"Gus, Gus...Gusus!"

"What shawn?! I'm busy" asked Gus without even looking up from his paper work.

"Busy shmisy, you've been staring at that paper for ages, doing nothing."

"Memorising Shawn! We're not all like you, some of us work for a living."

Gus replied while continuing to read,

"I work for a living"

At this Gus looked up and gave Shawn a mocking stare.

"What raising your hand to your temple and flipping out in front of the chief, I'm going to ignore the little lap dance you did on Lassiter, that was no vision, I think you did that just to psych him out!"

"Gus its what I do."

"It's like your twelve Shawn. Now what do you want so I can get back to ignoring you?

"Jerk chicken!"

"It's 10.30 shawn."

"Jerk Chicken!"

"Your a Jerk."

"That makes you the Chicken."

"Whatever shawn, haven't you got anyone else to annoy?"

"Nope Henry's fishing, Correction yes I have; lassiter!"

"You must be outa your damn mind?that's the hand that feeds us, correction it's the hand that feeds you, I have a job remember?and I need to research this new drug so shut up Shawn."

"Don't be the prickle on the pear Gus.

I'm calling lassy.."

"No your not."

Shawn picked up their cordless phone, swung his feet up on his desk and leaned back in his chair.

"Watch me Gus."

His fingers dialled a number with the speed of well practiced ease. It rang three times, before the familier curt voice answered. 'not busy then,' he thought smiling at Gus, who was determinedly reading his report.

" Lassiter."

'Hello?' Shawn changed the pitch of his voice a little as he began to wind up the detective.


'How may I help you, Sir?' shawn questioned with a smirk.

'I beg your pardon, but you are the one who just called me!' snapped Lassiter, clearly irritated already.

'Sorry sir, but you have just called me.' Shawn replied pompously.

'No, you are the one who has called me.'

'You'd better reveal your name and state your business or else I will have to hang up'

"What are you nuts?" Lasiter asked incredulously

Shawn hung up laughing, Gus shook his head in despair, "Pathetic shawn pathetic."

"Not finished Gus, Not finished."

He dialled the phone number again.

"Detective Carlton Lassiter"

"It's you again! That's it I'm calling the cops, stop ringing me. Are you a stalker?' Shawn grinned at the thought of the exasperation he would be causing the short tempered man.

"In the name of sweet justice who is this? I am detective Carlton Lassiter of the SBPD. I suggest you desist calling unless you want a trace putting on your calls, Although if you do feel like a night in the cells feel free to call again."

"Are you asking me out Lassyface?"

"Spencer!Is that you? I will report you to the chief, need I remind you Spencer what happens when you interfere with police time?"

"uh... The case gets solved?"

"You guy's are so funny. Just you remember that when I haul your ass in the cell, and you have to take a dump in front of six huge, gun tattooed men, that means you to Guster I know your there."

Gus immediately glared at shawn "Dude, why?"

Shawn shrugged and mouthed across to Gus,

"Because it's fun to play with Lassy."

"Ok Spencer, I can't mess around with you today, I need to do some real police work."

"What work's that then? Has the donut delivery arrived, or have you got a case to proof-read and pass to me?"

"I would rather dance in a tutu in the chief's office than willingly pass a case to you Mr Spencer."

In the background shawn heard a voice interrupting the phone call.

"Delivery of Donuts for a detective Lassiter curtesy of Burton Guster."

Detective Carlton Lassiter groans.

"Guess it's just the Donuts then Lassie! I knew you were just teasing me about the case."

"That's it! I'm getting a special dispensation to shoot you in the head. - please get those Donuts off my desk, I don't care if they are for me..."

The Shawn heard the unmistakeable 'Clunk' of the phone being put down.

"Gus... he hung up, I'm hurt."

"I'm just surprised you kept him on the phone that long."

"Well, he did say thank you for the donuts you had sent to him."

"Don't mess with me Shawn."

Gus looked around the room wildly as if expecting the head detective to come running into the office with his Glock 17 de-holstered and ready to be pointed at his head.

"Gus, relax Lassie doesn't bite, and he knows the donuts were from me."

Shawn Grinned. "So by the time we get to the restaurant it will be 11am that's almost lunch time, so Jerk chicken?"

"You know that's right"


They made there way outside, just before closing the door shawn pushed Gus to one side.

"Sorry dude forgot my credit card."

Gus stood aside allowing Shawn back in the psych office.

Shawn ran over to the desk perched himself on it and picked up the phone.

Gus popped his head around the door,

"Shawn you don't have a credit card, I know you cant be doing what I think your doing."

Shawn scrunched up his face and made a shushing sound.

The phone rang out five times then the dulcet tones of a really agitated detective answered.

"Detective Carlton Lassiter."

Shawn changed his voice once again.

"Good morning detective, I'm just calling to ask if you will be attending the Santa Barbara police ball next month."

"We don't have balls"

"Seriously dude, how many times?"

"That's it I'm coming over, and so help me..."

Clunk, this time Shawn put the phone down, he ran over to Gus and pushed him out of the door way. Shutting the door behind him.

"Whoa... I think lassy might bite after all, think I gave him Distension. Let's run a?"

"Its Distemper Shawn."

"I've heard it both ways."

"Your an idiot Shawn."