Since the Merlin finale has aired on BBC and a lot of people were posting Modern Merlin stuff on tumblr, I thought I would give a try at writing a story where Arthur returns as Kilgharrah had said in the finale. Yes, this story will have Merthur and maybe some Mergana (because I ship Mergana and that scene between them was very short and sad and my Mergana heart couldn't take it). So here is my modern Merlin story. I hope all of you Merlin fans will enjoy it. This story will hopefully address all of the different ships and enjoy.

Albion's Return

Chapter 1: The Once and Future King Rises

"Emrys,"A voice whispers in a one bedroom flat.


Merlin lies in his bed trying to sleep when he keeps hearing his Druid name being whispered.


Merlin tries to fight it, but the young warlock couldn't resist, as the voice grew louder.

"Merlin!" The voice had transformed into Arthur's voice.

The warlock quickly shot up in his bed and he can hear Arthur's voice ringing in his ear. Is it true? Is Arthur really returning? He had no time to answer those questions as he tries to dress himself to await the return of his best friend and king at the Lake of Avalon. He goes into his car and drives straight to the lake he knows so well. For the centuries he had been waiting for Arthur's return, he had returned to the Lake of Avalon everyday hoping to catch a glimpse of the familiar blue eyes, the familiar broad build, and the familiar smirk.

He runs to the site he once sent his friend to rest in peace forever. He is in time to see a hand shoot up from the depths of the ancient lake just as the sun was beginning to rise over the horizon. Merlin's breath hitches as Arthur slowly rises from the depths of the lake. He was wearing his armor, the last thing he had worn all those years ago. Merlin couldn't hold it in, he is beginning to cry as the long wait is finally coming to an end. Arthur makes his way to the shore before stopping in front of Merlin with a smile on his face.

As Arthur breathes in the new scent of the twenty-first century, he soaks in the familiar face of his manservant and best friend. The only face he probably knows in this century. He exhales and says, "Merlin", before collapsing into Merlin's arms.

Merlin had no time to react as he holds his old friend in his arms. Despite being submerged in the lake for centuries, Arthur resurfaced dry and still in all his glory. Merlin tried his best to hold up Arthur as he drags him to his car. He carefully positions Arthur in the passenger seat with his head rested against the window. He takes out a blanket from the back seat and places it over Arthur to conceal the armor. He proceeds to buckle the king before going to the driver's side. Merlin drives out of what once was Lake Avalon and to his flat. The streets were still empty, save for a few cars. He catches a glimpse of Arthur and smiles. He still cannot fathom that Arthur is here in his Camry and alive. He knows he will have so many questions to answer considering how long it has been since Arthur has seen the world. He doesn't care though, he will get to speak to his best friend soon and his heart soars at the prospect of it.

Merlin arrives in his complex. After he takes out the key from the ignition, he takes a deep breath and looks at Arthur, who is still unconscious. How will he bring Arthur into his flat without drawing attention? He could use magic, but even so, people will be leaving their flats soon to go to work. He will have to take the chance. Merlin takes a deep breath before exiting his side of the car and going over to Arthur's. He musters up the strength he had acquired over the years and proceeds to carry his friend out of the car. At times like these, he wishes he had Percival to do the heavy lifting. His heart aches at the thought of his old friend. They were all gone. Everyone. For centuries, it had only been Merlin. He thinks he had seen reincarnations of everyone. He thought he had seen Gwen, Sir Elyan, and Sir Leon in the market one day, but he shook the thought out of his head. He shakes his head when he feels Arthur slipping, so he chants a spell that lightens Arthur enough for him to carry his friend to the lift. Merlin doesn't really like using his magic much these days, but he does use it, but without Arthur to use it for, he really had no purpose for it. He doesn't like using it for selfish reasons. He has used his magic time and again, but he doesn't rely on it as much anymore.

He finally is at the threshold of his apartment. He tries his best to put the key into the keyhole without dropping Arthur. He successfully undoes the lock and he opens the door. He carries Arthur in and drops him on the couch. He pulls a blanket over his sleeping friend and sits on the armchair diagonal of the couch. He tries to get himself comfortable before falling asleep as Arthur's sleeping form is the last thing he sees.

As Merlin sleeps, he is transported to the shores of Lake Avalon. He is dressed in the clothes he had worn when he was Arthur's manservant. He sits upon a rock as he plays with a blade of grass. Suddenly, a gust of wind steals him away from the tranquil atmosphere and he looks up to see Kilgharrah land in front of him.

Merlin stands at attention as he greets his old friend.

"Hello, young warlock. It has been many years since our last encounter," Kilgharrah begins.

"It has been more than years, Kilgharrah," Merlin retorts.

The Great Dragon smirks. "I realize that, young warlock. You have waited almost a thousand years for your king to return and there he is," the scene shifts to Merlin's flat with Arthur resting on his couch, "unconscious on your couch. You have a lot to teach him about this century as well as the future of his kingdom," he explains.

Merlin takes a look at Arthur before turning his attention back to Kilgharrah. "You said when Albion needed him the most he would return. Why is the time now?" Merlin asks.

Kilgharrah pauses for a brief moment to gather his knowledge. "There has been a threat to the balance of the reality you have called home. Arthur returns in your time of need, Merlin. Just as he needed you in the time of Camelot, it is your turn to need him in this modern time. You thought you have seen reincarnations of Queen Guinevere, Sir Elyan, and Sir Leon in the market one day, the truth is, you have seen them. I am afraid they are not the only ones who have been reincarnated. The witch and the druid boy have been reincarnated as well as Uther Pendragon. Morgana, Mordred, and Uther pose a threat to you and Arthur."

Merlin is speechless for a moment. He thought that all of his foes were put to rest. He had a feeling Morgana and Mordred could be reincarnated, but Uther Pendragon had slipped his mind. Things were not well the last time he had seen Arthur's father. His spirit had discovered Merlin's true nature and was ready to condemn him for his sin of being a sorcerer.

"How can I stop them?" Merlin asks, more determined to end the threat right then and there.

"You must be patient, young warlock. You must help Arthur adjust to this century. The witch and druid boy have no idea who they are as of right now, but once they awaken, you must be ready."

Before Merlin could reply, he awakens when he hears Arthur stirring in the couch.

"Merlin," Arthur calls. "Merlin."

Merlin goes to Arthur and is immediately by his side as the young king awakens. "I'm here, Arthur," he replies.

Arthur's eyes flutter open and he lifts head a bit to look around the room. He has the look of confusion on his face and he takes in his surrounding. This isn't his chamber in Camelot. It is far from it that he is scared beyond belief.

"W-where am I?" he asks.

Merlin tries his best to subtlety tell Arthur the truth. "You're in my flat. The year is 2012," he answers.

Arthur's eyes widen when he suddenly remembers everything. He was dead for centuries and now he is alive. "I-I really was dead," he tells himself.

"Yes," Merlin says, "You have been dead for centuries."

Arthur turns to Merlin with his eyebrows knitted together trying to piece together the puzzle. "Y-you have been alive for centuries? Y-you waited for me?"

Merlin nods. "Yes, Arthur."

Arthur grins. "You have always been loyal to me, Merlin."

Merlin smiles and nods at the comment. "Of course, you are a great king, Arthur."

Arthur scoffs. "Well I'm not king now."

Merlin chuckles. "You will always be king. You are a legend in fact. You have an entire genre of literature centered around your reign."

Arthur purses lips at the idea of being so iconic. He has a smug look on his face as he processes the idea. "I like the sound of that."

Merlin mentally berates himself for fueling Arthur's already massive ego. "Of course you do," he mutters under his breath. "Would you like anything to drink?"

Arthur shrugs. "Anything you have will be fine? Also, I am a bit hungry. What is the food like in this time?"

"Um, the food is quite good. A lot of different mixes," he answers.

Arthur soaks in the new information as well as tries to calm his meandering thoughts. He had so many questions about Camelot's fate after his death as well as where his queen is. Merlin leaves him as he goes to his bedroom. What happened to Guinevere?

When Merlin returns, Arthur takes a deep breath and asks, "What happened to Guinevere?"

Merlin freezes in his tracks. He was hoping Arthur wouldn't bring up her absence, but of course, his hopes were in vain. "She's gone," he lies. The truth is he is sure he saw Gwen in the market place the other day. She was shopping with who appeared to be Elyan.

Arthur is silent for a moment. "She's gone? Of course she is not alive now, but I want to know what happened after I died," he clarifies.

"She ruled as you wanted her to. She brought the peace and prosperity you had worked so hard for. No one threatened her reign too much especially once magic wasn't outlawed," Merlin answers.

"What?" Arthur abruptly stands up at the news of magic being accepted in Camelot. "Guinevere did what?"

Merlin was a bit offended by Arthur's response. "She accepted magic into Camelot. Once I returned, she talked to me about my magic and I told her everything I could. We discussed bringing magic back with the round table. There were a few who were opposed to it especially when news spread of Gwaine being killed by magic at Morgana's hand as well as Mordred being a sorcerer. It took many years to allow magic back into Camelot. Once that was done, the kingdom made many friends with the Druids. Morgana's allies became Camelot's allies," he explained.

Arthur ponders over what Merlin had said. He smiles to himself as he thinks of how wonderful and brave Guinevere was to allow magic back in Camelot. "She was a great queen, wasn't she?"

Merlin smiles at the memory of seeing Gwen rule through her grief over Arthur and nods. "She was a spectacular queen."

Yes, I know Merlin probably has a lot to explain to Arthur about Camelot after he died. And those will be addressed in the next chapter or the next chapter after that.

I really hope you enjoyed this story.