Fifteen years after the Fourth Shinobi World War, the Five Great Shinobi Countries have come to peace. Shino Aburame is now a teacher at the Academy, who is disrespected by his students, particularly Boruto Uzumaki. Hinata is accompanied by her daughter, Himawari, while visiting Neji's grave. Rock Lee is training his son while Tenten is maintaining her own weapons shop. Gaara arrives in Konohagakure for the next Kage Summit and greets his sister, Temari, and her and Shikamaru's son, Shikadai. Kiba is seen talking with Tamaki along with an aged Akamaru. Ino, Sai, Choji and Karui are waiting for their children to finish their day at the Academy so they can train them to become the next Ino–Shika–Cho. Kurenai's daughter, Mirai, pays her respects to her father before meeting Kakashi and Might Guy, both of whom are reflecting on memories elsewhere. Four of the previous five Kage are having their own meeting at Onoki's residence in Iwagakure. Udon and Moegi inform the current Hokage of his son's prank on the Hokage Rock. Naruto arrives to stop his son's hijinxs from where the Kage Summit takes place. Both Iruka and Konohamaru note the similarities between the father and son. Meanwhile, Sasuke continues to travel the world, though still not forgetting his family he has back in Konohagakure. As Naruto arrives in where the current Kage are waiting, they begin their meeting while Kurama, having finally had its halves rejoined, sleeps peacefully in Naruto's subconscious.

Anako stood in kitchen as the door opened.

"Mom, I'm home." Sarada said, looking around for her mom.

"I am in the kitchen." Anako called back. Two boys ran inside from outside.

"Mom! Asuma is being mean to me again." Itachi said, with fake tears in his eyes.

"All I said was he has a weird outfit on." Asuma said, no emotion in his voice. Anako looked at him weird.

"Uh-huh. What have I said about being nice to each other?" Anako said.

"If we don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Asuma said.

"Yup. So remember that next time. Apologize to your brother."

"Sorry." Anako sighed. "I'm going to go to my room."

"When Kurenai gets here, you have to behave. All of you." Anako looked directly at Itachi. His eyes got wide.

"Bye mom!" He said and ran upstairs. Anako shook her head and then looked at Sarada.

"And how is my baby?" Anako asked, looking at her. Sarada sighed.

"Mom, boys are stupid."

"Boruto?" Anako laughed a little and patted her on the head. "They're not all so bad my love."

"Well we're kinda similar when it comes to dads." Sarada said. Sasuke ran threw her mind. "When is he coming home mom?"

"He's on a top secret mission baby. And I know you miss him, but he'll be home soon. I promise." Anako said, giving her a smile.

"Mom you say that all the time." Sarada said. "And it's the same thing over and over again." Her eyes started to water. Anako pulled her into a hug and squeezed her. "Mama, too tight."

"I'm sorry baby. But I promise he will come home soon." Anako smiled at her. Sarada nodded and Anako tapped her forehead. "He loves you very much." Sarada touched her head and a smile formed on her face.

"Yeah mom. You're right." A knock came to the door and Kurenai walked in.

"Hello." She said, smiling at the two.

"Kurenai." Anako smiled at her. "Thank you so much for watching the kids. The hospital needs me for a few hours."

"Oh of course. Take your time." Kurenai smiled. "And if it is late, I'll make sure they eat and get to bed."

"Thank you." Anako stood up and went to the front door. She put on her shoes and looked at Sarada. "Behave and I love you."

"Love you too mom." Sarada said.

Anako walked out of the house and made her way to the hospital. People waved and smiled at her as she got there. She walked into her office and sat down at her desk. She did not even get a chance to turn on the computer before there was a knock on the door.

"Dr. Uchiha, we're so glad you are here." A medical-nin named Maho said, opening the door. A nurse stood behind her.

"How many times have I told you to just call me Anako? Dr. Uchiha is so formal." Anako said.

"That's what Lord Kakashi said we needed to call you when you became a doctor." She said a little worried. Anako sighed and thought of the time she made fun of Kakashi when he the Hokage.

"Okay that's fine, whatever. Is everything okay?"

"We need to do surgery on a patient immediately."

"And the situation?" Anako asked.

"He has some type of cyst on his heart. We need assistance." Anako nodded and stood up.

"Let's go look." Anako said, standing up and grabbing her doctor's coat. They left the room and went to the patient's room.

"Here is the doctor. She should be able to help you get that cyst off." The man looked at Anako and she smiled at him.

"Seems you got something serious going on." Anako said, looking at his chart. She moved to his side and placed a green hand on his chest. "There is definitely something in there."

"Can you get it out?" He asked.

"I will take a look. The nurse is going to give you some medicine that is going to put you to sleep and we will open it up and look. Rest assure you are in good hands." The nurse gave him the medicine and once he was out Anako began the procedure.

"Is this your first surgery?" Anako asked Maho and she nodded nervously. "Okay. This is what we are going to do. You're doing the surgery. I will oversee it."

"Dr. Uchiha. I don't think I can do this." Maho said.

"You have been trained under me. You can do this and if I see you faltering, I will step in. Trust me. You also have the nurse to assist you." Anako stepped back. "Go ahead." Maho nodded and she took Anako's place. She took the scalpel and began the surgery. When she got into the chest, Anako saw the cyst.

"Okay remember, after you cut the cyst off, there is going to be bleeding. Remember how to stop the bleeding." Anako said and she nodded. She carefully cut off the cyst and put it in a pan and the bleeding started. The patient's breathing increased a little and Maho started to panic a little. "Stop the bleeding or he is going to die. Nurse make sure his vitals are okay."

Anako intently watched Maho and she began to stop the bleeding. The patient's breathing went back to normal.

"His is stable." The nurse said.

"Good job, Maho. You succeed." Anako said, smiling at her. "Close him up and give him some medicine and he should have a speedy recovery."

"Thank you, Dr. Uchiha. I didn't think I could do this." Maho said, stitching the patient up.

"Have faith in yourself. You are a great medical ninja. Don't doubt yourself."

Maho nodded and Anako left the room. The rest of the day wasn't busy at all. Anako looked at the clock and realized she got caught up doing paperwork and it was ten. She put everything away and made her way home. She opened the door quietly. Kurenai sat on the couch reading a book.

"Hey, sorry I am late." Anako kept her voice low.

"No worries. The kids are all in bed and the kitchen is picked up." Kurenai said. "Mirai is on a mission so it's just me."

"I really appreciate all the help you give me." Anako said.

"Well they're my nephews and niece." She smiled. "I do love them."

"And they love you. Be safe and let me know when you get home." Anako said, hugging her.

Kurenai left and Anako locked the door and turned off all the lights. She went upstairs and checked on all the kids. She smiled when she noticed all the kids in her bed. They must have suckered Kurenai into letting them stay in her bed tonight. Anako stood at the door and smiled at her family. This is all she ever wanted in life. She thought about Sasuke and hoped he was doing okay. Anako quietly finished getting ready for bed and then laid down on the edge of the bed.

"Mama." Itachi said, rubbing his eyes and rolling into Anako. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight.

This is what she loved the most in life.

And I am done. Sorry this took me so long to get out! Geez! But I am so thankful for all the followers of this story and for everyone who stuck this out with me. You all kept me going with your messages and positive thoughts. I really love all the followers and I am thankful for all of you.

I was thinking of doing a blank period. Like what happened after Sasuke left all the way up to Boruto. Lol. Let me know if this is something you all would like? I want the feedback!

And with my final note... It's done.