Disclaimer: Obviously I don't own Twilight or any of the characters, only my own and the story I come up with as this goes on.

When Alice and I got into the house we noticed that everyone was now upstairs in Carlisles study, as we made our way upstairs Rose walked past us followed closely by Emmett, they seemed to be arguing but I wasn't paying too much attention to them. We stepped into the room everything seemed to be moving on fast forward. Esme was standing in the corner talking to Jasper and Serena. Adam was talking with Carlisle as they stood over the body of the man who was sweating profusely and seemed to be struggling to take a breath. Alice let go of my hand and walked over to Esme while I walked towards the man.

It was strange; he looked like he hadn't aged a day since then. I knew it was him though, that jaw line and the blonde hair were a dead giveaway. How could this be possible? How could he be here now? This wasn't making any sense, and I intended to get to the bottom of this. He seemed to be in a great deal of pain and there was a black hole in his chest with black lines spider webbing out from the wound which seemed to be pulsating ever so slightly.

"What happened?" I asked, looking up at Carlisle. He looked to be examining an arrow head and without looking at me he handed the arrow to Adam and looked down at the man.

"Our guest here was attacked with some sort of poison, although I don't know what poison has an effect on something like him." That caught my interest, I looked down at the man and remembered when I first met him and the way he was able to sort of morph his hand into a weapon. "He is clearly not human but doesn't seem to be a supernatural creature I have ever encountered before."

"I met him before…" I spoke, while my mind still wandered back to the events from my childhood. I looked up and everyone in the room was now watching me. "When I was just a kid, there was an attack by something… or someone massive. I don't remember it very well. But he showed up. This guy and saved me from the creature. He was able to do something with his hand, like turn it into something else you know?" I was looking at Carlisle who looked down at the man for a moment while thinking.

"Cellular Reconfiguration. I didn't know that was still possible." He spoke before walking towards a bookcase, Adam was following right behind him and turned his head and huffed when Carlisle pulled a book from the case.

"Carlisle, they were a myth. Just a fable told to keep young supernaturals in line." Adam turned and walked back over to the table. He was still shaking his head but Carlisle looked certain.

"Someone want to tell me what is happening?" Alice asked and I could hear the impatience in her voice. Carlisle looked up from his book and then down at the man before looking up at Alice once more.

"Well, considering what you have told me about your visions, what we all smelled on this man and the fact that what Bella said is all true. Then this is the only thing it can be." He set the book down in front of me and I have to admit, even I didn't believe it to be possible.

"Leviathans? What?" I read the headline on the text and it didn't make any sense. Alice reached over and snatched the book up reading it, Esme, Jasper and Serena all read over her shoulder. I looked over at Adam who was standing as far away from the rest of us as possible. Carlisle was just looking at the man now, running his hand over the wound as if he could figure out a cure through touch.

"You mean to say that this man here is one of these Leviathans? Adam, didn't you mention that before?" Serena asked looking over at Adam who turned to face us now, His face was straight lined and even I could tell he seemed upset.

"Yeah, we spent years looking for one. Or for that matter a hint that they were real. We never found a single shred of evidence. I don't believe for one second that this guy-"

"Tentacles." Alice spoke aloud now, interrupting Adam mid-sentence. "I knew it was something." She looked like she would have smacked herself in the head before she handed the book off to Esme and walked over to stand beside me. I smiled at her and she returned the smile for a short moment before turning to face Carlisle. Like usual I was pretty sure I was starting to blush when she smiled. It seemed like habit now. "Carlisle is right. When I was standing with him in the woods, just before the attack, I could sense something moving. It was something I couldn't see exactly but it was like a slithering. It got so close to me but stopped before actually touching me. Like it was ready to pounce but nothing ever came of it. In the heat of the moment I thought it was the attacker but after putting everything together it only makes sense."

"What do you mean about tentacles?" I asked looking at Alice who turned to face me, and for a moment I almost forgot I asked a question. This girl…

"It says in the book, Leviathans were known to control tentacles, emerging from their backs but residing in a sort of other dimension or phase. They aren't visible until the Leviathan wants to attack and they are immensely powerful. The story goes that they were strong enough to destroy a vampire." She spoke and things started to click, I had sensed something like that before when we had met.

"It is just a made up story!" Adam turned and walked out of the room. Carlisle watched him walk out and then turned to look at Serena.

"Could you please keep an eye on him? There is something out in those woods still." Serena gave a sharp nod before walking out of the room. "Jasper could you please call Edward and make sure everything is alright in Alaska, and please fill him in." Jasper turned to walk away and just as he reached the door Esme spoke up.

"Tell him to be careful please!" Jasper looked back and nodded once more before slipping out of the door. Esme walked over by Carlisle and looked at the man. "Do you know of any poison that could do something like this?" Carlisle shook his head and continued to examine the wound. I didn't know what I could do to help and the smell of him was starting to give me a headache. It didn't seem to be BO but it was a strange mix of Ozone and fire. So I turned and walked towards the door, I could feel Alice following behind me. I knew I couldn't stand being the house at the moment so I went to the front door and pulled it open.

"Where are we going?" Alice asked but I wasn't sure. I knew at the least I couldn't be in the house. Everything that had been happened in the week since I got here was starting to run my nerves a little frayed. I walked up the driveway for a few moments before taking a random left and sitting down on a mossy rock. Alice sat down next to me and I could feel her hand on my shoulder.

"Just feeling a little overwhelmed you know?" I spoke out loud, not really to Alice but I just had to say it out loud. I felt her head on my shoulder and it did make me feel better having her close to me. "Could we head back to my house for a little while?" She nodded.

"Meet me in the garage, I'll let the rest of my family know." She took off back into the house and I got to my feet. I just needed to go lie down in my own bed for a while. I walked through the brush and out towards the driveway, I was mostly on autopilot and before realizing it I was in the garage and in Alices car. She emerged a short while later and hoped into the car next to me. "We are off!" Alice barely got out the garage door as it was opening. I didn't mind the speed so much anymore, but I must have dozed off because we were back at my house sooner than even I would have expected.

"Come on sleepy head," I felt her cool hand slide across my shoulders and help me out of the car. I noticed Charlies cruiser was missing from the driveway. He must have been at work; I have to remember to call him later. We walked into the house and walked up the stairs, as we entered my room it looked like nothing had changed. Everything was exactly where I had left it. I lay down on my bed and poof. I don't remember anything else.

When I finally opened my eyes I could see that the sun had fallen a long while ago. I wasn't quite sure how long I was out so when I turned to look at my clock I saw something much better. Alice was lying on the bed next to me, running her fingers over the sheets. I just watched as her slender fingers traced over the contours of the sheet, the peaks and valleys. I could watch her do that for hours but a noise downstairs made me jump up. Someone was moving through the house, Alice let out a muffled laugh and I felt my racing heart slow slightly.

"It is just Charlie. He has been home for a little over an hour now." I relaxed more now and climbed back into my bed. Then another thought occurred to me, and as if she was reading my mind Alice answered that question too. "He came up here to check on you shortly after he got home and no, he didn't see me."

"What about your car?" I asked looking towards the open window, the darkness pressing against it like some sort of force field.

"I moved it shortly after you fell asleep, didn't want to have to answer any odd questions you know." She looked up at me and smiled again and I felt my cheeks begin to flush with warmth once more. I leaned in close to her once again and my heart was racing, she tilted her head slightly and our lips met softly, the mixture of softness and firmness still amazed me. Not to say anything about her cool breath whenever we broke apart, or the taste she left behind. My mind was still reeling and so were certain other parts of my anatomy when I heard what sounded like footsteps coming up the stairs. I looked at the door for a moment and when I turned back to Alice she was nowhere to be found.

"Hey Bells, you awake?" Charlie asked while softly knocking on my door. He did as all parents did and pushed the door open at the same time, it was just a good thing Alice was much faster.

"Yeah dad. What's up?" I asked, running my hand through my hair. He leaned into the room and looked around for a moment before looking at me.

"Looks like you've tided up," he smirked at me and for a moment I heard what I was sure was a stifled laugh coming from outside the window. Charlie didn't seem to notice so I pretended the same. "Anyways. There is some food in the oven downstairs I have to head back into work early tomorrow, so behave yourself and keep the noise down." He began to close the door.

"Thanks dad." I said, he opened the door again and I saw the smile on his face for a moment before he nodded and closed the door. I turned to look at the window to see Alice sitting against the window frame we both listened for Charlie to make it to his room before she hopped over to me bed and sat down.

"Totally Jasper, He thought your room could use a little cleaning." She was beaming a wide smile at me and I returned the gesture before my thoughts turned to her family.

"Have you heard anything from them since we left?" I asked and her smile softened before it fell.

"Yeah, the man or, Alexander I guess. He stabilized, his body seems to be fighting the poison but even now, Carlisle has no idea what it is or where it even came from. They are just going to keep him under a close eye and mostly just hope for the best. I hope he doesn't make it personally…" She spoke that last part quietly but luckily for me, I was able to pick it up.

"Don't say that Alice, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here today." I said and placed my hand on her arm. She looked down at my hand for a moment before placing hers on top of mine and looking into my eyes.

"I know, I know... It's just... What if Carlisle is right? That he is one of those Leviathans? From what I have read about them, they don't seem like anything close to good news." She was running her fingers over my hand and I was enjoying the sensation quite a lot. "What if he only saved you so he can get you later? I couldn't bear the thought of losing you Bella."

"I know that," I said before taking both of her hands in mine. "You won't. Not as long as we are together, you, me and your family. I don't think Alexander would do anything, but if he did. Well, we will deal with that if it comes to that." She smiled; seemingly comforted by the thought but then a new thought occurred to me, something that scared me even more.

"Damn." Alices expression changed slightly to something of more confused. "That means I have to go to school tomorrow."

The week went by surprisingly well to be honest. I sat with the Cullens now and I could feel some of the curious glares that were shot our way but I didn't let it bother me. Most of the school was content to just ignore me now that I was hanging out with Alice and her family all the time. Jasper had gone up to Alaska to see Edward but Alice told me he checked in regularly and everything seemed to be going okay. Alexander had stopped moving around and was very still, with the exception of his chest rising and falling. The wounds were beginning to heal themselves also. Carlisle guessed that it wouldn't be too long before he was finally awake. The bell rang on the last class of the day and I scooped up my books and followed the group of students leaving class, sure enough, there was Alice standing the in the hallway as had become custom. We walked towards my locker and put things away and followed Alice outside towards the parking lot.

"Alice! Bella!" It was the voice of Serena. We turned at the same time to see her jogging up to us. She looked amongst the students making sure everyone else seemed preoccupied. "Our guest woke up; he said he wants to talk to you and said he won't be talking to anyone else until he does." He wanted to talk to me? I could see Alice in the corner of my eye staring at me intently.

"Not alone. If he wants to talk to her that's up to Bella, that's her decision. But if she does then it won't be alone." Alice was putting her foot down and I wanted to agree with her but a small part of me worried it won't be so easy. We left the school together and climbed into Alices car, we took off at a high speed once again heading towards the Cullen house.

When we reached the front door Rosalie and Emmett were standing outside. Like usual, she didn't seem to be in a very good mood. Serena was the first out of the vehicle; not wanting to waste any time. At least Alice kept her pace mostly human for my sake. I climbed out of the car and went into the house through the door in the garage. Emmett was standing inside the house now, no sign of Rosalie or Serena though.

"Don't worry pixie, I'll be right there. She will be safe." Emmett said to Alice as he winked at me.

"Like hell, I am going to be in there too." Alice said turning away from him and taking my hand in the process. We walked up the stairs towards Carlisles study where they had brought him when he was unconscious. We reached the door and I was somewhat surprised to find him sitting while facing away from me. He was holding his arm out to each side and making fists, like he was trying to find the strength in his arm. Carlisle stepped up to us now and placed his hand on Alices shoulder. He spoke something in her ear that I couldn't make out and she released my hand. I didn't want to do this alone! She looked sad, but motioned for me to go forward. Was no one really going in there with me? What did Carlisle say to her that would make her bow out so quickly? I spared a glance around the hallway where all of the Cullens were standing and turned to face the room. I inhaled as deep as I could to find my courage and walked through the door.

"Isabella Swan."


"Alexander" She spoke, trying to keep her voice even but I could hear the fear in there. I pushed the door closed with one of my tentacles. It was much more difficult than I expected so once it was closing I released it and let momentum take hold. She spun around the look at the door and more than likely began to weigh her options.

"I would guess you have more than a few questions for me." I asked, standing up now and turning to face her now, properly for the first time. Her skin was still pale but it had a sort of glow to it, I could taste the happiness that surrounded her, her hair was longer than when we last met and her eyes seemed to even take on a brighter shade of brown then that night all those years ago.

"It was you..." She asked not sure if she should move. She looked like she was going to walk to a nearby chair but stopped. If only this girl would realize I am not the monster in this house. I motioned for one of the chairs in the room and walked near it. She hesitated at first but then proceeded to follow and sit down.

"What was?" I asked, there were more than a few things that would come to light today.

"That night three years ago?"

This girl got straight to the point, I liked that. I leaned against the desk in front of her and looked down at the floor. I could feel her eyes following me so I nodded my head. She let out a shaky breath and placed her palms on her thighs. She was taking slow breaths trying to calm down, before she looked at me once again.

"Did you kill my parents?" She asked and I got the feeling she didn't want the answer.

"I did not, but I did kill the thing that did." I said, trying to help her out. I could feel the tears in her eyes without the need to see them. She put her hand to her face to wipe away the tears and once again I could hear the shaky breaths.

"What happened?" She asked but she didn't look at me, she was solely focused on her hands now. That's where my debate comes in. Should I tell her the truth from that night? How would she react if she knew the full truth? Then maybe I should tell her what she needed to know because the last thing she needed to know was that the mongrel was targeting her family, on orders from someone higher up.

"It was a random attack, the mong- the wolf was a recent turn. He couldn't control himself and when he found your family he attacked. If I hadn't gotten there when I did, I doubt you would be sitting here now." A fresh taste was now circling the room, anger. It was powerful, it was beyond anything I thought the girl could have conjured up. Bella looked up at me, her tears still falling down the sides of her face.

"What are you then? Huh? Some random passerby who thought he would step in too late?" She spat the words at me, part of me wanted to comfort her but before I could do that much, the pixie haired vampire burst into the room and put her arms around Bella. The two of them embraced and left the room together, it seemed like I wouldn't get to ask the questions I wanted to ask of her. Carlisle walked in followed by the large vampire and the one I gathered to be Carlisles mate.

"How long was I out?" I asked, I don't know why the question never occurred to me before. Carlisle looked at the woman for a fraction of a second before turning back to me.

"It was about 5 days. The poison did a great deal of damage to your nervous system. But it was able to fight it off unlike anything I had ever seen before." Well that's because I am immune to all poisons. Or at least I thought as much. I grabbed my jacket that was sitting on the table and examined the whole that had been punctured through. "Can I ask you something?" Carlisle asked, walking closer to me.

"What is it?" I swung the jacket over my shoulders and held my arm in front of me, trying to get a feeling for my structure again but for some reason that power seemed to be muted. It must have been the after effects of the compound used on the arrow.

"Are you a Leviathan?" He asked, and seemed legitimately curious. I stopped cold in my tracks though, no one was brave enough to out and say it like that, I suspected there were a few who knew but how this Vampire and its little coven here managed to work it out was beyond me.

"Yes." I figured at the least I could give him some truth. There was a sharp intake of breath from the female Vampire like she was genuinely surprised. The larger male moved closer to her but never took his eyes off of me. Carlisle was standing closer to me now mostly in amazement. I had a question of my own now, hoping for the same truth in return. "Now I need to know, has there been a rise in gifted humans here? There have been reports from all over the state of humans developing powerful mutations, The likes of which tell me it isn't happening naturally."

"Yeah, and we killed one of them." It was the larger vampire who responded now. I turned my attention towards him now, hoping he would continue with his explanation. "He attacked Bella and Alice last week. We over powered him and took care of the problem." Amazing. The rumours were true then. Someone in the area seemed to be experimenting on humans at an increasing rate. I reached into my pocket and found my cell phone. I pulled it open and hit a quick text to Jessica that said "GPS This location, need pickup"

"Your people disappeared a millennia ago." Carlisle said watching me. I placed the phone back into my pocket and looked at them.

"I'm the last, now I need to leave and get this under control. Thank you for the aid, it won't be forgotten." I started walking towards the door and pulled it open before I arrived with relative ease. At the least those were getting stronger. Just before I stepped into the hallway however Carlisle spoke once more.

"Do you know what is happening to Bella?" That piqued my curiosity.

A/N: So just a heads up, the next couple of chapters are going to slow down a bit and get some time moving forward. I thought Bella and Alice deserved to have a little break from all of the excitement in the last couple of chapters, so im thinking it might get a little fluffy. As always, thanks for the amazing reviews, likes and favorites. It really gets me excited to continue writing.

-Until Next Time.