Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

A/N: Okay forget last chapter. This chapter is too tie any loose ends up, before we start book two.

Camp Half-Blood.

Mark and Annabeth had just climbed the hill, to find everyone standing around Thalia's tree. The two teen wondered what was happening. They pushed through the crowd to see Chiron up front with a few wood nymphs examining the tree. Annabeth's eyes widened as she looked to the bottom of the tree to see it slowly turning black.

"Chiron, what happened?"

Chiron turned to see Annabeth and Mark; however he didn't notice Percy at all. He noticed the worried expression on the daughter of Athena's face, like many of the camp she knew that this tree wasn't just a tree, but it held the spiritual energy of her best friend Thalia Grace. The tree also was the only thing preventing the camp from being revealed. The tree powered the invisible barrier around the camp, keeping it hidden from mortals and monsters, if the barrier was to come down then Camp Half-Blood would become a new attraction for all types of monsters, especially with all the demigods giving off a strong scent.

"We are not sure Annabeth. Lisa here thinks someone has poisoned the tree. She is doing all she can to slow down the process, but unless a solution is found then I am afraid Camp Half-blood will be great danger. Where's Percy by the way? Did he not travel to Olympus with you?"

Several campers growled at that name. The campers were a mixture of Aphrodite and Ares. They had heard what Percy had done to their parents. Since their parents were dead, they had all learnt that their powers were disappearing. The Aphrodite cabin no longer at the power of charm speak, while the Ares cabin had lost their extra strength and power. Chiron could understand how they were all feeling.

Annabeth looked at Chiron confused. "What I thought he came back here? He opened two portals one for us that lead to Olympus and one for himself that led to here. He did mention something about bigger fish to fry."

This information intrigued the old Centaur. If that was true then could he be responsible for this? After everything Chiron had heard about the young demigod, it wasn't impossible to believe that he could be responsible. However Percy wasn't the only camper missing. Luke Castellan leader of the Hermes cabin had also vanished. However Chiron had known Luke for several years and couldn't see him doing this. Beside like Annabeth Thalia was one of his best friends. There was no way he would poison the tree her spirit rested in.

"I haven't seen him, Annabeth; in fact Luke has also gone missing. Anyway, congratulation on completing your first quest. Did you find out who stole the bolt in the end?"

Mark and Annabeth looked down at the floor. They were not sure if they should tell Chiron or not. Not to mention the Ares campers were already out for blood, thanks to the demise of their father.

"Hmm Chiron, you mind if me and Mark tell you that in private."

Chiron nodded. "Very well meet me at the big house in an hour. We can discuss everything then. Now I suggest you two go take a shower and get cleaned up."

Annabeth nodded, she took one last look at the tree before walking down the hill towards her cabin; she heard Mark following behind her. "Hey Annabeth, wait up. Why are you all so bothered about a tree, I mean it's just a tree."

Annabeth turned, her dagger snapped into her hand, she grabbed Mark by his shirt and held the dagger to his neck. "That tree! As you so call it. Happens to be one of my best friends. Her name was Thalia and she risked her life to save mine and Luke's. For her sacrifice, Zeus, turned her into the guardian of camp half-blood. Thalia was his daughter, his only female demigod child."

Mark held his arms up in surrender. "Look, don't hurt me. How was I supposed to know she was your friend?"

Annabeth loosened her grip and put her dagger back, in her belt. "You know. Percy was right, you are wimp. Gods only know how you are the son of Poseidon. With those words Annabeth made her way towards Athena's cabin, while Mark made his way towards cabin three.

Athena Cabin

While Annabeth was getting a change of clothes, she was thinking about everything she had learned about Mark. If Annabeth had to be honest she was rather disappointed in the son of Poseidon. As a child of the big three, she expected him to lead them on the quest. The fact he fainted at seeing every monsters made her realize just what wimp he was. Her thoughts then trialed to Percy. Now there was a Demigod, Strength, whit and Godly Power. Annabeth still had goosebumps from seeing him defeat Ares. Granted she wasn't happy with him killing the God of War, but still the way he tricked Ares into the sea and then used the Power of Zeus to electrocute him, was a move worthy of Athena herself. To begin with you thought he was nothing more than a trouble maker, with an ego issue. Of course that all changed when he saved her from the Chimera at the top of the Arch in St Louis. Even with her moves and hints, he seemed to ignore her. However there was something else she liked about Percy and that was he was an enigma. He never gave anything away, and unless he was fighting for his life, he was always quiet. One thing she was sure of was that Percy wouldn't have poisoned Thalia tree. For one his beef was with the Gods, not the demigods.

Cabin three

Mark growled. He dug through is bag, looking for a change of clothes. Although he had completed his quest, he still wasn't happy. Mark felt like a third wheel on it. His brother seemed to grab the entire spotlight when it should have been him dealing with all the monsters. Mark remembered how Percy had taken control in Medusa lair, and how he had been the one to give the orders when fighting Echidna and her Chimera. That should have been him, giving the orders, not Percy. After all it was his quest. Then there was the time when he had lost their quest bag. Percy again had come to the rescue with his daddy's credit card. Mark picked up the nearest thing and lopped it against the inside of his cabin. Percy had made him look completely weak on the quest, so weak that even Annabeth had started to look down on him, going as far as calling him a wimp. Mark vowed that the next quest he went on, then he would be the one leading.

Chaos Domain

Percy sat down by Thalia's bed. Although she was out of the tree his father had told him that she needed at least two days, to recover. Percy had sat there the whole day watching her. He reached out and took her hand in his. He was pleased to see her in the flesh once again. He leaned forward and gave her a small kiss on the lips. He then noticed her door open and his father walk in.

"Well Perseus, you have really left a mess at camp half-blood. Everyone is convinced that it was you who poisoned the tree; also it seems you left a big impression on Annabeth. Instead of having thoughts about Mark, she been thinking about you."

Percy growled. "I should have allowed that Chimera to kill her. At least then she would be out of the way."

Chaos grinned and laid a hand on his son shoulder. "I know you're worried about Thalia, Perseus but she will be just fine. I have also decided to infuse Thalia's spear with my power so she too can kill Gods and immortals."

Percy looked up to his dad. "You know, you have done more for me this last year then Poseidon ever did for my whole life. Thank you."

Chaos smiled. "You're welcome Percy. If anyone deserves it then it's you." Chaos then walked out of Thalia's room, leaving Percy and Thalia alone. Just has he closed the door, three lights appeared before him, when the light died down the three fates stood in front of him.

"Chaos you have gone too far this time. Thalia wasn't supposed to be free till end of the second year, yet you have freed her now, this event will have consequences. You from now on are forbidden to interfere with Percy anymore. From now on you will have to obey the ancient rules."

Chaos growled, he knew there would be consequences, well if he could help directly, then he would indirectly. He watched as the three fates vanished from his sight. He then made his way back to his throne room to figure just how he could still support his son without breaking the ancient laws.

Camp Half-blood

Mark and Annabeth stood in front of Chiron; they waited patiently for the old centaur to finish what he was doing. Finally he turned to both of them.

"So did you find out stole Zeus's bolt?"

Annabeth, nodded. "We did, however the reason we didn't want to tell everyone was because the one responsible was Lord Ares. He tried to stop us returning the bolt to Olympus. According to him during the Winter Solstice he caught a demigod trying to steal not only Zeus's bolt but Hades' helmet as well.

Chiron eyes blinked. "Lord Hades helmet was missing too?"

Annabeth nodded again. "Yes, his helmet was stolen at the same time. Both Ares and the demigod planned to frame Mark. They both realized that Zeus would blame Poseidon and decided to have Mark transport the bolt to the underworld, where he would be killed by Hades, who would think that he stole his helmet. Once Hades had killed Mark then he would have found the bolt and used it against Zeus. Poseidon would be furious with Hades killing his only son, and Zeus would be pissed that Hades had his bolt. This would guarantee war between the big three. Of course when we revealed to Hades that we had received the pack containing the bolt from Ares, then he too made the connection. In exchange for his helmet, he allowed us to leave the underworld, where we were met by Ares who told us the whole plan. Mark was about to face him, when Percy appeared and took his place. Percy then went on to beat Ares before killing him."

Chiron nodded. "I see. Do we have any idea who the demigod was who stole the weapons?"

Annabeth bit her lip. "I believe I know, but I don't want to believe it. When we visited Olympus I was paired with Luke. During the day Luke vanished for 30 minutes or so, at the time I didn't think much of it, but now knowing he has suddenly vanished from camp makes me think he could be responsible, especially being a son of Hermes as well. I don't want to believe it Chiron, but all facts point to that conclusion."

Chiron stood there in silence. Maybe he had been wrong about Luke, maybe the reason he had left camp was because he knew that he would be revealed by as the thief, but that still did not explain how Thalia's tree got poisoned. More importantly where was he, Chiron knew that Luke was one of the yearly residents of Camp half-blood, as he had no family of his own.

Chiron looked up once more. "Thank you for the report. For now I think it is wise to keep everything from the rest of the camp, especially our suspicions about Luke and Lord Ares involvement."

All three nodded, in keeping everything quiet from the rest of the camp.

Chaos Domain.

Percy was about to close his eyes, when he felt his hand squeezed. He looked by too see Thalia's bright blue eyes were looking at him, a small smile on her face. "Hey Kelp Head, long time no see. By the way, why do you look younger then you did last time?"

Percy climbed onto the bed and kissed her. "It's a long story. Basically when Artemis took you away from me I completely gave up hope. I left camp half-blood hoping to live my life just as a normal mortal. However when I got home, there had been an explosion from a nearby bank, which had destroyed my house and the rest of my family. I had lost everything Thalia, so I was prepared to end it all. Before I was about to end it all I was visited by the creator; Chaos who made me a deal. If I agreed to destroy Olympus and rebuild it, then he would send me back in time. However this time I wouldn't be a son of Poseidon but a son of Chaos. Unfortunately the fates were not too pleased with this and they decided to interfere, so now Mark is alive in this timeline."

Thalia stayed quiet for a moment. "Last think I remember was being taken to the Underworld by Artemis. She then forced me to take a dip in the river Lethe so that I would forget all about you. So how is it that I remember everything now?"

Percy smiled. "You can thank my dad for that. Somehow he was able to get your memories and asked me to restore them back to you. I have already made a number of changes in this time line. I have already started to destroy the Olympian council, Ares and Aphrodite are dead."

Thalia growled. "Well you better save Artemis for me. I have a score to settle with that bitch."

Percy grinned. "Don't worry; I planned to leave her for you. My dad as also agreed to upgrade your weapon so that you too have the power to kill Gods and immortals a like."

Thalia smiled. "Good, now only one more thing."

Percy looked at Thalia with raised eye brows. "Oh and what's that Pinecone Face."

Thalia wrapped her arms around his neck and then pulled his head down. "This." She then proceeded to kiss him.

A/N: Proof read by Hyrulian Hero Akai who will also be helping me put book two together.