A/N: Before I start off, here's some personal messages to those who left reviews for the previous chapter!

mileyismyhorse: ohmygosh! it's been three years! I can't believe you're still here, still reading this fanfic! huhu can i just say i love you? really, thank you so so so much!

FarAwayFromReality: yes! im so happy too!

Anonymous reviewers

Moments: thank you for that! i really appreciate it!

Guest: awwww thank you very much!

DISCLAIMER: Three years and I'm still doing this. Is this still a thing? Anyway, I DO NOT OWN THE DIVERGENT TRILOGY.

Her eyes were closed, but she didn't need them.

She didn't need them to see those fiery eyes in the dark.

Tris breathed in shorter intervals as she felt his hands move lower towards her thighs as he trailed moist kisses down her neck. She shut her eyes tightly as he sucked her skin a bit too harshly.

That will most probably leave red marks on her neck later.

Meanwhile, she busied her hands in burying them in Four's hair, now a lot thicker than when she first met him about a month ago.

A month ago.

So many things have happened over the course of a month that she finds herself in disbelief on what's happening around her.

Just a month ago, her father introduced a guy she initially found annoying as her bodyguard. For weeks, she tried to fight her feelings for him but things just got worse between them.

But now, she's just glad and contented that she has him by her side right now.

She pulls on his hair to bring his head back to her, wanting to feel his lips on hers again.

He traced her lips with his tongue and she almost immediately allowed him entrance.

Right now, her head is void of any rational thoughts as she focused on the boy giving her these sensations she has never felt before.

And it felt so addicting that she didn't ever want this to stop. It clouded all the corners of her being and all that she can think right now is to give in to this heavenly feeling.

Tris bucked her hips at the intense passion she's feeling as she dug her fingernails into Four's back.

She moaned at the sensation she felt when the lower parts of their bodies squeezed onto each other, just a thin layer of clothing holding them back.

And then, it all stopped.

She opened her eyes slowly and saw Four on top of her, hands on either side to pull himself up. She felt his eyes staring right at her, boring through her soul.

She was in a daze.


She looked at him curiously as she heard the sound of her name, feeling half awake. They just stayed like that, neither of them moving.

"Why does it feel like my heart is about to explode?" he suddenly blurted out.

She was definitely caught off-guard.

It was probably the first time Four told her something that shocking.

She stared at him, wide-eyed, and waited further for him to say anything. She was in complete disbelief.

He just stared at her, burning her deep blue eyes with his ash-gray ones.

She can see it in his eyes.

He was honest about this.

A smile makes it way to her face.

"I think I know why," she muttered out. She was kind of surprised at her sudden display of courage in her words.

She raised her head slightly upwards towards him and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

She pulls away from him but stays close.

"I think I love you, Tris."

Tris feels her heart beat pacing up and a nervous smile make it way to her face.

Four lifts up his other hand and pulls a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

"I'm almost afraid to say it out loud," he says, ever so gently, "because I'm afraid that I might lose you."

She stayed still, speechless for a moment.

She felt her fingers trembling and she doesn't know why.

She has never felt this much before.

It's so overwhelming.

Her mouth opens and before she notices it, out flew the string of words.

"Say it out loud then," she tells him, "because I'd never leave you."

Saying that much feels like a commitment for her, and it becomes frightening that it might not last.

But somewhere behind her mind, there's hope that it will.

"I love you, Tris."

He says this more loudly.

"I love you too, Four."


Tris suddenly opened her eyes and felt as if the air has been knocked out of her.

She turned to her right and saw Four sleeping soundly beside her. She can almost give in to the temptation of running her finger across his handsome face but resisted it somehow weakly.

Abruptly standing up, she went to where her mirror was and tried to fix herself to make it look like she hasn't been messing around.

"Fuck!" she hissed. Tris touched the small reddish area she found on her neck and looked hysterically at Four…

Who looks oh so peaceful.

"Tris? Honey?"

Natalie Prior kept on knocking on her door.

"Dinner's ready!"

"Just a second!"

Frantically, she dove for her bathroom cabinet for a band-aid. Removing the white strip, she attached the band-aid to her neck and pressed it to stick more properly.

"Are you alright? Do you want me to come in?" her mother calls from outside, worry evident in her voice.

"NO MOM!" Tris made a run for the door before her mother can open it. "No, mom! Nuh-uh…I'm fine!"

"Are you sure? Maybe I can help you…" her mother sounds horribly worried already.

This is bad.

Tris moved behind the door and tried to block it with her body, in case her mother attempts to open it. Locking it would only make her more suspicious.

Her mother can be nosy at times.

"No, mom. I'm fine," Tris really tried hard to make it seem as if she's not panicking…but in actuality, she is. When a devilishly handsome guy sleeping on your bed is combined with a hickey, things won't go smoothly in the Priors' household.

"I'll come down in a minute, don't worry. Just finishing something up!" she tried to throw in a laugh after that but it came out as forced and nervous one so she stopped herself.

"Okay! I'll call Four now so please come down as soon as you can, okay honey?"


Tris ran to her bed where Four is sleeping and kicked him on the shin. "It's okay mom! I'll call him myself! We'll both come down in a minute!"

Still sleeping freaking soundly.

There was silence on the other side of the room.

She threw a punch on Four's arm as she held in her breath, hoping to convince her mom with her petty lies.

"Ummm…okay, honey?" her mom called out, "I'll be going downstairs now."

Tris sighed in relief.

She looked at Four, only to find him staring back at her.

"Wow! Look who's fucking awake now!" she hissed at Four, who just looks blankly at her for a moment. She sat down on the edge of her bed, just beside where Four's feet are, her back against him.

Feeling a shift on her bed, she soon found his arms encircling her waist as she feels him pulling her closer.

He pulls one side of her hair away from her neck and was about to give her a kiss, only to find a band-aid.

"Hey Tris, what is this?"

"Well, you just gave me a fucking hickey!" She abruptly removed his arms from either side of her and stood up from the bed.

"My mom almost caught you in my room. God, I'll be in big trouble!" Crossing her arms on her chest, she almost screamed at him, but didn't actually as she does not want to be heard. "WE'LL be in big trouble."

Four tried to hold in his laughter as he doesn't want to provoke Tris more than she already is. He just reached for her hands and pulled her closer to him.

"Come on. Don't be mad at me anymore."

He reached for her waist and sat her on his lap before planting a kiss on her lips.

Tris gave out a sigh.


Four pulls her head closer to him and crashes his lips to hers once again.

"What took you so long?"

Tris takes a seat beside her mother, Four taking the seat across her. They exchanged glances for a moment before she replies to her mother, "Sorry, I was caught up in doing my homework."

She tried to ignore the small smirk that made its way to Four's lips. Hoping that her mother will leave the incident from a while ago, she forced a smile and tried to laugh it off.

Which proved to be effective.

Natalie smiled at her daughter and gave a gentle nod before picking up her utensils.

Andrew Prior coughed up to gain attention from his family. Once he saw that their attention was focused on him, including Four, he gave out a small smile, much to their surprise.

"I got a call from Caleb this morning."

Tris's face lightened up from the news. She has not seen her brother for so long.

"Really?" she says, ecstatic, "What did he say?"

"He told me he would try to ask for a one-week leave from his boss so he can spend some time with us."

Tris could almost bounce on her seat from the excitement of finally seeing her brother again. "Oh wow, I hope he could come home. I actually miss that dork!"

Natalie threw in a hushed 'Watch your words, darling' before smiling at her husband and holding her daughter's hand. "That's good."

Caleb Prior walked through the white halls of Erudite Inc., feeling happier than ever about this day.

Today is the day that he is going to file a one-week leave to be able to see his family again. Working in the hospital has never been a bore to him but there are days that he just wants to stay at home, not in his own apartment but rather in their home and be with them.

Jeanine Matthews, his boss has never let him go on a long vacation but he knew he needed this, and if she won't let him, he'd have to make her.

He needed to see his sister, Beatrice and check on her. She might be getting into trouble again with that innate crazy side of hers. He does not believe that a bodyguard will stop her from doing what she wants.

He came to a halt in front of a dark oak door with a silver plate engraved with letters adorning the center.

Jeanine Matthews


He raised his hand and made three knocks.

An intimidating voice came through the small intercom beside the door.

"Who is this?"

Caleb neared the microphone on the intercom and amusingly said, "Guess who."

There was a click on the door and he turned the handle to let himself in.

Jeanine's office was a very spacious room. But he knew his way around; he has been here too many times to not know.

"What brings you here, Caleb? And I don't want to hear about last night, if that is what you are going to say," she said with a smile on her face, but as the Jeanine Matthews she is known for, maintained her composure still.

Caleb cleared his throat and prepared himself to what he's going to say to his mentor. They may be close but there are still boundaries to be maintained between them as an apprentice must be to his mentor.

"I want to file for a one-week leave, Jeanine."

She raised a brow at this. Crossing her arms, she leaned forward and placed her arms on her table. "Why so?"

Jeanine was definitely intimidating him. He knows her well enough. Trying not to show his nervousness, he let out an easy laugh.

"Come on! I haven't seen my family for what, like a month? You know a gentle guy like me has a soft spot for his family."

"Really now?"

Man. She's not backing down.

"Yeah, I miss them Jeanine. Give it to me this time!" Okay, now he has come to pleading her…then bargaining, "I went to that business trip with you instead of spending that week with my sister and then that seminar for-"


"What did you just say?" Caleb couldn't believe what he's hearing right now. He has tried it so many times with her and this is the only successful one.

"I am allowing you to take off for one week," she said, "I think you deserve it."

"Wow, what did you eat last night?" Caleb chuckled.

Jeanine rolled her eyes and waved him off. "Now, leave before I change my mind."

A telephone ringing suddenly cut through and Jeanine stood up to answer it.

Caleb nodded off to her as she disappeared into another room. He stood up and was about to leave the room when something caught his eye.

It was a symbol of a flame contained in a circle.

This is familiar.

The symbol was printed in silver on a black folder.

Caleb gulped.

He knows he shouldn't be messing with Jeanine's files, a fact he knew and has kept to heart whenever they're working together. She has established this when they started working.

But before he knew it, his hand reached out towards it and he opened the folder.


On the first page.

Laid out in bold letters.


A/N: Did you like that fourtris moment at the start? Haha i missed them so i think it's time for me to bring back some romance between tris and four because we thrive in that!

Writing fourtris feels like home! It's been about 4 chapters i think since i wrote something about them? Anyway i hoped you like this chapter! Thank you so so so so so much for all the reviews, the favorites, the alerts and the support you've given this story!

Do leave a review for me? Rant about it, anything! I love reading them :)