Chapter 1

Flora walked down to the forest and hummed a song. She wandered around for a few minutes and then closed her eyes. She spread out her arms and felt the wind blow across her face. Suddenly, a muscular arm stroked her hand, and she gasped.

"Who-" Bloom smacked her arm, and she jerked awake.

"As I was saying," Stella spared a glare for Flora and continued. "Brandon and the boys invited us to a picnic on the beach! They also invited the new guy, Helia." Everyone stared at Flora, and she blushed.

"Sorry. I can't go. Sam invited me to go to the new park with him. I already said yes!" Flora exclaimed.

"Oh come on! You've been friends with Sam forever; you can leave him for a day!" Aisha poked Flora, "And besides, we all know how much you like Helia! Come with us!"

"PLEASE!" everyone pleaded. Flora sighed and put her head in her hands. She remained like that for a few moments and finally said," Fine. But what am I going to tell Sam?" Musa took her phone and replied," Leave that to me."

"Hi Sam!"

"Oh. Hey Musa."

"Sorry, but Flora can't go to the park with you. She has other plans." Musa smirked at her phone. At Red Fountain, Sam narrowed his eyes.

"Like what?"

"Sorry, that's for us- and some other guys-to know, and you to never find out. In other words, it's confidential."

"Bu-" Musa hung up.

"Bye bye Sam, hello Helia!"

"Why? I don't know any of the girls well!" Helia argued.

"That's precisely why you have to go!" Timmy countered.

"Plus, there's one girl we know you want to get to know better. Much better." Riven smirked and Sky struggled to hold his laughter in.

"Fine. But I'm not going to enjoy this!"

"Oh shut up. WE all know you're head over heels for Flora, and this will only help you confess!" Brandon pointed out. Helia sighed.

"I'm only doing this for Flora, alright?" But it was too late. Everyone was already on the floor laughing.