30 minutes later Cassandra sat by the fire at the pantheon of Greek gods. Al the names of all Gods & Goddeses as well as Titans raced through her mind. Cassandra tried to remember which one rules over dreams and nightmares. Then the name of a very old goddess formed in her conscious mind the goddess Nyx.

Artemis told Cassandra, "Nyx could help that much is true child… be wary of her price... she is as old as creation itself in the beginning there was chaos and there was Nyx!"

Cassandra focused her thoughts on Nyx as a nearby shadow started to darken getting his black as pitch itself. Out of the shadow walked a woman with raven hair wearing a dress that was so light was practically see-through and black feathered wings protruding from her back. Turning slightly crimson Cassandra asked, "Are you Nyx?"

The raven haired woman replied, "Yes child… I am Nyx what do you seek!"

Artemis looked at the ancient goddess stating, "Nyx keep your price within reason!"

Nyx looked at Artemis noticing here for the first time telling her, "Artemis I understand you terms…"

Nervously Cassandra looked at Nyx stating in a strangled tone, "Can you take away my mother's nightmares?"

Cassandra could feel the strength and power of Nyx as it radiated outwardly from the ancient goddess as she said to Nyx, "Aries is taking great delight in torturing my mother because she chose me over him"

Nyx looked at Cassandra and said, "You ask nothing for yourself only that her nightmares stop?" Nyx pondered Cassandra's request for a moment when she asked, "Who is your mother?"

"My mother's name is Xena…" Cassandra said with a nervous undertone.

With eyes as black as night Nyx stated, "I sense the power of the God's flowing through you child!"

Biting her lip Cassandra said, "My grandfather's Zeus… My father is Hercules!"

Shall I tell you secret said Nyx, "I am probably the only Titan your grandfather fears… As for your father he killed some of my children"

Zeus himself reappeared beside his daughter Artemis stating in an old gravelly voice, "I wouldn't say I fear you… But I do respect you, any debt that needs to be paid I will pay on my granddaughter's behalf."

"Very well" said Nyx waived her hand, and an image of the clearing where both Xena and Gabrielle were spending their time appeared. Gabrielle herself was in a dead sleep, Xena however was restless, Nyx thought to herself; let's see here as she examined Xena's dreams.

She looked at Cassandra and said, "You're quite right child… Aries is torturing your mother!"

Nyx looked at Cassandra and said with a wink, "May you dream of your daughter Xena!"

No sooner had Nyx spoken the words and Xena herself slipped into a deep sleep, Cassandra looked at the Titan asking her, "What did you do."

Nyx looked at Cassandra and said, "It is within my powers to induce deep sleep… In this case however it will only be for one night, for that is as long as it will take for her nightmare to be gone forever!"

"Cassandra… She will dream, what form those dreams will take I cannot be sure, they could be of future" Nyx said.

Meanwhile back in her encampment with Gabrielle, Xena was indeed dreaming of the future. Xena's dream took her centuries into the future; she saw a woman who looked remarkably like herself opening a small box in the box was a scroll that said in ancient Greek lettering "The Cassandra Chronicles" Xena recognized the handwriting immediately as being that of her companion Gabrielle. Looking through her descendants eyes Xena noticed at the very beginning of the scroll was a family tree at the very top of the tree the matriarchs name was listed as Cassandra daughter of Hercules and Xena granddaughter of Zeus. That was the last thing Xena saw as her dream faded, what she did remember however was there was at least 30 tier's the family tree itself.

Back at Artemis and Cassandra's encampment Nyx looked at Cassandra telling her, "I've seen your future child… You will give birth to 30 generations!"

Wide-eyed and slack-jawed Cassandra looked at Nyx stating, "My family live that long?"

Nyx at Cassandra telling her, "Your ancestors will… Your mother's traveling companion doesn't know it yet but she will write the Cassandra scrolls!"