Hearts are outragingly fragile organs.
Complicated and delicate like clockwork,they need swift,trained fingers to handle them or else they break and all thats left behind is red vision and bruised skin.

I cling to you Sixsmith like the muses cling to Love.
Kissing his lips hungrily and begging for his touch. Erato the muse who dedicated herself to erotic poetry exposes her soft,milky thighs to him with fever. Like her Sixsmith, I shiver with the need to feel your fingers on my hips and your lips against my burning skin. Like the sisters Kalliope, Melpomene and Terpsikhore who lay at his feet with their rosy breasts exposed like well paid whores..., just like that Sixsmith,I quiver while touching myself and thinking of you, thinking of your smile and your talented fingers. Look at me Sixsmith,just another well paid whore... Why do you love me?
{supposing of course that you do love me}
Why don't you go find yourself a proper lover,someone who will not run away with a stolen kiss and leave you naked in a hotel room in the middle of the morning.
{I repeat though, This was not the way I had planned this to happen,I am so sorry.}
Music is my only escape now, the notes the only lovers in my bed.
I wonder why they still come though, my starved,sleep deprived body and my messed up mind should not be much of an appeal even for them.
I will be gone soon Sixsmith...
I can feel it thumping in my veins, sliding in my blood.
I will leave the Sextet behind and then I will go... I'll disappear in the clouds like the last traces of cold English rain.

Robert Frobisher

The devastation of the man who found his lover bleeding in a bath tub with a pistol in his hand and a bullet through the roof of his mouth was huge and black and ugly.
Ugly like a bird-like beast that rotted away alive while still devouring Rufus Sixsmith till he was spent and torn and destroyed...
Ugly like the blood dripping across the smooth surface of the white tub and staining Frobisher's shirt.
Ugly like the cruel,unloving world every broken hearted person is trapped inside...