A/N hello fanfiction! This is my new story I have been working on the last few months and I hope you all like it. I will hopefully be updating this every Thursday from now on.

Disclaimer: I do not own X-men.

I stepped out of the crowded airport, luggage in one hand, duffel on the adjacent shoulder, and my wallet in the other hand for the taxi. A yellow cab soon rolled up and the diver helped me load my suitcase into the trunk. I then got into the taxi and gave the driver the directions to my destination.

The drive itself took about half an hour. I stared out the window, watching the city buildings turn into green country fields. Finally, we arrived at a huge mansion with several acres of woods and fields around it. A plaque on the gate read:

'Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters'

I paid the cabbie and grabbed all of my things. I walked up the few steps to the grand double door entrance. I sucked in a deep breath and knocked.

The huge wooden door swung open and there stood a tall, dark skinned woman with white hair. 'She looks young, how can her hair be white?'

"Can I help you?" the woman asked.

I nodded, "I'm looking for Scott Summers." Before she could respond a brunette man with red lens sunglasses walked by just behind her. "Uncle Scott!" I shouted as I pushed past the woman and launched myself into my uncle's arms.

"Kara!" Uncle Scott gasped, smiled, and hugged me tighter. He pulled away and surveyed me, "You've grown! And you cut your hair!"

I tucked a piece of my short brown hair behind my ear. "Yeah, I felt like it was time for a change."

"How are your parents?"

"Never better."

"Kara," he suddenly turned serious, "Not that I'm not happy to see you but, what are you doing here?"

The grin faded from my face, "some of the kids at school found out about my mutation and you know…" I trailed off as he nodded. "Anyways, Mom and Dad thought it was time I came here and learned how to control it."

"Come on," Uncle Scott said as he bid me follow him up some stairs and down a few hallways. He stopped at a door at the end of a hallway. "There's someone you should meet." Then he opened the door. Sitting by the window was an elderly bald man in a wheelchair. He smiled as Uncle Scott and I entered. "Sorry to disturb you, Professor."

The Professor waved him off, "It's alright, Scott. Would you mind if I spoke to Kara alone?"

'How does he know my name?' I gazed wide-eyed at the man in front of me. Uncle Scott nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him.

"You don't need to be afraid of me, Kara. My name is Charles Xavier. I must say you've grown into a fine young lady, I haven't seen you since you very young." 'The Charles Xavier?' Flashes of my parents' story flashed through my mind. He chuckled, "Yes, the Charles Xavier. And I know why you are here. I've known your parents and your uncle for a long time and I would be glad to have you here at the school."

"Thank you, sir," I said in relief. Not that I thought he wouldn't allow me to stay, but all the same, this was Professor Charles Xavier. The Professor looked past me at the door.

"You may come in, Jean."

The door opened and a women with short red hair walked in. "You wanted to see me Professor?"

The Professor nodded, "Yes, I would like you to take Kara, here, to her room. She will be sharing with Rogue."

Jean nodded and motioned for me to follow her. 'Who's Rogue? That's a strange name for a girl.' Jean led me down the set of stairs I had previously gone up and down another two hallways. I was sure I was going to be hopelessly lost the moment someone left me alone.

Jean suddenly opened one of the innumerable doors and gestured for me to enter as well. "This will be your room as long as you stay here. Your classes will start tomorrow…uh, how old are you?"

"Sixteen and a half," I answered as I wandered the room. My roommate, Rogue's , dresser was full of your typical teenage girl things; make-up, school books, a diary, and photos of her and her boyfriend? She had long dark hair with white streaks and brown eyes. The boy next to her had dirty spiked blonde hair and crystal blue eyes.

"Oh, good then you and Rogue will have most of the same classes so she can show you around." I turned to face her.

"So… you're the Jean my Uncle Scott told me about?"

Jean went a little pink, "Oh, you're that Kara?"

I nodded, "It's nice to finally meet you." We shook hands quickly.

"You too. But during class you'll have to call me Dr. Gray."

"Of course."

Jean smiled, "Rogue should be back later. Go ahead and get settled."

"Bye, Dr. Gray."

She winked before leaving and closing the door behind her. I sighed and sat down on my bed without a cover. I had finally gotten here, but now what? How could I control my mutation? And even if I did, how could I ever fit in with humans? Would I even fit in here? I stood up to dispel my train of thought and put away my few things in my allotted drawers and space in the closet. Just as I had finished putting some of my favorite books into the drawer of my nightstand, the door opened again.

Standing there was the girl from the picture, my new roommate, Rogue. Her eyes widened in shock of me being in her room, well our room now. 'Here's that make or break moment. Come on, Universe. Hit me with your best shot.'