AN: Ciao, fedeli lettori! For those of you who don't speak italian, (I do! :3) that means hello, loyal readers! Guess what this is, huh? Can ya? Can ya? CAN YA? JUST GUESS ALREADY, DAMNIT!

Alright, I'll just tell you. IT'S A SEQUEL! (dat dadadaaa!) While my bestie and counterpart Memory brews up a prequel, (Her idea, therefore her story) I couldn't stand not writing. It literally almost killed me. Nah jkjk. I'm still here, folks! So without further ado, I present the first chapter of Words Unspoken! :D!

This is only the beginning…

I stretch out on my bed. What could that mean? It's what Crystal said right before Maka finished her off. Are there more witches hiding right beneath our noses? If so, how come we haven't noticed them?

I roll over so I'm on my stomach. I'm worrying too much. I've been thinking about that since the dance. At the time, I had been so whipped up in everything going on that I hadn't taken into consideration her words. Was she warning us? Or was she just messing with me?

I sigh and push the thought out of my head, standing up and looking at myself in the mirror. My hair is a mess and there are creases on my thighs from my sheets. I was too tired to get under them last night, so they made marks in my skin.

My blue pajama shirt is loose and just barely brushes the bare skin underneath it. Aside from it, I'm wearing pink booty shorts with black polka dots and miss-matched knee-high socks, one gray with neon green polka dots and turquoise heels and toes, the other the same shades of blue and green striped with a dark blue heel and toe.

I walk out of my room and notice the apartment feels emptier than usual. Mom left yesterday, but Jimmi's still here. He doesn't have anywhere to go, so Mem and I let him stay with us until he finds a new place.

I sigh and pour myself a bowl of cereal. Cooking just seems like too much work right now. I'm halfway through my bowl when I notice something; I haven't been ambushed by Ollie yet. And Mem doesn't seem to be around either. I call for them, but no one answers. I finish my cereal and stand up.

I look through each of the rooms to find that the only other person here is Jimmi, who's out cold on the couch. I make my way back to my room. I pick up my guitar and start to strum a few random chords. After I have a good sequence, I start to figure out the rhythm. After that, I match it with the lyrics that have been floating through my head for the past few days.

"Why do you feel like you have to outshine me?

Yeah, tell me

Why can't you cope with being behind me?

Oh, this is who I am

So suck it up, be a man

Cause I'm not changing, just so you

Can outshine me," I sing. For some reason, the song reminds me of Maka a little. I continue with the second verse, being too lazy to think of a first.

"I gotta get stronger

So I don't fail to reach my dreams

Gotta climb higher

So I don't get run over by your big ass mouth

Yeah, I just don't see

Why you can't deal with me!

Why do you feel like you have to outshine me?

Yeah, tell me

Why can't you cope with being behind me?

This is who I am,

So suck it up, be a man

Cause I'm not changing just so you

Can outshine me

Oh, whoa!

Shut up, shut up!

Don't wanna hear it

Just suck it up!

I know you fear it

Don't mess it up

Now it's your time

So get up, get up

To go out there and shine

But baby, when it's mine…" I sing, the note ascending form a lower pitch to a higher one.I strum my guitar loudly in place of an electric guitar solo. I take a deep breath as I play the last few bars of it.

"Tell me!

Why do you feel like you have to outshine me?

Please tell me!

Why can't you cope with being behind me?

This is who I am,

So suck it up, take it like the man you are

Cause I'm not changing

Just so you can

Oh, baby you can't

Outshine me"

I finish with a smile on my face. I wish I had an electric guitar. Then all of the rock songs I've written would sound right. But, I still love my acoustic anyway.

Jimmi opens my door. "Nice song, Bright Eyes." He says. I smile and set my guitar down on the floor next to my dresser. "Do you and Mem have a computer?" He asks. I shake my head.

"Nope. Sorry." I tell him. He frowns. "Oh, cause according to Landon, Tommi wants to IM you or something." He says. I gasp.

"Tommi? As in Tommi and Landon Aomori?" I ask him. He smiles and nods. "Yup." He says. I jump up and slip on my fuzzy slippers, sliding out of my room and grabbing my bag off of the doorknob.

"I'll be at the café down the street! Tell Tommi-I mean Landon- that I'll be online in a minute! Don't break anything!" I call to Jimmi, who's still standing at the doorway to my room. "Umm, okay…?" He says, unsure. I grin all the way to the internet café, completely ignoring the crisp early spring air.

Tommi is one of my best-est friends ever, second only to Mem. She lived next door to us before we had to move in with Phil, and us three hung out almost every day. I haven't seen her in what seems like forever!

I burst into the café and everyone stares at me. I don't blame them; I did just barge into a quiet coffee shop wearing only pajamas and bunny slippers. I sit down at the nearest empty computer and turn it on. I type in our favorite instant messaging website and log into my account. I wait for it to load, and when it does a message pops up on the screen.

Big_Blue=P: Hey gurl! Havin fun in the big city?

I smile. Her username comes from the electric blue stripe in the front of her dark brown hair. She was born with it, believe it or not. Her older brother, Landon, (Who's Jimmi's age) always calls her Blue. We gave ourselves matching nicknames. Mem's goes with ours as well. Hers is "Middle_Dark:T." She did it as a joke, saying there's really not a good nickname with the word "black" in it.

I type in my response. Our conversation is as follows:

Lil_Red3: Totes! But its not as fantasmic without u!

Big_Blue=P: aww, shukz! hows Mem? still 4eva alone?

Lil_Red3: lolz, nopee! She found herself a bf, beliv it r not! X)

Big_Blue=P: OMG, seriously? No way!

Lil_Red3: yea way!

Big_Blue=P: im happy 4 her! So howz about u, gingersnap? :3

Lil_Red3: …

Big_Blue=P: TELL ME!

Lil_Red3: ok ok! I'll tell u! Yes, I do hav a bf. happy? -.-

Big_Blue=P: YAY! Wutz his name? iz he cute? Wutz he look lik? TELL ME EEEEEVERYTHING! *slurp slurp*

Lil_Red3: No way! Thtz uber creepy, bro! O.O

Big_Blue=P: least tel me wut he lookz lik! & dnt 4get his name! :D!

Lil_Red3: Hiz name is Soul. He has white hair and red eyes. Thtz all im gunna say. -.-"

Big_Blue=P: eww, r u dating an old guy?! O.o

Lil_Red3: NO! :(

Big_Blue=P: then y duz he hav white hair?!

Lil_Red3: idk! He just duz!

Big_Blue: lolz, im just kiddin! Geez, tht pissed u off…

Lil_Red3: So y did u wanna IM me?

Big_Blue=P: cuz I gotz a surprise! :D

Lil_Red3: spit it out! xp


I have to read her message three times before it finally sinks in.

Lil_Red3: OMG, SRSLY? Y?

Big_Blue=P: cuz im enrolling in the DWMA!

Lil_Red3: the DWMA?

Big_Blue=P: stands 4 Death Weapon Meister Academy.

Lil_Red3: I know wut it stands 4, dummy! Mem and I r going ther!

Big_Blue=P: rlly? U neva told me tht!

Lil_Red3: thtz the whole reason we moved here!

Big_Blue=P: o… rlly? I feel stupid now…

Lil_Red3: wen r u cuming?!

Big_Blue=P: TODAY!

Lil_Red3: YAYAYAYAY! CNT WAIT 2 TELL MEM! Oopz, g2g, internet café and lady's getting mad at me… c ya soon! Tell Landon to txt Jimmi wen u get here!

Big_Blue=P: okey dokey lokey! C ya!

I shut off the computer and apologize to the waitress lady standing behind me. I guess happy squealing isn't allowed in quiet coffee shops. "Sorry…" I say, grabbing my stuff and standing up. She puffs out her lips.

"Mmm-hmm." She replies, watching me as I rush out of the shop. I sprint back to the apartment, a huge grin stuck on my face.