A/N: Ok so this is my first Walking dead fanfiction and the first time I've tried writing a bit of smut. So be gentle! I'd love reviews and corrective criticism!

Disclaimer: I don't own the walking dead or the characters the only thing I own is Lily.

Lily woke startled by her phone ringing loudly

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT SAM?" she yelled into the phone.

"I'm not Sam but Darlin I'd love a fuck." she heard Merle's southern drawl through the phone. Merle and her brother Sam had been best friends since the day they were born. He lived down the street with his drunken father and his little brother Daryl.

"Merle did you just call me to get rejected again or do you have a damn purpose for waking me up?"She spat annoyed.

"I want ya to get yer pretty little ass to the bar and spent some quality time with me and yer brother" Lily could hear the grin in Merles voice. She hung up the phone and smiled 'those assholes knew I'd never pass up a drink.' She thought to herself.

Lily took a shower, dried her hair and pulled on some skin tight leather pants, a corset and a leather jacket. She sat on her bed and laced her boots. Before leaving she put on a touch of makeup, lining her grey eyes with eyeliner to make herself look older and slid a fake I.D. into her back pocket.

"Where ya goin?" An older woman slurred from a couch.

"Going out with Sam Ma" Lily responded walking away before her mother's new boyfriend woke up. Her mom being drunk, high, and with some random guy was nothing new. Lily and Sam didn't even know who their fathers were. Sam never really cared what their mom did or who she was with as long as they never touched Lily.

Lily drove to the small bar where Sam, Merle and Daryl stood outside waiting for her. She pulled off her motorcycle helmet and let her blonde curls fall over her shoulders. She smirked still straddling her bike between her legs.

Merle bit his lip he hated the way she would taunt him with those damn skin tight clothes. If Sam hadn't been his best friend and if Lily hadn't been Sam's sister he would've had his way with her. He kept his eyes on her as she walked up to them.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Sam said protectively he knew Merle was checking her out.

"Whatever the fuck I want Sammy" Lily grinned she loved her brother but his over protective behavior always annoyed her.

"She's got a dirty little mouth on her doesn't she Sammy? I wonder what else she could do with that mouth." Merle smirked looking over at his friend.

"Are we gonna get a drink or a y'all gonna sit here and bitch?" Daryl said. They did this all the time Lily would show up merle would be a big pervert Sam would get pissed and they'd argue. He'd never admit it to Merle but he thought he should treat the girl with more respect the older they got the more Merle acted like their Pa always high and always being a dick.

"Come on boys." Lily said walking into the bar all eyes were on her. She was used to getting attention from men she'd gotten it her whole life. At her high school she was always called a whore and a slut because she spent time with the Dixons and because of her mother's rep she never really gave a fuck. She found it amusing that everyone thought she slept around she was still a virgin and the only guy that ever caught her eyes had been Daryl.

"Hey baby why don't you ditch those rednecks and have a drink with me." Some sleaze said stepping in front of her and placing his hand on her ass. Lily looked him over he was about 50 and reeked of alcohol. She bit her lip and put her hand on his chest.

"Hey baby why don't you walk your dirty little pervert ass back to your seat before I make you." Lily said her voice dripping with venom.

Daryl watch the man closely prepared to step in if he had too. Merle and Sam started betting on if Lily could take him or not. Daryl knew they both had already been drinking.

"Why don't you make me bitch" The man said forcefully pulling Lily to him. Daryl tensed and started to move towards him before Merle grabbed him and told him to wait. Anyone touching Lily the way this man was made Daryl cringe, he had always been fond of the girl even though he knew she'd never look at him twice.

"Sounds like a plan sweetie." Lily whispered putting her hand on the man's cheek. She leaned in closer to him he smiled thinking he was going to get lucky. Lily kneed the man in the stomach and shoves him to the ground. The man cursed and tried to get up. "Nuh uh stay down big boy." She said placing a boot on his crotch.

Daryl looked at Lily the way she moved so easily and took down a man almost have her size he was impressed but he'd never show it. He was soon joined by the others Lily sat next to him.

"What the hell?" The group heard someone shout. They all looked toward the door to see a sick looking man walk in moaning. Lily stood up to see if he was ok but was pulled back by Sam and she was glad she had been. The sickly man lunged at the closet person and bit into him.

Sam grabbed Lily while Daryl grabbed Merle; they ran out of the bar. Sam knew something was wrong and they needed to leave fast. Lily was in shock and Sam knew she couldn't drive. Sam pushed her into Daryl's truck. They all agreed to meet up at his place and Merle and Sam Drove off. Daryl followed and turned on the radio. He listens closely as the frantic broadcasters screamed about a virus and dead people coming back to life and eating people. Lily and Daryl would've never believed it if they hadn't seen it happen.

They reached the house and they all ran in. Sam went in first and was attacked by one of those things. Lily watched in horror as it ripped into the flesh on Sam's neck. Blood was spilling from the wound and Sam was screaming.

"LILY GO! DIXON TAKE CARE OF HER!" Sam yelled as blood filled his throat. Daryl grabbed Lily roughly, dragging her outside and forcing her into his truck. Merle slid his bike on Daryl's truck and grabbed lily's leading the way. They drove to the Dixon home and stopped in front of their shed Daryl knew they'd need weapons and gear.

Daryl ran to the shed and grabbed the hunting gear he didn't want to leave Lily alone in the truck but he had too. He threw everything into the truck. Merle showed up and helped grabbing himself a gun and a bag of what Daryl knew was drugs.

They drove for a few miles till they reached the out skirts of town. The roads were clogged with people frantically trying to leave. Knowing the truck and bike could take it they drove off the road and into the woods, they'd done it a million times before. They drove till late afternoon when they found a clearing.

"We need to build camp for the night I'm hoping there are no geeks this far into the woods." Daryl said softly. Lily nodded and opened the door.

Merle and Daryl unloaded their camping gear in silence. Lily stood silently she still heard Sam's screams in her head she just wanted to cry but she knew she couldn't. She watched merle and Daryl set up camp, when they were finished Daryl walked over to Lily while Merle started a small fire.

"Here" Daryl said handing Lily a package of crackers. She took it and sat by the fire with him and Merle. They ate quietly all so deep in thought. Merle didn't say a word and slipped into his tent Daryl assumed he'd went to get high.

"Where can I sleep?" Lily asked in a whisper.

"You can bunk with me." Daryl said leading her to his tent "You can have the cot I'll take the floor."

"Uh Daryl do you have any uh extra clothes?" She asked shyly. The shyness in her voice struck Daryl as odd she'd never been a shy girl.

"No why?" he asked confused. He stared at her and then glanced at her outfit and realized she couldn't sleep in it. He sighed and pulled off his sleeveless plaid shirt and handed it to her before pulling his jeans down and taking off his boots. She stood there awkwardly she couldn't help but stare at him. His chest was toned and covered with scars. He had a tattoo on his chest it was a name but she was too distracted by him taking off his jeans to read it. She didn't know why but he made her feel shy.

His back was turned to her so she unzipped her corset and removed it then tried to quickly slide off her pants leaving her in just her black lace panties. She lost her balance and fell Daryl quickly turned around and helped her up. He held her to him as she regained her balance her cheeks burned bright red. She was almost naked in Daryl's arms.

Daryl helped the clumsy girl up it was an instant reaction and she ended pressed up against him. He felt her naked chest against his and realized she was naked and blushing. He let go of her quickly. He turned around. "Jesus woman you could have told me you were nekkid"

"I'm sorry." She said sliding Daryl's shirt on, it fell mid thigh. "there I'm decent."

Daryl turned back around and made himself comfortable on the floor while Lily climbed into the cot. He tried to ignore the way his shirt fit her and the image of her almost naked body. He turned his back on her and made sure he hid the bulge in his boxers.

Daryl woke up at sunrises he looked over at Lily her face was calm. Her breath came out slowly she was still sleeping. Daryl stood up and pulled on his pants and boots. He grabbed his crossbow and left the tent. Merle was already packing up his tent.

"Mornin lil' brother where's yer shirt?" Merle asked with a smirk. Before Daryl could reply Lily walked out, she hadn't changed. Merle watched lily as she stretched causing the shirt she was wearing to slide up her smooth legs giving him a great view of her tight young ass. "Did ya fuck her?"

"Shut up Merle." Daryl glared at his brother and walked over to Lily. He couldn't believe she'd walk out in the open dressed like that with Merle around. Daryl needed to protect Lily it was his buddy's last wish and he knew Merle wasn't going to do it. "Put some damn clothes on so we can go woman." He growled at her.

Lily rolled her eyes and walked into the tent. She couldn't figure out what his problem was it wasn't like she was naked. She put her clothes from the night before on and folded up the sleeping bag and blankets her and Daryl had slept on. She stepped outside and watched Daryl work, he was loading the truck, and she had a small smile on her face watching the muscles in his back move as his strong arms pushed Merle and Lily's bike on the truck bed. Daryl slid into the driver's side of the now loaded truck.

We drove for a while on our way to Atlanta; the streets were clogged with empty cars. Merle kept quiet for once in his life. Lily watched as they pulled up near the edge of the city she noticed living people had set up a camp.

"Daryl maybe we should go talk to those people." Her voice was calm.

"Ya and buddy up with some niggers, spics, chinks and a pig? No way in hell sugar tits." Merle spat and Daryl pulled over. Lily moved to sit on Merles lap facing him.

"You'd rather die?" She asked roughly grabbing his jaw "Suck it up and if you call me sugar tits one more time I won't hesitate cutting off you jewels" She growled opened the door and jumped out of the truck. Merle was pissed 'how dare that skank talk to him like that' he thought to himself.

Lily walked up to the small group and was greeted by an older man, a guy in a cop uniform and a woman with a young child.

"Hi, it's nice to see other survivors" Lily said shaking hands with the cop "My names Lily Rosewood I've been traveling with 2 of my friends to the refugee center."

"I'm Officer Shane Walsh and there isn't a refugee center anymore Miss Rosewood." The attractive cop spoke causing lily's face to drain of color. "But you're welcome to join us if you can earn your keep."

"Thank you officer we will more than be willing to earn our keep. My friend Daryl Dixon and I can hunt." She smiled and waved merle and Daryl to come over. "This is Merle and Daryl Dixon." She said introducing them.

"I'm Lori and this is my son Carl." The woman said placing a hand on the boys shoulder. The others introduced themselves as well Daryl stayed silent while Merle started making nasty racist remarks. He was high again. Lily and Daryl set up their tents while they kept an eye on the reckless redneck. When they finished Lily made her way down to the creak where Dale said the other girls are.

"Hi Lily!" A sweet blond girl by the name of Amy greeted her.

"Hi is there anything I can do to help?" Lily asked she really did want to help these nice people.

"Sure! We're just doing some laundry your group need anything cleaned?" Lori asked politely.

"The only clothes we have are the ones we're wearing." She said cause Lori, Andrea, Amy, Jacqui and Carol to look at her leathery outfit. None of the other women knew what to say about the skimpy looking clothing. Carol had noticed her abusive husband Ed had been checking this girl out.

"Oh, dear that must not be very comfortable we'll ask Glen if he can pick you up some clothes on his next run." Lori said kindly handing Lily a shirt to scrub. "So Lily why don't you tell us a little about yourself and how such a pretty, kind girl met the Dixons?"

"I grew up with them. I know they seem like bad hateful men but they aren't if you met their piece of shit daddy it'd make sense." Lily said a little defensive she understood why these women wouldn't like Merle but Daryl was a good man. "Daryl and I have a lot in common we ain't ever had parents and our brothers raised us they're the only Kin we'd ever known."

"What happened to your parents and brother?" I heard a soft little girl's voice say.

"Sophia please go find Carl." The girl's mother Carol said apologizing. The girl spoke after the girl left.

"Ain't no need for secrets with the world going to shit. My mom was an addict and I never knew my daddy and my brother Sam died from those things? Geeks I heard some of you calling them. Merle, Sam, Daryl and I were at a bar when they started attacking the boys got us out when we stopped to get some supplies Sam was attacked. Daryl pretty much saved my ass. " Lily said openly she didn't give a shit if these people knew her story.

The girls washed and talked. Form what Lily could get from the conversation Lori's husband and Carl's father had died and that man Shane had saved them. She assumed that he and Lori were fucking. She found that Andrea and Amy were sisters and Dale had become a father figure. Carol's husband Ed seemed to be an abusive asshole. Glen had become the errand boy. The women started hanging up laundry and Lily walked towards her tent.