hey guys :D this is short but yeah... this is like my tryout paper for writing club tryouts :D and yeah, i wanted to make i a fanfic and yeah... that's why i posted it... i hope you enjoy it :D sorry if it seems so serious... i'm not really sure if it's good or not so... uh... critique or something... i guess...

ps: i'll have the re-writes finished by october :D or sooner i dunno... but i'm aiming for october... so yeah... enjoy...

Marceline's POV

"Hi" it's short and it's simple, but that's how everything begun for me.
I met him exactly 12 years ago, today. I was on the swing set; he was on the sea saw. I'd been watching him for the entire day; just staring at him from afar. All the popular kids were surrounding him. It was strange for them to accept a new student to their group that fast. And when Ashley, the most popular kid in school, saw me staring at their pretty little group, she glared at me.
I didn't really care about what she thought about me. We were both six years old, we both came from influential families, and we were both equally scary. She was just eviler.
I know it was rude of me, but I kept on staring at them. I stared at him, and he stared at Ashley. And after a while, he finally looked up and saw me. I didn't really know what to do, when that happened. I just stared at him with parted, pale, lips. Then out of nowhere, he smiled at me. And all I could do was gawk at him. How do you even respond to moments like that? Seriously, if I did anything back then I would've run off humiliated, then I wouldn't go to school the next day. But instead, I sat there on the swing, and I went to school the next morning.
The bell rung and I stood up without daring to look at him or his new friends. The rest of the day went rather smoothly. Neither Ashley nor Fionna teased me. Ash and Xerg didn't bug me with, jokes and requests. But just when I thought the day couldn't get any better, that new kid came up to me. He smiled at me, and told me his name. He asked me where I lived and I found out that we lived right next to each other. He offered to walk me home, and that how I met him.
That's how I met Marshall Lee, my best friend.
And after that day, we were inseparable. We talked for as long as we could, and we spent nearly every waking moment together.
A few months passed, and we were done and over with first grade. After I met him everything just magically became better for me. All the girls had a crush on him, so they stopped picking on me. All the guys wanted Marshall to join their sports teams, so they had to be nice to me. A few days after I befriended Marshall, he made it clear to everyone in our class that he'd beat up anyone who'd pick on me, and that whoever I liked, he liked.

A few years passed, and fifth grade came. We developed all kinds of inside jokes, and codes. And we basically knew everything about each other. We told every secret we had; we shared everything that ever happened to us, and the constant sharing never ended.

We met six new friends in fifth grade; Alex, Kris, Leeum, Kaitleen, Alice, and Lily. All eight of us got along well, and by the middle of the year, we were one big happy family of friends!

And just when everything seemed to be going perfectly, Ashley and her group of she-devils just had to interfere. They started picking on us girls of the group, while she flirted with the guys. She never caught their attention though. But when it came to Kaitleen, Lily, Alice and I, though, the guys were always there just watching us from afar.

In our first year of high school together, lily found herself in love with Jason Ice. He was the popular, kind hearted kid, with a perfect smile, and perfect grades. And Lily stared at him all the time. It wasn't until a month later that Jason started noticing Lily's never-ending staring at him. The way she stared at him wasn't even the short-glances-when-he-wasn't-looking way; it was the stare-at-him-creepily-and-incessantly way. She couldn't stop looking at him! She talked about him day and night; and told us daily about how wonderful he is and why the girls and I should like him too. And for that entire month, we put up with her rants and sermons.

After those thirty days though, Leeum stared voicing his opinions about Jason. He even told Lily that he was just another stupid popular kid who's just going to break her heart. They fought about it for weeks; and in those weeks, Lily gathered enough courage to tell Jason her feelings. I was there when it happened. She was fiddling around with clothes nervously while mumbling incoherent words that were supposed to be her confession. Alice, Kaitleen, and I hid behind the lockers, spying on our dear, innocent best friend. I remember that he smiled, and hugged her. We were wondering what it meant, and a few seconds later Lily's eyes lit up and she and Jason were dating. Just like that. And Leeum didn't like it at all.

Drama went on for the next six and a half months, then, just as Leeum said, Jason broke Lily's heart. Leeum, being Leeum, couldn't stand not doing anything to cheer his best friend up when she's heartbroken, so he put everything in the past and cheered her up in every way possible. He took her to the mall, sung her songs, played silly songs he'd make up, and he'd bring her tons and tons of food.

So while Lily and Leeum's conflicts were getting resolved, I just started my journey of conflicts and drama. I was starting this journey by saying yes to going out with Marshall.

Everything was great until the last year of high school.

Graduation brought the worst out in everyone. All the students were pressured to get high grades, and then they had to worry about all the requirements.

I'd applied into one university, and Marshall applied into another. Before anything, we wanted to stay best friends, so instead of trying the whole long distance relationship, we broke it off. In a strange turn of events though, about seven months later, I was offered a scholarship to the same university Marshall was already accepted to. I accepted it. But, no, we didn't think that everything could be perfect again.

He'd fallen for Ashley, and they were dating; while I was being asked out by bubba. We were still best friends, but once again, we changed. The year passed, Marshall and I were going to the same university with our friends, we were all still best friends, and we graduated without a hitch.

And that's my story!

A simple "hi" turned into thousands of memories, a handful of the most wonderful best friends I could ever ask for, and countless sleepless nights spent talking and laughing. That simple, little "hi" lead me down a road filled with drama and tears, laughing fits and unforgettable experiences. But this road hasn't reached a dead end yet! That simple "hi" will show its real importance in the next few days. And it might just bring back thousands of memories which will lead my little story into a happy ending!