Ranma 1/2:

Ranma No More

Alternate History

By: Dani Yanega

(Dani: Legend is listed in Profile. My profile is also where I will address specific questions or issues that readers ask about.

I do not own many of the Characters in this story though some are mine all the KNOWN characters belong to those who originally created them. Thxs.

Please also NOTE I write Alternate Universe (AU) stories whether they are crossover or not. The AU applies to ALL characters. Thus, this will make them OOC to the original Story and I like it that way. So if you plan to comment that Akane is not like that sorry I write her like I like to. This goes for all the characters it makes the story more fun for me to write that way. Got to have some antagonist and some friends :D)

Chapter Twenty Six

The blue light flashed and everyone but Ran Koh and Samuel moved toward the bookcases in the laboratory. Ukyo, Taj, and Alex did the same. Hiro looked confused but looked around awed. They all returned with stacks of books. Ran Koh handed Hiro one of the battle crystals they made that was smaller versions of the Warrior's Stone.

"Just put this in your subspace pocket. It will allow you to read, speak, write, and understand any language. I am looking for a spell that will allow me to create a magical door that will go between my lab and our haven. I want to set up others for the carnivorous animals to be able to go hunting for food." Ran Koh told him as he smiled he knew they would probably take the stone back but at least he gets to help.

"Ran Koh maybe on the rings we hand out to the warriors that fought with us, should have the translation spell added. Then we don't have to keep remembering to get those back." Alex said as he pulled out a pouch and pulled out the smaller magical stone that protected them and their warriors during their battle with the demon generals and king.

"Alright we can work on fixing them all but how about you add it to one now. Then we can swap out Hiro's for this one." Ran Koh said with a smirk.

Hiro stopped reading as he watched as Alex prepared to cast the spell. He watched fascinated as Alex prepared the components. He put the small blue crystal in a small bowl. Then some kind of yellow was poured over it. He watched as he then added some dried plants as he leaned forward to look closer.

{"Should we link it to him and the others to prevent others from taking it?} Alex asked mentally.

{"Yes the Warrior's stones will be saved for battle and recollected. Since we have so many of those stones we can give them to the soul mates they're almost as good."} Ran Koh said as Ukyo smiled happily.

{"They both have teleportation spells these just won't get them here or to Atlantis. But we can add access to the magical door then they can come here to get to Atlantis."} Ryoga said with a slight frown as Ran Koh nudged La Si to give Alex her stone Ran Koh had given it back to her when no one was looking.

La Si smiled as she pulled out her crystal and surprised her husband she still had it. Ran Koh stuck out her tongue at her soul brother as the others laughed heartily. Taj took out her magical implements and began to prepare to do La Si's battle crystal. They watched happily that the other Light Warriors with magic were almost oas powerful as the magical leaders. Ran Koh and Ryoga were happy they were getting more powerful and were almost as powerful as them.

"Did you let Minuet keep her stone as well?" Ryoga asked as Ran Koh nodded.

"Yes as a spouse of a Light Warrior she will need it. I have not given one to the other non-Light Warrior spouses. We might want to do that later for them since you are going to set up protection from theft and miss use." Samuel said as he watched from behind the mage couple reading the spell book they put in front of them.

Then Taj and Alex took blood from La Si and Hiro for their crystals. They let three drops of blood coat the stone and fall into the puddle of liquid, herbs, and spices around the stone. They then placed one drop of their blood into the bowl as a catalyst. They covered the bowl then cast the spell. The bowl got very warm then light shot out through the cracks in the mages fingers and around the edge of the bowl. When the light faded, Taj held out her bowl to La Si and Alex to Hiro.

"We added the translation spell first this part is to add a protection spell." Taj told them as they stared into the bowls that held their stones.

"Now hold onto them until you and they stop glowing. The stones are linking themselves to you as their masters. Once that is done, you can place them back into subspace. You don't need to hold them to use them. Even though there is protection on the stones never remove it from your subspace. Unless we are going to add more spells." Taj told them both as they glowed a purple red-blue.

"Will a stone this small be able to hold all those spells?" Hiro surprised them all with his knowledge of the arcane art.

"Normally no but the way we make them makes them stronger plus we have a preparation spell that strengthens the stones also. It is not limitless but we can add a few more spells as we need to." Ran Koh told the husband of Ukyo.

The light faded and both Hiro and La Si looked at the stone and smiled, as it was blue again with just a tinge of red. They then slipped it back into their subspace pockets and Hiro handed back the Warrior's Stone Ran Koh gave him. He then took a stack of the books on the table and began to go through them. He jumped when a stack of journals, mechanical pencil, and replacement lead, click erasers, with two double pack of replacement erasers next to him. He looked up at his wife as she smiled.

"We use these to list the spells that might do what we want. We put down the tome and page number. We also try to give a short synopsis of the spell." Ukyo showed him her book and he smiled, nodded and went back to work Ukyo beside him.

They had been working for several hours when they jumped as Rufino and Min Ete entered through the cave door followed by Anna and Austin. Ran Koh was not sure she wanted the army ranger to know where her laboratory was. Anna saw the look she was not angry as she understood as a U.S. military man she fears his government woull make him steal their knowledge and magic.

{"It is alright Ran Koh he resigned his commission to stay here. I also used my ki on him to explode any implants that might collect data. He promised on his honor he would not betray us. However, since that does not mean much after Daniel and the panda please use your ability. He does not know of it so he won't protect himself from it."} Ran Koh looked at her friend unsure and guiltily for not trusting Anna's soul mate but she just smiled at him as he caught Cali as she flew toward the Phoenix warrior.

"We brought you guys some Greek Mr. Pappas wanted to thank us for inviting him and his wife. They are almost like grandparents." Anna said as she went to counter by the stone oven and began to put out the orders on plates.

Ran Koh went to help her and then Min Ete and La Si helped them serve the meal. Austin sat next to an empty chair for Anna. Ran Koh placed her hand on his shoulder as she placed a plate of food in front of with silverware and a napkin. When he smiled his thanks up at her, she smiled back though her eyes shone bright with lavender fire he never noticed.

{"He did not lie to you Anna he has relinquished his commission. They did try to get him to send them the location of our laboratory but he refused. They had placed tracking and listen devices in him but he did not know and still does not. I check Anna you did a great job he did not know you even destroyed them. He felt a slight twinge but thought it was stiff muscles from your workout."} Ran Koh said as Anna blushed slightly.

{"You might want to tell him about the devices though in case some of his friends in the military come to check on why he is not sending. Alex we need to look for spells that will prevent spies from finding our lab and listening in."} Ran Koh said as she moved to set out more plates of food.

{"Good idea especially if we are using this place as a starting point to our other haven. We may have to move the laboratory there if they won't leave him alone."} Alex said as he thought he remembered several spells to do that.

"WOW! How did you amass such a library?" Austin asked as he looked around at all the bookcases and wine racks full to brimming.

"The Gray monks." Samuel told him and left it at that.

"No wonder you all knew so much about the enemy!" Austin said his eyes shimmered with excitement at the hopes of learning from the books.

"So how was the party going? Did anyone miss us?" Ryoga asked as he stayed until his family disappeared though his mother and sister were still there. They were staying in one of the two bedroom suites in his and La Si's apartment.

"Not really well Nodoka did but she just seemed curious more then anything." Min Ete told them with a shrug of her powerful shoulders.

"What about our spies in the alleys across the street?" Samuel asked as Rufino smiled.

"Well when they lost track of you Ran Koh, then Katchia and Joshua went upstairs for a nap. The Amazons gave us rooms to sleep in so we could stay up longer. Her old man got bored. They were settling in to sleep but it seems the animals wanted them to stay awake." Rufino chuckled as he ate some of his meal.

They looked at him confused. He lifted his hand, the Neko-claws appeared, and they all laughed. They continued to talk and eat about the weddings and the reception. When they finished, they cleaned up and went back to work. Anna and Austin prepared to leave they wanted to go back to the party. Anna loved the attention and as far as her family was concerned, she deserved it.

"Tell everyone we will be back tomorrow or the next day." Ran Koh said as she hugged Anna tightly.

Ran koh was shocked when Austin hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek. He was the happiest he had ever been and it was because he came to fight the demons. He and his wife left the cave. Before they closed, the door Anna draped them both in the Umi-Sen-Ken. Then she closed the door, took ahold of her husband, and flew back to the Joketsuzoku Village. Rufino and Min Ete stayed to help.

They would enhance Min Ete's battle stone before they left but she could already speak and read the ancient language of magic. They worked late into the night Hiro working hard to be of help. They all smiled at him when he was not looking. He was taking a lot of notes and they wonder what he had found. They called a stop to the reading for another break and some tea. They went over what each other had found.

They all found several spells they were good but limited. You could not use the door if one of the locations moved from where it was when cast. At first, they thought that would be ok but Alex explained not. He told them they might have to move their new haven to protect it and them. If it moves all the links to their laboratory and any other, doorways break down. They nodded as Ran Koh wondered where to move Atlantis to.

"So you think we should move the laboratory? Where too?" Min Ete asked as she was confused.

"I might have an idea? What if you relocate your lab to your now haven and you can add a spell to the crystals that will open a door anywhere and allow you to step through." Hiro told him as he looked at his notes as Ran Koh and Ukyo moved to read his notes over his shoulders.

"He has several spells that would work some though are better and stronger then others. We can all carry the battle stones or the Warrior's stones either way this might be what we need. The problem is how to move this to our haven. I like the setup and don't really want to move everything." Ran Koh said with a frown as a strong but gentle hand rested on her shoulder.

She turned to see Ukyo as she smiled at her long time friend. She picked up her journal and showed her what he had found. Ran Koh looked down and read her eyes getting larger then they ever thought possible. She reread it several times then smiled at her friend and put the book in the center of the table for everyone to read.

"WHOA! This is great! It will take several castings but when we are done we can have a lab that is exactly as this one then move everything magically to it." Alex said as he looked at the spell.

"We are going to need to go there and have a quick look around. To determine where to put it." Ryoga said with a frown.

"Well we can go there now and look around. See what needs to be done to fix the buildings and the lands." Tat put in, as her eyes were eager to go.

"Alright. Hiro La Si and Min Ete have already given their words never to discuss what they here when we have private sessions. We now request that same promise from you." Samuel told Hiro as he looked confused then realized he had entered the inner circle.

"I give my word of honor that I will not tell what I know nor will I put it in writing, well I will keep my journals in my subspace so no one can reach them. Is that ok?" The six leaders nodded as they put away the spell books then pulled out the Warrior's Stone staffs and placed them together.

"ATLANTIS!" All six said loudly as a bright blue light surrounded them all.

"WHAT THAT IS NOT POSS...!" Hiro's shock was cut off as the blue light vanished and so did they.


The three spies were tired as they tried to get some sleep the animals hiding in the shadows would not allow it. Then the man that wanted Katchia rose when she came into view. He could feel her power and if he took her as his wife, she would give him sons that could rule the world. She seemed distracted as she tired to wipe a stain off her dress. He watched as she headed into the building to the left of the Joketsuzoku Village.

He moved from his hiding spot as he headed into the apartment building. He would have his daughter and wife back and none of these weaklings was going to stop him. The animals shouted out mentally to the Light Warriors at the party they all carried the test Warrior's Stone, which now allowed them to be heard. They told them Katchia was in danger. Though, the animals from behind the complex got there first. Akasha and Darrion led them.

The animals entered the large doggie door that was magically protected to only allow animals and since the panda did not know that, he would not turn panda to get in. However, they found a way for the magic to check for Jusenkyo magic and block entry. They started looking for Katchia they heard her scream in rage. And headed toward the third floor. They reached it in time to see the big man fly out of her home. The animals went into action to keep him down and away from Katchia.

The angry wife of Joshua stormed out of her and her new husband's apartment her dragon sword glowed brightly. She stopped when she found the hallway overflowing with animals. She leaned against the doorjamb still in her stained dress. She had a sadistic smile on her face as the point of her now plain sword rested on the floor.

"KATCHIA!" Joshua's voice came below.

He then flew into the hallway and stopped in shock. As he, had caught sight of the animals. As they, tormented Katchia's unwanted father.

"Katchia are you alright?" He asked his wife as he pulled her into an embrace.

"I am alright love he tried to grab me though it did not get to far as he flew out into the hallway where our friends decided to show him the errors of his ways." Katchia said as she leaned into Joshua's strong embrace.

The other Light Warriors appeared followed by the elders and military police. The elders also had wanted them to take the two in the alleys across from their property but they could not. This one they could if there was anything left. Mas Cra moved the animals aside and healed him so he would not die but left him unhealed enough to feel the pain. As the military police pulled him to his feet, they handcuffed him and dragged him out. The two across the street gulped at the damage done and though one knew he was healed there was still a lot of damage.

"Let his damage be a lesson to you! Now leave or I will give the order for the animals to show you what we do to spies and kidnappers!" Sno Pe told them they were going to ignore her until they heard snarling and growling behind them.

Sno Pe watched as the men ran from the alleyway and in different directions. She laughed as several of the animals came out chasing them. She moved across the street and into the two alleys that were connected at the end of building. She filled the troths with food and water for them then petted the pesky ones that begged for it. When they all got some lovin' they went to eat. Sno Pe came out chuckling.

"Wanted to be petted too?" Ku Lon said as she raised her hand and grabbed a little gray tiger kitten as it flew out of the alley straight at her.

"I take it they all come with the buildings?" Sno Pe said as she petted the kitten.

"Yes and I really would not have it any other way." Ku Lon said as she let the cat go back to its mother.

"Do you think they will come back?" Sno Pe asked as she looked in the directions the fleeing men went.

"Yes the panda wants a slave to support him and Daniel wants a conquest and nothing more. But I am trying to figure out how he unlocked my pressure points to not remember Ran Koh." Ku Lon snarled as the elders moved back into the party being joined by Katchia in a new dress and Joshua.

The party continued once everyone was settled down. They having a great time and did not notice the Light Warrior leaders and a couple of others were missing. The elders knew as did Nodoka she was glad Ran Koh was missing since she felt her ex and Daniel would be back. She wondered if they would ever leave her alone.


A blue globe appeared in the temple in the center of the sunken city. They left the temple having to drag Hiro as he stared at the mosaics on the wall. They stepped outside and all gaped as the original Light Warrior repaired the entire city. They were even able to get some of the plants to start to grow. That they would move to the greenhouse to protect them since they no longer existed topside. They looked through the protective bubble and saw rock. They were confused then they realized what happened.

"They moved it deeper into the ground to protect us and it from visitors." Alex said as they spread out and began to check buildings, farming land the concentric circles were still there, and they saw as water flowed in and out from somewhere. They saw as fish was coming in and going out freely. They would look at that later as they moved throughout the city. Though the buildings were repaired the furniture was gone it was all right once they decide where to live. Though, they might share one of the large palaces.

"That citadel over there would be large enough for the library and to set up the labs for testing our spells. We might even get the potion lab in there what do you think." Ran Koh asked as they moved toward the building.

"Yes It is the largest building here and once we set up the protection spells on the labs it would do great." Taj said as they entered into the building and began to look around.

The main floor was huge it would hold all the bookcases it had on opened ceiling giving visual and physical access to the second floor. They explored the building it took over an hour. They all met back on the main floor and sat down to go over what they found. The Light Warriors smiled as Hiro was learning fast on how they do things and he seemed excited to be able to learn.

"Well I think this floor and the second one will work for the library. We can put the books here and scrolls upstairs. The two desks can be one down here and one on the second floor. I would also like to get two more work tables one for each floor just not as long." Ran Koh started as she waited for the others opinions.

"I thik you are right and I agree about the table but instead of getting one long table what about getting several smaller tables we can get banquet tables and fold them up and put them in one of those rooms off the main floor for storage. I think we can put the more dangerous and ancient books in different rooms and secure them with spells. Same for the scrolls on the second floor." Alex said as he read his notes.

"Ok I like that how many rooms were there I forgot to count." Ryoga asked as he looked around.

"Not many there are four on this level and six on the second floor. There is one very large room on the second floor on the west side it is about a third of the second floor. I was thinking that could be used for out potion lab and we can even grow a small amount of components in there. If we need more room for scrolls we open up some of the other rooms." Ukyo said as she read her notes Hiro reading over her shoulder.

"That sounds like a good idea we can still cast protection against miss calculations. Plus set up the rooms for the items that need secured." Samuel said as he flipped through his notes.

"The upper three floors we open up the room for the main laboratory and save a few chambers for storage of supplies for that type of magic. Then when we create things like the battle stones or enhance them we just go to which ever lab depending on the magic to be used." Taj put in with a thoughtful look.

"Ok so removing most of the rooms would give us each a lot of room to practice spells and create new ones sounds good to me." Ryoga input as he continued.

"I found the stairs down to the basement. It is like the first floor an opened floor plan with smaller rooms around the parameters about six or eight. I don't want to put any of the library down there it might be two damp. We can use it for martial arts as it is three stories tall. It must have been a temple to a deity. There is an altar still there." Ryoga finished as he read his notes.

"HHHMMM, did you check to see if the altar can move?" Ran Koh asked as Ryoga smirked at her.

"Yes and it did not move but there is a hidden button which opened the wall behind it like in the temple of Seth. Yes it was jamb packed of goodies." Ryoga said as they smiled as their fortune grew. They would need it if they lived forever.

"Ok we will need to find a safe place for the stuff in my vault. I will notify Ku Lon if we move the Amazon artifacts here. She knows about it since she was on the pallet when the original Light Warriors told us they would set it up for us." Ran Koh said with a thoughtful look.

"Uh I hate to but in but has anyone besides me notice it is getting darker?" Hiro asked as he looked around.

"Now that you mention it...let's go look!" Ryoga said as he flared his white golden aura and headed toward a door.

"The sun is setting!?" Ryoga looked confused as the others stared dumbfounded. They steped outside and watched as the sun slowly set and the stars and planets appeared in the sky above them. They marveled at the sight and felt if they reached up they could touch Venus or Mars. They turned and stared at each other confused.

"I think they gave us time down here. So we can have normal days and seasons I bet." Samuel told them as he smiled at how beautiful it was.

"You are probably right Samuel we need night and day so we don't go mad." Hiro told him as he watched the darkening sky as it filled with stars.

"Well let's continue to look around we have the citadel planned. Use your auras as a light source. We will get some torches later we can magically sync them to the night time here I think." Ran Koh said with an excited twinkle.

They finished looking around and there was one palace that would hold all the Light Warriors and their spouses. The other palaces could be guests' houses along with the smaller dwellings for guests that visit regularly. There were two more palaces though not as large as the palace they would be using for the Light Warriors or visiting guests. One was set up as a hospital and since all the Light Warriors trained with both the vets and medical teams, they would help Min Ete. The palace for the veterinarian hospital was the smallest and they would all work it including Min Ete.

They took notes and Taj worked out where to plant the ornamental trees that everyone wanted along with the flowers and shrubs. Taj and Anna floated to the highest point above Atlantis, which was over one hundred feet above the highest point. They each drew the island and would then scan it into the computer at the lab to work out plant and light placements. This way the others can critique it and make changes.

They headed back to the lab since there was no place to sleep but on the floor. They gathered in the temple in the center of the city deciding this would be the entrance and exit to where anybody wanted to go. So, they decided to decorate it with potted plants and make an atrium from it. They thought maybe a fountain or maybe a small pond and waterfall. Anna and Taj drew it and how to change it for what they wanted.

Since it was a temple Ran Koh and the others opened their senses and found another hidden room b behind the altar. As the others moved through out the temple they found not hidden riches but hidden libraries that would add to their knowledge base. They then started figuring were to store it all like a museum and a vault for the treasure.


The party was still going strong as the six Light Warrior leaders returned the next day. They were not even noticed as they slipped into the party as if they had never left. Joshua however noticed and came up to let them know what happened while they were gone. Ran Koh was angry but at least Katchia's old man was arrested for trespassing on the sovereignty of a foreign nation. The fact the other two got away was why she was angry.

They decided to wait and see what happens as they had a party to enjoy. Ku Lon came up and ushered the six leaders to the Amazon table. She was curious, as she knew they were going to visit Atlantis and wanted to now what they found out.

As they got comfortable some of the other Light Warriors and their new spouses joined them. They talked about the fact that the original 'Warriors of Light' put it back to its original condition and replanted extinct plans they would need for spells and potions. They put out Taj's sketch as Anna's was at the lab hanging on a wall as they plan what they need to do. They also scanned it in and printed off their option of plantings and building changes.

They talked about the changes they were going to make and what the larger buildings were going to be used form. Ran Koh also mentioned that she would be moving her vault to their haven and the Amazons' items as well, if she wished. Ku Lon decided she did not want them under the ocean.

"No I will come and claim them when you are ready to move the vault. We can now move rock as you do so we will hide it here closer so we can us them." Ran Koh nodded and planed to take her there after the festivities were finished.

They talked about growing fresh fruits and vegetables. They did not talk about how they plan to get there or back nor did they give away anything they did not want to share. Hiro knew what not to talk about and he just sat back and listened until he got comfortable with the dynamics of his wife's family. He watched as others started joining but not those that were a part of the Light Warriors. The Japanese elders joined them, as did the rest of the Chinese elders. The other Light Warriors brought some extra chairs. Hiro wondered why they just did not go to the conference room on the third floor.

They all liked what was planned and made several suggestions one of which was in the Light Warriors' palace was to divide the total number of rooms between each couple and then joined them together and open them up to make apartments in their new home. The six leaders and their spouses took notes. They would let them choose their own apartments and decorate them, as they wanted. They talked about the guest palace, the hospital palace, and the veterinarian clinic. Some of the Light Warriors talked about what they planned on taking in college some wanted to be doctors others wanted to be vets after all it was the animals that made the biggest difference after the god like powers of all the Light Warriors.

The six Light Warriors leaders all decided to take business courses and some wanted to be lawyers like Alex. This way they could run the haven and make it a viable home for them. Though, they were taking the business courses also to run the complex and help make money for their ne home. They all decided to take business courses to help them earn money for both the complex and their home. That would give them time to figure out what they wanted to do.

The Chinese Amazons smiled as the Light Warriors took seriously their station in this life time as protectors of earth against attacks from that which humans are powerless. Nodoka was about to ask if she cold live there with them when Taji squeezed her wrist under the table and gave her a curt shake of her head. Nodoka nodded, as she was to wait until they decided, as a group if they would open it to others. They could probably visit but a permanent residence had to be discussed in private.

They soon broke up and mingled into the partygoers who did not seem to notice the private meeting. The Amazons smiled as gawkers were spotted across the street. Their smiles got even larger as the Light Warriors took out samples of the food to them and drinks. They then smiled as they started passing out business cards with appointments for them for upcoming functions. They gawkers went away happy as they tasted the food and saw the fun everyone was having. They also liked the idea of a two-week party, as it would allow others to show up late as their schedules permitted.

The Amazons would let them take care of these receptions, as they needed to learn to run the business but would help them as they learned. They knew when the Light Warriors left for their time alone they would discuss much more. They were just happy the Jusendo Alliance would be party of any battle they must fight. The way it sounded, they would be able to visit Atlantis when it was completed. As they, planned on setting up the single-family homes as guest cottages.


{"So will we have a council chamber if we open the city to others?"} Michael asked as they started talking telepathically.

{"I guess the formal dinning room in our palace. There are no other large buildings left except the temple we fought the demon king in. We are using that as our point of arrival and departure."} Ryoga told them as they all wanted to talk about it but did not want to leave yet.

{"Is it large enough to split in in two one side for the arrival and departure station and the other for the council chamber?"} Roberto asked, as he liked that idea it was large nough.

{"The actual room we fought the demon in is the main temple room there are what another four or five rooms each with hidden storage rooms of books, tomes, and scrolls. The treasure was in the altar room.") Alex said as a collective gasp game through the link.

{"Maybe we can combine both without separating them?"} Anna asked as she thought of a way to do that and have private council meetings.

{"I don't know I would like the view of the plants and water feature but we need not to be disturbed each time someone coms and goes."} Samuel said as he tried to figure a way to do it.

{"What about a glass wall dividing the two areas? You can see the plants around you yet have privacy."} Jasmine said with a smile on her face as she danced with one of the guests.

{"Hey what about making like a grotto and the council chamber sits in the center of the temple with the waterfall and plants all the way around it with glass walls framed by wood or something that can be seen."} Martina asked as she was dancing with a man in a dark suit with a dark red turtleneck sweater of light summer weight.

{"Hey I like that!"} Ryoga said with excitement.

{"Me too! That sounds beautiful! I vote for wood frames over metal!"} Msu Tsu put in and the rest of the sects all agreed.

{"Ok we will get back down there and make the needed designs and what we need to furnish the palaces and houses. Get ready for a big influx of orders Michael."} Taj said with a giggle.

{"Oh no here we go again!"} The Light Warriors all began to laugh and only those that had been around them knew they were talking telepathically.


Genma had come back to the alley from the day before he looked through the window and found his son had returned. He frowned as he kissed the gajin he was married to. He would have to beat that out of him. Genma had forgotten he would not be able to control Ran Koh since Ra Koh kept his skill from him and if he attacked Ran Koh and tried to force her away, he would die.

"You know if we work together we can get what we both want." Genma turned to see Daniel Randson behind him.

"How did you sneak up on me!" Genma growled as he glared at the man before him.

"I fought the demons old man! Now here are the rules. I get Ran Koh for a week or two. I get what I want from her then you can turn her back into your son! Agree or I take what I want and return her to Samuel Red Cloud when I am done.

Genma stared at him then he smiled as Daniel had just given him an idea on how to make Ranma pay for abandoning him and causing him to lose his skill. Plus he would make a ton of money renting out a Light Warrior. He looked back and saw as his son danced with her uncle Hayashi, which made him shutter.

"How do we get her away from that!" Genma said not agreeing but not disagreeing.

"That is when we do just that! They will think she went to her lab and won't start looking for her until we are long gone and I have my conquest." Daniel decided the demon king was right he hated to loose and he wanted Ran Koh.

"So we watch and when she goes next door by herself we grab her then. I will even share her with you during my time after all she is nothing to you but a means of money. What better way to break her new found spirit." Daniel said as he watched the white haired girl with lustful eyes.

Genma stared at the man then at Ran Koh he shuddered as he found that distasteful, as she was still his flesh and blood. However, if this man helped him get his son he would work with him. He also would not allow him near his son. When they had Ranma, he had enough skill and strength to put him down and disappear. They watched together in the shadows with the other inhabitants of the alley that had already warned Sera and the their momma and poppa.


It took another four days before Ran Koh went next door to freshen up, and change. Samuel would follow shortly. She entered their apartment and went straight to her bedroom to pick out her clean outfit. She decided the outfit Ku Lon had given her and Ryoga when she met her family for the first time. She undressed and put on a robe and went to get clean. She kept her senses on full alert as she knew the panda and perv was near by.

When she finished, she dried and put on her robe and headed back to her room. She quickly dressed then went back into the bathroom to brush her teeth. As she finished, she was stopped at the door of the bathroom by a sense of someone in the apartment. She scowled and knew it was the spies. She however wanted to make sure.

{"Samuel are you on your way?"} Ran Koh asked as she stayed in the bathroom behind a closed door.

{"Not yet your grandmother wanted a dance."} Samuel said apologetically.

{"You might want to cut it short dear I have unwanted guests and am locked in the bath room. I think we need to put a window in this thing!"} Ran Koh said as she implored the Umi-Sen-Ken and floated to the ceiling.


Samuel's face went from shock to anger. He turned from Taji bowed to her and ran from the party. He did not need to send a message they all knew what was happening. The elders Ku Lon and Mas Cra followed behind them. Taji watched with anger then confusion as so many people left when the elders followed she knew what had happened and ran out the kitchen door into the alley and through the back door to the war room. Behind her were her two sons, two daughters, and husband all with weapons drawn.


The Takashi elders heard the sounds of a battle and headed toward the apartment of Samuel and Ran Koh. They burst in and saw as Daniel and Genma fought something but they did not know what. They marveled as claw marks appeared on their bodies, or they were flying into something with no one there to send them.

This time Taji called the police while her family moved into the fray to help her newest member fight for her freedom and safety. Hayashi first jumped Daniel and kicked him into a wall. He then pulled his sword and it glowed with his aura. He then summoned the magic with in and it turned into a plasma blade more powerful then what Daniel could muster after his encounter with the five Chinese elders.

"I warned you old man now pay the piper!" Hayashi snarled at Daniel who had the good sense to be frightened since like Genma his new training was locked from him. He however would not give up but now he wished he had one of the magic users enchant his swords.

"She is mine the panda said so! I will have her no one else ever will!" Daniel diverted his eyes as laughter filled the room

"You fool he would never have kept his promise to you but he would have used your lust to make more money by renting out a Light Warrior!" Nodoka snarled as she lunged for her husband her plasma blade glowed brightly, as she had finally been able to mix the two.

She used the flat of her sword and whacked Genma on the back of his legs at his knees. He screamed which brought in not only those from the Joketsuzoku Village but also the animals from around the building. Genma screamed and fell to the floor. He tired to rise but found he could not as the burning was too much.

"AAAARRRRGGGGG!" Daniel made the mistake of turning at the scream.

As he did Hayashi, who learned his Anything Goes well from his niece did something similar as his sister only worse. He first hit Daniel across both kneecaps. Then as he started to fall Hayashi had moved quickly behind Daniel and smacked the back of his legs hard and left his sword there a little longer then he had to. The party from the building next door rushed into the apartment wills they tried to rush in but the animals blocked the door. They saw the animals had also blocked the windows.

"RAN KOH!" Samuel's voice filled the apartment as the animals allowed the Light Warriors in.

"WHERE IS SHE!? TELL ME OR YOU'RE CONFETTI!" Samuel screamed into Daniel's pained face as he pulled the warrior to his feet.

"Samuel she is alright she was fighting them when we came in. She is over there!" Nodoka came up and put her hand gently on her son-in-law's shoulder a proud smile at his need to protect her daughter.

He turned and saw Nodoka pointing to a floating Ran Koh near the kitchenette. He threw Daiel roughly to the floor eliciting another scream. He ran to his wife and took her into his embrace. As he moved his hand to push back a strand of hair, it turned her hair red with blood. He scooped her up and headed to the bedroom grabbing Mirako by the hand behind him.

"She is hurt!" He shouted Rufino turned to Min Ete who nodded and followed the other two into the bedroom.

Samuel was mad when both of them pushed him from the bedroom and closed the door. He stumbled a little as Min Ete pushed him from the room. He turned and tried to get in when a tiny wrinkled hand grabbed his wrist. He turned to see the worried face of Ku Lon. She pulled him to the sofa to wait with the rest of them. They did not get time to sit when the police came running in. Ku Lon did the talking and showed them the two men they wanted arrested.

"They have not only tried to kidnap my cousin they injured her. She is with two of our doctors now." Ku Lon said as Samuel stared at the door. Two officers cuffed and dragged the two men to the squad cars. They picked up Daniel's swords to put in the trunk of the car.

The two detectives stayed behind to question the victim. They watched as all seemed worried the tanned skinned gajin more then most. They jumped when the door opened and Min Ete and Mirako came out. They nodded to Samuel who vanished so fast into the bedroom the detectives wondered if he wanted a job. They followed him in to find the exotic white and golden hair girl layup in bed. Her face in a grimace of pain while her husband sat on a chair next to the bed.

"Miss...!" Ran Koh cut off the one officer with a soft pained voice.

"It is Mrs.! Mrs. Red Cloud!" Ran Koh said as she squeezed the hand of her husband.

"We need you to tell us what happened." The stern faced detective said.

He jumped when Mirako came up and handed him several pictures of the wounds she took with her cell she had used Ran Koh's laptop to print them off. He took them and whistled wondering why she was still alive. He turned at the soft pained voice and saw two women who looked like her mother and grandmother took seats on the other side of the bed.

"Can't this wait?" Samuel asked with a little anger.

"No sir I am sorry but the more we know and have proof for the less likely they will get out and try again." The younger detective said with a frown.

"It is alright Samuel I am fine. I cast a healing spell during the battle but I got hit more then once. I just continued to fight until mom and the rest of my Takashi family came in." She smiled at the two women next to her the three men behind them.


Daniel and Genma were led deep into the jail house each was put in a small cell ten feet square with one cot hanging off the wall by chain. There was no window and only a toilet and sink in the other corning. The door shut with a loud clang. Daniel and Genma both ran to their respective doors and stared out at the retreating officers.

"LET ME OUT OF HERE! I WAS ONLY RECLAIMING MY SON!" Genma shouted but no one listened.

Daniel glared to his right where he heard Genma's voice come from. He frowned as he almost had her a couple of times. The idiot did not notice he had opened a wound and he was following the blood droplets to locate her. The buffoon tripped him up several times when he had almost grabbed her. Then the Takashi clan burst in followed by the animals.

Daniel moved to painfully to the bunk and sat down but jumped up quickly as the burns inflicted by Hayashi though less painful still hurt. He laid, down on his side and leaned back against the wall. He had gotten closer to her then he ever would have. Now however he had to rethink his lust for her. Was she worth prison? Before the war ended, he would have said yes. Now he was not so sure. He does not have the skill he had when he fought the demons. He only got lucky strikes in but he would still have not gotten her to let him take her without force. He wanted her but not at the cost of his freedom. If he gets out of this he is moving on the panda can try if he wants to but he would not get back Ranma or Ran Koh.

The lights went out telling him he was here over the night. He tried to stretch out on top of the blanket the pain made him rethink is effort. He left his lower half of body on his side and turned his up body slightly more flat on the bunk. He then put his hand behind his head. The Images of a naked Ran Koh danced across his mind. As she, filled his every need (Dani: limey only). He sighed and shook his head, as the images disappeared she would have to stay a fantasy and nothing more. He fell asleep as the panda kept claiming he only wanted his son.


"We knew they were staking out the Joketsuzoku Village and apartment. We had an issue with a man claiming one of the brides he was her father but dumped her in an orphanage right after she was born. He stormed the function and tried to take her. When the military police came for him we tried to get them to take the other two but they did not come onto Amazon land. That changed so this may be out of your jurisdiction. Once they entered this apartment building they violated the embassy of the Joketsuzoku Amazons and tried to kidnap and harm an Amazon." Ran Koh explained as the two officers nodded.


"I had been at the traditional Amazon festivities for several days and wanted to freshen up. I needed to change as well. So, I entered my apartment and got ready to take a shower. The animals knew they had returned and let us know so I kept my senses on high alert." Ran Koh began and saw disbelief on their faces.

"We fought demons and killed the demon king to save the world and you still don't believe we can understand the animals! They fought with us!" Ran Koh snarled then she watched as their eyes opened wide.

"We are sorry Mrs. Red Cloud we did not know it was you!" Ran Koh waved him off as she pointed behind them.

They turned and behind them were Sera, Blue, and Cali and all three were flying. The men tried not loose their composure but it was hard as they flew toward the woman in bed. They flew passed the officers as the little kitten took a seat on the girl's shoulder and began to play with her hair. The other two laid, down between her and the two women who started to pet the tiger and Persian though his color was hard to pin down.

"Now as I finished my shower I went and dressed then went back and brushed my teeth. I shut the door to the bathroom. As I finished, I turned to leave when I felt them. They were on either side of the door waiting for me to come out. I telepathically called to my husband and he, the other Light Warriors, and the Amazons headed this way. My grandmother came in the back door with all the animals and her family. They made sure they would not get me out of the apartment." Ran Koh said as she took a sip of water offered her by Min Ete as she sat on the bed next to Samuel's chair.

"I used a Light Warrior Technique called the Umi-Sen-Ken. It rendered me invisible. Then I levitated to the ceiling and waited. It did not take long. They burst in and because they no longer have any skills, they to my luck landed face first on the side of the tub and toilet. I moved out into the apartment but Mr. Randson knew of the technique, sliced at the ceiling from the tub to the door, and cut my leg. It was superficial but I healed it quickly so as not to allow them to follow me by my blood." Ran Koh explained as the detectives took notes they tried to hide their disbelief of the tale from the wound girl.

When she paused in the account of what happened they looked up and saw her smirking at the men. They realized she read their faces. She began to float above the bed then faded from view. The younger detective had dropped his notebook and pen as he gawked at where the girl used to be. She reappeared and was lying in the bed again. Only Samuel and the Light Warriors in the room could ascertain where she was once the Umi-Sen-Ken was implored.

"Yes uh…hum I see what happened next?" The older detective asked as he tried not to show her ability did not faze him in the least.

"I tried to stay away from them I did manage to scratch them and damaged at least one of Randson's swords. But he made several more wounds with some good shots. I had to heal them quickly as I think casting magic causes a ripple in the technique. My love we will need to work on that if that is the case." Ran Koh told Samuel as he nodded as her wanting to fix a technique told him she was in no danger.

"I was for the most part able to remain out of the reach of the panda and Randon's weapons. *SIGH*! The panda is the other man Genma Saotome. He fell into the 'Spring of Drowned Giant Panda'! Oh mister customer tragic story of giant panda drown in sprint two thousand years ago!" The room started laughing as all the light Warriors began to speak like the guide at Jusenkyo.

"Awww...yes I have seen a few of Jusenkyo's victims. That is one place I would like to see from a distance." The older detective told them.

"Then sonny come to the Joketsuzoku Village next door there is a sofa sized painting of the valley. We recommend that is how you see it. The springs affect people's ability to think straight. No matter what Ta Nge the guide tries to tell them they don't listen until after they are cursed." Yas Min stepped forward as she and Sno Pe had arrived after Daniel and Genma were removed Li Ly and Mar Gol with them.

"Thank you elder I will do that! I prefer a safe way to see the springs." He was no fool he had talked with the victims of the springs and they all said the same thing they knew it was dangerous but their common sense left them and they went among the springs.

"I was getting weak from loss of blood as I could not cast to many healing spells and had to depend on shiatsu and my own fast healing. I was trapped between them and I could not move fast enough to escape when mom and our clan came through the door. Uncle Hayashi went after Daniel he had told him to leave me alone or else. Mom went after the panda. They used the magic in their swords mixed with chi and slapped them on the back of the knees with the flat of their swords. It caused them great pain and damage. However if they used their swords as intended they would both be minus their legs and the wounds cauterized." Hayashi and Nodoka pulled out their swords and called forth the Sword of Light technique then added the magic.

"Wow!" The young detective whispered.

"I floated away while they got the two men under control. I reappeared in front of the kitchenette. That was when the others showed up and my husband with them." Ran Koh told them as she still held Samuel's hand in hers.


"Alright we will contact the military police…!" The elder detective was cut off as he turned to one of the mummy-cicles.

"We already notified them officer. Remember this building and the one next door is our embassy and those two men attacked an Amazon of our sister tribe on our land. By rights we should be the ones to punish them according to our laws." Mas Cra told the elder officer.

"Yes I understand and I thank you for not doing so. However if they escape we will make sure the military police tells us so we can notify you." The detective said with a slight bow.

"Very well the military police are at the precinct they are waiting for your findings. They wanted to come here and question Ran Koh themselves but I told them you and your partner were thorough and are collecting all the evidence and statements." Mas Cra told him as he nodded but his eyes showed his appreciation.

"If you gentlemen are finished Ran Koh needs rest!" Mirako came up and moved Samuel slightly so she could check the stitches from when she levitated and disappeared.

When she was satisfied, she smiled at her nephew-in-law and he sat back down. The other Light Warriors came in around the bed and so did the animals. Mirako was about to shoo them all away when Min Ete stopped her. Mirako looked at her with a frown when Min Ete smiled at her with a loving smile.

"They won't hurt her they just want to make sure she is ok. Don't forget _all_ the animals consider her and Ryoga as their momma and poppa." Min Ete told the doctor before her.

"I guess, it is just those wounds were so deep. Randson must have gotten her in the same area more then once." Mirako whispered not wanting to upset her sister and mother.

"I agree but he has been a swordsman for some time so a lot of his attacks are instinctive." Min Ete told her fellow healer.

"Alright let's get back next door we have a party to finish and some training for the new owners." Mas Cra told them all and when Nodoka tried to stay the elders shooed her out as well.

"It is Samuel's duty now to take care of her. You get to wait for grandchildren." Yas Min told the worried mother.

"I'll send Nodoka back in a couple of hours with some food for you two and no exertion until you are ok'd by Min Ete or Mirako understood!" Ku Lon told the two lovers as they nodded.

"I don't think Sera will allow it. I think he, Blue, and Cali have no intention of moving anytime soon." The three of them laughed as Ku Lon left to return to the party.


The party finally ended and Ran Koh was allowed back at the party at the beginning of the second week. They helped the Amazons clean up and pack away all the new decorations being sure to label the totes as to what was inside. The newlyweds collected the gifts brought during the party and put them into stuff space to write thank you notes later. They then folded the banquet tables and put them in storage with the decorations. They found they could have a traditional Amazon parties and still maintain the second floor serving of restaurant customers. The Amazon elders were to stay another month or two until the Light Warriors were comfortable with the running of the complex.

Once they finished and everything was clean and put away, they left for their honeymoons. They were ready for some relaxation and the lab was a good place to start. They also need to create the battle crystals for the non-Light Warrior spouses. They had everyone pack some cloths and any thing they thought they would need for the next two to three weeks. Then they met in the war room. They wanted them to have some clothes at the lab until it was moved to Atlantis.

They all met in the war room their suitcases packed, the new spouses were excited to head to the lab, and help the Light Warriors find the dimensional door spell for ease of access to their new compound. As they prepared to leave, the mountain lions and cubs joined them. Ran Koh looked to Sera, Blue, and Cali for their approval and all three jumped for joy.

"It looks like we are going to need to get more toys especially the big ones!" Alex said with a wide grin.

"Yep it sure does!" Ukyo said as she picked up Osiris to hold him as Alex, Samuel, and Ran Koh pulled out their staffs with the Warrior's Stones on them.

Anna picked up Seth and Megan grabbed a floating Isis as she went by her. They put the staffs together and all were soon covered in a bright blue light. When the light was gone, they were too. They were inside the magical blind put up to cover the plateau where the door to the lab was. Rufino opened the door and they all entered. La Si commanded the lights on and went about making tea for everyone. They had picked up more teapots, as the group was nearly double the size. Rufino entered the main room after closing the door.

The Light Warriors led their new spouses to their own rooms and they put away their things. They were then given the fifty-cent tour by their new spouses as the six leaders, Min Ete, and La Si worked on some blue marbles. They were curious but also wanted to see the different areas of the lab. The pantry, larder, root cellar, and cold storage fascinated them. The fact there was an anti decay spell on them to prevent the food and supplies from going bad.


"Min Ete let us have your battle crystal. We want to add a couple of new spell though you already know the language of magic the Atlantian language is new to us all." Alex said as he threw it indo a large bowl with the others.

"Right now we don't have any new spells to add until we can create the dimensional door and other spells needed for Atlantis." Taj told her as she nodded.

"Are you going to give any to the Gray Monks?" Min Ete asked as they had treated her like family and she did not want to loose them.

"We don't need them Min Ete our magic will always allow us access to the Light Warriors no matter where they are." They turned to see the six leaders of the Gray Monks sects.

"There is no problem is there?" Ryoga asked and relaxed as they Tiger Sect leader of the monks shook his head.

"We just wanted to let you know your fear on some of the spouses is not necessary they have given themselves to their soul mates and will protect them and the rest of you." Tal Kom said from within his cowl.

"Thank you that means a lot to us." Ukyo told him as she smiled at Msu Tsu's brother.

"If that changes we will let you know." The Phoenix sect leader told them with a glimmer of a smile in his eyes.

The six leaders walked over and released gray mist over the bowls of battle stones when the gray mist was gone they returned to the smoke wall. They turned and faced the Light Warrior leaders and began to fade. They left them with a parting promise that made them both shudder and relax.

"The stones will now retaliate against any betrayer we recommend you let them know and that it will not be a pleasant experience as they will face the original 'Warriors of the Light' and your major protectors. La Si we also cast the spell on Hiro and your crystal as well." The Tiger Sect leader told her and she nodded though she would never turn against her new family.

The Gray monks faded and Alex with the help of Samuel and Ran Koh began to add the translation spell to the bowl of stones. Once it was complete, Alex had Min Ete pick out a new one and Taj took it and cast the protection spell on it for her. The spell finally finished and synced to Min Ete as the sightseers returned but headed to see the green house. The leaders just laughed lightly as the questions were flowing from the new spouses. When they returned they began.

"These are battle stones the warriors that fought with us against the demon king and his generals used them. They kept them safe from the pressure where the demon king hid and allowed them to walk under water and breath. You will all carry one in your subspace pocket and we will train you on how to use it. We added a translation spell so you can help with searches for needed spells, techniques and information. The Gray Monks have assured us that all of you are loyal and will not betray us or your love for your soul mate is the center of your world. However, the Gray Monks have cast a spell on them and your stone as well Hiro that if anything changes and you do betray what you know the original 'Warriors of the Light' will take revenge and it will not be a pleasant fate. Do you understand and do you agree?" Alex asked the new spouses as he put the bowl in the center of the table.

There was no hesitation they all took a crystal. The remaining crystasl disappeared into a pouch and into Alex's subspace pocket. They stared down at the crystal and felt as it pulsed in their hands. They jumped when a voice came through the pulsing stone into their minds. They looked up at Ran Koh as she smiled.

{"It will allow you to speak to us through Telepathy and we can respond in kind. The range is quite long as it needs to be as where we will move the lab too."} Ran Koh said no more as they nodded.

"Now please sit down as the six of us and the other magical Light Warriors put the protection spell on your stones. This will prevent anyone from stealing it or forcing you into giving it up. The stone will retaliate even more forcefully if you are forced to relinquish the stone. The Gray Monk magic will kick in if you willing give up the crystal in which case the crystal and you will vanish without a trace…FOREVER!" Alex told them as they nodded they understood.

"Now actually the only time this stone should leave your subspace pocket is when we add any new spells to it. Just so you know there is a 'Talk with Animals' spell so you will be able to communicate with the animals as we do. This includes the sea live." Martina told them as they prepared the spell for the protection spell.

The next several hours the stones were again enhanced. The Light Warriors placed the protection on the stones. The laboratory glowed brightly as the new owners synced with their crystals. They all stared down at the stones then a Light Warrior tried to take it from then and they instinctively fought back and so did the stones.

"If we give these back to you to add more enhancements won't we lose the protection and get punished by the Gray Monks' magic?" Austin asked as he stared at the pulsing blue crystal.

"No as you won't give it directly to us but put it in a bowl for use to cast magic on it. I do not think that will work to protect you if you try to betray us. The stones know when we are enhancing them and will act accordingly." Samuel told the spouses.

"Are they alive?" Hiro asked as he had pulled out his stone.

"Kind of they know when the enhancements are coming as we will first be working on the extra stones we have. They also can detect us, as we are the ones that created them. If you try to pass it off to someone outside the Light Warriors here in this lab it will know and so will the Gray Monk magic." Ukyo told them as she hugged her husband from behind.

"Now as I am sure you saw the supply rooms you will need to get yourselves some journals, mechanical pencils, refill lead, a click eraser pen, and an extra refill eraser. When we search for items as you see the library is quite extensive. We right down what tome or scroll the item we might need. We copy down the name of the scroll or book, the page number and the name. We also recommend a synopsis as to what the spell or technique does. There is always a short one with the spell and technique." Alex started as the spouses listened intently.

"You never remove any of the books or scrolls from here they are protected by the Gray Monks. When we move them to their new location it will be with the help of the Gray Monks. When we break for a meal, we go over what was found at that time and discuss if that particular item is what we need. Never get rid of what you found as it may not be what is needed at the moment but we have gone back to those lists when looking for them for another reason." Michael told them as the spouses looked confused as they thought Alex was the main leader.

"Alright now all of you go grab some books and bring them here to the table. Then start going through them after you get your supplies." Jasmine told them as they nodded they understood that even though the six sect leaders are the leaders they listen and allow their teammates the right to speak when needed. They realized they would be expected to bring information and suggestions to any meeting and so on.

When they all sat down and found the table was now too small by one. They however did not have enough space to spread out for research. Ran Koh and Ryoga disappeared into the storage caves and returned with a banquet table and some padded folding chairs. The Light Warriors spread out and some took their new place at the added table.

"Ok so now you need a dining table to seat thirty but the next size up is for forty. I think we might also want to order several for guests and this one should give us plenty of seating. For us at one of the guest palaces." Michael said as he wrote down the information.

They then started searching through the books they wanted the dimensional door to be created wherever they were. However, they needed it to open where they tell the crystals. So they don't need a bunch of different spells just one generic. They all worked silently their external spouses asking questions once in a while. The cats played happily.

"You know I miss Calcoridan!" Jasmine said all of a sudden.

"Yeah me too but Saffron would not allow him to take a seat on the Japanese Amazon council. Though Hiroshi is talking with him about it." Samuel told her as he stared sadly at the empty desk where the birdman used to sit.

"It's been several hours let some of us go get food while the rest of you keep looking. What does everyone want?" Ran Koh asked as they all agreed on Greek since they love the owner and his food.

"Ok who is going with me and do we need any supplies while we are out?" Ran Koh asked as they all wanted to go but instead drew scrapes of paper four got to go with Ran Koh

"I can't think of anything. We will just start making a list for the next outing." Alex said as he smiled at her and those going with her.


Ran Koh left with Ukyo, Taj, Min Ete and Setsuko in tow. They figured drawing lots was the best this way eventually they would all, get included. They decided to just get large platters of everything so they could pick out their favorites for the next time. When they left the cave Ran Koh called the restaurant and ordered the take out. The owner recognized her voice and got everything ready. They faded from view and Setsuko was taught what to do to get the invisibility spell to work on her crystal. They took off then landed on the roof of a gaming store.

They jumped to the front door and went in. She went to the card game section her friends confused she smiled as she found what she wanted. She bought two boxes of twenty-five of four colors of poker chips. She then went to check out. She moved quickly to the craft store and bought some poster paints and brushes. She never noticed the strange looks she was getting from the others. Then they left and headed to the Greek Restaurant.

"Ok Ran Koh I am confused why the poker chips and poster paint." Taj asked as she looked at the Tiger sect leader.

"Well we will take half the chips of each box or one box or however we decide to divide them up and mark some with poster paint in equal numbers then when we draw lots again we can use these. We can make two sets and leave one at the new compound." Ran Koh said with a small smile.

"It is not because you want to strip the others of their money in a game of poker?" Ukyo asked with a goofy grin causing Min Ete and Setsuko to giggle.

"Nah I am to easy to read unless it is a battle." Ran Koh giggled as they passed a toy store as they entered the street of the Greek restaurant.

"Hey Ran Koh look there having a close out sale on those larger stuffed animals. I know some kitties cats that would those. We have plenty of material to preplace the stuffing later." Taj said as Setsuko smiled after seeng the other toys at the lab.

They entered the store and surprised the owner taking all he had. They agreed to only give four to the cats now the rest could be taken to the compound as they need something to play with. As they were waiting for the stuffed animals Ran Koh and Ukyo disappeared and returned later with two carts full of parlor games and in some instances toys that the others played with when kids but they never had that joy. As they paid for their things and left they decided each would give one stuffed animal the rest would go to the compound. They even found some stronger toys for the cubs and some for Cali as well. They then entered the Greek restaurant to pick up their orders.

They found sever large platters made of plastic with lids. Inside were samples of everything on the menu. The little owner came out with several more and stacked them on top of the others. He was followed by his wife as she carried another four two of which were appetizers and one deserts.

"Wow that is a lot but it probably won't last long." Ukyo said with a hungry smile at the owner and his wife.

Ran Koh nodded her agreement and paid for the food. They had to wait as there were four more trays coming. Ran Koh said they would bring the platters back in a day or two. The owner told her not to bother as they use these all the time for other orders like this. They were not too expensive and the price of the platters was part of the cost. She nodded as the last one platters came out of the kitchen. The girls each took some of the trays then waved goodbye and left.


They jumped to the roof and turned invisible then took off toward the laboratory. They talked as they flew to know where everyone was. When they landed the door opened and Ryoga was on the other side with a scowl. They looked at him confused when they heard the excited cats inside. They all looked shocked and pretended they they had forgotten to get something for the animals. Setsuko and Min Ete smiled and winked at the others as they all entered. They sat down the trays as Katchia got some plates. They put the food on the desks and set the them up as a buffet.

While they did this Min Ete and Setsuko showed when the others were at the game and craft store they went to the pet store. They started pulling out catnip mice and filled soft balls. They also bought a bunch of boxes of catnip. Then for the larger animals out came five more over grown animals. There was a gorilla, a T-Rex, a hippopotamus, an alligator, and a shark. They all laughed as the cats jumped into the pile of over sized animals for the kill.

"The toy store was selling their inventory of oversized stuffed animals we bought them out. We each gave them one the rest are for the compound. Taj says we have plenty of material to replace the stuffing and with all of us working on them it should not take us long." Min Ete said as she smiled as Darrion slid across the cave and into the tunnel to the bathrooms taking with him the alligator.

As the team and spouses ate, they discussed the idea of using the larger palace as the home of the Light Warriors and their families. Many of the new wives blushed. Ran Koh explained it as a community where they all helped each other that and she liked having a large family close to her. They all agreed, as many had no family at all. Each couple would decorate their own rooms and there were so many that they were each getting three. Alex explained they would remove the wall from between their rooms to make a large apartment. The first floor was communal space. They all liked that and some of the men were good at remodeling.

They then discussed that the shared portions all would have a say in how it was decorated but they wanted a harmonious and relaxing feel. They all agreed there could be little touches to show the tastes of each person but the main colors and furniture must be something everyone could get behind. Michael would bring catalogs the next time to start picking out for their apartments and the shared areas.

They then talked about the next largest palace as a guesthouse again everyone would help with decorating and since it was for visiting guests if they decide they wanted to use them. It should be bright and cheery if they put in small touches of themselves like in the Light Warrior home that is fine but it should be a neutral design but with cheery colors. They were all taking notes as the men would also have a say as they had to live there also. If they did not give their opinion when asked, they could not complain later.

The small family homes around the city were a different story. That would be fore returning guests like family they did want to keep in touch with or friends however their silence must be absolute as to where the Light Warriors secret base was located. They all agreed. The people who get a permanent home would be permitted to decorate their own homes. The others houses were what to do with them should they be decorate for future residents or be left empty until they were used. The consensus was to let the new owners decorate the house they choose. This way if they find a need for a house here and there it will be easier to convert it to their needs.

Austin smiled, as the group agreed with him he knew his being there was a probationary stay. Though he gave his word he would not tell anyone. He knew the Rangers and or US. Government would try and find a way to locate the warriors and their base to steal it. Anna told him all the bioelectronics in his body were now disabled completely first by her then by Ran Koh. They were turned to dust and have long since passed through his system. He was happy for that he did not remember how many there were nor when he got them.

He joined the Rangers to belong to something. He however found it was a one sided relationship where he gave and they took. He was now in a family that once he proved himself he would be accepted on his own merit and not just because he was Anna's soul mate. He could live with that, as he knew there was a 'pot of gold' at the end of this rainbow for him. He felt as Anna leaned against him. He draped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to him. He did not see as the Light Warriors watched him closely for deception and smiled when they found none. All the Light warriors have learned Ra Koh's mind search spell. Those without magic learned to use their sect magic. The Warrior Stones they created has the spells for it in them. The Light Warriors all carried one so the true Warrior's Stone could be used only when necessary. Spouses that were non-Light Warriors got a battle stone.

They then shifted to the dimensional door spells located. They all went over them together included the ones those that went for food had found before they left. It came down to two spells for each type of magic. Alone they were not what they needed but together they had everything they wanted and then some. This would be put in the created Warrior and the broken Warrior Stones as well.

They worked late into the night until they were all asleep at their seats. They rose and the spouses followed their Light Warrior significant others to their bedchamber. They saw as the rooms all had walk-in closest and hung up the cloths they were told to bring. They got ready for bed with their new spouse. The Light warriors all had a silence spells in their Warrior pebbles which at dinner they decided would make it easier to determine which Warrior Stone they were talking about. They were cast on all the couples' rooms for more privacy. The cats stayed on the main floor still playing with the new stuffed animals and the old ones as well. Cali and Blue jumped the giraffe followed closely by the three cubs. Soon after the humans went to sleep the cats, all piled on top of the stuffed animals and slept soundly as well.

A lone figure stood in the shadows as he stared at the sleeping animals a thin layer of Gray Mist covered the stuffed animals. Any damage during play was repaired and were now non-destroyable. His spell also affected all the stuffed animals in the five women's stuff space and those held by Ra Koh. On the table, he left a note that one of the houses could be a playroom for the animals but if there is a large number, they might need a larger residence or maybe one of the buildings used as shops. Tal Kom stepped into the light and searched the rooms with the closed drapes. He found his brother's room and though he was frowning, he was also smiling. He wondered if he found his soul mate if they would allow him in as a part of their family.

"You have found her haven't you?" Tal Kom turned to see the leaders of the sects along with the co-leaders.

"Yes but I don't want to lose my status as leader of the Phoenix Sect." Tal Kom said with a sad smile.

"We don't want to loose you either brother. However there is something to be said for a Gray Monk well other then Msu Tsu and Min Ete. They know the magic but are not monks. Anyway, for us a Gray Monk with the Light Warriors would make contacting them easier while in Atlantis. Plus they would be kept up to date better about what is happening that concerns them. They really did not like all the 'cloak and dagger' stuff." The new leader of the Tiger Sect told him.

"If they don't may I still have both my soul mate and status?" Tal Kom asked and the leaders all nodded.

"Then I will ask her and if she says yes I will use it as a way to mend our family rift though I fear neither I nor Msu Tsu will ever totally trust them again." Tal Kom said as he faded followed by his brethren.


Msu Tsu bolted up in his bed he was sweating profusely. Setsuko sat up worry on her face. He looked at her and smiled as he patted her hand and leaned in to kiss her. They laid, back down, and snuggled closely together. Setsuko went back to sleep but Msu Tsu remained awake. He then felt the gentle push of a telepathic request to speak. He opened the link and found it was Min Ete and the Light Warriors.

{"I heard as well brother. I felt the others should know what is happening. As it does concern us all."} Min Ete spoke softly as she cuddled Rufino who was listening as well.

{"How do you feel about it Msu Tsu?"} Ran Koh asked him as she could feel his uncertainty.

{"I...I would like to be closer to my brother but his soul mate might not fit in here?"} Msu Tsu told them with a deep sight as his grip on Setsuko tightened.

{"Oh you mean Kodachi?"} Ryoga asked him as they all could hear the shock as it rolled off of the ex-Amazon.

{"How did you know!?"} Msu Tsu asked, as he was confused.

{"She came to Taj, Ukyo, and me. They had been dating ever since she and her brother joined the battle. She and he talked about the fact they were soul mates and that he wanted to marry her but not give up his leadership of the Phoenix sect."} Ran Koh continued as sleepy replies came from Taj and Ukyo.

{"We told her to urge him to talk to the Gray Monks but she and he would have a place with us. He was the closest of the monks to us and worked with us without the cryptic crap. We are quite happy to have him as a liaison between us the monks. As long as the monks do not tie his hands."} Alex said, as he tried not to snore and fall back to sleep.

{"He is hearing this conversation isn't he."} Msu Tsu asked them.

{"Yes brother I am. I thank you all for your trust and no the monks will not tie my hands for anything that concerns the Light Warriors you will know. Then I may claim my soul mate?"} Tal Kom asked as he hoped he could.

{"ABSOLUTELY!"} The shout came through loud and clear.


The growing Light Warrior family sat around the table for breakfast there was much conversation on what happened last night after they all went to bed. They talked about where they would live. There would be extra suites in the Light Warrior Palace and all agreed if they did to allow them a suite. Then Ran Koh broached a request. She wondered how for a long time but could not figure out how until now.

"I would like to allow Erin and Jessica a spot on our core team as well. I know Jessica first wanted to tear us apart but she could not after how Tomas hurt her and Samuel the last time. She would not allow herself to do it to him or me. I saw it when she touched me. She knew she blew it when she took Tomas' money to leave. It was because she finally let go of Samuel she was able to find her soul mate in Erin." Ran Koh pleaded as she felt her husband stiffen.

"I still have resentment for what she did but Ran Koh is right she would not help Tomas and Daniel destroy what Ran Koh and I had. Once I put that ring, on Ran Koh's finger she let go and I like Ran Koh believe that allowed her to realize Erin was her soul mate. Something I know she dreamed of finding." Samuel told them as he finally let go of his anger at Jessica.

"I think they are correct Erin especially is someone special to us all. But we need to decide if they stay in the palace or get a house. Or should we let them decide if they wish a house or a suite in the palace. As they, are, a part of the Light Warriors. Though, family that come as regular visitors should get a house." Megan said with a smile at Msu Tsu.

"I like that we can let them decide as Megan is correct they may want more privacy but as part of the Light Warriors they have the right to stay in the palace." Roberto said with a smile.

"Ok we will contact Erin and Tal Kom and find out." Alex said with a nod.

As they worked on the new spell they talked with the newer members some they knew well and some they did not. By the time they had the new spell created and tested, they knew everything about them and they about them. Austin seemed the angriest at Ran Koh's life before the Light Warriors and during the battle. If he had known what Daniel was doing, the man would have ended up missing. They looked confused and Austin explained a man like Daniel did that to his older sister and when he left her alone and with child, she could not get over her broken heart. She took her own life while still pregnant. She was only two months along but still the baby did not deserve that.

They felt for Austin's pain and wondered if there was a way to ease it. When the new improved spell opened the dimensional door, they all walked through. They entered the city from the temple in the center of the city and the ideas started flying. It was very large and they all liked the atrium idea and surrounding their council chamber and have it made of glass.

Megan, Anna, and Taj drew the suggestions out as some of the others actually wrote it down. They may find a mixture of the ideas would work. They also wanted a gallery for those that wish to watch and give their opinions. Rufino then suggested that they use the rooms around the entry atrium as the council room well the front half and remove the rooms. Open the back to the landing area since they have a lot to get down here. They they coujld put in a private door for the atrium to either visit or leave the temple into the city and not interfering with any meetings. They all liked that and started making changes as they then moved out of the new atrium and smiled as the last person through, the door closed behind them. They had started to laugh as the cats ran around checking everything and disappeared deeper into the city.

As they went through the city they talked about the different buildings there their leaders told them the two smaller, palaces would be a hospital and a veterinarian hospital. They liked that since the animals that would move here were from the battle. As they, checked each of the houses to decide whether it would remain a house or become businesses. They then found buildings that already were set up for that.

"Are we going to have a monetary system in place?" Michael asked as he was hoping not, too much greed that way.

"I don't know I think a bartering system might be better for those that live here. However they need to have money for when they go back to the land." Alex said as he saw Michael smile.

"What about the animals how will they get food?" Martina asked as Cali came out of an alley straight for her but she caught the happy kitten.

"We will give the animals their own stone. It will allow them to come here and go where they can hunt for their food. The cats and dogs though we will keep food for them here." Ryoga told them as they nodded.

"So will they wear the stones?" Martina asked again.

"No they will be magically implanted and designed to pull the animals of Atlantis back if they are being hunted, stalked, or captured for a zoo or private collection." Alex said as an image of his uncle appeared before his eyes.

"Ah that is why those parts of the portal door was put in the spell. Hiro said with a nod.

"Yeah we are protecting all of our warriors. They are in yours as well or will be." Samuel said with a wink.

"Well I know Min Ete will head up the hospital but are you going to have a veterinarian move here or more then one of each!?" Katchia asked as she leaned into Joshua.

"Well all the Light Warriors are trained in both arts. We thought it was a good idea to learn the professions since the learning curve was magically increased. So, if Min Ete needs help we can be there for her. We might just take care of the animals ourselves or if we find a vet we can trust we may extend an invitation to join us." Joshua explained to the group of new members and his wife.

"Oh shoot I wish I had done that I would love to be a veterinarian." Katchia told them and they just laughed.

"You still can this is not a permanent resident well not yet anyway. It is more of a haven. We will all be running the Joketsuzoku Village and apartment building as the Amazons return to their homes. So you can learn and go to college to get your degree. Just don't forget another part of that is training with Ricard as a shaman he will want to prtect his and the other shamans' totems. That you should learn as well." Samuel told her with a smile, as she looked excited and Richard smiled at him.

"You all can get degrees in what you want to do. It will help you get money for when we are back topside and give you something to do as well." Ryoga told them, as they all seemed to get excited.

They continued to stroll through Atlantis making plans and deciding on how to decorate the Light Warrior and visitor's palaces. Their lives had finally started getting better and happier. As they were ready to go up the hill to their new home Ran Koh stopped and looked to the left of the path up the hill. She moved to a tall one story building. She went inside and it was some kind of grain storage but she saw it as a playroom for the animals.

"What is it love? Well Tal Kom's note suggested a building for the animlas to play in what about this? It is high enough so the cats can fly and it is quite large. I think it might have been for grain storage." They looked around and they had seen a bunch of thise around the city.

"I like it it is close to us and when they get tired they can either sleep here or fly up the hill to the palace." Jasmine said as she looked around.

"You know with Ran Koh's spell to manipulate stone we can make little ledges or eye loops to tie some of Cali's toys to!" Roberto mentioned as they thought of other things to make their friends happy to live here.

They left the playroom for the cats and animals. As they, walked up the hill to the palace that would be their home here. They could get their own house but they did not want that they finally had a loving family and wanted to stay with them. The new spouses just decided that they needed to be a part of this Light Warriors' community and to grow into their new family.


The Joketsuzoku Village was busy as they took care of the special events and packing to leave. As they worked, they did not notice as thrity people were heading to the door. That was until Cali and the three cubs Osiris, Isis, and Seth followed her straight for the elders. The Light Warriors laughed heartily as they all turned and grabbed one of the flying kittens. They walked up to the elders and smiled at them happily.

"Well home warriors how did everything go?" Ku Lon asked as Nodoka had just stepped from the kitchen with an order for a customer.

She delivered their orders and smiled at them as they complimented her for the food. She then headed out to the main hallway where she heard the voices of her daughter and the other Light Warriors. She came out and smiled as they all looked happy and healthy even the cats looked good. She came up, hugged all of her children including the new ones, and then checked them over for any damages. They all liked being cared for though Richard was not so sure but he did not stop her.

"It is good to see you back. The elders are nearly ready to leave. You need to start training." Nodoka told them as she wagged her finger at them, which did nothing to draw the kittens to her wagging finger.

"Sorry we got on a role. There is still a lot more to do but it is going quickly. I think the six leaders should be trained by the Amazons so there are not to many at a time. Then once we take over we will train the rest." Alex said as they all nodded at his last comment.

"We would like to take over a small room on the second floor to use for brides' to get ready in. La Si as asked to be the complexes hairstylist. She has been checking around for prices to know what to charge. Like Nabiki she will give the complex three percent. We got Nabiki to give us good pictures of the brides with their hair done. She is going to keep a portfolio in the office to show prospective clients." Alex continued as he and the other leaders followed ther teachers to start their training.

It seemed for the light warriors and their families the learning curve was still in effect. Though, it seemed to be for only those carrying the battle or additional Warrior Stones. The time went fast after another three weeks the leaders knew everything on how to run the emporium and restaurant. Ran Koh took Ku Lon to retrieve the Amazon treasures but since they wanted the location kept secret they left from the roof after Ran Koh made them invisible. Ran Koh then flew them to the lab. As they came up on the lab Ku Lon's eyes widened at the changes in the landscape. As the forest was now up to the mountain and the blind on the mountain covering the entrance. She shook her head with a wry smile. They flew into the opening of the blind and mountain and Ran Koh flew her up to the plateau that was still there. She then opened the door and Ku Lon walked in. There were much to see as she stared at the larger opening and stairs. She jumped when Ran Koh commanded the lights on and the main room was lit.

Ku Lon frowned when they entered the main room there was nothing there. She looked around and saw all the caves they were using and had altered for their needs but there was nothing left. All the furniture was gone now as well. She frowned as they have decided to use Atlantis as their laboratory as well as hteir haven. She followed Ran Koh to the ledge where their treasures were kept. As Ran Koh opened the wall all of her things were still there but Ran Koh's was now missing.

"So have the animals moved down yet?" Ku Lon asked as Ran Koh shook her head as Ku Lon picked up their artifacts.

"I am sorry you could not get all your treasures back. Do you ever get a chance to go to where he was buried? Ran Koh asked as Ku Lon smiled devishly.

"Yes while you were gone it was fun for us but not so much for the old pervert." Ku Lon said as she put away the last item and watched as the shelves disappeared.

"I sent them to Atlantis." Ran Koh said as they left she not closing the vault.

"Did you get your treasures back?" Ran Koh asked her as Ku Lon looked around and saw all the furniture was missing as well.

"What about the furniture?" She asked the Light Warrior.

"We are using it in the guest palaces. We have two but we might only keep one. She told her as the one palace they chose had over thirty rooms on three floors. They were large and they were waiting for the rest furniture to come in.

"I hope I may visit some day when it is all done. I would love to see what it looked like before the demon king." Ku Lon scowled then jumped slightly as she felt Ran Koh's arms go around her.

"I have a surprise for you of all the elders the Light Warriors want you to be a frequent visitor as well as Calcoridan. So here is your battle stone. HOWEVER, you are never to tell anyone you have it nor where our new home is located. The Gray Monks have fixed them so if we are betrayed by any of the spouses or those we choose to be a part of our family the stone and they return to not us but to the Original Light Warriors." Ku Lon opened her eyes wide at the shudder of Ran Koh.

"Now you never need to remove the stone from your subspace pocket but I do have to put the protection spell on it. So Alex gave me what I needed. So come let us get it protected." They walked over to a small outcrop they had used for a prep-counter and stove.

Ran Koh did as Alex and Taj taught her. They did not worry about her not being strong enough. She just had to kept everything else out of the spell. She did quite well at that. She had been practicing. As there were times she did not want to use her full power. At the end of the spell Ku Lon picked up the blue crystal and it glowed brightly and covered her from head to toe. When the light faded she put the stone away and Ran Koh grabbed her and they both disappeared.


They returned to the Joketsuzoku Village the next day Ku Lon with a bright happy face. As they entered the Light Warriors smiled as they said hello to Ku Lon through the telepathic link. She was surprised as she heard the animals and Calcoridan. She had given her word as an Amazon that no one not even Xian Pu would she had access to her family in Atlantis. She frowned as she saw Xian Pu and Don as they helped to prepare to leave. Her attempts to destroy Msu Tsu's new found happiness was not sanctioned and though Ran Koh loved her cousin she did not like her. Until she could let go and that went for Mas Cra and any others that wanted his death were not permitted anywhere near them and Atlantis.

Ku Lon went to help gather what they needed. She decided a laptop with them. Not the one in her office but some of the ones from the suites. The council chamber had been upgraded to be able to charge electronics. She would start using purt of the council as a computer lab so all Amazons could start taking courses and help make Jusendo Valley and the Amazons better. The Light Warriors closed down the Village to customers as they had decorated the restaurant for the Bon Voyage Party. As those, going back to the village would be leaving in the morning. They loved the event. The Light Warriors showed they had learned a lot about decorating for functions and making it a grand affair. They had to purchase the decorations though they were going to redo them and make a more, permanent versions of the cardboard and paper decorations. This way the can set them up to be slightly altered for each function.

They again had the gawkers as they tried to see the party going on. Some of the Light Warriors took out trays of food and told them it was the first Bon Voyage party they had done. But they plane to use the cheap decorations as models to make better ones. They all nodded as they sampled the food. They tehn left happy and the Light Warriors got several appointments to plan their going away parties.

("Hey I have an idea lets go to the hobby shop tomorrow and see about getting model airplanes of commercial jets, cruise ships and motor homes for those driving vacations. We can hang them around the room depending on the mode of travel.") Erin said as he was liking this especially since Jessica was included.

("That sounds great. The other things we can stop by the fabric store and get the material to make them like the Amazons had done. They are so much more beautiful that way!") Katchia put in with a wide grin as Joshua hugged his wife.

("I think we need to go to the party store and look around at the different types of decorations then take pictures of them then make our own to have ready for when those occasions come up. This way we aren't pushing to get decorations ready.") Taj told them and they all agreed.

("Did anyone get pictures of the restaurant after it was decorated before the function started?") Ukyo asked them.

("I talked to Nabiki she sent over pictures of all the functions she and her Amazon trainees did. We have yet to have to get an outside photographer. If we do we will need t get the pictures ourselves.") Samuel told them with a smile.

("Why bother they will probably want something different?") Austin said as he thought it was to much work to make their own decorations.

("Yes they probably will but it is important to show what we can do and they might find aspects of the other functions they want in theirs. The Amazons have set a high standard and we plan to keep it at that level.") Alex told Austin as they all felt as he nodded his agreement.

("Don't feel bad Austin just keep asking questions it is how we all learn.") Ran Koh told him with a giggle in her mental voice.

("Ok thanks I do have an idea. When I joined the military, my friends gave me a going away party and they had all kinds of military paraphernalia as decorations. What about that they could also be used for military retirement or anniversaries and stuff.") Austin put in he felt like he was testing his luck hd felaxed as he felt Anna's arms go around him.

("OOOO! I like that ok Austin you are in charge of getting Paraphernalia from the different military branches here in Japan, the US and any other countries that has a military presence.") Ryoga said as he did like that idea and it would open them up to a whole new type of functions as well.

("So we have dedicated or standard functions a few specialty functions and we will have generic decorations for everything else. Is there anything we are missing.") Jasmine said as they all thought about it then a group no was heard in everyone's minds.


Not all the Amazons were leaving. Mar Gol stayed behind as the required matriarch to monitor the warriors that were staying for schooling and training. Nabiki's helpers were four. Ku Lon started to take the laptops from the suites when she was stopped by the Light Warriors. As the Amazons, that were staying and coming would need them. The Light Warriors had bought a half dozen laptops to send back with them to get them started.

The next moring they all went to the training lot and sent the Amazons off. They decided to fly home in small groups. They would fly just below the airways and radar. They all waved goodbye as they watched as they flew off. Nodoka came up behind her daughter and son and wrapped her arms around each of them as she also waved goodbye to her family. They then headed in to get ready for the lunch rush. Nodoka asked if she could stay in her apartment and help her children with the Joketsuzoku Village. The massive Light Warrior glomp gave her the answer she hoped for.

Nodoka when not needed at the village as there were still Amazons there. She would go and help Michael. As his old helpers went back to the village. When Nodoka went back to Michael's she brought with her several Amazon warriors that wanted to learn how to run another type of business. As what they learned at the Yankee Trader could be added to how they ran the Joketsuzoku Village.

The village ran smoothly and since Mar Gol stayed with them to maintain the Amazon warrior's schooling and such if they had an issue that was not covered they would ask her for advice. She would smile at them and give them the help they needed. The business thrived and some of the warriors were able to go to college and learn what they wanted to learn. They then opened their own offices. Some became international lawyers with licensed to practice law in over thirty countries. There were some that became veterinarians while others became doctors. Min Ete went to get her dipoloma and they after testing her gave her one and sent her on a residency at a local hospital.

Since many of the others were also trained this way it was pretty much the same way even for the vets. They all with in a short amount of time were full-fledged doctors, veterinarians, and lawyers. They bought the empty office building across the street though they did not request it be Amazon territory they set up, as the first floor was a reception area where the clients would wait for their appointments. The second floor was the law office, the third floor was the doctors office with an operating room for those that do not need a hospitals. That was on the fourth floor and was shared with the veterinarian clinic on the fifth floor. Though they were completely segregated, form each other. There is a small foyer outside the elevator with a desk. Then the receptionist would direct them to which side they needed, to go for in office surgery.

Kyoko asked if he could have an office there and would work with the others to get them acclimated to their new business. He also worked with the animal hospital still opened at the Kuno estate. Alex also helped the lawyers. Many Amazons worked there as some chose those professions. They were happy as more Amazons came and went each group learning what they wanted to know running business while others went to college and learned other occupations. They then did a stint in the Light Warriors other offices so they got practice that helped their village and the Alliance. Though, some went into other things that were just for them, like gourmet cooking, clothing designers, artists, and so on. It was their hobbies at hom but they took more classes for them and business classes to make it a viable business for them.


The Light Warriors enjoyed their lives and would travel to Atlantis and work on setting up their home and guesthouses. They also set up shops that would help them help each other. It was a thriving community. It took them almost a year to get all that they needed in Atlantis. The animals that wanted to live there were transported after the doorway to hunt for food was installed. They met at the training ground below the lab and they were all implanted with the battle stones. The Light Warriors had to make more but they did not mind. Once done the Light Warriors teleported them to their new homes. The only animals that came from other countries were the birds. That was why there were some many exotic parrots, cockatoos water fowl. They there were concentric circles around the main island they could not let the water fowl there as ocean fish dangerous to them would swim in those waterways. They took a part of the main island and turned it into aa huge lake of fresh water. It would allow them to swim in it and they decided to stock it full of fish for food not only for the animals but for them as well.

They had planted current plants that would feed the animals. All the ancient plants were moved into the green houses, as they had to make more then one. They actually put it on the landmasses that divided the circle of land from each other. They turned those into farmland as well for that not grown in green houses. There would not be a growing population in Atlantis as when it came time for the Light Warriors to grow old and pass on they would just move to Atlantis. Their children would be raised there then they would send them to school topside and move there with them until they were old enough and had a way to support them. The Joketsuzoku Village would always belong to them as it would give them a place to send their children for training. Since the Amazons lived long lives it was easy for them to remain for quite a long time on earth.

They had long happy times as the grew closer as a family and as friends. There were many times the Gray Monks came for them. Though Tal Kom always let them know a head of time so they could prepare. He and Kodachi were frequent guests at Atlantis especially when Tal Kom's great grandmother and other family members were being to obtrusive into his and Kadachi's lives. Atlantis became their haven, as they were not permitted there since neither Msu Tsu nor Tal Kom wanted them there.