Outside, Xena, Gabrielle and Ares stood and watched as the temple finally fell to the ground.

"Son of a bacchae," Ares sighed, "I loved that place."

Gabrielle turned Ares to say something but then she saw the Doctor, who was still staring at his hands with a worried look on his face.

She walked over to him and put an arm around his shoulder.

"It's alright, Doctor," Gabrielle said, "you did what needed to be done."

The Doctor looked up and smiled.

"Oh, I know that," he said, reassuringly, "I don't regret doing it. It's just that…"

Xena looked over.

"What is it, Doctor?" she asked.

"Regeneration is a difficult process that requires an immense amount of energy to complete," he said, "and I've had just wasted it on a Sontaran. I don't know if I'll have enough energy for when I really do need it."

Ares smiled, "I wouldn't say 'wasted' it. You got me back my title. I have you to thank for that!"

The Doctor snarled, "don't mention it."

Ares turned to Xena.

"Well, it's been fun hanging out together hasn't it. Fighting side by side? What's say you and me…"

"No," was Xena's firm answer.

"Still prefer blondes, huh?" he looked over to Gabrielle, who let the slightest of smiles cross her lips.

"Maybe next time, huh?" Ares asked Xena.

"Oh sure," said Xena sarcastically, then added "maybe."

With that, Ares disappeared leaving the Doctor, Xena and Gabrielle standing next to the crashed Sontaran ship.

"So," Gabrielle said, turning to the Doctor, "what's going to happen to this?" she pointed to the wrecked ship.

"I'll get it into the TARDIS and dismantle it," the Doctor said as they started walking away from the ship back to the village.

"How are you going to get that into the TARDIS?" Xena asked.

As they were walking away, they heard the slow groan of the TARDIS. The Doctor quickly motioned for them all to take cover. As they watched, the police box materialised around the Sontaran ship, until the ship disappeared from view.

"How does it know where we are?" asked Gabrielle. "Can we go inside again."

"You can, I mustn't," the Doctor said, collecting his hat and umbrella.

"Why?" asked Gabrielle.

"I have to get back to my TARDIS," he called back, as he walked away.

Xena and Gabrielle turned and followed him.

"If we're trying to get back to your TARDIS, aren't we going the wrong way?" Xena asked. As she asked, she turned to see the TARDIS disappearing along with the Sontaran ship. "Where is it going?"

"What you just saw was my future," the Doctor said. "As soon as we get back to the village and leave, I will come back to that very spot back there, pick up the wreck and take it with me. The less time it spends on Earth, the better."

"Fancy some company on the walk back," Gabrielle offered.

"That would be lovely," the Doctor said, "but you must remind me to pick up some milk before I leave."

"Sure thing, Doctor," Xena said as the three of them made their way back to the village.