-3rd POV-

The birds chirped as the village was in full swing. Children played, vendors sold stuff, and people were walking everywhere. Today is a good day in the Village Hidden in the Leafs. A cheerful boy, wearing an orange jumpsuit was back today. It's been two and a half years and Naruto Uzumaki has finally returned to the village. Anako Sarutobi looked out the window as she healed the patient. She could hear his thoughts going wild, for she had missed her best friend. The door opened and Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage, came in.

"Anako, Naruto is back." She said a slight cheerful tone in her voice.

Anako smiled at Tsunade and finished with the patient. She adjusted her headband and made her way out of the hospital. Her now longer black hair swayed as she walked with Lady Tsunade. She looked down at her attire and wondered what Naruto would think of her. Sometime ago, she replaced her once purple tank top with a now low cut purple long sleeve that showed her midriff and cleavage. Her black short shorts stayed the same and her once blue sandals and headband changed to black. A medical pouch sat on her left hip and her weapons pouch still stayed on her left leg. Her headband remained in the same place and she did grow two inches. She grew in other place as well. And I'm not talking about her stomach. A hole lay in her chest still, for she still missed him. But, that's beside the point.

-Anako's POV-

My heart raced as Tsunade and I made our way through the village. I wonder if Naruto is the same.


I turned around and came face to face with Naruto. I got a big grin on my face and ran to him. I jumped into his arms and he held me.

"I missed you so much." I said, starting to cry.

"I missed you too, Anako." Naruto said, hugging me tightly.

He set me down and I smiled up at him.

"How do I look? Do I look more mature?" I asked him.

"You look the same!" Naruto said.

"You still don't understand a women's mind." Jiraiya said. I laughed at him. Pervert.

"Wow Naruto, you've gotten really tall." I said, looking at his height; compared to my 5'2.

"Yeah, I have." Naruto said.

I looked at him and smiled. My chest didn't feel so empty anymore. Yes, there was still a hole, but it isn't so big anymore. You've really come a long way Naruto.

"Big brother Naruto!" Konohamaru yelled. We all turned to Konohamaru as he performed Sexy No Jutsu. He turned back to normal and I glared at him. "How was that? A real drool of a jutsu huh?"

"Konohamaru, I'm sorry, but I'm not a kid anymore. I don't do stuff like that anymore. You shouldn't either." Naruto said.

I looked up at him. He's really matured. You're even more awesome than you were before.

"That is a sad jutsu, Konohamaru!" Naruto yelled. "Behold the new perverted jutsu I have been working on!"

Yeah, the new perverted jutsu. Wait a minute.

"You moron!" I yelled, punching him. He flew back and I went after him. I pulled him up and shook him. "I was wrong! You are still the immature Naruto. You've been gone for two and a half years and you start that shit!"

"Anako, calm down." Master K said, holding up his hands. "You're scaring Konohamaru."

I whipped my head to look at him cowering behind Master K.

"You," I said, pointing at him. "You're grounded for two weeks. And don't you dare argue with me."

"Jiraiya, it seems Naruto has grown like you in these past two and a half years." Tsunade said.

'That beauty and strength. It seems you've made another Tsunade, eh?' Jiraiya thought.

"Right. The nostalgic ends here though." Tsunade said. "Kakashi."

"Well, it's been a while, eh?" Master K said, closing his book and looking at us. "From now on, the two of you will come with me on team-related missions. It's different than before. We are no longer teacher, pupil. We're equal shinobis."

Master K pulled out two bells.

"Well, I am first curious as to how you two have developed. The rules are the same as when we first did this. If you don't come at me with the intent to kill, you'll never succeed in getting these bells."

We moved to where we first had our exercise as Team 7.

"The rules are the same as before. No matter how, try to get the bells from me. You have until sunrise." Master K said, placing a timer on the wooden stump.

"Well this place. I've missed it." Naruto said.

"Yeah." I said, looking around.

"Ah that's right. This is where you first trained, no?"

"Team 7…" I said, putting my head down.

"The three-man team…" Naruto said.

"That time, Sasuke was around too, wasn't he?"

Naruto and I sunk to the ground and we started sulking. I sat on my knees and thought of the time Sasuke left. Naruto thought of the time at the waterfall when he tried to stop Sasuke. I pushed the thoughts out of my mind and stood up.

"Get up, Naruto. It's time to begin." I said.

'Anako, you should be the one hurt the most.' Naruto thought.

"Sulking and being upset won't bring him back." I said.

"Anako is right. Let's begin." Master K said, closing his book.

Naruto stood and smiled at me. I nodded at him.

"You won't do it while reading your book this time, Master Kakashi." Naruto asked, tightening his headband.

"You are ready finished?" I asked him, cracking my knuckles.

"No, I thought I'd save it for later, besides." Master K said, pushing his head band up and revealing his Sharingan. "I have a feeling I should take this seriously."

We all stayed silent for a few before Naruto threw shuriken and Master K. He ducked and threw some back at Naruto. Naruto dodged them and made a Shadow Clone. The clone grabbed him and helped him up. The clone turned into a big shuriken. Nice one. Master K was suddenly behind him and had a hold of him. The real Naruto stood behind Master K with a kunai to his back.

"Well, your haste hasn't changed." Master K said. "Alright, start."

Master K disappeared and I searched around for him. I heard his mind into the ground and slammed my fist into it, literally shattering it.

'Huh?' Naruto thought, giving me a scared look.

'WH-what insane power. Lady Tsunade didn't just teach you medical ninjutsu, did she, Anako?' Master K thought. I smirked.

"Found you." I said.

'I need to quit playing around in front of Anako. She could kill me.' Naruto thought. I smiled and turned back to Master K.

'You build up the maximum amount of chakra into your fist and then release it in an instant. Without your precise chakra control, you wouldn't be able to do that. It's a real feat. Medical ninjutsu plus amazing strength… No, that isn't all though. Add mind control to it and you may become an even better ninja than the fifth, Anako.'

"Alright, this time I should be doing something."

Naruto and I sat against a tree. Both of us were breathing heavy.

"Master K is really good. He's too fast for me to keep up with. We need to figure out a weak point." I said.

"We need to think." Naruto said.

After sitting for a few minutes, Naruto's thoughts went wild.

"I got it."

After Naruto told me the plan we made our attack.

"Now Naruto!" I said.

Naruto started to tell Master K what happens to the main character of the new Make-Out Paradise. Master K closed his ears and eyes and Naruto and I got a bell.

"In your face, Master K." I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

We made our way into the village as the sun fully came up. Master K started saying how strong we've gotten. Naruto's stomach started growing as did mine.

"I still need to go to Ichiraku Ramen." Naruto said.

"I'll go with you." I said, "I am kind of hungry too."

Master K had to do some paper work and left. I saw Shikamaru and Temari.

"Hey Shikamaru! Hey Temari! Look who it is." I said, waving them over.

"Hey it's Naruto." Shikamaru said.

'That runt isn't a runt anymore.' Temari thought.

"Are you still the same idiot or have you changed?" Shikamaru asked.

"No, he's still the same idiot." I said, smiling at Shikamaru.

"Anako." Naruto said, lowering his head.

I smiled as I just listened to Shikamaru and Temari talk the upcoming Chunin Exams.

"So, Naruto, what are you going to do about the Chunin Exams?" Shikamaru asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Everyone from our class is already chunin." Shikamaru said. "Except you."

"What?" Naruto yelled. "Then you're a chunin too, Anako?"

"Idiot, I made chunin before you left, remember?" I said, smacking his shoulder.

"Oh right." Naruto said, laughing.

"And Neji Hyuga and Kankuro and Temari made jonin." Shikamaru said.

"And Gaara?" Naruto asked.

I heard a bird and looked up. Tsunade is calling me.

"This is where I bid thee farewell. Lady Tsunade is calling me." I said, waving to them. "I will see you later."

I left them and went to Lady Tsunade's office. I knocked on the door and heard her say come in.

"Hello Anako."

"Lady Tsunade, you summoned me?"

"Yes, I need you at the hospital today with Shizune." She said.

"Right away, Lady Tsunade." I said, going to the door.

"Anako, I heard you passed Kakashi's test. Tomorrow you'll start your duties as Team 7 again."

I nodded my head and left the Hokage building. I made my way to the hospital to help out Shizune.

-Next Morning-

I stood next to Naruto as we waited for Master K to show up. After an hour or so, he finally showed up.

"You're late!" Naruto shouted.

"Well, I was delayed by filling out paper for the new team." Master K said.

"Today is our first as our new team." Naruto said. "Be enthusiastic. Master Kakashi you've been like this for ages."

'Am I losing my dignity?' Master K thought. I laughed and a bird flew fast above us.

We made our way to the mission's room and stood in front of Lady Tsunade and Master Iruka.

"Eh… That mission, no thanks." Naruto said.

"Eh? What kind of response is that?" Lady Tsunade asked.

'Don't talk so selfishly…' Master K thought. 'She'll get angry with me.'

"Gah, you haven't mentally matured at all Naruto." Master Iruka said.

"Sorry, Master Iruka." I said, putting Naruto in a headlock. "I'll sort him out."

The last thing I want is Lady Tsunade to get mad.

"The Third was so much more sensible." Naruto mumbled.

I glared at him and punched him into the ground.

"Anako, you didn't have to be so mean." Master K said.

"Anako, why?" Naruto asked.

"It's bad!" I heard. "Fifth!"

A woman burst through the doors.

"What is it? You're so loud." Lady Tsunade said.

"The Sand's Kazekage has been taken by an organization called the Akatsuki." She yelled. "We just received the message."

We all had a shocked look on our face. This is bad, this is real bad.

"Right, Team Kakashi, I will tell you, your new mission." Lad y Tsunade started. "You are to immediately go to the Sand Village, find out the situation, and relay it to Konoha. After that, follow the orders of the Sand and back them up."

First chapter of Shippuden! :) Hope you all enjoy! Rate and review! :)