Disclaimer: Still not mine, but i can still dream.


She sat in her chair across from his, fiddling and picking at the seam of the cushion. She's nervous, to say the least. Hearing the door click open and close again, he speaks, in a friendly voice.

"It's good to see you again, Kate." He says.

"Thanks, Dr. Burke." She replies in a small voice.

"So, what brings you back after all this time?" He asks, coming to sit across from her.

She let a smile blossom across her face, and then look up at the ceiling. Letting a giggle escape, she doesn't know how to answer.

"You seem pretty happy, Kate." He assesses.

"Yeah, I really am." She says, looking at her left ring finger.

Trying to look her in the eye, he speaks. "You know, Kate, last time I saw you, you were pretty upset about your partnership. Is that what brings you back today?"

"Something like that." She says in an inquisitive voice.

With a quirk of his eye brow in a silent question, he lets her continue. "After I left here last time, I went to go see him. We yelled at each other, we fought with each other, we confessed things that needed to be confessed, but once it was all out there, everything just seemed to... fit."

"I'm glad to hear that. How's he doing then?"

"He's good, I've never seen him like he's been lately." She says, letting the smile grow larger.

"How so?" He asks.

"He's just so romantic, he's always trying to make me smile, he's always so caring. He's just, he's great."

"And he wasn't like that before?"

With a light chuckle, she began, "No, not like this."

"Is there something your not telling me, Kate?"

Letting the smile brighten to show her teeth, she lifted up her let hand and dangled her fingers. "He proposed yesterday."

"That's great, congratulations."

"Thanks." She said, letting her soft gaze fall upon her engagement ring.

"So, your not scared anymore?"

Coming up to look him in the eye with a stern smile on her face, she began.


The End!

A/N: I wanted to finish this story before i wrote anymore of my other fic. For those of you following that one, I will start on the next chapter tomorrow, and it should be up by tomorrow night. Thank you for all of you who saw this through. This is my first complete fic! Yay for me!

Review and tell me what you think of it overall!