Author's Note: This was just an idea that hit me today, not sure if I will continue it, but if anyone likes this first chapter, please let me know. This will be a male Surana and Leliana pairing. So please leave a review if you want it to continue. Thanks and enjoy!

Dragon Age: Stormbreaker

This is the story of Alim Surana, the Hero of Ferelden, also known as Alim of the Storm, or Surana the Stormbreaker. What he did during the fifth Blight, and the love he found with the Left Hand of the Divine. Many bards have told tales of the Hero perhaps that is all this is as well; let the historians of Thedas decide.

Part one: Tears in Lothering

3:18 Dragon

It was a sad grey day when the Templars descended on the Bann of Lothering's estate. Rain had fallen for the last two days, two days since it had happened.

It was as if nature itself was in mourning.

A chantry sister accompanied them, it was not standard practice, but Lady Surana was a good Andrastian.

The Revered Mother wanted the elven woman to understand.

Her son was dangerous.

The Templars came to the kennel master's home, a small hovel built off the side of the kennels. It was here that the Surana family had lived since coming to Lothering four years ago. The Father had died six months ago, killed by giant spiders that nested outside the village. His wife and young son remained because the woman was teaching the Bann's daughter music. Her son had become a playmate of sorts for the Bann's youngest son.

Sadly that was no longer safe, the boy had shown signs, for the safety of Lothering…

Little Alim Surana would have to be removed to the Circle of Magi.

The sister spoke quietly to the dark haired elven woman; they sat by the fire, speaking quietly over a cup of tea. The sister wanted her to understand, she needed to understand that what she cared for now was not her child, it was a damned soul, whose magic could harm the whole village if left unchecked. Two days earlier a local boy had been bullying the miller's daughter. The elven boy had stood up to him, the bully, twice the size of the young elfling, had bloodied the boy's nose.

The elven boy had glared up at his tormentor, anger flashing in his eyes.

The lightning came.

A lightning bolt struck the ground at the boy's feet; a bolt that had come from nowhere, only one white puffy cloud hovered over Lothering. The boy had run screaming to his parents. The little elf, so scared by what had happened ran crying to his mother, the sky darkened, clouds appeared from out of nowhere.

The rain had begun to fall.

All this had occurred for one reason and one reason alone.

Lady Surana's son had been angry.

The elven woman's eyes went from anger to fear…her son…her poor little Alim…he had the curse of magic.

Finally came acceptance, her son could no longer stay here; the demons would be coming for him. The older he became the more his powers would grow, attracting even more hungry demons.

For his own good, her son needed to go with the Templars.

Finally with tears in her brown eyes, the elven woman nodded, she called her son to her side, the eight year old elven boy came from where he was helping in the kennels. He was small even for an elf; rail thin, with brown hair, and dark expressive eyes. His pointed ears were quite large, even for one of his kind; they twitched when he was angry or scared.

He took one look at the Templars, his ears twitched wildly.

His Mother had smiled weakly, "You will need to with these nice men Alim," she told him, "they will keep you safe now."

"But Mama," the boy said, his lip quivered with fear, "I…I want to stay with you."

"Do not be frightened young one," the chantry sister said coolly, this is the will of the Maker; you need to go to the tower now."

"No," the boy said angrily, thunder rumbled outside, "I WANT TO STAY WITH MAMA!"

"Alim," his mother cooed.

"No," the boy cried, "Don't send me away Mama, I'll be good…I promise,"


"I won't go!"

Lightning struck in the field outside. The Chantry sister gasped in fear. Her guards acted.

A Templar struck the boy in the back of the head, he fell unconscious.

"ALIM!" the elven woman wailed, "My son! My Alim!"

One the Templars held her arms, as his partner carried the boy away. The elven woman wailed, they had promised they wouldn't hurt her son…

They had promised.

"Calm down, good woman," the Templar holding her barked, "your son is dangerous, he must be properly confined!"

"No," the woman sobbed weakly, "my son…my poor little boy!"

She ceased struggling, the Templar released her, she slumped to the floor of their small hovel.

The chantry sister sat at her side, she did her best to comfort the woman, any child that could summon lightning from the heavens was far too dangerous to remain among innocent people.

It was for the best that he be confined within the Circle.

Lady Surana sobbed; with Alim gone she was all alone, what was left? What could she do?

The sister stayed with her as the Templars left with her son for the circle tower.

The elven boy sobbed quietly after he had awoke, he wanted his mama. He wanted to go home.

One Templars ignored him, but the other actually gave him a sweet, and told him that it would not be so bad, in the circle he would learn to control his talent, once he had mastered himself, and then his Mama would be allowed to visit.

That calmed the child, at least for a time.

He looked back along the road, he missed Lothering, he missed his Mama.

This is the will of the Maker; you need to go to the tower now.

The elven boys hands twisted into small angry fists, his Mama had always said how good the Maker was, and how the Chantry sisters did his works here in Thedas.

Today Alim had learned the truth. The sisters were not to be trusted, they knew nothing of love.

He would never forgive them for taking him away from his Mama.

He would never forgive them…NEVER!