Summary: Sakai Yuji lived a fairly normal life. That is until that fateful day where his entire view on life on changed, when he met a girl ith flaming red red, and burning red eyes who called herself a flame haze. And what's this? One of his best friend's Namikaze Naruto is also a flame haze? Naruto x Shana and Yuji x Kazumi.

Author's note: Its been... Two months at least since my last update? Man, surprising. Anyways, I have had a ton of distractions lately, that and these new stories that popped into my head are not helping at all.

Author's note#2: As for the reason why Marchosias didn't make witty compliments to Margery, yeah that's my fault, I had forgotten that was one of Marchosias's main character traits, and I'll be sure to rectify that in future chapters.

Author's note#3:... This is awkward.. I don't have any other subject to talk about... I'll just let you read the chapter now.

Subject nine, it has been a week since you completed your assessments, and I now have the perfect mission for you to prove yourself. One of our agents, Uchiha Itachi, subject sixteen, Code named: Raven, has been captured by enemy forces behind their lines. Your mission is to head behind enemy lines, and rescue our captured agent for the valuable intel he has. If he cannot be rescued, than you have full permission to kill him. Also, while your behind enemy lines, you will have no support from us. Engage hostiles only if unavoidable, and remain undetected. We cannot let the enemy know who we are, in the event that you are captured, and cannot proceed with the mission, you are to self terminate. Dismissed.

Shana groaned as her eyes twitched at the sunlight bathing over her eyelids. Why couldn't that blasted star just snuff out? she swore she was going to destroy that ball of flames for ruining her sleep.

She wanted to sleep, and she did not want to wake up at the moment. She would wake up when she's good, and ready. She grabbed the blanket, and placed it over her head. She sighed in content as the suns rays were successfully blotted out. Wait...

Her brown eyes opened slowly.. She did not recall ever going to sleep, and why did her body hurt at the moment? She felt as if she had been burned. She slowly sat up, the blanket falling off her head. She examined herself, only to see that she her arms were covered with bandages. She lifted the blanket to see that her legs were also bandaged.

Her eye narrowed slightly as she tried to remember what caused her to be in this state. She remembered going on patrol after school, and she was just about to head back home after she was done. She felt the presence of another flame haze, but she didn't do anything at first as Naruto was near it.

She didn't sense a battle taking part, nor did she sense a Fuzetsu in use. Though she was both worried, and curious as to why that blonde was taking so long with their new flame haze. She went to go investigate, and moments later Naruto's presence suddenly went on the move, and vanished. She reached the spot the two were at, only to encounter one female flame haze, and no Naruto.

She immediately searched the area for the blonde, but he was gone. There even signs of a struggle, so she assumed to blonde left the flame haze to her own devices. That though made her scowl. The city already had two flame hazes, three was a crowd. She remembered exchanging words with the blonde female flame haze, and they engaged in combat. The rest was a blur, but Shana remembered one thing vividly.

'I lost.' She thought with a scowl. 'That fight I had with her was strange. Based on the information I've gathered about other flame hazes, the Chanter of Elegies relied mostly on spells but...' A flashback of Margery engaging her in close quarters flashed through her mind. 'Through the entire fight, she relied on close quarters, and spells. Also, the way she moved, and the way she was able to dodge, and counter my sword means that she fought someone with a sword as well.' She scowled as she recalled how the woman referred to Naruto as 'Naru-chan'.

'Come to think of it, with that blonde hair, and blue eyes, she could very well pass off as Naruto's sibling, or mother.' She idly thought.

The sound of the door opening caught her attention, and her head snapped towards the entrance. Standing in the doorway Naruto, a small scowl on his face. (She idly wondered if he scowled all the time) The blonde was carrying a tray full of Pancakes, and a glass of orange juice was held in his other hand. She noted that around the blonde's chest was a pendent resting there alongside his chest. She tilted her head slightly. That pendent looked a lot like hers...

She glanced down to her chest only to notice that ALASTOR WASN'T THERE! She glared at the blonde as if he were the source of all her problems.

Naruto ignored her as he set the tray of food down on the table near the bed. He took Alastor from his neck, and casually tossed the pendent to the black haired girl. Shana caught Alastor's pendent, and set it around her neck.

"Shana." Alastor greeted.

Shana nodded towards her contractor. She turned her head back to the male flame haze, and she saw him staring at her intently. A small blush settled on her face at the intensity of his stare. She felt like she was being, as normal humans call it, 'checked out'. She noted the blonde leaning closer, and she slowly leaned back.

"Your injuries seemed to have healed quite remarkably. That's good. It means that you can start pulling your own weight around here soon." Naruto suddenly stated, leaning back.

Shana let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. So that blonde was actually looking her over for injuries. She didn't know what to feel about that. One part of her wanted to feel relieved, the other part of her was slightly disappointed. She brutally beat down that traitorous part of her mind.

It was then that she realized the second part of the blonde's words. "What do you mean start pulling my own weight around here!?" She yelled, glaring at the blonde accusingly.

Naruto glared at her in response "You didn't think that you would be staying here at the cost of nothing did you?" He asked blankly. At Shana's blank look, he sighed in annoyance. "Nothing in this world is for free." He stated.

"Damn straight it ain't!" Kurama agreed, with Alastor nodding in agreement, not that anyone could see it.

"What do you want me to do?" Shana asked warily.

In response, the blonde pulled out a small sheet of paper, and passed to the black haired girl. Shana took the sheet of paper, and looked at it curiously.

"That is a list of things that needs to be bought at the grocery store by today." Naruto stated, folding his arms.

Shana curiously looked at the list of things that needed to be bought, and her brow twitched slightly as she read it. 'Two packs of eggs, three gallons of milk, two loafs of bread, five packs miso of Ramen, four packs of pork Ramen, three packs of Vegetable Ramen.' She twitched as she noted that most of it was many different types of Ramen on the list.

Once she went further down the list, she found her twitch becoming nonexistent as the list became more agreeable, and she couldn't spot any more mentions of Ramen. However, she froze with the next item on the list. 'E-Eight packs of Melon bread!?' She thought in bliss. It took all her restraint to not hug the blonde outright in pure joy.

"As you can see, we are running low on various things, and it is in need of being replenished. I expect you to eat your break-fest, get dressed soon after, and begin purchasing the items on that list." Naruto casually stated, moving towards the door.

"Wait, what are you going to do?" Shana demanded.

"Business." Was the blonde's simple reply as he walked out the door.

Shana grumbled as she began eating her break-fest, she made a mental note to make the blonde pay for making her go grocery shopping alone.

"I'm glad you are well Shana." Alastor commented.

Shana gave a small smile "Yeah, its strange, I can barely feel my injuries from last night. How could they have healed so fast?" She murmured.

"Namikaze-san spent nearly the entire night healing your injuries." The god of atonement answered.

Shana paused, and she stared at her pendent in surprise. "What? Why would he spend nearly the entire night healing me."

"I believe that while the flame of cursed flame acts impassive, he does care in his own way. Based on my observations, Namikaze Naruto-san protects his allies, and friends, while at the same time making it seem like it he did not care what happened to them either way. Its how he acted around that human Ike, and the torch Sakai Yuji." Alastor explained.

"Your saying that he does care, but he makes it seem like he doesn't?" Shana questioned.

"Exactly." Alastor said, and if you could see the crimson god you would see him nodding his head.

Shana hummed in thought as she ate her break-fest slowly. What Alastor said made sense, but she had a feeling it was a bit more complicated than that. She somehow knew that Naruto was a bit more difficult to understand. Based on what she observed of him already, he wasn't so easy to understand. No amount of observation, or information you have on him would lessen the mystery of the blonde... And she hated mysteries.

"You should hurry Shana, we do have quite the list of things to purchase today." Alastor voice broke her from her thoughts. She glanced at the clock, and scowled slightly as she noted the time on it. She sighed, and she began eating slightly faster to make up for lost time. She had a lot of things to buy today, and she was going to end up bored. She just knew it.

Naruto stared in disinterest as people walked the streets of the city. His blank, and dull eyes staring at them with a apathetic air around him. He looked up to the sky, and he grunted when he noted the suns position in the sky.

The blonde reached into his pocket, and pulled out a pocky stick. He idly began chewing on the small snack. It was noon, and with his impressive sensory abilities he could sense where the location of Margery, Yuji, and Shana within the city.

Margery was somewhere within the shopping district, along with two other people he faintly recognized. Maybe he went to school with them? He could sense Shana within the shopping district as well (The blonde assumed she was buying the items on the list he gave her), but it seemed both Shana, and Margery was distracted by something else as they weren't moving towards each other. Either that, or they just did not want another encounter.

As for Yuji? The torch was currently at home. the blonde could sense Yuji moving around the house, probably helping his mother move some things within the household. Maybe he should pay him a visit? However that thought would have to wait. The blonde's disinterested gaze went to the nearby park. He narrowed his eyes as he noted the faint presence of a Tomogara.

He sighed in annoyance as he stood, discarding his stick of pocky into the wind. (For some reason he felt as if a certain blacked haired ROOT agent would have been upset with him)

Naruto cracked his neck, making a loud pop sound off, and casually moved towards the direction of the park at a sedate pace. The blonde jumped onto a nearby tree, and patiently waited for the Tomogara to reveal its presence.

"Hey Naruto, remember that time we made a Tomogara so scared that it couldn't stop shitting itself until we killed it?" Kurama suddenly asked with a eerie grin on his features. Not that anyone could see it.

The Crimson god was promptly ignored by the blonde flame haze.

"Okay fine, how about the time we blew up antarctica to kill that one guy? What was his name again? Uh... Dammit I can't remember. What I do remember was that he was a crimson lord. Just can't remember what he looked like." Kurama tried again.

Naruto ignored him again.

"... What about the time when you had to enter a brothel in order to kill the crimson lord that was using everyone in there as slaves."

Naruto twitched at very memory of the event.

'One more push and I'll get the reaction I want.' Kurama thought with a sly grin.

"How about that time when a female crimson lord tried to have you as her 'toy' to 'play' with eternity?"

Naruto's eyes snapped open, and he glared at the crimson god, his body shivering slightly. "Never. Ever. Mention that incident again." Naruto hissed. Remembering that incident brought a shiver down his spine... So much leather... The blonde shook his head to rid himself of those thoughts, and he glared at a snickering Kurama for reminding him of the incident.

The blonde regained his composure, and a stoic look crossed his face. 'I can sense the tomogara in the area, but it looks like this one is smarter than most as its keeping its presence hidden, its either that or this one is cowardly.' He thought with narrowed eyes 'He's either trying to feel out my weakness, and wait for the perfect chance to strike or he's waiting for me to leave.' He scowled slightly. 'I won't let him do either.'

With that thought, the blonde's hand flashed into a dark red color. "Fuzetsu." He said in a monotone, and as the area froze in time, the everything became enveloped in a red hue, the blonde's hair changed from blonde to fiery red, embers floating around him, while his eyes turned red with slitted pupils. Naruto's black robe appeared over his clothes, the blood red nine tailed fox design making his visage seem even more intimidating.

Naruto shifted his dull crimson eyes, and he sent a glare towards a bush. "Fire dragon projectile." He coldly murmured. Black flames encircled the flame haze, and from those flames emerged a dragon composed of black flames, with deadly crimson eyes. The dragon roared, and launched itself towards the bush.

A figure managed to move out of the bush just in time as it was instantly vaporized on the spot along with some concrete. Naruto grunted, displeased at missing his target. He reached into his robe, and pulled out his two Katana's. He gave the Katana's a single glance, then glared at the squid like Tomogara that was before him.

'After this fight, my Katana's will be utterly useless.' He thought with a sigh. Naruto turned his attention to the squid like Tomogara as it seemed to shift forms, and took the shape of a larger, and more muscular form, while a patch of green hair grew form the top. "A shape shifter than?" Naruto murmured.

"A shape shifter? Those are extremely rare, only six shape shifters exist at the moment. Let us savor this moment of rarity." Kurama stated as the area became silent. Naruto swore he saw a smug expression on the shape shifters face. "Now lets kill the fucker!"

Naruto simply stared at his gem, giving it a deadpanned look as he spoke. "If shape shifters are as rare as you said they were, than wouldn't it make sense to let him live." The shape shifter in front of them nodded its head timidly.

"You have a point, but we're still gonna kill the little fucker."

"Why do you want to kill it?"

"I have a mental checklist on things I want to kill, and right now I have killed one of everything except for two beings. A shape shifter, and a flame haze."

"Why would you want to kill a rare shape shifter, and a flame haze?" Naruto deadpanned.

"Bragging rights."


"Bragging rights. Me and Madara have this bet going on. Whoever can kill one of every species first wins and the other has give up all the valuables they obtained over the course of their adventures. I just need to kill a shape shifter, and a flame haze."

Naruto stared "Why haven't you killed a flame haze yet?"

"One: One of you flesh bags haven't turned evil yet. Two: There are hundreds of you bastards, I can kill one you at any time. But since you are MY flame haze, you will have to kill for me. Now I order you! Kill that little shape shifting bastard!"

The shape shifter, who was trying to sneak away during Naruto's, and Kurama's conversation, suddenly stopped as the blade of a Katana embedded itself right in front of him. Its blade just inches away from its face.

"You didn't think about trying to run away did you?" Naruto asked the shape shifter, glaring at the Tomogara.

The shape shifting Tomogara shivered slightly, and it gave the blonde a pleading look. (At least that's what Naruto was assuming as the shape shifter did not have eyes.. Or a face).

"Sorry." Naruto stated, not really feeling sorry at all. "But I'm still going to kill you. If I don't, Kurama is just going to hound me about it until we find another. And judging by how rare you guys are, it might take another hundred years or so."

"Damn straight!"

"So in order to not deal with Kurama's complaining for Kami knows how long, I'm just gonna kill you to get it over with." He continued as if he wasn't interrupted by his contractor.

The arms of the shape shifter formed blade like with spikes protruding from the tips. The shape shifter seemed more determined as he stared at the blonde with its faceless visage.

Naruto arched an eyebrow "So you wish to fight for your life?" The blonde asked.

The shape shifter nodded, and it readied its blade arms for good measure.

Naruto scoffed slightly, and the blonde's grip tightened on his blades. "I don't really want to waste time with you. So I'll let myself cut loose."

"Oh? Naruto, does that mean that you..." Kurama trailed off.

"Yes." Naruto answered. "Its time I brushed up on my ROOT skills anyway." He mused. With that said, the bright red eyes of the blonde flashed brightly, before they dimmed. However, there was something different. This time there was no void that seemingly occupied the space of the blonde. The blonde's eyes were still empty, and devoid of any emotion. Yet... There was a certain... Emotion in his eyes. A glint that could not be identified.

'Madara's teachings are questionable, even by me... Yet, I cannot deny that they bring results." Kurama thought.

"I'm going to turn your entire body to dust." Naruto stated it as if it were a fact. The shape shifter tensed its legs, and shot off towards the blonde at breakneck speeds. Naruto only narrowed his eyes slightly, before his blades were engulfed in black flames. He positioned his sword in a 'X' pattern in front of him, as the shape shifters arm blades made contact with his swords.

Naruto harshly pushed the shape shifter back, and he swung his sword with speed that would have surprised even the most elite warriors. However, the shape shifter proved to be more battle hardened than previously thought, as the being was able to avoid the gleaming blades by crouching down. Naruto however, proved that he wouldn't be surprised by such a move, by jumping up as the shape shifter tried to kick in his feet.

The blonde flame haze extended his arms, and began to spin rapidly, creating a tornado of black flames as he descended. The shape shifter black flipped away from the area that would be damaged by the attack. However, it underestimated the range of the attack. And black flames settled itself on the shape shifters arms.

The shape shifter comically waved its arm around, trying to put out the flames on his arm. After several moments, the shape shifter succeeded in putting out the flames. The shape shifter sighed in releif, and it wiped its arm across its forehead to rid itself of the imaginary sweat.

"Don't get distracted on the battlefield." A blank voice said behind him. The shape shifter spun around just in time to avoid that was going to vertically slice it in half. The shape shifter winced as it looked down to its hand only to see two fingers missing from its hand.

The shape shifter eyed the blonde more warily as Naruto had the same glint in his eyes. The shape shifter tiled its head, it recognized the glint in the blonde's emotionless eyes now.

It was of bloodlust.

Yes, this bloodlust reminded it of its master. It was somewhat controlled, yet wild at the same time. The shape shifter almost seemed to smirk. Its master will be very pleased with the blonde's progress. But.. Didn't its master say that the blonde's most favored weapon were similar a bit similar to that of a small axe? The kind that a brute would use? If so, than why was the blonde using swords?

No matter, its master will still be pleased with the blonde's progress regardless.

The arms of the shape shifter morphed into axes, and its legs grew thinner, and sharper.

Naruto scowled slightly, and quickly engaged the shape shifter up close. The blonde swung both swords ruthlessly, and relentlessly. The shape shifter proved to skilled as it avoid, dodged, and sometimes deflected most blows that came close. The two engaged in a deadlock, and they struggled for dominance.

However Naruto surprised the shape shifter by letting go of his swords, and leaning back almost completely to the ground below. the shape shifter axed arms passed over the blondes head. Naruto placed his hands on the hand, and double kicked the shape shifter into the air above him. The blonde stood immediately, bent his legs, with great force jumped into the air, making the ground below him exploded inwardly.

The flame hazes swords were near the spot the blonde jumped from, as a result, the blades were launched into the air. Blonde grabbed both blades in mid air, and drove his knee into the shape shifter's back, earning a pained motion from the Tomogara.

Naruto eyes flashed with a desire for blood as he stabbed his swords into the back of the shape shifter. However, before the swords could connect, the shape shifters body morphed, and the blades only passed through two newly formed holes on the shape shifters back.

Naruto frowned, before he used the shape shifters body as a stepping stone, and he brutally kicked the shape shifter into the ground below. Landing on the ground with a soft thud, the blonde turned crimson haired flame haze glared at the shape shifter. 'What was that? Just now..' Naruto's mind flashed back to the moment of where the shape shifters body morphed to form holes in its back to avoid his Katana's.

'At that moment... It felt as if he knew exactly what I was going to do. That should be impossible, even those with battle hardened instincts would have found that attack difficult to avoid at the speed I was going. Shape shifters may be rare, but the records of when they appeared occasionally through history did not include a mind reading ability. However, I highly doubt that the shape shifter has mind reading abilities, shape shitfers, while cunning, and intelligent, do not have the capacity for mind reading abilities, their brains would overload.' Naruto thought. His crimson slitted eyes narrowed dangerously 'Also... Why do I feel like I've fought him before?'

The male flame haze shifted his feet slightly to the right, widening his stance ever so discreetly. However, to his surprise, the shape shifter immediately shifted his feet to match his movement. Naruto scowled at the movement. He truly felt as if he had fought this person before, but he couldn't for the life of him remember.

"Brat, whats the hold up?" Kurama asked impatiently. Although he had a similar feeling to Naruto. He did live inside the former ROOT agent after all. Naruto's suppressed emotions, and thoughts were an open book to him so to speak. Right now all he felt from his flame haze was confusion, and a sense of familiarity. Naruto's thoughts only served to deepen his suspicion. If he had more clues, he could possibility figure out why this shape shifter seemed so damn familiar.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked, not really expecting a response from the shape shifter. The shape shifting tomogara tilted its head, and it seemed to giggle slightly as it shook its head at the flame haze.

Naruto scowled deeply, and his eyes began to shift shape. The slits in his eyes got thinner, and smaller. Three tomoe began to appear around the slitted pupils.

The shape shifter stiffened suddenly, and its movements began to take on a more cautious feel to them. As if it knew that this battle had just gotten a lot more difficult.

With a small scowl, Naruto took a deep breath, suddenly a large fireball shot out from the flame hazes mouth, and it sped towards the direction of the shape shifter. The shape shifter tense, its arms shifting into that of a shield large enough to cover its entire body. The fireball harmlessly bounced around the shield, keeping the shape shifter safe from harm.

When the flames dissipated, the shape shifter released his shield. Reacting on instinct, the shape shifter morphed his hands into blades, and successfully engaged in a blade lock with Naruto.

Naruto narrowed his eyes, and he pushed more strength into the blade lock. He succeeded in pushing the shape shifter back slightly, but cracks began forming on his swords. Naruto's narrowed his eyes in surprise, he gave a small grunt as he pushed the Tomogara away. With his opponent pushed away, the blonde glanced at his swords for a moment.

'Their beginning to crack. At best the blades will take several more strikes before they completely shatter apart.' He scowled slightly 'Kurama was right, weapons created by humans are useless. But, they will have to make due.' The flame haze thought with a small sigh.

Naruto turned his attention to the tomogara, and black flames began emerge from the blades in his hands. "I am going to turn you to ash." Naruto darkly murmured. The shape shifter's response was to tense its body.

Shana pasued in the middle of the sidewalk, paying no attention to the people as they looked at her strangely. The black haired girl looked in the direction of where she knew a battle was taking place. Her grip tightened on the bags she held in her possession.

She had finished shopping for all the things on the list several minutes ago, and she was just going to return to the manor to drop them off, and organize them before she felt a Fuzetsu occur. She was worried at first, but when she felt Naruto's unmistakable presence, her worry lessened as she knew the blonde could handle anything that a weak tomogara could throw at him.

After several minutes, she grew a bit worried, as fighting a tomogara shouldn't take so long. It was than that Alastor's words echoed in her mind.

"I fear Kyuubi's flame haze has suicidal tendencies. Didn't you notice that when the mystes was no longer in danger he moved at a much slower speed than yours? During the battle with the tomogara, the flame haze of cursed flames did not do anything but stare at you. Even when the tomogara was moving towards him he didn't act, he only acted when the tomogara picked up the mystes. And even than he purposely moved at a speed at which the tomogara could easily have slapped him away."

'Naruto... Don't tell me your... giving the tomogara chances to kill you?' Shana thought in worry. The black haired girl walked briskly towards nearby alley. Once she entered the alley, she glanced around the area for anyone close by. Positive that on one was near her position, the black haired girl placed the bags inside her coat, which disappeared as soon as they entered.

She closed her eyes, and the wind picked up slightly around her form. Embers began to form around her, while her hair suddenly turned into a fiery crimson red. Her eyes snapped opened, revealing her brown eyes had changed into the infamous crimson red she was known for. The now crimson haired girl glanced around to ensure no one saw her, and she quickly jumped onto the rooftop above her.

With determined thoughts in her mind, Shana set out to where the blonde was fighting. Determined to help the male flame haze in his fight should he require it.

"You are beginning to annoy me." Naruto darkly stated, giving the shape shifter before him a glare of pure unadulterated anger. For past few minutes that shape shifting bastard had been able to either to dodge, or outright avoid most of his attacks.

Even with the extended rnage that his black flames provided, the shape shifter was still able to avoid his strikes. It frustrated the blonde to know that this shape shifter was able to dodge, and avoid his attacks like it was doing. It was as if it knew all of his moves before he even made them. It was maddening! The worst part? The faceless motherfucker was taunting him!

Even with the help of his Sharingan, Naruto had difficulty striking the shape shifter. It was as if it knew how to fight the Sharingan, but that should be impossible. The blonde turned redhead felt more anger begin to fuel his thoughts. His hands clenched around his the handle of blades tightly, drawing blood from hold it so tightly.

Naruto took a deep breathe, trying to quell the anger that was filling his body. He couldn't give into anger to easily. It was against what he was taught. His ROOT training kicked in, and the words of his former adoptive parent echoed in his thoughts.

'Your emotions are useless. Anger, hate, love, joy, sadness, all of these emotions, and more... Are completely, and utterly useless. In ROOT, there is no such thing as morals, or codes. Fox, while your emotions are indeed suppressed beyond imagining. There are several instances where you would feel an emotion. The most common being anger, and irritation. Those two emotions, while making you a bit stronger, are overall a weakness. Anger clouds judgement, and irritation leads you to missing vital details. Lose your anger, and irritation, or at the very least suppress them. If you can't... Than become a mindless beast with no rational thought.'

Naruto took several more deep breathes, his mind clearing of clouded thoughts as he repressed all his anger, and irritation. His eyes losing their anger, and becoming emotionless voids with no end in sight.

The shape shifter tilted its head at the flame haze's new attitude, idly wondering why the anger that was rolling off of him in waves suddenly disappeared. The shape shifting being had no more time to ponder the blonde's sudden change as he was quickly brought up his bladed arms to block Naruto's blades from slicing into its body.

The faceless shape shifter looked at the flame haze's face, and it felt just a small shiver down its spine when it caught sight of Naruto's eyes. Those expressionless, and emotionless red orbs were like looking into a black hole. It was unnerving.

The shape shifting being jumped back as Naruto's leg came up to strike him in the gut. However, Naruto did not allow that to deter him. Instead, the male flame haze used his other leg to propel himself forward, and he began striking the shape shifter with lethal means. Sparks flew as both the shape shifter traded blows with the flame haze.

Each one more powerful than the last, small shockwaves being created from their clashes. Suddenly, Naruto's grip on his blades tightened, and as if in slow motion. Black flames ignited on the blades. The shape shifting being brought up his arms, which were shifting into shields, and with a mighty clash, black flames surrounded an area of at least twenty meters.

However, Naruto, having been taught to fight with no remorse and to be ruthless, quickly took a deep breathe. "Great fire annihilation!" A massive torrent of flames shot out from Naruto's mouth. However, unlike the time in the classroom, the torrent of flames was far more spread out, and wide.

A large explosion engulfed the area, the explosion being large enough to be seen at least a few miles away. Shana, who was in the process of running across the rooftops, stopped, and she stared at the explosion with surprise. Shaking her head, the small sized girl quickly resumed her pace in order to reach her male counterpart.

Back at the sight of the explosion, Naruto impassively peered into the smoke with swirling, and dull shraingan eyes. Causally, the flame haze brought up one of his swords, and tilted it slightly to protect his back. Instantly a clash was heard as the shape shifter appeared behind Naruto, the shape shifting beings arms trapped in a deadlock with the blonde turned redhead.

Slowly, in a almost eerie fashion, Naruto turned his head to regard the shape shifter with one visible eye. His right eye being shadowed from both the smoke emerging from the sight of the explosion, and from the flame haze's bangs. "You survived." Naruto tonelesssly murmured. As if such a concept was foreign to him.

Naruto stared into the shape shifters faceless visage for several more moments, before his eyes traveled down to the Katana he was using to hold the shape shifter in place. He left off an annoyed grunt as he noted the cracks on the blade spreading out slowly.

With a grunt of effort, Naruto pushed back the shape shifter, making the shape shifting being slide back several meters away from him. With a expression of disinterest, Naruto threw aside the blade he held in his right hand as more cracks appeared on the Katana, until finally, the blade shattered into pieces.

Naruto eyed the second sword he held in his left hand. He eyed the cracks on the blade, and he scowled as he noted it was only good for two, or three more strikes.

With a sigh, the male flame haze casually threw the weapon, point first, at the shape shifting being. As expected, with one good strike, the shape shifter destroyed the blade with a well place hit, shattering the Katana with little to no effort.

Naruto grunted as his hands became coated with black flames, the flames engulfed his hands, and Naruto clenched his fists slightly.

Naruto tensed, knees bending slightly, preparing to shoot off towards the shape shifting Tomogara. The shape shifter tensed also, only its right arm shifted into a large axe, while he used his other arm to hold the axe steady. The shape shifters feet began to morph once more, and they transformed into what seemed to be rocket engines. The shape shifting being tensed, and its rocket powered feet flared slightly.

Naruto, likewise, tensed, his body stiffening, his muscles tensing. The blonde turned redhead was prepare to move any given notice. Even a fly landing on the male flame haze would result in the most extreme of actions.

However, before anything could really happen, a fireball suddenly impacted the spot where the shape shifter was.

'Tsking' in slight annoyance, Naruto turned his head to the side as Shana landed beside him. Her flaming red hair flowing elegantly down to her back. Her crimson red eyes radiating coldness so deep that it would have made even Madara raise an eyebrow in surprise.

"I did not require your assistance midget." Naruto irritably said, his eyes losing their black voidless feel to them. Something that made Kurama glad for. God of destruction, he may be, but he did not enjoy it when Naruto ever go into that state... It was simply to robotic.

The cold look in Shana's eyes disappeared immediately as several tick marks settled themselves comfortably on her head. "Urusai! Urusai! Urusai! It looked like you were having trouble anyway! Just shut up! And let me help got it!?" The girl comically yelled, her eyes going white as her head suddenly enlarged, her teething turning triangular as she pointed a finger at the blonde. All while fire engulfed the background.

Naruto merely settled for a deadpan expression as he looked at Shana coolly.

"Annoying midget." He coolly said, sparing her a glance, before he stared into the smokescreen.

"Stubborn teme." Shana grumbled, her eyes glaring into the smoke she had unintentionally created.

Alastor hummed softly. While the two still argued, and fought over many things, the god of atonement, could not help but notice something different. When the two insulted each other, usually they did as a way to rile up the other... Maybe he was hearing things... But did he catch a twinge of playfulness in Namikaze's voice?... No.. It couldn't be... Perhaps his old age was getting to him, and he was turning senile. Wait... Could beings from the crimson realm even turn senile?

Moving on.

"Can you tell me what we're dealing with?" Shana asked.

"Shape shifter." Naruto curtly replied.

The female flame haze whirled her head towards her male counterpart, her eyes widening in surprise. "Seriously? A shape shifter?" She asked in slight shock. It was no wonder her fellow flame haze was having so much trouble. Shape shifters were not only rare but they were also difficult to kill. They were slippery beings, always being on the cautious side of things, and always patiently waiting for their opponents to slip up so they could either escape, or land a killing blow.

"Correct, the denizen we are facing is a shape shifter.. Although there is something that troubles me about this one in particular." Naruto answered.

"What?" Shana asked curiously. During her brief time with the male flame haze, she already doubted that anything could trouble him, or would phase him for the matter. But what could trouble him about this shape shifter in particular?

"It seems to know how I fight." Naruto answered darkly, glaring at the slowly diminishing smoke.

"I see." Shana murmured, glaring at fading smoke as if it were the source of the entire worlds problems. She understood somewhat how her male counterpart felt. She would have been upset as well if someone came out of nowhere suddenly knowing how she fought. It was concerning, and worrying. She had once fought an opponent who somewhat knew of her battle methods. Yes, she could somewhat understand Naruto's plight... Also, the thought of someone spying on Naruto, and learning his fighting methods, along with his battle tactics... Angered her greatly.

Shana glared at the figure she saw as the smoke finally cleared. She was a bit surprised. She didn't think that a shape shifter wouldn't have a face. To be honest, she expected to see a face that was constantly morphing through dozens of different faces. Than again, this was her first time seeing a shape shifter, so she shouldn't judge a book based on the rumors around it.

The shape shifter regarded both flame hazes with curiosity. The being tilted its head slightly, wondering on what it should do. It perked up slightly as its master deep voice echoed in its mind.

"You have done well in testing him. You no longer need to stay any longer than you should. Return to me at once."

The shape shifter nodded once as it began to think up of ideas on how to escape. It closely observed the two flame hazes before it and, without removing its eyes from the flame hazes, glanced at the surrounding buildings. An idea sparked in it head, and it suddenly shot towards the two flame hazes.

Naruto, and Shana both took their stances, preparing for any sudden attack. Two feet away from the two flame hazes, the shape shifter suddenly splint into three others beings, and they shot off into three different directions.

Both Shana, and Naruto had their eyes widened in surprise at the shape shifters actions. Bothing having different thoughts.

'It can multiply!?' Shana thought in surprise, and shock.

'It multiplied in order to confuse us. There's three of them, and only two of us. If Shana takes one, and I take one, that means there is a one and three chance that we will kill the real one. We'll have to take that chance!.' Naruto thought.

"Shana, you take the one on the left, I'll take the one on the right, Go!" Naruto ordered, preparing to chase after his target.

"Wait! What about the third one!?" Shana asked.

"There's a one and three chance that one's a fake as well. We have no choice but to take that chance!" Naruto answered before he shot off towards his fleeing target.

"Shit!" Shana cursed before she began chasing after her own target. The female flame haze saw her target, and she grit her teeth as she saw it getting away. It was at times like this that she wished she could fucking fly. Flying made things so much more easier! She made a mental note to find a way to fly.

Her eyes caught sight of her target running into a nearby alley, she 'tsked' as she took a slight detour. She jumped atop the roof, and ran along the edge, her eyes glancing downwards. She caught sight of her target, and she glared as her sword was engulfed in flames. Her eyes shined for a moment, before she swung her blade forward. A wave of flames shot forth, and impacted upon the the building in front of her, causing large chucks of debris to fall, and create a blockade in the shape shifter's path.

The shape shifter stopped for a single moment, and that was all Shana needed.

With a yell, Shana dropped from her position on the roof, her sword held up high as the flame upon it flickered hungrily. Shana brought her blade down vertically, and she was reward with the sound of her blade slicing through flesh. It was silent in the alley for a moment, before the flames on her Katana died down.

Once the flame died down, a vertical line appeared on the shape shifter, before its entire body was splint in half. However, instead of disappearing in blue flames, the body of the shape shifter faded into a goo like substance.

Shana sucked her teeth as she glared at the goo like substance that was once a moving target. "So this one's a fake." She murmured.

Her red eyes turned to the general area of where she could sense her male counterpart. "The second one is yours Naruto." She uttered as she closed her eyes and tried to locate the third one. Her eyebrows furrowed as she could not detect the third one's presence. She 'tsked' as she jumped onto the roofs, refusing to believe the third one got away so quickly.

A few streets away, we find Naruto running after his own target. The flame haze of the god of destruction was dodging, and weaving through the still crowds. Naruto caught a glimpse of his target through the thick crowd, with a small grunt the flame haze jumped, and landed next to a pair of police officers. Without batting an eyelash, the male flame haze swiped both of the officers pistols from their holsters.

Naruto jumped high in the air once more, and with the use of his Sharingan, he instantly caught sight of his target. Naruto pointed the pistols at possible clone of the shape shifter, and pulled the triggers repeatedly. Several bullets whizzed pass several people, and nearly hit the fleeing shifter.

Another few bullets hit a few civilians, but Naruto deemed them as unimportant. Naruto pulled the triggers once more, only to be rewarded with the sound of clicking.

Landing on the ground, Naruto 'tsked' in irritation, before he began channeling power of existence into the pistols. The chambers of the pistols made a click sound as the chambers closed.

Naruto jumped onto a streetlight, and he quickly spotted the shifter jumping across several cars. With a small grunt, Naruto pointed the guns at the car the shifter was planning on jumping onto next. With the shifter being only several meters away from the next car, Naruto pulled the triggers, and black flames in the shape of bullets shot out from the barrel of the two pistols.

The newly created bullets sailed through the air before making contact with the gas tank of the vehicle causing it to explode. Unfortunately for the shifter, he was in the vicinity of the blast, and he was set flying off into the wall of a nearby building.

The shifter twitched slightly, and a few dozens flame bullets began pelting its form for several moments before they stopped. The shifter remained stuck on the wall for a few moments, before it slowly began to turn into a goo like substance.

Naruto looked upon the goo like substance with a scowl, glaring at the substance as if it were the source of all his problems. "A fake." Naruto murmured darkly as he his eyes began searching for the third. He scowled he he couldn't detect its presence, nor could his Sharingan detect any residual power of existence. With a small sigh, the male flame haze threw the pistols away.

He heard a soft thud, and he didn't have to turn around as he knew it was Shana.

"Did you kill the real one?" Shana asked, crossing her eyes.

"No." Naruto answered curtly.

Shana sighed "Mine was a fake as well. I tried searching for the last one, but I couldn't find him, nor could I sense him." She said.

"No shit sherlock." Naruto murmured.

Shana glared at the male flame haze heavily. "What did you say?" She growled.

Naruto turned around, and returned her glare with a harsh one of his own. "You heard me you annoying midget." He answered.

Shana nearly snarled "I am not a midget you insufferable giant!" She yelled angrily.

"I am above average height, so what does that say about you, you little eight year old."

"Gr! I am not eight years old. I've been a flame haze for about twenty years, I just didn't hit my growth spurt when I became a flame haze you Teme!"

"Oh? So your an old lady than?" Naruto returned.

"Look who's talking old man!" Shana snapped back.

The two growled in unison as they butted heads, their foreheads pressed against the other as lightning shot between the two. Red eyes glaring into red slitted eyes. The two continued growling insults toward each other, below the two, Alastor, and Kurama sighed in unison.

"Alastor?" Kurama asked.

"Yes Kyuubi?" Alastor responded.

"When do you think they'll stop?" Kurama questioned.

"I am uncertain."

"I have a pretty good feeling..."



"Care to share?"

"My theory is that they'll just kiss out of nowhere, and then they will return to the mansion to resume their make-out session. After that, I believe that clothes will end up being removed, and than they'll spend an entire night in the bedroom with very... Lewd sounds coming from the room." Kurama shared.

"... Where do you even come up with these idea's?" Alastor asked, if you could see the crimson god, you would see a bewildered look across his features.

"You'd be surprised how much sexual tension humans emit. Despite the fact that flame hazes could hardly be considered humans, their instincts, along with their emotions are still human... And I've come with the theory that flame hazes have more sexual tension than humans."

"How do you figure that?"

"Duh, flame hazes hardly ever interact with other flame hazes, or any other being, besides their contractors, in general. Its obvious that their desires would unknowingly build up. Not to mention that flame hazes barely age.. so yeah... If I was a flame haze I would be a sexual deviant." Kurama proudly proclaimed.

"... For the sake of my sanity... I am not going to respond to that."

"You do that..."

"..." An awkward atmosphere overcame the two crimson gods. Alastor was not sure how to respond to Kurama's statement, while Kurama himself was content to simply remain silent. Hoping to not make the awkward more awkward than it already was.

"Oh look, they're done arguing."

And indeed the two flame hazes did stop hurling insults at each other, and they were now looking off in opposite directions, though there seemed to be a comfortable air around them. As if the frustration they felt at letting the shape shifter get away was now completely gone.

"You do realize that your help wasn't necessary.. Right?" Naruto idly asked, giving Shana a small glance.

"I know." Shana answered "But I wanted to help. As I said, we are both the same.. Though very different. In the end however... We're the same. We're both tools. I, of hunting, and you, of destruction. Even though I knew you could defeat that shape shifter, I wanted to help... My reasoning is selfish.. As I did not want to only person who could understand to suddenly disappear." Shana answered. That, and she was worried that her fellow flame haze would allow himself to get killed by the shape shifter.

Though it appears her worry was for naught, as the male flame haze was fighting the shape shifter with some effort. That relieved Shana slightly, as it meant that Naruto was not suicidal. That meant Alastor was wrong... Still, whenever Alastor made an observation of someone he was usually seventy percent right most of the time. And that small fact made Shana want to keep a closer eye on Naruto. He was the only one who could understand her. And she would be damned if he let him die just yet.

"Regardless of your reasons-" Naruto suddenly began, shaking Shana from her thoughts. "-You assisted me even when it was not truly necessary. Ultimately, you merely wasted your time."

Shana bristled. A waste of time!? He called her concerns, and desire to help him a waste of time!? She opened her mouth to tear the male flame haze a new asshole. She was halted however, with Naruto's next words.

"But... I... Would like to... Thank you... For your assistance." Naruto slowly gritted out, as if saying such words were both disgusting, and foreign to him.

Shana felt a surge of disbelief as she looked at the male flame haze with a bewildered look.

Naruto, seeing Shana's shocked face, merely sighed in annoyance. 'I am never saying such words again.' He thought to himself. Clearing his throat, Naruto lifted his hand, and the streets, lights, ground, trees, buildings, pretty much anything that had been destroyed in the battle began repairing at an alarming rate. That surprised Shana slightly as she had never witnessed anyone repairing the damage done in a Fuzetsu so quickly.

"Now to release the Fuzetsu." Naruto murmured as his hair changed back into his blonde hair, and his eyes shifted back into Sapphire blue with normal pupils.

Likewise, Shana's hair turned from crimson red to black and her red eyes changed into her usual intense brown ones.

Naruto's entire hand glowed with power of existence, shortly after a brief flash of white, every type of damage done during the battle was instantly repaired.

Shana watched with slightly widened eyes at how fast everything was repaired. 'Incredible, usually it takes so much slower to repair the damage done during a battle. But Naruto repaired all of it in an instant. And the amount of power he put into the action as well... Did he channel it from other torches around the area.' She glanced at the torches around the area, only to noticed something amiss.

'What?... Their existence has not diminished at all. And... Is it my imagination or did Naruto's power of existence lower drastically for a brief moment?' She thought in confusion. Her mind raced as she tried to come up with theories, and explanations to this strange situation. Eventually, Shana stopped her thinking with a small sigh as she couldn't come up with anything. She would investigate the matter another time.

"Its time to resume our day." She heard Naruto announce. Shortly after his sentence, the Fuzetsu that had engulfed the world around them faded, and time resumed as normal.

Shana turned her attention towards her fellow flame haze, only to see the blonde already walking down the street, causally tossing the guns he had taken into an alley as he passed it. Her brown eyes narrowed as she noted the slight, and almost unnoticeable sway in his step. To others, they would not have seen it, and if they did, they would pass it off as nothing.

However with her perception skills, something she had to have seeing as she was technically a hunter, she was able to notice it. In the animal kingdom various predator would move the same way the blonde was moving now after a tough battle. while his steps were graceful, and careful, it still carried a hint of exhaustion. Shana frowned.

Why would he be exhausted?

Surely having a small skirmish with the shape shifter could not have worn him out so? No. Perhaps it was the chase the shape shifter had given them? No. The blonde was still fine after that. Her mind flashed back to the moment when...

Her eyes widened in realization as she quickly power walked next the blonde. she gave him a piercing look, one that demanded an answer.

"Can I help you?" Naruto blankly asked as they turned a corner.

"You used your own power of existence to fix the damage done didn't you." Shana asked, keeping her voice calm, and level.

"And if I did?" The blonde responded.

Shana bit the inside of her lip. This guy was both stubborn, and reckless! The power of existence was important to every creature, and object. Especially to flame hazes as they used it to power their spells, and to fix the damage done during a Fuzetsu. However, when a flame haze fixes the damage done during a Fuzetsu, they mostly used the power obtained by torches, and other objects, but never from within themselves. And with very good reason.

The simple fact was using power of existence from within yourself was dangerous. It was alright to use a small chuck of it, but use to much, and you put yourself in danger of dying, or worse yet, erasing your own existence. That, and pulling power of exostence from within your own body took constant concentration, one slip up, and you would either end up blowing yourself up, or destroy everything around you within a rather sizable distance.

Shana glared at the blonde with only a hint of concern making its way into her eyes, why would he do something so reckless!? "Let me help you." She said as she saw the blonde continue to stagger. She moved to take one of the blonde's arms, but Naruto jerked away and glared.

"I'll be fine." He practically hissed.

"Judging by your sluggish movements you are more exhausted than you let on. Stop being stubborn, and let me help!" Shana said in frustration.

"Kyuubi is supplying me with more than enough help." Naruto stated.

Shana blinked before she looked at the gem hanging around the blonde's neck, it wasn't doing anything. It was just hanging there, no slitted pupil being visible, nothing was happening. It was than that Shana noticed that the blonde's power was slowly returning to his usual large amount. She estimated that the blonde would be at full power by tomorrow.

But how was that possible? Unless...

"Is Kyuubi?" She trailed off.

"Yes." Naruto immediately answered "He is supplying me with power of existence. Its way I haven't dropped dead on my feet yet. Kyuubi is taking care of it. But he needs the up most concentration, something we are not providing."

Shana's lips formed a thin line, she could accept that explanation, but she was still going to keep a very close eye on the blonde. Just because the blonde's situation was well taken care didn't mean she was going to stop worrying. And if Naruto did succumb to his exhaustion, than she would be the one to help him. She refused to allow him to do this to himself.

After all, they were alike. And only they could understand each other.

"My darling little mariane, it seems that we now know a little about the tool of destruction's power." Said a man who appeared to be in his early thirties.

He had chin length blue hair that was smooth, free of any rough edges, and roughness. Blues eyes that seemed to be the cross of the sky, and the ocean. He wore a charming smile on his face as he spoke, his voice smooth, and soft. He wore an all white suit, with a black tie.

In his hands he softly held a white doll with brown hair, and wearing pinkish brown dress. A red bow tie atop the dolls head. The blue haired man was standing in the center of the room, while a large blue circle was glowing in the room, with the image of Naruto, and Shana being shown in the image.

"Yes, he seems a bit more powerful than expected, but nothing compared to you master!" The doll, apparently named mariane said.

"Hmm, your confidence in me is most appreciated, and welcome, my little mariane." The blue haired man spoke, snuggling the doll to his cheek. "To think, we owe it all to our friend there." He once again spoke, as his attention turned towards the very same shape shifter that had engaged Naruto.

The shape shifter with green hair was standing stoically in front of the crimson lord, its faceless visage holding no expression.

"Truly you are a gem, I wonder, is there a possibility to sway you to work for me permanently?" The blue haired man mused to himself softly. A moment after the blue haired man spoke, a cold, emotionless, and chilling voice echoed throughout the entire room.

"I sincerely hope that I was hearing things. Because I could have sworn that I heard you were going to try and take my favorite servant from me. Know your place, Friagne." As the voice echoed throughout the room, a menacing aura engulfed the room.

The man now known as, Friagne, gulped as he felt sweat begin to fall down his brow. "I would never truly try to seduce your servant to my side M-my lord." Friagne mentally cursed at the slight stutter in his voice.

The doll Friagne held in his hand bristled in rage at her master's fear, she wanted to destroy the person who was making her master feel such fear, but ultimately she could do nothing, as she to felt fear enter her entire being.

"Hn. I could care less even if you tried, simply because I know that my servant would never betray me. Now care here."

Immediately, the shape shifter moved into a dark corner of the room, and allowed the shadows to engulf it, before its entire form disappeared from view. "I shall be taking my leave now, do not disappoint me Friagne."

"Wait!" Friagne yelled, gaining a bit of courage. "I do not understand, you come to me, let me borrow your servant in order to test the tool of destruction, and than you leave... Why?" He asked.

The room was silent for several moments, before a small scoff was heard. "Your probably going to end up dead anyway, so I see no point in telling something to a dead man.

Friagne bristled slightly, but made no action. "Why do you sound so sure of that?"

"Because I know that the tool of destruction will defeat you, its as simple as that." The voice answered.

"What?" Friagne nearly growled.

"You are but entertainment for me. Not only that, but you will prove to be a stepping stone for the tool of destruction. You are but one of the many tests that I have in store for the tool of destruction."

"I... Am nothing but a test for the tool of destruction!?" Friagne hissed, quiet rage laced in his tone. The voice chuckled in amusement.


"And should I kill the tool of destruction?" Friagne asked, a small smirk on his voice as the room was engulfed in silence for several moments. The smirk was wiped off his face as a massive amount killing intent overcame the room. Friagne felt something pass by him, a second later he felt an unbearable pain in his right arm.

Glancing at his arm, he found it tore from his elbow leaving nothing but a stump in its place. Friagne bit his lip harshly in order to stop the scream of pain that would have broken through his lips. He did his best to not scream as his favored servant, Mariane, fretted over his wound and tried to heal his wound.

A soft thud was heard as Friagne's severed arm was thrown in front of the two. The arm was engulfed in blackish blue flames, and the duo watched as the arm was literally burned into nothingness.

"Should you kill the tool of destruction, than it is your life that I shall take for compensation. But before I allow you to die, I would force you to watch as I torture your precious little doll of yours. Am I understood." The voice spoke in monotone, though there was a certain undertone to it. One that Friagne knew all to well.

It was of rage, and blood-lust.

"I understand, please forgive my arrogance my lord." Friagne spoke, bowing his head in humiliation.

"Consider yourself fortunate. Be grateful I need you alive if I am to test the tool of destruction. Now clean yourself up." With that said, the killing intent faded as the owner of the voice left, leaving behind a silent Friagne, and a fretting doll healing the man's wounds.

Chapter end. Hmm, I am a bit disappointed with this chapter. I can't help but think I could have done better with this. Honestly, I'm not sure how to feel about this chapter. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.