So this is my first fic, Im quite confident in it so yeah...hope you like it! Please R&R!

(The characters sadly do not belong to me, they belong to the one and only, our Queen, Jo Rowling :) )

"Da? Mine?" little Scorpius Malfoy looked up at his father; soft grey eyes meet cold grey eyes. "Mine?" he was holding a black toy car. "Ca!"

Draco Malfoy looked down at his barely two year old son. He kneeled beside the boy and smiled.

"That's right, buddy, that's a car."

"Mine?" Scorpius hugged the toy close.

"No, no, this belongs to the store." Draco chuckled.

"Mine!" Scorpius looked at his father and pouted, his lower lip beginning to tremble.

"Scorpius Abraxas Malfoy you know that toy isn't yours, it belongs here, in Flourish and Blotts, for other little boys and girls to play with." Draco said firmly. He was suddenly distracted by a familiar voice…where had he heard that voice before? The owner of the voice, walked into sight, with a representative of the store.

"I've been doing some extensive research on using it to reveal it." she emphasized the 'it' part.

"Well we have select textbooks on mermaid scales, but I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for in this aisle."

"The children's aisle?" she asked.

"Quite odd, I know. I hope you find what you're looking for."

"Thank you, then." Draco took in how her hair had finally tamed, how her figure is now filled out. He noticed her right-above-the-knee red skirt and brown boots, and the beige sweater she wore and the open brown peacoat. He got up quickly to another aisle, before she noticed, leaving Scorpius to play, thinking the little tot would mind his business and focus on making the car go 'vroom'. Boy was he wrong.

"Ca!" he said, holding the car out to the woman, squealing in happiness. She glanced around and saw that Scorpius was talking to her. She smiled as she closed her book and kneeled down beside Scorpius.

"That's a lovely car you have there! May I see it?" She smiled. Draco smirked, knowing that Scorpius wouldn't give it over, because he simply refused to even give it to his own father. To his surprise, Scorpius gave her the car and he saw her wand, hidden from Scorpius' view, charm the car to fly around on its own. Scorpius couldn't have been happier, squealing with laughter, following the car's every move.

"Where's mummy?" she asked politely. The tot looked at her, confused. "Where's daddy?"

"Da! Da! Da!" he screamed, excitedly. Well…I suppose I should go get him… Draco came out of hiding and approached the two.

"There you are, you little bug." He scooped Scorpius into his arms and tickled him. He stopped, and let him catch his breath. "Hello, Granger."

"Hello, Malfoy." She smiled.

"What brings you to Flourish and Blotts, on this cold, February day?"

"Research. You?"

"He needs more picture books. Just like you. Brainiac he is. Needs to expand his vocabulary." Draco chuckled. He leaned in to give Scorpius a kiss on the cheek, but Scorpius wouldn't have it. He struggled in Draco's arms, whimpering. Draco, for the life of him, couldn't figure it out…until he saw his son stick his arms out for Hermione to hold him. Not wanting another pouty face (which Draco was a sucker for, every time), he glanced Hermione who looked nervous.

"Do you…do you want to hold him?" he asked.

"Sure…" she replied, taking Scorpius into her arms. He watched as Scorpius hugged her and played with her hair, and how she laughed, blushing the whole time. She put her book down and paid full attention to him. Draco couldn't help but notice how Hermione treated Scorpius…almost like a…mother.

A year after the war, Draco had been forcefully married to Astoria Greengrass. Better her than PansyfuckingParkinson. Draco thought. The two barely talked. They couldn't sleep in different rooms, because their marriage had bonded them. And they were told they must be intimate three times a month. Not that Draco was complaining, she wasn't bad. At all. It's just that the emotion was missing. This, coming from the walking, talking erection he used to be in his 6th and 7th years at Hogwarts. Sure, they loved each other, but not to the point where they were intimate and happy about it. Thankfully, after their 5th intimate night, Astoria was pregnant, and everyone was praying that she bore an heir to the Malfoy name. Draco stood by her side throughout the whole pregnancy, even when she was disgusted with him and sometimes his scent. She had a long, painful delivery, but Scorpius was born, strong and healthy, and Astoria was thrilled. One morning, when Scorpius was only two months old, Astoria left. Draco remembered waking up to a small little Scorpius swaddled in his blanket, curled up next to Draco. Draco then noticed a note on Astoria's pillow.

Dearest Draco,

I know you're not going to be happy with this, but I can't take care of Scorpius. It's just too much for me to handle. I love him, I really do. I love you both so much, but I can't. When I look at him, I remember us. I remember that he wasn't conceived by true love, but just mutual love. I hope one day, you'll understand. I love you, Draco, remember that. You were always there for me when I fell. Your arms comforted me when I cried. But this marriage is a lie. Just shower him with all the love you can, spoil him, he is a Malfoy after all, but please, Draco, I'm begging you, please don't ever reject Scorpius, this isn't his fault. It was ours. And he shouldn't pay for that.



Astoria's silver wedding band and engagement ring fell out once Draco finished reading the letter. So she really left… Draco thought to himself. That was the beginning.

Draco raised little Scorp with occasional help from his mother, but he was proud to say that he did a good job with the tot so far. Of course, the object of a mother was still in Draco's mind. He had divorced Astoria and hadn't seen her since their divorce.

"Say, Granger, do you want to grab lunch with us?" he suddenly asked. Hermione was shocked at this gesture, but smiled anyways.

"Sure, why not? Just let me pay for this book." He handed Draco his little Scorpius and they all walked to the cashier, and Hermione purchased her book. Once they were outside, Hermione spoke.

"Why are you being so nice?" she paused. "Oh, Merlin…I'm sorry I blurted that out…" she turned red from embarrassment.

"Well, this little blonde furball softened me up…he helped." Draco chuckled. "Actually after the war, I realized that all this blood-relations business was stupid. My mother and I let it go; my father's working on it. He's eased off the 'M' word and completely hating muggles. He actually loves their little contraptions. TVs, computer…man can't live without electronics." He chuckled.

"I know how that feels." She smiled. "How old is he? Scorpius, I mean."

"He's about 16 months." Draco replied. They walked into a nearby diner and took a seat. Two coffees and scones floated to their table as well as a hot chocolate and chocolate muffin.

"He's spitting image of you. You'd never know who his mother was." Hermione smiled.

"Well, what's a Malfoy without the signature hair and eyes?" Draco replied.

"Where's his mum?" Draco's face fell a little. "I'm sorry, never mind."

"It's okay. His mum, is Astoria Greengrass…she left when he was two months old."

"Malfoy, I'm sorry…"

"Its okay, I suppose, she walks out and left me to explain why she left her newborn son and husband." He shook it off. "Mum helps me…and Blaise." Hermione raised an eyebrow. "Yeah…I know it sounds odd, at first, he didn't want to touch his godson, but now you have to pry Scorp from him." He laughed.

"Base!" Scorpius smiled, and crawled over the table to Hermione.

"Scorpius Malfoy you know better." Draco said sternly, but Scorpius paid him no attention, he seemed to be just flabbergasted with Hermione.

"Can you say, Miney?" Hermione asked.

"Mine! Miney! Mine Miney!" Scorpius hugged Hermione.

"I've never seen the bug so attached to someone that fast." Draco and Hermione looked up to a person with tan skin and black, curly locks.

"Blaise! I thought you were in Greece!"

"I couldn't stay any longer, for two reasons, I couldn't stand the girl, and I needed some one-on-one time with my little man…who is hugging…? Who is this beauty?" he asked Draco, taking Hermione's hand and kissing her hand.

"This, Mr. Zabini, is Hermione. Hermione Granger, she went to school with us." Draco replied.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Hermione." Blaise smiled.

"Likewise." Hermione smiled. He sat down next to her and smiled at Scorpius.

"Hey, little buddy, want to come by Uncle Blaise?" he asked.

"No! Mine Miney!" Scorpius cried and hugged Hermione close.

"Ouch…" Blaise touched his heart in mock hurt. "He loves you." He said to Hermione.

"I think she had him back at Flourish and Blotts, when she charmed a toy car to fly." Draco replied. "Anyways, mate, where's Parkinson?"

"Pansy?" Hermione asked. Blaise nodded and rubbed his temples.

"Drake…she's pregnant." He said, taking a deep breath.

"Seriously?" Draco asked, pouring sugar into his coffee.

"Yes…and…and when she told me, I just…Drake I just left."

"Blaise…how long ago did Pansy tell you this?" Draco asked.

"Three weeks ago…"


"I-I panicked! I didn't know what to do! Drake, what do I do?" Blaise rubbed his face. Draco sat silent for a moment.

"Well, all you can do is go back to her, and apologize for leaving." Hermione suddenly said. Both men looked at her. "Do you still love her?"


"Do you want to spend the rest of your life with her?"


"Do you see her as the mother of your children?"


"Then you go back to her. Apologize. You need to be there for her when she falls. Comfort her when she cries. Show her that you're serious about loving her, living with her and raising children together with her." Hermione smiled.


"Nurture her. Love her." Hermione said.

"What if she doesn't take me back?"

"Keep trying. Don't give up." Hermione replied, after taking a sip of coffee. "Remember, her hormones are crazy, so it will take a lot more to convince her, more effort."

"More effort." Blaise looked ready to faint.

"Mate…are you okay?"

"Here, take a drink." Hermione offered him her coffee. Without thinking, Blaise took the cup and drank from it.

"Okay then…" He pulled something out from inside of his pocket.

"What? Is that a-?" Draco was cut off by Hermione.

"Muggle pregnancy test." She finished.

"She wanted to be sure…" Blaise said.

"Go." Draco said.

"Find her, and tell her how you feel about this." Hermione said.

"Okay…" Blaise nodded. "Thank you, Hermione." He smiled and gave her a light kiss on the cheek. Draco couldn't help but feel a little upset by this. No…I can't possibly be having feelings for Granger, of all people.

"You're welcome, Blaise, good luck!" she called after him as he walked away.

"You have a way with people." Draco said once Blaise was gone.

"That's just plain talk." She blushed. Merlin, she's adorable when she blushes like that.

"I don't catch your drift…"

"Harry ran into the same problem when he got Ginny pregnant two years ago. He spent countless nights in Las Vegas, drinking and gambling-luck was on his side-mind you. One night he flooed to my flat, drunk, and told me everything. I let him crash at my place, and when he woke up, he felt my wrath."

Hermione laughed and Draco smiled. Scorpius minded his business, eating his muffin and coloring with the crayons and paper the waitress gave him.

"Blaise was lucky then." Draco replied.

"Well I outright scared Harry and he ran home to Ginny, only to be kicked out for a month. We went back and proposed, which made Ginny completely melt. She's pregnant with their second child now. The first one is about Scorpius' age."

"That must've been nice." Draco smiled.


"Actually being in love."

"You've never-?"

"Been in love? No. A few flings here and there, my marriage to Astoria was arranged."


"What about you? Didn't you and the Weasel get hitched?" he asked.


"Seriously?" he asked.

"No. He's actually more of a git than you are-were-I don't know. He was really possessive and had a horrible temper a-" Draco cut Hermione off.

"He didn't hit you, did he?"

"He's tried countless times, I apparated out before he could hit me."

"Where is he now?"

"Merlin knows. He still tries to get back with me. I have to put wards up on my flat."

"He sounds more of a madman."

"Believe me he is-" Hermione suddenly started laughing.

"What? Something on my face?"

"No…" she laughed. "I'm just thinking…when in my life did I ever think I would sitting, having coffee and opening up myself to Draco Malfoy? If someone had told me this in first year I would've thought they'd gone mental."

"How does it feel?"

"Strange. We're not hexing each other…"

"I'd like to think Dumbledore had something to do with this…"

"What? Us getting along?"

"Yeah…making us get along by making us Head Boy and Head Girl."

"The young glory days." Hermione smiled. Merlin, she beautiful when she does that…Malfoy…Damn it Malfoy….Fuck it.

"Whoa, whoa there, Scorp. Take it easy with that muffin, buddy." Scorpius paid Draco no mind and continued to shove countless amounts of muffin into his mouth.

"Just let him go…"Hermione sighed.

"Malfoy men don't shove food in their mouths." Draco replied.

"With all due respect, Malfoy, he isn't a man." Hermione replied. "He'll have years ahead of him, then he can learn proper eating habits and following in the Malfoy's footsteps."

"He's not going anywhere near the Malfoy footsteps." Draco replied.

"Care to elaborate?" Hermione replied, waving her wand and Scorpius was all clean. "There, much better, isn't it?"

"He's not going to be raised like I was, and I'm not going to be a father like mine was. Scorpius will grow up with love, and laughter, and nurturing, things my father limited to me." Draco replied.

"How your father raised you…is it still in your mind?"

"Yes…I don't think I can change from what my father has made me. But I'm going to change for Scorpius…at least try." He replied, glancing at his watch. "Oh, crap, I've got to go." He took a sad looking Scorpius from Hermione's arms. "It was good seeing you, Granger." He paused for a moment. "Maybe one day we could have lunch or whatever together, without the little bug." He smiled. Oh, Malfoy, what the fuck, man?

"Sure, that'd be nice." Hermione smiled. What? No Hermione! Gah this is Malfoy!

"Well, see you then." Draco said quickly then left. Hermione leaned back in her seat and sighed.

"Now you've done it, Hermione, agreeing to meet Malfoy, alone…"