Thanks everyone who reviewed, it meant so much to me that you liked it! This is going to be the last chapter cause I've got so many ideas now for longer fics with more of a story to them, but I won't be able to resist the occasional smutty one-shot :P

Hope you enjoy it!


Zoe stumbled along the grassy verge as her heels sank lower and lower into the mud. "Not again!" she grumbled, aching at the loss of another pair of $600 shoes. She kicked out angrily at a rock sending it skittering across the other side of the road. Today really hadn't been the best of days. Terrance, the damned but endearing groundhog was sitting on top of her coffee table when she woke chewing through her latest copy of Thoracic Surgeon Monthly. Lavon had been fresh outta' coffee and Wade had already eaten the last of her bagels. Brick was on some high and mighty rant about instigating an appropriate dress code which Zoe clearly didn't adhere to and patient after patient had presented her with banal medical non-events all day long. Finally, some twelve hours after she had left her bed Zoe Hart was on her way home. On foot no less because her stupid Prius was in the shop after she'd managed to skew the wheel alignment, something which Wade had told her with great delight was due to her 'womanly parking skills'. Great, just great.

She gritted her teeth, hearing Lavon's sing song voice in her head. "Try and find the positives!" It was a beautiful night, the air was balmy but not uncomfortable. The stars were peeking out from behind whispy puffs of cloud and the only noise was the chirp of crickets and the distant hoot of an owl. Her anger dissipated and she felt her muscles begin to relax. Maybe she would just go home and put on her comfiest pyjamas, snuggle deep into her quilt and watch a Sex and The City marathon…with a glass of wine or two of course. Just as she was finalising her plans in her head, the quiet was disturbed. The whir of an engine and the crunch of tyres on gravel drew closer, the dust rising around her.

"Hey Doc…you want a ride?" Wade called out, leaning from the cab of Lavon's old flat bed truck. "I'm headed back to the Plantation now." He added as he watched her stumble slightly, struggling to get her footing in the chalky dust.

Zoe bit the inside of her lip, fighting back a stroppy response. She really could use a ride. "Yeah, I guess." She sighed, starting towards the passenger side. Before she could get much further though, Wade had leapt from the cab and was walking round with her, opening the door and giving her a hand up inside. "Thanks." She smiled, more than a little bit weirded out by his new gentlemanly behaviour.

Wade jumped back up into the driver's seat, his smile playful, whistling as he coaxed the truck into first gear. She watched him drive, relaxed and at home as he wound expertly through the back roads of Bluebell. It had taken her months to get used to the craters and pot holes, the 'sheep crossing signs' and the sudden appearance of large wild animals in the middle of the road. Wade however seemed to find these things perfectly routine. Her hand twitched in her lap as she focussed on his fingers on the gear stick, his large rough hands which were oddly soft and gentle. She remembered them gliding over her body, lighting her up as they sent shocks of electricity and passion through her. A large crater in the road sent her sliding across the seat in Wade, pulling her from her daydreams and sending a blush creeping up her cheeks. "Nice daydream Doc?" He grinned knowingly as she inched away from him, back towards her side.

"Uhhh…don't know what you mean." Zoe replied quickly, cursing how guilty she knew she sounded.

"Oh yeah?" Wade smirked as he slid his hand along the seat towards her, catching her fingers in his as he intertwined them on the gear stick. Her hands were hot but not clammy, her touch so memorable he could still feel her slender fingers running through his hair, her nails lightly scraping his skin as she begged for more.

"Wade!" He heard her scream as he was pulled sharply from his own dizzy daydreams to see the other truck coming flying towards them on the wrong side of the road. Swerving at the last moment he narrowly avoided a collision, his back wheels skidding into the tree beside them and the engine whining to a halt. Zoe was sitting with her head resting on her knees, her arms folded across the front of her face as Wade fumbled with his own seat belt.

"Zo?" He murmured, touching her shoulder as the panic coursed through him. She couldn't be badly hurt, they hadn't even crashed. "Zoe are you okay?" He asked as she looked up at him, the fear in her eyes slowly disappearing. Her hands touched her neck where the seat belt had caught her tightly, a faint bruise already blossoming across her pale skin.

"My neck hurts a little." She replied quietly, so quietly that Wade had to lean closer to hear her. "I was just so…scared." She let a tear escape, trickling delicately down her cheek before sploshing between them on the seat.

"Me too." Wade sighed as he unclipped her belt also. "I'm just glad you're ok." He added as he pulled her towards him and let her burrow her head into his neck. She drank in his familiar smells, the aftershave and laundry detergent mixed with the faint smell of beer and grass and shampoo. Her cheek grazed his neck as she rested her chin on his shoulder, the flannel of his shirt comforting her further.

Were you…paying attention?" She asked nervously, instantly regretting the question as she felt his hands release her.

He held her at arm's length, watching her carefully. "I was…watching but I guess I was a little distracted." He replied as he furrowed his eyebrows. "You know I'd never put you in danger intentionally. I'll be more careful, I swear." He ran his thumb across her knuckles and she nodded, again distracted easily by his caress.

"I know what you were thinking about." She smiled mysteriously as he raised a cocky eyebrow. "You were thinking about that night weren't you?"

They both knew which night she was referring to; sure there had been others since then but none quiet as memorable as the first. "Maybe you need to stop distracting me Miss Hart…or put some other thoughts into my head." He replied cheekily, his fingers tracing her jaw line as her eyes fluttered closed. Taking this as his cue Wade dipped his head to capture her lips in his. Their hands were soon grappling at each other's clothes, lips pressed feverishly together as they pulled one another in closer still.

Scooting over towards the passenger side, Wade pulled Zoe up against him. Her breath hitched slightly as he slid one of her legs either side of him so she was straddling him, their eyes and lips now perfectly level. The darkness had set around them and the night sounds were creeping in through the open window along with the warm breeze, raising goosebumps on Zoe's arms. His hands brushed her face, tenderly stroking back her hair as his lips bumped and moved against hers. Without the steering wheel in the way, Wade reached around Zoe and slipped his hands up her back, deftly unhooking her bra and letting his hands run around to the front. As the pad of his thumb traced her nipple he felt her bite down on lip bottom lip. Pulling back he looked up at her, the moonlight illuminating her pale face. "You okay Doc?" He asked; his voice straining slightly as she moved her hips against him.

"Yeah." She laughed softly as she ran a hand over his cheek. "This reminds me of High School." She smirked while letting her shoes drop to the floor one after another, each leaving a small thunk. Zoe sat up slightly, the top of her head brushing the roof of the cab as she eased her panties down over her thighs and slipped them off her bare legs. Clambering back on top of Wade she grinned at the look of boyish glee on his face as he slipped his hand up the back of her skirt.

"You did this in High School? I thought you were a bit of a goody two shoes Miss Hart?" Wade growled against her collarbone as his fingers traced circles on her thigh.

She kissed him deeply. "I definitely didn't do this." She whispered as she pushed his jeans towards his ankles and eased him deep inside of her. His groan of pleasure was audible as she moved against him, his hands again under her shirt, his eyes shut tightly. Zoe too let her eyes flutter shut as she moved in a steady rhythm her hands holding tightly onto the back of the seat. Their breathing grew more laboured and came in sharp gasps as he held her hips, controlling the pace of her thrusts as he felt her close. Pressing a kiss against her exposed shoulder he tasted the sweet and salty sweat from both their bodies. Moving her hips against his one last time, Zoe called out his name, breathless as she rose slowly to sit next to him.

He tipped his head back against the cool metal of the truck and swore softly. "God, Zoe." He murmured as his eyes flicked over to watch her. "I wish I'd known you in High School."

She slapped him on the leg, reaching down to pick up her discarded panties and shoes as she gathered herself together. Wade too pulled his pants up and ran a hand through his mussed up hair as she hooked her bra together and ran a finger over her swollen lips. "Come 'ere." She laughed as she wiped her lipstick from around his mouth. "It's all over you." She giggled and fell backwards as he tried to pull her onto him again. She leant against the horn and cursed loudly as it went off, a loud blast in the surrounding silence. It only set them both off again, laughing like teenagers they met in the middle of the truck and kissed fervently, only breaking apart as the bright torch light illuminated both of their faces, forcing their eyes open painfully.

"Wade Kinsella, I should have known." Sherriff Bill leaned through the open window, smirking until he caught sight of Zoe. "And Miss Hart, well I never."

Wade coughed nervously, pushing Zoe off him and ducking under the gaze of the Sherriff. "We were just…I mean the truck stalled and we were havin' problems gettin' it started 'gain." He stumbled over his words until Zoe closed her fingers around his.

"We're fine now though, we'll be on our way." Zoe ran her free hand through her hair, certain that Bill would soon be on his way home to Addie to tell her all about this little rendezvous. He took in the sight of her red puffy lips, her wild hair and rumpled clothes and Wade's…speechlessness not to mention the impressive hickey on his neck and winked at the pair.

"Don't you worry, your secret will be safe with me." The older man chuckled as he switched off his flashlight and hopped back into the police cruiser. "You two have a good night." He added, enjoying the way that even Wade blushed.

As the lights of the car faded into the distance Zoe leant back against Wade. "Well…that was some night." He smirked as he moved the car into gear and turned the key in the rusty ignition and it sputtered to life. "Now let's get you home Miss Hart."