Okay here we go again and I'm sooooooooooooo sorry. I can't believe I've let this go so long when I'm so close to the end. Life is crazy but who isn't. Thanks again for not giving up on me. I'm going to try and finish this but so far my track record says others wise :o. Please review. It helps a lot! Thanks again. Rated T. Enjoy. P.S. I don't own fairy tale all credits to the creator.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Chapter Twenty Five Presents

Lucy woke early the next morning. Christmas. She smiled at the thought. She looked in her room and there was a Christmas Tree in the corner. She didn't have time to put one up. She turned and saw Virgo, Loki, Damned, Taurus, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aquarius and Gemini smiling at her. She laughed hugging each one.

"Thank you!" she said. "I love it! This is already the best Christmas ever!" She quickly changed into a Santa outfit. She wore her Santa hat and walked towards the guild Damned and Loki carrying her gifts. She walked in and started handing them out.

She found Erza first and gave her a mixing bowl with a recipe for her favorite cake. Erza then bolted into the kitchen to start cooking. Levy loved the book starting to read it. Gajeel ate his metal candy cane. Gray liked the new pants. The Master liked the new vest. Mira the new dress. She then turned to Damned.

"I know you don't really celebrate but you got me something so I figured I'd get you something." She said.

"You shouldn't have," he said taking the small box. He opened it. It was a friendship bracelet. A pink bracelet. "I can't wear this."

"Please, we're friends." She said smiling. He couldn't say no. Havoc and Rage noticed.

"Pink?" Havoc asked. Rage chuckled. Damned put them both through a wall.

"It's Christmas!" Wendy yelled. "Damned you should be nicer on Christmas."

"Yeah Damned, listen to the kid." Said Rage.

"Kid!" Wendy said blushing.

"Rage we can take this outside if you want but Wendy is right. Now go drink hot chocolate or something." Damned said.

"Nice one Rage." Havoc taunted. "Worked out real well."

"Havoc!" Damned asked.

"Hot coco!" he yelled bolting into the kitchen Rage hot on his heels.

"Wendy, here" Lucy said giving her a cat doll. She of course loved it. She looked for Natsu and Happy.

"Mira did Natsu leave?" she asked walking over.

"I don't know. He didn't check in." Mira said. Lucy sat at the bar. She was hoping he'd turn up. She twirled the locket in her fingers. Now what was she supposed to do. It was the best gift she could've thought of.

She sat sulking wishing Natsu was there. She sighed looking at the wall. What now. She wasn't going to sulk.

"It's snowing!" yelled Levy.

"Really?" Mira asked.

"Look!" Levy said running outside. "Lu-chan look!" Lucy followed her outside.

"Isn't this perfect," she said smiling.

"Not quite," Natsu said. She turned stunned.

"Natsu!" she said blushing.

"Merry Christmas!" he said smiling.

"Lucy where's my gift? I brought you a fish but I ate it. I'm sorry!" Happy said. Lucy laughed and gave him the fish and candy cane. Happy was well happy.

"I'm glad you stayed." Lucy said pulling out the box.

"Couldn't stay away," She smiled and handed him the box. He opened it carefully and pulled out two figurines. A pink princess and a red dragon. He smiled looking at them.


"They're perfect," he said hugging her. She smiled. "Thanks,"


"Yeah Luce," he said inspecting the details on the figurines. She couldn't help but think that he looked like a child with a new toy.

"Thank you for everything," she said. He smiled. "Oh and I wanted to show you something. I picked out two pictures for the locket." She took it off to show him. He looked at it. On one side was a picture of the whole guild but the other was a picture of him and Lucy. "You're the one person I miss remembering the most." She said smiling weakly. He smiled walking closer to her. He felt more confident than ever before about his feelings.

He kissed her. She was stunned but quickly was caught up in it. The two kissed passionately and the whole guild watched filled with hope. She pulled back smiling. She couldn't remember the second Letum Mars attack but the pieces with Natsu were filled. She could remember him. That was all she really wanted.

"I remember you," she said smiling.

"What? Really?" he asked his face lighting up. She nodded.

"Lucy!" he said picking her up and spinning her before kissing her again. She laughed.

"We're alright. Everything is going to be alright now." She said.

Several Weeks Later….

Lucy laid in her bed and yawned slowly shifting in her bed. She hit a warm mass with her arm and looked over at Natsu.

"Natsu," she groaned pushing him into the wall away from her. "What are you doing here?" she groaned. Natsu rolled over towards her trying to wrap his arms around her. She knew if he got hold of her he'd never let her go and they'd spend the whole day in bed. She rolled away and fell out of bed with a thud.

"Natsu get up!" she yelled yanking him from the bed. Natsu groaned still half asleep on the floor.

"Where's my pillow? Lucy?" he groaned. She was already at her dresser pulling out some clothes. She went to the bathroom to change.

"Get up we're going on a job today. I need rent money and you promised we'd go today." She said. She walked off and was soon back as Natsu was just standing up. He smiled at her and she grabbed her keys and prepared to leave.

"Lucy," he said with a smile. She smiled back as he came up behind her and hugged her.

"Come on Natsu. We'll be late and Erza won't be happy."

"Why do we have to take her again?" he complained.

"Gray's coming to,"

"The stripper? Lucy," he sighed. Lucy wiggled out of his grip and started towards the guild. They made it back and another small memory came back. It wasn't anything big but it was enough to remind her that things were getting better.

"Lucy!" yelled Erza smiling.

"Morning everyone!" she said smiling brightly. Natsu couldn't help but smile at that. He was enjoying a return to normal. No more Letum Mars. No more Demon Keys. Just Fairy Tale.

"Natsu come on! We'll miss the train!" yelled Lucy rushing off with the others.

"The train!" Natsu said horrified.

"Come on flame brain." Gray said taunting.

"Stripper!" Natsu yelled rushing after him. Lucy smiled as Erza sighed.

"Things never change." She said.

"No. They change." Lucy said. "That's the best part." She said looking down at a ring on her left hand. It was all changing. That was what she loved.

The End?

I think I've finished this one and will be starting a new story or finishing an old one. Let me know what you think and thanks for everything! You've been the best!