Authoress Notes: Yeah, it's another AniSoka story. I can't help it, the more I watch their moments, the cuter they get! ^^; Especially in Padawan Lost. Anakin was not happy.

Note: I also seem to be a fan of anachronology.

Claim: Um...I own nothing, actually. No, that's a lie. I own Sardak, unfortunately...

Disclaim: Nothing, do I own. Sue me, you will not. :3

Track: Hell Above [Black Veiled Brides]

"Rise 'n shine, youngling."

A wave of cold water connected with her face, waking Ahsoka and sending her lurching upwards with a gasp. It dripped off her face and lekku, and she glared at the man beyond the bars. He was an ugly thing, with cold, reptilian eyes and a forked tongue that slithered out to slide against razor sharp teeth.

"Who are you? Where am I?" When he merely chuckled at her, she reached for her light sabers, only to find them gone from her belt and clamps around both her wrists, a length of chain jingling between them. Her eyes narrowed. "I won't ask again."

"Such arrogance, even when you've been reduced to nothing but a wet pile of youngling," hissed her captor. "You are hardly in a position to demand such things from me." Ahsoka rose, and his yellow green eyes narrowed. "Sit down."

Pain. It radiated from around her neck, forcing her to her knees amongst gurgled cries of agony as every nerve ending from her montrals to her toes seized in pain. She fell over writhing, and she gasped for air when it ended.

"Perhaps that will teach you, youngling, to mind your manners." He spat at her and then walked away, leaving Ahsoka to gather her bearings as she lay against the ground. Her hands came up, fingers brushing against metal, cold and heavy. It was a collar of some sort, operated by verbal commands.

Muscles still twitching from the assault, Ahsoka lay on her back and took inventory of what she knew. She was a captive, that much was apparent, but of who she was not sure. Her light sabers were missing, but her was still around her arm, green light flickering.

"Master?" she tried tentatively, eyes focused on the bars that kept her in the cell. No answer, save for static. Licking her lips, she tried again. "Skyguy!"

"Ahsoka," came the reply, but not from her master.

"Master Kenobi," she murmured, relieved to have gotten an answer at all. "Is my master there?"

"Snips," came another voice, relief evident in his tone. "Are you alright?"

No, she thought, but she would be strong. "I'm fine, Master. Where am I?" Silence. "Master?"

"You're on a slave trader's ship, Snips." Anakin's voice was rippling with barely controlled anger, though Ahsoka could understand it. Anakin loathed slave traders with a passion, a passion that was well justified when his past was taken into consideration. Taking her lack of a response as fear, Anakin added in a softer tone, "You'll be fine, Snips. We're on our way to get you. Be strong."

"I don't know how to be anything else, Skyguy."

There was a soft chuckle, and Ahsoka's lips twitched. "'Atta girl, Snips."

The link died, and Ahsoka was left in silence, chains clinking when she shifted onto her side. She would not have to wait here long. Her master, along with Master Kenobi, were on their way to retrieve her.

Footsteps rang out, growing louder as she pushed herself into an upright position, glaring through the bars at the man from earlier. He didn't look intimidated at all, and instead pulled out two very familiar cylinders. "Look at what I found. How careless of you to leave them lying about."

"I didn't leave them anywhere, you slave trading scum! You took them from me!" she spat, anger roiling in her gut. Her Jedi training had told her to always have a calm mind, but she couldn't when her weapons were in the hands of scum. The lizard-esque man's eyes narrowed.

"Now now, that's no way to treat your superior. I suppose my lesson about manners hasn't sunk in yet. Come here, girl." The sensation swept through her again, and she could not muffle the scream of pain as she crawled towards him on her hands and knees. The pain ceased, and she was left panting heavily at the bars, glaring when he knelt and took her chin into a scaled hand. "So pretty. Togrutan, right? You'll go for a nice amount of credits..."

He pushed her away, and she sank to her knees. Whatever technology he had stuck around her neck, it was certainly potent. He was still watching her, and she scowled at him. She would not be broken by the likes of him. He seemed satisfied about something, however, and brandished her deactivated light sabers before placing them on his own belt. "Such a nice little gift, don't you think?"

Ahsoka opened her mouth to argue, only to close it when his eyes narrowed expectantly. Cold amusement glittered in his eyes when she said nothing, and he straightened. "We're getting somewhere now, Jedi youngling." He turned, foosteps fading away and leaving Ahsoka in silence once more. Leaning her forehead against the bars, she sighed.

"Where are you, Master?"