Thanks to those who reviewed and are following this story. Like I said this is completed on my deviantART page in which the link is on my profile here. Eventually I will be updating/replacing those chapters with these new edited ones.

Oh and warning this does contain light fluff between two men (at the end), so if you don't like, don't read.

Disclaimer: I do not own Xiaolin Showdown and any characters or actual Shen Gong Wu from the show. Only the Shen Gong Wu that I made up for this story are mine.

Something More

Jack stood opposite the Xiaolin monks as he rushed to take the newly activated Shen Gong Wu. Wuya, having felt the Wu activate, rushed to grab the Wu before Jack or the monks could. Chase believed that he prepared Jack enough to face Wuya and the monks without his help, so he simply stayed behind, watching through his crow's eye.

"Jack Spicer, and Wuya, prepare for a most humiliating defeat!" Omi declared. To which Jack rolled his eyes.

"You know you're sounding like a broken record," Jack said as he went after the new Wu. It was a red crystal pendant. Chase hadn't told him what it did, but it didn't matter; what mattered was that he got the Wu for Jack. Jack touched the Wu as Wuya and Kimiko did. Jack scowled.

"Jack, Wuya, I challenge you to a showdown trio. My Manchurian Muska, against your Frozen Spirit and Thorn of Thunderbolt," Kimiko declared.

"Fine," Jack said knowing that this showdown was going to end quick.

"The game is a race to the Blood Pendant," Kimiko said

"Let's go. Xiaolin Showdown!" the three participants in the showdown say as the playing field changes into winding bridges of solid rock. "Gong Ye Tampai!"

"Frozen Spirit!" Jack said as he froze Wuya solid and ran quickly knowing that an ice Wu wouldn't do any good against Kimiko. Jack was already getting ahead and before Kimiko even realized the showdown was over, the landscape returned to the way it was.

"What? How?" Kimiko stammered. She couldn't believe that Jack had won the showdown.

As much as Jack wanted to gloat he had an evil, Heylin master to get home to. Jack watched as Wuya finally broke herself free of her ice prison before he activated his heli-pack and flew back to Chase's citadel. When he arrived, Jack went to Chase's throne room where he had no doubt been watching the showdown.

"You have returned with the Blood Pendant?" Chase asked as he stood from his throne and walked to Jack.

"Yes master," Jack said holding out the acquired Shen Gong Wu to Chase. He smiled when Chase took the Wu.

"Do you know what this Wu does Jack?" Chase asked as he held the pendant up so Jack could get a good look.

"Is it some sort of healing Wu?" Jack asked unsure of the Wu's powers.

"In a way it is. The Blood Pendant actually keeps the wearer impervious to any attack physical, internal or biological," Chase said. "So if Wuya had this Wu at the time you sent some infection, she would not be at all effected by it. At least until she takes off the Wu."

Jack nodded before taking the Wu he won from Wuya and Kimiko and handed them to Chase. Chase took the Wu and sent them to his vault. It was around three in the afternoon which meant it was time for some training.

"I'll go change and meet you in the main hall for training," Jack said as he headed toward his room. Chase smiled as he watched Jack leave to prepare for training. Chase decided to meditate while Jack changed. It had only been a few months since he had taken the young man under his tutilage and said young man was flourishing. Jack learned all the self-defense he could and now he was learning how to fight offensively. The amount of Wu that Jack acquired for him increased and when a showdown was called, the genius didn't fail miserably. In fact, Jack had been recently winning many of the showdowns he was sent to.

Jack returned to the main hall and looked to Chase's meditating form. Chase stood up and faced Jack with a smile. Ever since Jack began properly working out, he finally got a little bit of muscle on him. Chase bowed to Jack, who returned said bow before promptly attacking Jack with simple moves that Jack knew how to counter. Jack had then proceeded to fight back using the moves that Chase taught him. After about an hour of training, Chase looked to Jack who was breathing deeply, but not harshly.

"I believe that is enough for today," Chase said with a bow, to which Jack returned promptly.

"Thank you master," Jack said. "I'll go fix us some tea in the garden after I take a quick shower. I'm sure you'd enjoy a nice calming shower too."

"I will take up on your offer then Jack," Chase said as he went off to his room to shower. Jack also went to his own room and showered so that he felt refreshed after a good day of training. Once he finished, he threw on a black tank top and a pair of jeans and walked over to the kitchen to brew some tea and bring out some cookies he made earlier that morning.

As Jack set up tea for him and Chase, Chase went into his garden and began meditating again. While meditating, he thought about Jack and what he had become to him. Chase knew that Jack was improving quickly. Jack did many of the chores around the citadel and Chase greatly appreciated it. Sometimes looking at Jack made the Heylin lord hungry with lust, but he never succumbed to it. iDoes Jack mean that much to me?/i Chase asked himself in thought before feeling an odd presence.

Suddenly Chase heard a crash coming from the kitchen and instantly teleported there only to find Wuya standing above a seemingly unconscious Jack. Before Wuya had a chance to say anything Chase had turned into his dragon form tearing the Heylin witch to shreds before throwing her promptly out of his mountain. After Wuya was thrown out, Chase went to the kitchen where Jack lay and picked him up. There was a pulse, but it was very faint. Chase looked around and found a broken syringe on the floor. Chase used his magic to determine what was in it and found it was a poison that was all too simple to find an antidote to. Chase called on his warriors to pick the needed ingredients for the antidote before bringing Jack to his room. iHis/i meaning Chase's room. Chase tucked Jack into bed before taking the ingredients for the antidote to the poison Wuya injected into Jack, to make the antidote and inject it into Jack's body.

Chase checked Jack's pulse which returned to a normal pulse. With Jack out of harms way, Chase sat next to Jack and meditated. Chase realized what he had just done. He destroyed Wuya uand/u saved Jack from dying. Chase knew that Jack had become much more than just an apprentice. Chase looked to Jack's sleeping form, his white skin, no longer tinged with grey, his breathing shallow but deep. Chase wanted nothing more than for Jack to wake up. He had found that he had fallen for his young apprentice, and today's mishap proved it.

"iMy/i Jack...please wake up..." Chase said softly as he brushed his hand through Jack's red hair. Jack stirred in his sleep, but only a little bit. Chase smiled, knowing for sure his soon to be lover was alive and would be awake later. For now Chase needed to have a nice cup of tea as he waited for Jack to wake up.

Jack woke up the next day, confused and hurting. When his eyes finally focused, they widened before he stumbled out of bed and into Chase's arms in his hurry.

"Jack you need to rest. Your body is not ready to move about yet," Chase said calmly as he helped Jack back in bed. Jack looked to Chase stunned by the completely gentle gesture.

"Uh...who are you and what the fuck have you done with Chase?" Jack asked.

Chase chuckled as he sat next to Jack in bed. "Jack, Wuya attacked you yesterday when you were fixing tea. She injected a poison in you, but I was able to inject an antidote after shredding that wretched whore out of my home," Chase explained.

"So...why am I in your bed?" Jack asked.

"You would be safer here, and I wanted to keep a close eye on you as you recovered," Chase said.

"Thank you Chase," Jack said with a smile. Chase smiled back before kissing Jack softly. He could sense Jack's surprise for a moment before the young man kissed back softly. Jack moved back a bit and looked to Chase shyly.

Chase smirked before claiming Jack's lips again and again. Jack parted his lips in a soft moan and allowed Chase probed about his mouth, making Jack moan even more. As much as Chase loved the taste of Jack, but he knew Jack was not fully recovered.

"Chase?" Jack asked as he parted from Chase. "Why?"

"It seems that these past few months that you have been my apprentice, I have fallen in love with you. Ever since you started winning Wu and working at that cafe. You even changed your appearance in little steps, which is greatly appreciated," Chase said.

Jack wasn't sure what to say. But he knew what he felt. He loved Chase and his dream was coming true. Chase loved him back and admitted it. He had protected and saved him. "I love you too fact I've been in love with you for a long time now," Jack said.

Chase planted another soft kiss on Jack's lips. "Rest Jack," Chase said. "I need my lover feeling better so I can show him how much I love him." Chase growled seductively into Jack's ear.

Jack smiled before laying back. "Cuddle?" Jack asked. Chase smirked and obliged to his lover's simple request and took off his armor and crawled into bed with Jack and cuddled with him. "I love you Chase."

"I love you too Jack," Chase said. "Now sleep." Chase said as he ran his hand through Jack's hair. Jack mumbled as he fell asleep. Chase couldn't believe all of this happened because Jack got that silly Sakura Clip.

And there you have it. This is the end of "Sakura Maiden" I hope you guys have enjoyed it as I enjoyed writing it back when I first did. Along with finishing this story I have posted the first two chapters of "Princess Jackie" another Chack story and I hope you guys check that out as well.