Pairing: Remus L./James P.


Remus and James had been flirting for the past several months, but it took Sirius pushing them into a broom cupboard and locking them in it together for them to finally do something about it.

They both blushed shyly, and Remus bit his lip nervously. Neither of them had ever kissed someone before, so they had no idea what they were doing.

Remus wasn't sure what to do with his hands or his lips, and he was so scared that he was going to mess this up. James was feeling the same anxiety, but he decided to suck it up and go for it.

He swallowed and slowly moved his face closer to the other boy. He closed his eyes and kissed Remus. His eyes fluttered open at the feel of something odd underneath his lips.

It was then that he noticed that his lips were not connected with Remus's lips, but rather, he had missed and kissed his eye.

"Umm," Remus started in awkwardness, and James pulled back in embarrassment. He rubbed the back of his neck and blushed deeply. "Uhh…" he tried, but couldn't think of anything to say.

They silently agreed to never speak of this again.