"And what?" Kagome huffed, "You will just help me out of the kindness of your heart?" She turned her head away, "I know you will want something in return."

Was she seriously even considering this?

'But if he really can get me home,' She thought hesitantly, biting her lip, 'Why can't I consider this?'

It was a betrayal to Thor, but didn't he betray her when he dragged her here and destroyed her only way home?

"Perhaps for now, but if you maintain the path you two currently walk upon, then I have no doubt that it will end in such affections."


She couldn't – wouldn't take that path Sif had described.

Thor was a good friend and all and that's all she wanted him to remain. She couldn't be selfish and just hold on to Thor like that when she didn't want that sort of relationship, especially since there was both Jane and Sif waiting.

She couldn't be the Kikyou in this relationship.

'Freedom,' She thought wistfully, 'That's all I want. I just want my freedom.'

"Priestess," Loki snapped her out of her thoughts, "What is it that you plan to do? Stay and become nothing more than a mere toy for my brother and father, or do you have a will of your own and choose differently?"

It was one of the hardest decisions of her life and she felt absolutely rotten and terrible and selfish for it, but...

"I'll go with you, Loki."