To the wonderful Blahblahbayern, please take all my virtual hugs and this cracky little gift as well. Thinking of you and hoping all goes well so you can relax and be more comfortable. :)

A Broment

"Alright," Sokka says, sitting down opposite Zuko at the low table. "I challenge you."

Zuko raises his one good eyebrow. "Challenge me to what?"

"To the manliest of duels!" Sokka props his elbow on the table and holds out his hand. "Arm wrestle!"


"Oh, c'mon!"

Zuko picks up his cup of tea and takes a sip.

A gleam enters Sokka's eyes. "I get it. Mr Fancy Pants Fire Lord is scared he'll lose."

"Yeah, no."

"It's okay, Zuko. I understand." Sokka flexes his arm muscles in an overly dramatic fashion. "I mean who wouldn't be scared of going up against these babies? B1 and B2 are the real deal."

Zuko scrunches his nose. "B1 and B2? You named your muscles?"

"They deserve it. Just look at them. Feel them." Sokka shoves one bared arm under Zuko's nose. "Go ahead, give it a squeeze."

"Give it a squeeze, title of your sex scroll," Toph calls from where she's sprawled lazily on some cushions on the other side of the room.

Sokka's lips purse and he glares at her. "Can you not? Also, how do you even know about those kinds of scrolls? I mean you're …"

"Blind?" She grins. "I still have ears, Snoozles."


Zuko presses his palm to his forehead.

Sokka pulls himself together. "Well, either way, you keep your little peanut-gallery-mouth shut, Toph. Can't you see Zuko and I are trying to have a broment here?"

"Is that what you call it now when you ask a friend to feel you up?" she asks innocently.

"It wasn't like that, and you know it."

"Uh huh."

Sokka's lips purse even more. "I see what you're doing, but I'm not going to fall for your tricks."

"Title of your—"


Zuko sighs. Meanwhile, Sokka continues to let himself be trolled by Toph. (Really, the idiot should have learnt after three years to not bother to respond to her when she gets in these moods.) The loudness draws the attention of Aang, who trundles in and asks what's going.

Sokka points at Toph. "Tell her it's perfectly normal to ask a friend to feel your muscles."

"Sure, it's normal." Aang bounces over to Toph. "Wanna feel mine?"

She punches him in the arm.

"Ow. That hurt."

Zuko once more facepalms.

"Alright, enough of this!" Sokka says, standing up. "We're straying from the point, and that is that Zuko is too scared to go up against B1 and B2."

Aang's brow furrows. "You mean those banana in pyjama guys?

"What?" Sokka says. "No? Why would you—what are you even talking about? Why would bananas wear pyjamas?"

"It's a kids' story. You know, B1 and B2, bananas in pyjamas …"

Everyone stares at Aang blankly.

"Huh." He rubs his bald head. "Guess that one got lost over the last hundred years."

Sokka blinks a few times. "Right. Well, my babies have nothing to do with bananas or pyjamas. They are my very manly muscles, thank you very much."

More silence. A few crickets chirp.

Zuko finishes his tea. "Well, this has been great, but I've got things to do. I'll just leave you three to—"

"Not so fast!" Sokka latches onto his robe. "We still have our match."

"Just arm-wrestle Aang. I'm sure he'd be delighted."

"No way. He's got puny arms."

"Hey," Aang protests.

Sokka waves him off with a distracted hand. "C'mon, Zuko. Just this once. Pleaaaase."

"Just this once, title of your—"


She cackles and blocks the cushion that gets thrown at her.

Zuko sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Fine. One match."


They grip hands over the table.

"Ready?" Aang says, having agreed to act as their referee. "Go!"

There's a decent struggle before Zuko slams Sokka's hand down against the table.

"What?" Sokka exclaims. "I lost! How did I lose?"

Zuko shrugs and stands up.

"Wait, wait, wait," Sokka says, reaching for him again. "One more match!"



"Sorry, Sokka." Zuko places his hand on his friend's shoulder. "One-time deal, remember?"

There's a small snicker from Toph. "One-time deal, title of your—"


Title of your sex scroll is a reference to B99's "title of your sex tape" gag. (I didn't even mean for it to be part of this, but for some reason it just seemed to work for Toph here.) Anyway, this is small and very silly (and probably not what you expected, blahblahbayern), but I hope you enjoyed it all the same!