A/N: Hello, welcome to my fanfic! I love My Candy Love and hope that you enjoy the story! Just a heads up, kinda long prologue! Don't worry; everything will begin properly in chapter 1. Enjoy!


Lucy Brown slowly opened the door to her house trying to make the least amount of noise as she crept inside. She was going to kick herself for staying out too long and for getting way too drunk. Damn it. If only she was a tad sober, she would be sneaking in through her room's window rather than risking her parents waking up to find out she was coming back home at two forty five in the morning.

Lucy silently closed the door, breathing a sigh of relief before smiling to herself as she noticed all the lights were off. Her parents would be asleep, oblivious to the fact that she snuck out in the first place. She took off her shoes so that they wouldn't tell-tale with tapping on the floor.

Thinking she was in the clear, she slowly made her way to the stairs (slowly due to many factors, including her drunken state, the darkness making it difficult for her to move around and for fear of waking her parents.)

Unfortunately, a light switched on, momentarily blinding Lucy and she stumbled forward. A strong arm held her upright as she was about to fall. "Thanks." She mumbled. Then she looked up, squinting from the bright light and a face began to form. A face that did not look very pleased.

"Lucy," Her father's familiar voice rang through her ears. "What do you think you're doing?"


"Falling forward." Lucy mouthed off sarcastically as she straightened herself and brushed off her father's arm. "Lucy, we were so worried!" Lucy's mother yelped as she appeared from behind her husband. "Your phone was off and we drove around this entire town looking for you!" She continued.

Lucy swayed back and forth in her spot, listening to both her parents lecture her: "It's nearly sunrise!" "I never should have let you go out on your own in the first place!" "I'm so disappointed in you!" Lucy stood with her hand on the railing of the staircase and giggled. She really loved being drunk and the buzz it gave her.

Lucy's parents looked at one another, realising that their daughter was completely out of it. Sighing, they helped Lucy up the stairs and into her room. She flopped onto her bed and her bedroom door closed. She could still hear her parents outside…

"Putting her in an all-girls school didn't work. Honey, we've been discussing Sweet Amoris for a while now, maybe it's time…" Her mother said. "If this doesn't teach her responsibility, I don't know what will." Her father replied.

The rest of their conversation slowly faded as Lucy began to feel tired, the giddiness of being drunk subsiding and sleep beginning to fall upon her….

~The next day~

I am never drinking that much again. Lucy thought to herself as she stared into the mirror of the bathroom. The person looking back at her was older than a 16-going-on-17 year old girl and more like a 30 year old hag, with makeup smudged all over her face. Her green eyes were half open and her long dark brown hair was a mess. It would be such a hassle to brush it all out.

Lucy yawned and a small smile played upon her face. Yeah right. She thought to herself, taking back her vow. She twisted the tap and splashed cold water on her face, trying to wake herself up. A loud knock on the bathroom door had her head throbbing. "Are you done in there?" The voice of her 14 year old brother Tyler asked. Lucy groaned in response as she wiped her face and opened the door.

Tyler's eyes widened as he saw the state his older sister was in. She still hadn't changed her clothes from last night and she looked dishevelled. "You smell funny…" He said in shock. Lucy narrowed her eyes and stared her brother down. She didn't feel like arguing right now; she was hungry. "All yours brat." Lucy said as she made her way to the kitchen, Tyler looking back at his sister before shaking his head and sighing.

"Finally awake?" Lucy's mother said as she saw her daughter walking down the stairs. "What? It's like, 9 am." Lucy replied, opening the fridge to look for something to eat. Lucy had it on her friends that she could eat a meal after drinking whereas they couldn't stomach a cup of tea. She smiled at that as she scanned the fridge.

Her father, who had just come home from work, sighed. "It's 4 pm Lucy." He said. Lucy looked at her parents. Jeez, she was asleep for a long time. "Listen, Lucy." Her mother said softly as Lucy pulled out an apple. "We've had enough." Lucy looked at her parents. Both looked down. "You need to learn responsibility, and you're not going to get it here. We've decided to move you away." Her mother continued. Lucy made a face. "You want to get rid of me?" She said without emotion. Lucy had been expecting this for a while now. "Fine."

Lucy's parents looked at each other. "Good. Then pack your things. We're leaving tomorrow for Sweet Amoris." Her father said. Lucy shrugged and looked away. Sweet Amoris? Sounded way too light and fluffy. "Whatever." She said before taking the first bite of her apple. Suddenly, she wasn't hungry anymore.

And she reeeeaallllyyyy wished she was giddy-drunk right now.

A/N: Okay, there's your prologue. Onward to the first chapter!