Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns everything you recognize, I only own Maisy Holder.

Hiya guys, I know right. Another story! Ergh! I can't stop writing! Anyway, hope you like this one too. Notes to remember: Bella doesn't know who the Cullens are. There is no such thing as imprinting. Moreover, I have changed how the pack mind works slightly. I'm not hating on Jacob, I'm just sick of the stories about Jacob being jealous of Bella and her boyfriends. It will be a Jacob and Bella ending. Enjoy and don't forget to review, whether you like it or not. Rated M for a reason.

Surely You Were Meant To Be Mine


The bright white moon hung in the sky, surrounded by the cotton candy clouds and glittering stars. Its luminous glow, lighting up the darkness.

Down below, laughter filled the night. The bonfire was in full swing. Friends and relatives conversed animatedly around the bright dancing flames, toasting hotdogs and taking the occasional swigs of beer. Couples danced around in the sand, along to soothing music whilst others laughed and wrestled playfully in the sand. Some people however were more intimate, cuddling together as they stared into the fire or kissing ardently, blocking out the world around them. People of all ages covered the calm, fun packed beach. Kid, teens, and even some elderly. Even the atmosphere was filled with contentment and joy.

Aside from all the happiness, one figure sat alone. Bella Swan. Her fingers dug harshly into the soft sand, her jaw clenched to hold back heavy sobs. Tears had sprung to her eyes as she shamelessly stared at the couple across from her. Their bodies crushed together, and their lips locked, eyes shut as they kissed fervently, oblivious to the brokenhearted girl watching them.

From the moment Bella had come to Forks to live with her dad a year ago, Jacob Black had caught her attention. She had thought he was the most beautiful man alive. They became friends and she spent everyday they were together, admiring him. Each night Jacob would star in all her dreams and fantasies, and every time she returned from visiting him. She'd have a painful ache between her thighs, relieving herself was never enough. She wanted his fingers there. She wanted him to be touching her. Kissing her. Professing his love for her.

Bella would, at momentarily intervals, fantasize the muscular ripped body beneath his beautiful caramel tanned skin. She'd romanticize about the hard bulging muscles that strained beneath his shirts; Bella luckily knew they were hard. She had felt them. It had been an accident but she'd felt the hard as iron, but amazingly smooth guns on his arms. They had been the source of her orgasms since she had the experience of feeling them. She just wished she could feel more of him. Bella would day-dream about soft looking pink lips. They most Bella had ever done with Jacob was hug him. She'd be rewarded with a hug every time she visited, and departed. Her friend Leah would tease her that she blushed too much when Jacob was around, she'd bypass it and call Leah an idiot. But she knew in her hear it was true.

Bella's feelings for Jacob weren't just physically, but they ran just as emotionally deep. He understood her in a way nobody else did. He had mesmerizing eyes that would watch her intently. Her pulse would quick every time they touched and her heart would pound. That was when Bella knew. She was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with Jacob Black.

Not a soul but herself knew about her irreversible and unforgettable feelings for Jacob, she'd kept them to herself, fearful of anyone's reaction. She hadn't even informed her friends about her feelings; even though she was sure, they suspected something. Involuntarily, her best friend Maisy figured it out because she always found a way to know everything. Being the gossip queen. She had assured Bella that Jacob felt the same way and not to ponder on it too much.

Through all the time they spent together, Bella deeply hoped Jacob's feelings extended beyond friendship too. She didn't know for sure, but Jacob treated her differently than other girls. He was gentler. More sincere.

For ages, Bella had longed to tell Jacob about her everlasting feelings. She longed to tell her other friends. When Jacob's sister Rachel had called her this morning to invite her to the bonfire, Bella had decided she was going to tell him about her feelings, hoping to get the same words in return.

She had not however, expected this.

She had not expected the love of her life to be playing tonsil hockey with her so-called best friend.

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hope you liked the prologue. Obviously, the chapters will be much longer than this.

REVIEW if you want me to continue

Zayna xxx