hi guys :D new story! i think i'm gonna be making a lot of one shots and stuff, so i thought i might make a fic where i compile everything! if the ficlet is less than 4-5 chappies i will put it here! so it's something like a hundred themes but they're not all one shots... my other one shot types of fics... i'm too lazy to move them.. so... yeah... hope you guys enjoy!

i'm sorry, the name is long, i just find it pretty

Promises that we couldn't keep


We all have that best friend we couldn't live without. That best friend that was always by our side no matter what. That best friend that we always thought we'd be best friends with. That best friend we made a billion promises to that we knew we couldn't keep. With me and him though, we promised to keep every single promise we made to each other.

He was the person I thought I'd spend my life with. By default he's be the guy I was gonna marry, all because of a silly little promise we made years ago. He'd be the one to catch me when I fall. The one person I'd cry with. The one I'd always have by my side. For the entire time that I've known him he's been that guy. He's been the only one to wipe away my tears when I can't hold them in any longer. He's been the only one to know when and who I've cried for. He'd sit with me, and hold me in his arms until I stopped crying; and sometimes he even cried with me, and I cried with him when it was his turn to cry.

My best friend is none-other-than Marshall Lee. He has a great smile that all the girls' love; but I'm the only one that gets annoyed at his signature smirk. He has this black messy hair that always stood up in every direction in the morning, but normalized after a bath and grooming. His pale white skin never darkened, even if we'd played in the sun all day. And finally he had blood red eyes just like me. We were basically the same person. I was him and he was me; the only difference was that I was the little princess and he was the little prince.

No one knew me like he did. He knew everything about me; my secrets, my dreams, my greatest fears, everything. And in return I knew everything about him. We'd made so many promises that we couldn't keep track; and that's when we decided to have a tiny little jar to hold every little promise we made to each other. They were all labeled with a sticker I'd designed having the word 'dreams and promises' in the middle.

To me, that puny little jar was the cutest thing in the world. It was just something to always remind us about how many promises we made to each other. After a few months though it was filled up to the brim, then we got another jar.

These jars of 'dreams and promises' stacked up as the years went by. We never forgot about them though. When we got bored we'd open them up and just read the little pieces of paper that were rolled up and tied with a string.

We made so many promises, and with each promise there came a memory. These memories will last longer than these promises, but I'm still happy I made them. Many were stupid, though I don't regret making them. Like the promise he made about dancing in his boxers in front of everyone if I ever went out on a date with him. He only had one more promise to keep, but he couldn't keep it. Breaking this final promise he broke two of his promises.

And the realization that all the promises we've made are all but promises, makes his absence even more devastating.

Marshall Lee died on October 18 in the year xxxx [I don't want to decide on a year] I don't want to remember how or why. I don't want the memories of the people dressed in black, while I was there in white, to come back. I don't want to remember the countless nights I spent sobbing into my pillow.

I'd rather remember the days where we dreamed of possibilities and planned our lives together. I'd rather remember the days where we sat on the bench just talking all day long. I rather remember the days where we did the most stupid things together. When we walked home from school every day. I rather remember the days we were still together, the days we were inseparable.

The only promise left was the promise that we'd live forever; but he didn't. He was supposed to be a vampire, right? Why did he have to die? There was only one more promise left. We'd gotten married, stayed best friends, all those stuff. That promise was supposed to be left in that jar forever. And now, it's just terrible knowing it'll have to be discarded from that jar.

He just had one more promise, one more, and he couldn't keep it. Now I'm not sure what to do. He's always been there, and now he isn't. And now I just feel lost.

so... i'll be accepting ideas from you guys... well, if you want me to write your ideas and stuff...

Ps. I'm sorry. Right now I'm fascinated by tragedy, but there will definitely be a whole lota fluff. There will be tragedies :'( and there will be romance. It's just, I think (I cant stress that word enough. Key word: THINK) that I'm kinda (still can't stress that word enough!) good at writing them… I JUST THINK, ok? Think! T-h-i-n-k! They're just fun to write. Fluff I'm not very good at fluff… but I like reading fluff…

I'm fascinated by the words: dreams promises, possibilities and what if. So yeah, there'll be a lot of ficlets with those words in them.

pps. sorry to the people whos b-days are on october 18th. i just love october and i like the number 18 :)

oh yeah, and umm... shout out to my biggest fan (!) k! thanks for the reviews :) you might have to talk to filipina/andre01 to get that title of #1 fan XD lol


nas03: better? even more terrible? still the same?