It was later than usual when the Bob-Whites were able to convene at the clubhouse. Once again, everyone wanted to talk at the same time until the chaos was too much even for Trixie, who whistled shrilly to get everyone's attention. One at a time, they began. Brian and Jim hurriedly explained the strange occurrence in basketball practice, and Trixie told of her encounter in Crimper's. It was Diana's tale they were all waiting for, and it did not disappoint.

"Well, can I just start by saying that I hate even fake-fighting with you? Ugh!" Diana linked her arms with Trixie and Honey and sat back on the sofa. "We're making up first thing in the morning. I'm not eating lunch with Jane Morgan when I could have you two ever again!"

Dan grinned at her. "I see. Us guys are chopped liver, but just try going through one lunch without Trixie and Honey!"

Diana smiled. "Of course I missed you guys too! Don't be silly. It's just ... Jane Morgan!"

"It was awful having to pretend to be mad at you, Di!" Trixie agreed. "Making up first thing tomorrow morning!"

Diana began. "Okay, there's a lot to tell. Just be patient and let me get through it all before anyone gets all hot-headed about anything."

Trying to lighten the mood, Jim asked, "Was that statement targeted at me?"

"Not you, Jim. One-punch Belden over there!" Diana nodded toward Brian, who groaned.

"Anyway, here goes. After our "fight," I managed to run into Alan in the hall. I said hello, asked if he remembered me, and he did. He was polite, offered to walk me to class, and we talked a bit about our moms and if they were planning to meet up. I asked him about the move to Sleepyside and told him I was sorry about his parents' divorce, and he clammed up a little bit. He said he wasn't sorry at all, then changed the subject. I asked him about basketball, and he relaxed a little bit. Then he asked if I had a date for the Turkey Trot. It's not like it's Homecoming or Prom or even the Spring Fling, so I said yes. Trix, you're not the only one who can do some detective work around here! Anyway, during lunch, we talked some more and again before practice. I'm honestly a little bit baffled. He told me about his grandmother and how much he loves her, and how he was going to talk to the basketball team about what he did and the rumors."

She paused thoughtfully. "And he followed through with that, according to what Jim and Brian said, but then why on earth would he be so rude to Jim? He had to know what it looked like if he was ashamed of himself enough to address the team, so why hold a grudge?"

Honey added, "And why freak out on Dan, whose only crime was being Jim's friend and possibly overhearing about the divorce and things in the office?"

Trixie's brain was starting to put some things together. "Unless ... okay, bear with me for a minute. Mr. van Kassel spent his son's college fund and his marriage is in trouble. Alan is confused and hurt and, gleeps, I mean ... I'd be a wreck of Moms and Dad separated! He acts out, pretending to be a big tough guy, hence the whole fake steroids thing. Jim reports it, thinking it's real, and Alan loses his scholarship, not knowing yet that his dad has blown his college fund. His parents fight over it and get a divorce. He feels like the divorce is his fault and maybe ... maybe his dad let him think that too? I mean, Mrs. Crimper did not seem happy with him. People ... act out, when they're upset and going through something, you know? Maybe the idea of starting a new school was scary enough without knowing that the guy you blame for all of your troubles actually goes there and has a lot of friends. But ... was he mad enough to run someone off the road in his grandma's car, was it an accident, or was he even the one driving?"

The Bob-Whites sat in introspective silence for a moment before Dan spoke up. "Listen, I was a prickly jerk when I got transplanted here from the city. I get where he might be coming from, but that doesn't excuse it. You guys gave me chance after chance and I'm glad things worked out the way they did. And I didn't go around hitting anyone either."

Jim added, "Family stuff can really take it out of a person. I mean, the first time I met Honey and Trixie I was waving a shotgun around like a madman. I'm glad they gave me a minute to calm down instead of bolting and calling the cops. Couldn't have blamed them if they had." He sighed. "I don't regret reporting the incident to the coach. I had no idea it was fake. But, I would like to know what happened with the car before I go trying to make amends with the guy. I'm going to go on the record as saying that being chased into a ditch by a moving vehicle is in my personal top three for least favorite ways to spend an evening."

"That's more than fair," Diana said, her forehead scrunching up in thought. "I don't want any of you to get the impression that if it turns out Alan ran you into that ditch on purpose that I would defend him. I'm just not sure what's true yet, and I want to find out. The kid who threw a fistful of irises at me in the third grade deserves at least a chance to have the truth known. At least, I hope so."

"No worries, Di," Jim reassured her. "I think there are more than enough reasons to not jump to any conclusions just yet. What if - " He broke off, shaking his head. "Never mind. I guess we should stick to Regan's buddy system, just in case. Who's going up to our house besides me and Honey?"

Trixie raised her hand. "Me. I need to borrow a sash or a necklace or something for my dress for the Turkey Trot. Honey promised me a Cinderella transformation via accessories."

"Science can only do so much, sister of mine." Mart teased her.

Di tapped him gently on the shoulder. "Be nice to your sister, Mart. Or I won't save you a dance at the Turkey Trot!"

That captured his attention. "But I thought -"

"Just because I'm going with Alan doesn't mean I'm not allowed to dance with whomever else I choose," she said coyly. "Walk me back to Crabapple Farm? Daddy's picking me up at your house on the way home from the city, and I'd just love to tell Bobby about Larry and Terry's sleepover and invite him personally!"

Mart offered his arm in a courtly gesture. "Your humble escort, milady!"

Brian glanced at his brother and Diana, and then pleadingly at Jim, who caught on quickly.

"Don't you need to look at my Chem notes, Brian? They're at home, I'm afraid," he gestured up the hill toward the Manor House. "Dan, come with us, and we'll make a short homework party of it. Trix, I know Honey said you both have some questions about Algebra? If I'm stumped too, Miss Trask can save us all."

Mart and Diana were lost in conversation, oblivious to everything.

Trixie covered her mouth with her hand and hid a giggle, and Brian elbowed her gently, shaking his head, right as Honey and Jim did exactly the same thing, down to the head shake. That only made both girls want to giggle more, and Dan was no help at all, having seen the whole thing.

He called out, "See you two later!" at Mart and Di's retreating backs, but neither seemed to hear him, which again, did not help.

The Manor House- bound group made a stop at the stables to say hello to Regan, who was just leading Starlight and Jupiter to their stalls after a bit of exercise in the corral.

The red-haired groom grinned at them and called out, "Jupiter put on a show for me today, Jim. I think he missed you!"

Jim took the rope and rubbed the stallion's neck and ears, just the way he liked it. "Were you a menace for Regan? Give me a couple days, boy. I got hit by a car!"

Regan shook his head. "How about the rest of the week? No sense in rattling your skeleton around more than necessary. He'll keep, won't you, you spoiled creature?"

The large horse whickered softly, but with attitude, and Jim rubbed his side and shoulder, earning a happy neigh and a gentle head butt.

"How are you kids doing? Any trouble at school?"

Trixie launched into a condensed version of the day's events, and Regan nodded. "Sounds like you guys have it under control, but remember if you need help, you come to me, okay?"

They all nodded their agreement.

"Oh, before you guys go up to the house, I've got a thing from the Judge I need you to look at, sign, and take to Mr. Maypenny to sign as well, Dan. Here, hold Starlight for a minute and I'll go get it - "

Brian and Honey had already started toward the house, leaving Trixie and Jim to see that Dan was less than comfortable with being left in charge of the horse. Jim had Jupiter's lead already, so Trixie quickly stepped up to take Starlight's.

"Go on with Regan and sign your form. I've got Starlight!"

Dan's relieved sigh was audible as he relinquished the rope and followed Regan into the stables.

"I don't get it, Jim. I've seen Dan ride before and he does just fine," she said, softly enough that only he could hear her.

"Think about it, Trix. He rides Spartan at Maypenny's, and Spartan is - well, if Spartan were a human, he'd have a beard down to his knees, a corncob pipe, and rattle on about the good old days. And when he mounts up here, Mart and I watch out for him and help him with the tack. He's not comfortable one on one out of the saddle, and Regan just - doesn't seem to notice."

Trixie thought hard and realized that she had never seen Dan take care of the tack or do any grooming after a ride without Mart or Jim right there with him. Mart always seemed to come up with a reason to help, and Jim did too. She smiled at the idea of how the Bob-Whites all watched out for each other.

"Do you think if Regan noticed, Dan would talk to him about it?"

Jim snorted. "Nope. I think everyone thinks I'm the stubborn one around these parts, but I have nothing on those two! I can admit when I'm licked."

At Trixie's raised eyebrow, he conceded. "Okay, I can admit it 24 hours later in the middle of an optional college fair when the ibuprofen wears off and my friends are already acting shady and weird about why our other friend isn't there. But, that's beside the point. I'm not sure how to help them, but I definitely feel like I should try. I can't even get my own family drama sorted out on my own. I just froze when Juliana suggested I go to college in Amsterdam. I felt like my insides were frozen," he admitted. "It took your dad and mine to get me through it. Which reminds me, at some point I need to go talk to your dad and thank him. It really helped to talk to someone who wasn't directly impacted by my decisions."

"Dad was just glad he was there to find you." She shuddered. "Are you sure you're okay with everything that's happened? Happening?"

"Yeah, in a weird way. Not to be melodramatic, but even with everything we've got going on, it still beats being a high school dropout working on a cattle boat. You know how much I like education."

"How could I ever forget?" Trixie teased. "Jim Frayne, the guy who loved school so much he went to it harder than the average person, then went to more school and more so he could open a school to work in, so he'd never actually have to leave school at all!"

Jim chuckled. "Gosh, Trix. Now I feel like a huge nerd. I play basketball. And I do ... woods stuff!"

She peeked around Starlight's mane at him. "You play basketball in school. For a school. And, you want to teach your woods stuff at YOUR school!"

"Well ... okay. Point taken. Trixie 2, Jim 0. Note to self - purchase some pocket protectors and embrace your destiny."

She laughed. "You know I'm only teasing. Smart is good, especially when it gets me a good tutor!" She glanced toward the stable and frowned. "What do you suppose is taking so long in there? What kind of thing would Dan and Regan and Mr. Maypenny all have to sign? You don't think it's something bad, do you?"

He shook his head. "I kind of know what it's about. It's just some form that says that everyone is happy with the current arrangement and that Mr. Maypenny can pick Dan up from school and take him to the doctor and stuff. The Wheelers and I had to sign a bunch of things like that before my adoption was final. No worries, Trix. For non-standard custodial agreements, things are constantly getting signed. Besides, neither one of them seemed upset."

She knew he was right, but an anxious little knot had formed in her stomach. Two of her friends, two of the people closest to her in the world, had experiences with the legal system that she could never understand, had been through things that she could only imagine.

Jupiter lowered his head to her shoulder and gently nuzzled her sweater. She gave the horse a pat with her free hand. "He's been sucking up ever since my riding skills have improved and since he's noticed that his favorite human is nice to me. I'm not fooled, you trickster! You tossed me into a hedge and I'm still not over it!"

Starlight whinnied as if in agreement, and Jim asked what she had just been wondering to herself. "Do you suppose they "talk" among themselves about us? Have favorites? Spread juicy horse gossip?"

Trixie smiled. "Lady clearly knows all of the scoop, but she's too refined to engage in gossip."

"And Jupiter here sees himself as the leader of the herd. Kind of like that bossy fellow in your Lucy Radcliffe novels. What's his name? Tim?"

"Starlight keeps his mouth shut. Just stands there, chewing hay and being all mysterious. He's got half of them convinced he used to be part of the Canadian Mounties, and the other half convinced that he helped an archaeologist carry the Rosetta Stone out of a sandstorm."

Laughing, Jim added, "And Strawberry's the weird kid who just watches awkwardly from the corner. Have you seen how that horse stares sometimes? I've heard Regan comment on it before. And then old Spartan comes for a visit and they all have to listen to him go on about the wars."

At that moment, Dan and Regan emerged from the stable, Dan with an envelope in hand.

"I'll mail it out on the way to school in the morning, Uncle Bill."

"Does Maypenny have stamps?" Regan worried. "Do you need postage?"

"Does Mr. Maypenny have postage? He has an old rolltop desk with postage from the last half of a century or so. You'd think the man had ten pen pals he writes to weekly! I may have to fish out a dozen old stamps, but I think we've got it covered." Dan assured his uncle, who still hovered worriedly. "I'm not going to lose it, it's fine!"

Dan tucked the envelope into his jacket's inside pocket and zipped it closed. "See?"

Regan took the leads for the horses back from Trixie and Jim and started toward the stables. "Okay. Well, thanks for watching these two for me! Go get that homework done!"

The three of them scurried up the hill toward the Manor House, where they caught up with Brian and Honey, who had waited on the porch.