A/N: Okay, this is my first ever AkuRoku story where I don't use Night, so please be kind in your reviews! Enjoy~

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story.

Love Can't Be Killed

Chapter 1

Silently, I crept past the security guards, not making a breath of sound. I held my breath as I slipped past, not daring to make the tiniest noise, not wanting to alert them. Once I was out of their hearing range, I dashed off, silently making my way to the target. I kept my blades strapped to my back, not daring to take anyone out except the target, lest I alert the entire building's inhabitants.

Eventually, I came across a slight challenge: three guards, all in front of the target's bedroom door. I cursed under my breath and flattened my blonde cat ears against my head; this would make things a bit more difficult.

Instead of taking them out directly, I slipped off to a hidden passage that I had discovered from studying the mansion's blueprints. When I entered the passage, I murmured a small spell, allowing a small orb of light to emerge from my palm, and allowing me to see in the dark passageway.

I dashed along the passage, eventually making my way to an exit that led into the target's bedroom. I snuffed out the light, allowing it to return the leftover energy back into my body. Listening carefully, all I could hear through the panel of wall was quiet, deep, even breathing. My golden cat tail flicked impatiently as I waited, just in case.

Cautiously, I slid the panel away from me, and slunk into the bedroom. I slid the panel closed again, my sapphire, feline eyes flitting about as I searched for any danger. My blonde spikes shone in the moonlight that filtered through the balcony window, and I quickly hid in the shadows so as not to be discovered.

As I waited for anything to happen as a result of my movement, I noticed the target's description from my mission paperwork matched the target in the bed perfectly. The bright red, spiked hair was a dead giveaway. I also noticed his matching red fox ears hidden amongst the spikes. A fluffy red tail with a white tip was hanging over one edge of the mattress.

I remember when I had seen a small picture of him, and it had made my heart rate increase. I didn't know why, and I still don't, but I do know this: the target must be assassinated, or brought in to headquarters.

In this mission, I was to bring the target back to headquarters, and he would be used for ransom. The mission's client wanted revenge against a rival for stealing business, so he wanted me to kidnap his rival's son, who was my target for the mission.

Approaching closer, I felt something tug at my heartstrings when I got a good look at him. I couldn't identify it, and my instincts almost told me to leave him be, but my conscious told me to follow through with my work, or I would be severely punished. After all, the client had paid my father—our group's leader—a great sum of money for this job.

Once I was close enough, I pulled out the amulet that had a one-time-use teleport spell on it out from underneath my shirt. I swiftly grabbed the target's arm, and then activated the magic of the amulet.

The redhead woke immediately with a start, but before he could say anything in protest or break free, we were already teleporting back to my headquarters. When everything swam into view again, we were in the designated holding room for ransom targets. I quickly shoved the target back, and he stared at me, shock in his eyes, plus something else I couldn't quite identify.

I left the room quickly, and with good reason: something inside me reacted to the expression in his emerald eyes, and I didn't want to risk him recovering from his shock quickly enough to try and escape. As soon as I dead bolted the heavy metal door, I noticed my father, Cloud, standing by the window to the holding room. His ears and tail, identical to mine, were completely relaxed.

"Good job, Roxas," he told me, ruffling my spikes affectionately. "Did anything come up?"

"No, it went completely smooth," I answered, swatting his hands away. "And don't do that!"

"Sure, kiddo," he replied, smirking. "So, you know what to do next, right?" he asked, watching me carefully.

"Yes, I do," I replied slowly. "What are you implying?"

"I saw and detected something in you that responded to the target," Cloud informed me. I stiffened, and then glared at him.

"Whatever it is that you're saying, I don't appreciate it," I growled, and then stalked away to my room, the end of my tail flicking back and forth angrily. I slammed my door shut, and glared at nothing in particular. That is, I did until I heard my brothers' voices greet me.

"Heya Roxas!" Sora, the brunette one out of the three of us triplets, and the most energetic, chirped as I turned. Upon seeing my expression, though, his chocolate brown ears flattened against his head, and he quickly ran to my side. "What happened, Roxas? Did something go wrong with the mission?" My other brother, Ventus, joined us, looking somewhat anxious and worried himself.

"No, nothing went wrong with the mission," I sighed. "Cloud thinks that something stirred in me when I saw the target, though."

"You mean Axel Sinclair?" Ven asked. "Isn't he the one that you just brought back from the mansion for that rich client for ransom?"

"Yeah, and Cloud thinks I might be falling for him," I growled. "Why on earth would I fall for a fox?!"

"There's nothing wrong with falling in love with someone who's a different hybrid, Roxas," Sora said quietly, and I was reminded by that statement about Riku, Sora's mate, who was a wolf.

"Sorry, Sora, I wasn't trying to say anything about your and Riku's relationship, I promise," I apologized. He nodded, and I added, "It's just that you and Ventus and Cloud all know me well enough to know I've never felt strongly about anyone in that way."

"Maybe the right person hasn't come into your life until now, though," Ven pointed out as he sat back down on his bed. I thought about it for a moment, and realized that my identical triplet was on to something.

"But why now? And why the target for a highly respected client?" I wondered aloud.

"Who knows? Just go with it and be happy," Sora advised with a shrug. "I'd make sure to tell Cloud if things start to make progress, though."

"But you know how he is," I argued. "He'll want the client to be satisfied, and not want to get us or the client in trouble with the police."

"Roxas has a point, Sora," Ven chimed in. "My advice is for Roxas to work on this mission as much as possible, including providing care for Axel. You know, the usual."

"Good idea!" Sora chirped. I stared at my brothers in disbelief.

"Are you seriously considering I try and make him fall for me?!" I screeched. "What the hell is wrong with you guys?! I don't want this! I feel nothing for him!"

Sora and Ventus remained silent for a bit, but then Sora spoke up. "Roxas, maybe this will be good for you. Ven and I have worried about you ever since he and I found Terra and Riku, and we don't want you to be lonely for the rest of your life…" I hung my head, feeling shame, embarrassment, and a whole range of different emotions flowing through my mind and heart.

"…I'm going to bed," I finally muttered, my ears and tail drooping. Looking away from my brothers, I stalked off to my bed, and curled up under the blankets, not bothering to change, and felt tears leak from my eyes as I went to sleep. Why did this have to happen to me…?

A/N: What do you guys think? Love it? Hate it? Please don't flame me if you don't like it, PLEASE! Anyway, R&R, peeps!