AN: So, maybe I should stop thinking of story ideas. That could work wonders for both my grades and my sanity when it comes to my stories. I still have to update Musical Stories and Courage to Stand. Not to mention get started on Eternal Changes..well, after I finish getting character submissions. I think I'm going to ask my friends at school to fill the submission form thing out. But if you want to submit a character, then PM me with your character. You can submit more than one, as well.

Anyway, I got this idea while listening to music on my way home from school today and it seemed like a decent idea. I was if-y about the pairing, but it's new and it's..well, it's something that caught my interest after finally finishing the Lost Hero. Yes, I'm aware that I'm behind, I haven't been able to get books too quickly recently and I only recently started reading it. That's beside the point.

I think it fair to warn you that this might be really OOC, but that is because I don't know the characters well enough and I seriously am running on maybe two hours sleep and an overstressed brain. Pardon that if it happens.

I've rambled long enough. Hope you like it. I'll probably turn it into another multi-chapter thing.

This was quite possibly the worst day Leo'd had since he'd come back to Camp Half-Blood. It really did bite.

The words that he'd exchanged with Jason and Piper kept echoing in his mind. He didn't get it. He didn't want to get it, actually. It was safer that he didn't. He was upset enough without understanding what had happened to cause it.

Worthless. While the word hadn't been said, that's what Leo read out of what they'd said. He couldn't do anything right. He wasn't wanted. He wasn't needed. He didn't matter.

He didn't head to Bunker Nine like he normally did. He'd been working with others on building the Argo II for a good three weeks now. Instead, he headed straight to Hephaestus cabin. Forget lessons, forget working on the stupid ship, he thought. He just needed a bit to think without distractions.

He didn't notice the tears that came with the echo of cutting words. He didn't notice that he could hardly see where he was going. He knew the path by heart by now. He'd walked it plenty of times before.

The moment he walked into Hephaestus cabin, however, Jake stopped him. Leo had his head tilted down and his hands, which normally had scrap pieces of metal in them building some sort of gadget, were empty and still.

"Whoa, Leo, something the matter?"

Leo didn't look up. "No,"he said, his voice a bit deadpan. But it didn't sound like he was crying. He'd mastered hiding evidence of his tears from his voice the year after his second foster home after his mother's death. He brushed past Jake and sat down on his bunk, his head still down.

Jake frowned. It was odd to see the hyperactive boy so sullen. He was normally grinning and cracking jokes and moving around constantly. But he was just..lifeless. It was like he'd died.

It didn't take long for him to really know something was wrong. He saw a tear drop from Leo's face and shook his head, forgetting about leaving and moving to sit next to Leo. "What's up?"he asked, nudging Leo gently.

Leo didn't answer. It bothered Jake for Leo to be so quiet. It wasn't like him.

When Jake didn't get an answer after a couple minutes, he sighed. "Who's upset you?"he asked, trying a different approach.

But he still got no answer from Leo.

Jake's eyes narrowed. "Was it Jason and Piper?"he asked.

Well, that got a response. Just not a good one. Instead of Leo verbally answering, his frame shook in a supressed sob.

A sigh was what Jake gave, wrapping his arms around Leo, hoping to let him know that he wasn't alone. Gods knew that Leo'd been on his own for too long. Emotionally. Physically, not so much. But he'd been emotionally alone since his mother's death. They all knew that much. They knew Leo's humor was his way of coping with things.

Leo leaned against him. While he hadn't expected anyone to notice his pain, he was glad that someone was trying to help him. It was a nice change from what he'd grown used to.

Neither of the boys went to their afternoon lessons. When they showed up at dinner, late, they got a few concerned looks. Considering that Leo was still sullen, the concerned looks doubled when they sat down with the others at Hephaestus's table.

Leo could feel eyes on the back of his neck. He knew Jason and Piper were both watching him from their respective tables. He didn't turn and wave at them like he normally did if he got into dinner late.

Nyssa frowned at Leo's behaviour. "Did you guys have a falling out?"she asked.

Leo glanced up at her and shrugged. "You could say that,"he offered.

Everyone got the hint that he didn't want to talk about it and changed the topic to how the Argo II was coming along so far.

Leo listened and offered input on certain things, but everyone could tell that his fire was literally gone for now.

Halfway through dinner, though, Jason made everyone at the table fall silent by moving to stand behind Leo. He tapped the fire child on the shoulder, making him turn. "Listen, Leo -"

"No."Leo said. "No, you listen. I don't want to hear that you're sorry right now."

Jason frowned. "Well, I am."he said.

Leo shrugged and turned back to his food.

Jake was frowning at Jason when he didn't leave.

"I don't think he wants you over here, Grace."he commented.

Jason looked at Jake for a long moment before he turned and headed back to his own table. Leo gave Jake a thankful smile, but said nothing. In fact, he once again had metal bits and pieces out, working with them to create something. His nervous energy was coming back, Jake knew. Soon, they'd have the old Leo back and things would go a bit smoother. They just had to get to that point from here.

AN: So do you guys hate me for this? Do you think I should continue and make it a multi-chapter thing? Or is it better as a one-shot?

Again, sorry if it's OOC, I'm working with it.