Ok this is not ment to be a series peace. I know no one acts like themselves but the idea came to me and I had to go with it. So hope ya laugh. I did. lol

I like Legolas! I just thought he looks to pretty so I gave him a problem

Thanks for the reviews for the last chap.

Legolas woke up yawning. Today was the day him and Kili would have to have another archery contest. Legolas saw no point in it since they tied but since it rained his father talked Thorin into another one. Maybe he could go on a quest with Aragorn?

He sat up pulling the light silk covers off of his legs and got up. He walked over to his mirrored table and sat down. He grabbed his hairbrush and started to brush any tangles he might have gotten from his sleep out. But of course there were none, he never got tangles. He pulled some of his hair back and put a silver pin in it. He was so proud to be an elf. They were taught at an early age to take care of themselves. He looked at himself in the mirror he was about to smile but then he saw something. Something was there on his face, his nose more than anything. He leaned in closer to get a better look. He reached up a hand to his face poking at it. "What is it?" His eyes grew wide fearing something was dead wrong.

He got off his chair knocking it over as he ran out of the bright white room. He knew who he would ask, the one who seemed to know everything. "Elrond!" As soon as his eyes set on the dark haired elf he knew everything would be ok.

"Good evening Legolas. Did you sleep well?" Elrond was standing near a pillar looking out to the town below. "The sunrise was nice to watch."

"I did sleep well. But I have a slight problem."

Elrond walked over to the younger blond elf his long cape waving behind him. He watched Legolas point to his nose and Elrond leaned in closer. "I haven't seen one of those in a good long while."

"What is it?" Legolas tried to look down at it but it was almost in the middle of his noise but it was slightly on the right side. His eyes crossed as he looked down at the big thing, it seemed to him like it grew some.

"We don't have a name for it since it seemed like only humans got them. Aragorn got some just like that one when he was smaller." Elrond looked down at the puffy red bubble that rested itself on the blond elf's noise. "Give it a day and it will fade away." Elrond rested his hand on Legolas' shoulder.

"But I look horrible! How can I face my father? He will band me for looking like this."

Elrond shook his head. "Thranduil will not banish you from anything. Stuff like this just happens." He thought Legolas was acting ridiculous about something so small.

"Has this ever happened before? To another elf I mean." Legolas looked hopeful his blue eyes shining in the bright day.

Elrond thought back for as long as he had been alive he had not seen an elf with one. "I do believe you are the first."

"I'm not ugly. Rain could not touch me nor snow or dirt. But this strange…" He couldn't think of what to call it since Elrond had yet to tell him the name of it. "Thing."

"I do believe it is called a pimple or something like that." Elrond wanted to give the younger elf some encouragement but it didn't seem to be working.

"Legolas, my favorite son!"

Legolas turned to see his father walking over to him his arms open ready to give him a hug. "But I'm your only son."

Thranduil pulled his son into a hug. "Today is the day you make me look good!"

Legolas pulled back letting a smile cross his lips.

"Ohh! What is that?!" Thranduil yelled pointing at the blister thing. "It's horrific!"

"It's not that bad." Legolas said putting his finger over the ugly thing. His dad wasn't helping. It was making him feel even worse.

Elrond saw the look on Legolas face and he took a step forward standing in front of him. "It will be gone by tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?! But the contest is today. If I don't go the dwarfs will think I chickened out!" Thranduil knew he couldn't do that. Kings don't give up.

Legolas was growing tire of hearing his dad talk about the contest. That's all he cared about and how someone could make him look good.

Out on the field.

Legolas pulled the arrow back taking careful aim. He would prove his father wrong. Even though he had one flaw he could still be the best archer that anyone had ever seen. He looked at the tip of his arrow then at the target. He could hear his father whispering in the back ground to Elrond.

"He's not going to make it." Thranduil whispered as he leaned closer to Elrond. "He won't do it because he is too distracted by whatever that is on his face."

"I have already told you. That thing on his face is not harmful. And it will go away soon. Aragon had one when he was a teenager." Then he thought long and hard back to a few years ago. "Well he had several. And now look at him. He has none. It's just a faze." Elrond patted his friend on the back trying to be understanding.

"A faze? What would you do if Arwen woke up with one of those things on her perfect face?" Thranduil said poking Elrond in the arm.

"I would still love her none the less." Elrond would not care if his beloved daughter had gotten one. Besides Legolas was the first of their kind that he knew of that had ever gotten one. Thranduil should be proud! His son accomplished something no other elf had.

"He's ugly!" Thranduil said a little too loud causing Thorin and Fili to look over at him. He received a dirty look from Elrond's sons.

Legolas blinked, did he just hear that right? Did his dad just call him ugly? Did his father really think that he could not hear him? Legolas was just about to fire his arrow when his eyesight wavered. He ended up looking down at the big red blister thing that was on his right nostril. It was almost in the middle of his nose. He let the arrow leave his bow as his eyes crossed.


Legolas blinked his eyes looking up from his pimple daze and saw that his arrow had missed the target and buried itself in a nearby tree. "O-no." Legolas' eyes went wide. How had he missed that shot? He could not believe it. It was all his father's fault!

Thorin cheered as he looked at his nephew proud. "Even you can beat that!"

"That's not my son." Thranduil whispered looking at the dark haired elf that stood next to him. "You can have him."

Elrond shook his head, poor Legolas.

Later that night Thranduil had laid down in his bed looking up at the see through curtains that covered his bed. He started to feel horrible about how he had treated his son. I mean it was only a pimple, so Elrond had called it. But he had hurt his son's feelings and it was making his heart weep. He didn't care that that small ugly dwarf beat his son at their little game. He knew he would have won if it wasn't for his complaining.

How could a king like himself do something like that. He tried to pin his son on Elrond for elven sake.

It was just eating away at him he knew he should go to his son and apologize. Let him know he still loved him with or without that thing on his face. He was still a good looking elf! His good looking son! He looked better than anyone else's son.

Thranduil smiled feeling better about his son. He rose up from his bed walking over to the wall that had a mirror on it. He would just have to brush his hair before he went to find his son. No king should ever look bad. Then he thought about Thorin he had looked dirty and his hair was messy and he was a king. Well he wasn't really so I guess he could get away with looking like that. He knew Thrain and Thror were always clean and looked like royal should have.

He smiled at himself in the mirror proud of who he was. He started to brush his hair humming to himself. He turned his head to get the right side of his head better…but then he saw it. There on the left side of his perfect face were two destitute red blister things! And with a better look he noticed one of them was leaking some horrific white ooze. "AhHHhh! My face!"

Serves him right! Hope ya'll liked it. If no one reviews I understand. I know Kili could never beat Legolas so I cheated.