Platform 9 and 3/4 was bustling with excitement as the Hogwarts students prepared for another year at school. Students littered the pathway, catching up with their friends and retelling stories of their summer adventures. Hermione darted through the crowds searching for the familiar faces that she hadn't seen all summer. She had been on vacation in Spain with her parents while the Weasleys and the Potters went to Romania to visit Charlie. While they kept in touch with the owl post, it didn't compare to actual face-to-face contact. Finally, Hermione saw the group that she was looking for. She saw the untidy black hair that could only belong to Harry. Harry had his arm wrapped around the slender waist of his girlfriend Ginny, and Ron was off to the other side of Harry. Lastly, leaning against the wall was the tall blonde, Draco Malfoy. Harry, Ron, and Ginny were laughing at a joke that Draco had told when Hermione snuck up behind them.

"So, what's so funny?" Hermione asked the group. Ginny whipped around at the sound of her best friend's voice.

"Oh. My. God." Ginny exclaimed enunciating each word, her voice becoming increasingly louder with each syllable, "'Mione? Is that you?" she questioned, taking in the appearance of the brown-haired witch that stood in front of her.

"The one and only." Hermione joked, "Why, do I look different?" she asked, playing dumb for the first time in her life, "And since when do you know who God is?"

"Hey, I do have a muggle-born best friend and a boyfriend who was raised by muggles, you know, I've got to keep up with you two. And you look amazing! No better than that, you look fantastic. Turn around so that I can get the full view." Ginny demanded.

Slowly, Hermione turned in a circle to show the group in front of her her transformation. Gone was the bushy, mousy hair that once consumed her face. Now, it was replaced with silky ringlets that fell halfway down her back. Her old wardrobe of loosely fitting shirts and skirts that fell to the knee had disappeared and was replaced with stylish dark-wash skinny jeans and a fitted top. To top it all off, Hermione's skin was glowing from the slight tan obtained from the summer sun that had stained her usually pale skin.

"So I take it that Spain agreed with you 'Mione?" Ron asked with a slight bit of humor in his voice.

"Spain was AMAZING! The beaches, the nightlife, the shopping..." Hermione listed off "And the boys," she added to Ginny with a smirk.

"Well then, I might just have to give Spain a visit." Ginny chuckled as Harry tightened his grip around her waist and exclaimed a "HEY" in defiance.

"I'm only kidding, love" Ginny said, as she turned in Harry's arms to place a small kiss on his lips. Harry responded quickly and as the two started snogging, Draco, Ron, and Hermione walked further down the platform in order to give the two some privacy.

"So 'Mione," Draco started "You come back from Spain after not seeing us for the whole summer and you can't even be bothered to give your best friend a hug?"

"You're right. When Harry finishes snogging Ginny, remind me to give him a hug," she responded.

"Ah Granger, you wound me," Draco said dramatically as he placed his hand over his heart.

"I'm only kidding," Hermione giggled as she opened her arms. Right before she went in to hug Draco, she turned and called out for Ron who quickly came into her embrace.

"Now, I hugged Ron and I'm certainly not going to hug either Harry or Ginny while their snogging, and Neville and Luna aren't here yet, so I guess there is no one else left to hug." Hermione said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Oh Granger, you kill me with your humor," Draco dead panned "Now, get over here before I unfriend you."

Hermione giggled and went over to Draco with open arms. As she settled in his embrace, Draco picked her up and spun her in a circle, causing Hermione to let out a slight squeal from the surprise. As he set her back down, Harry and Ginny walked over to join the group once more.

"So anything else interesting happen this summer Hermione?" Ginny questioned.

"Let's see..." Hermione paused. "So I went to Spain, got my hair fixed, got a letter stating I was Head Girl this year, got a new wardrobe, went out on some know, nothing big or exciting."

"Wait, backtrack that..." Ginny demanded. "YOU GOT HEAD GIRL!" Ginny practically screeched into her ear.

"Yeah, pretty awesome right?" Hermione said, her grin growing wider with each word.

"So, do you know who Head Boy is?" Ron questioned.

"No, not yet," Hermione said. "Is it either of you two?" She questioned, pointing at Harry and Ron.

"Hermione, you've seen me and Ron try to do our homework, right? I'm pretty sure neither of us would have passed first year without you editing our essays or helping us with our homework. I mean, you've seen our grades, we get E's at best, usually they're A's or P's. Do you seriously think that either of us could have been chosen as Head Boy? And besides, with me and Ron co-captaining the Quidditch team, we really wouldn't have time to do head activities," Harry stated.

"Yeah, I guess that I didn't think about it that way." Hermione said, slightly crestfallen at the fact that neither of them would share her duties with her.

"Well, maybe it's a Ravenclaw?" Ginny suggested. "I mean they are known for their intelligence, aren't they?"

"Nope," responded Draco, "I have inside information. I know for a fact that Head Boy is a Slytherin this year."

"How do you know that?" Hermione questioned.

"Slytherins know everything, my darling." Draco stated as he walked towards the Hogwarts Express. "Now we really must be headed towards the train. I mean, it's almost time for the train to depart and we really don't want to be left on the platform." He then turned and went on the train to find a compartment for the five of them, leaving Hermione wondering which of the sneaky Slytherins she would be spending most of her time this year with.